Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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@SilverDawn @Etranger @Suku Thank you so much, now I'm not the only girl here.

Also Charrie. Do our characters know each other? maybe not.

Thats dependant on you guys really for the start but I am leaning on no not really. Not yet anyway.


@1Charak2 Hi, remember me? I decided to make an app for this roleplay. Hope it meets standards.

Of course I remember you dude and anywho this quirk is pretty nice. Accepted.
tell me if I stroke out

Accepted, Nothing bad here.

@Riddle Me This

Yea you can post him in the char tab if you want now.
<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

I was thinking along similar lines! Wasn't sure what to put for his weight given he's going to be lighter because of it, should I add that into the 'weakness' section of the quirk perhaps to specify?

Yea do so. Though I would say making him more harpy like would actually make him stronger overall and more able to fly properly as those arms wouldn't be in the way- But thats a change you can do optionally.

Otherwise hes good and hes accepted.
discord.gg/sfNXwQW - Had to redo the discord link
*Tentative interest*

I'm assuming you guys are still open for business, yeah? If so, I might jump in with a buddy of mine because why not.


Would expect more of a harpy then an angel to be a result of an avian mutation but that random inconsequential tidbit aside. I like this guy and his quirk, though may I offer the concept of also include a birds brittle hollow bones in order to allow him to fly properly?
@Holy Soldier

Notice I made a small edit while you were posting the reply beause I missed two words.

I said 'as is' not forever.
@1Charak2What would make it acceptable?

Simply giving him a true human body beneath the mass of hair would be a good balancing factor instead of him being entirely made of hair. Likewise his backstory doesn't fit with the established canon of BNH as society has already come to accept even ugly people, so such insults wouldn't have occurred considering his age.

So those two are mainly it.

I really just don't want to accept such a character as is.
@1Charak2Being made of hair? O_O Does it gross you out or something?

Certainly not, its mainly a combination of the logistics of the quirk combined with his characterisation. He simply is over the top in my honest opinion so in his current state he is not accepted.
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