Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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So a question of logistics given that this is important.
  • Why has revealing magic to the world not caused the mystery to be completely shot in the foot?
  • Why aren't the non-mages rioting in the street.
  • Why is the island even allowed to exist when such servants of calamity like Gilgamesh exist whom are threats to national (or worldy) security.

This isn't a back-water grail war after all.

Im just wondering how society copes with this.

Semiramis having been evicted from her cardboard box is now currently sitting on the side of the city street, asking for spare change in order to build at least a fraction of a hanging gardens.
@Raineh Daze

So Gil is going to live in the hanging gardens then since they can float above the clouds

Meanwhile Semiramis having been evicted by the golden king is stuck living in a cardboard box.


I was expecting that response~!

How does Nursery Rhyme feel about making long written contracts
@Cu Chulainn

You app Astolfo and the lawyer would proceed to use his charm as a means to climb the social ladder. *That and Hippogriff is quite possible the coolest mount in fate due to its 'blinking ability'

What I am trying to say is. Do it, play the best paladin.

@Cu Chulainn

And Astolfo stole has Bradamantes Hippogrif, if anything it'd make a great springboard for interactions with the servant.


Unrelated note to the previous statement but important for this. In the event Semiramis doesn't have a master would it at all be possible to have her contract be temporarily linked to say a puppet (ala Da Vinci, which also means Semiramis's combat capabilities are greatly hampered for the time being), perhaps so the city could use the hanging gardens as part of its infrastructure since it is quite the architectural place and would feel homely for some of the servants of the ancient world.

Just an Idea.


I mean when it involves cu it was always pokemon

*enslaving a dog to fight monsters and things that are just barely human*
@Cu Chulainn

Him evolve one way or another?

Is this Cu lily but if the master is evil he becomes cu alter, but if the master is good he becomes Cu culainn, or if the master puts extra emphasis him using his runes he becomes Cu caster?
@1Charak2: Yeah, I thought Crowley would make a really good fit for Foreigner. And as a plus, she's actually pretty decent at being one of Fusang's administrators!

I hope your right Would be funny if Helena Blatvatsky was also an Administrator at the same time, those two would get along like a house on fire!

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