Alpheus Pleiades Hoel

character summary
Name: Alpheus Pleiades Hoel
Aliases: Alphi/Alfi or Pleiades
Age: Sixteen-years-old
Class: First year
Gender: Male
Specialty: _____
Role/Rank/and Order: Noble, ___, ___
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'2
Weight: 190
Build: Semi-athletic, slender, body-type not broad though shoulders are broad for his body type.
Eyes: Green. Alpheus has green eyes that look no different from everyone else unless you have known him long enough. The problem is that the young man was diagnosed with a genetic condition that deteriorates the individual's sight. When he was younger, he could see perfectly fine, but he began deteriorating after the age of twelve. Currently, Alpheus can make out everything in blurs and smudges. If something is very close to his face, he can see the slightly finer details, but he will never be able to see like others.
Hair: A sea of black with tight waves and loose curls make up his hair.
Skin: Fair though he can become sun-kissed if he's outside a lot.
Scars/tattoos/piercings: Currently there are no tattoos or piercings on his body. Alpheus does have a scar from when he was ten years old. It's a nasty-looking scar that zig-zags from his left shoulder blade to the lower right part beside his spine. He got it from playing with siblings and friends. Alpheus fell off the porch onto one of his mother's decorative clay flower pots.
Day-to-day attire: A mild-colored dress shirt that usually has complimentary colored high-waist dress pants. Depending on the colors he wears, his nicer-looking leather dress boots are either a shade of brown or black that are cut off before the knee. Each pair laces up from toe to the top.
Strengths: Fantastic listener, eavesdropper, and hearer. His heart. "I work out" ~ Stays fit so he is slightly more intimidating by appearance so people don't want to mess with him.
Weakness: Extremely limited eyesight, defensive tendencies for the ones he cares about, passionate about keeping the ones he cares about safe, shutting himself down and others, and talks way too much sometimes.
Psychological Attributes
☦︎ ☦︎ ☦︎
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Currently Single
Personality: Before the diagnosis and the decline, Alpheus was like any other child. Happy and innocent. Everything was grand in the naive life of this young nobleboy. How could anything be seen as sad, negative, or anything be wrong when you are surrounded by wealth, loving parents, and life? That was the foundation of Alpheus's personality which probably made the diagnosis and process of deterioration not as bad. After that, it might have been the fear of being forgotten or how the majority began to pity him, but Alpheus became the "class clown" so he would receive the amount of attention he used to. The young man honestly would tell anyone that he believes his mother and father took the diagnosis and deterioration harder than he did and he is the one experiencing it. It didn't change who he was, it only changed how he perceived the world around him. Alpheus believes he sees the world for what it is, good and bad, and he sees his "disability" as a blessing in a way or that might be how he keeps himself in denial. How he keeps himself positive. He repeatedly reminded himself that it was a blessing and not a curse, not the end of the world, and life would go on. Life has to go on.
To most people, Alpheus is a carefree individual who jokes too much. He does take things seriously though he chooses to sit back and relax more than have a "stick up my butt" as he likes to say. Life is too short to always worry and be serious with your nose up all the time. Putting negative care into the little things. The little things are the best part of life in his eyes.
Do not be fooled by this happy-go-lucky boy, he can be extremely serious and pessimistic, especially if he is driven to be that way or if something is bothering him. People who know him might be shocked if he isn't talkative or positive because he always is. If he isn't, something is wrong. UNLESS, he is out in nature where he loves to listen to everything else.
Alpheus can be like any other Hoel, a stubborn, inconsiderate man who knows exactly where to jab to make it hurt. He listens to everything and everyone. The young man can have a bratty attitude if tested and he can be very rebellious which gets him trouble a lot. His unfiltered mouth gets him in trouble even more.
Habits: A nervous tick of his is squeezing his thumb along with his pointer and middle finger around his wrists. Extremely animated when he speaks. Examining things by feel, scent, sound, and taste - yes, Alpheus will lick almost anything to keep it in his memory because he can't use sight to remember what it is.
Hobbies: "Reading", lounging around in nature or being out in nature, hanging out in the stables, trying to identify people as their "smudge" form, and hanging out in cafes.
Fears: Going fully blind, forgetting what certain people, colors, or animals look like, thunder/thunderstorms, and being vulnerably attached to people.
Likes: Proving to people that he can do anything as a "seer" can, spending time with people, nature (plants and animals), tea, pastries, walks, and the little things.
Dislikes: People who assume his disability holds him back, being alone, not knowing where he is, opening his eyes in the dark (it causes him to realize that is what he will see once he goes fully blind if he goes fully blind), and aggressive storms.
- Cooking (Master): Alpheus loved to cook as a child and he continued that love while his deterioration set in. A part of him believed that losing his sight helped his taste and other senses which helped him become a better cook. The boy was naturally talented from a young age and he loved to show off these skills to anyone who willingly tasted his food even if they were terrified of it being horrible. Alpheus loves to invite others over for potlucks or basic dinners to spend time with others and share a little bit of "love and happiness" as he puts it.
- Skill (level): ___.
- Skill (level): ___.
- Skill (level): ___.
- Skill (level): ___.
- Skill (level): ___.
Talents & Powers
- Talent/Power/Item: ___.
- Talent/Power/Item: ___.
- Talent/Power/Item: ___.
- Talent/Power/Item: ___.
Parents: Pran and Anuli Hoel.
Siblings: Suad (older brother), Galo (younger brother), and Elsie (youngest sister).
Childhood: ___.
Adulthood ___.
Special moments: ___.
Current events: ___.
* ☠ Enemy * ⚜ Unfriendly * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ღ Ally * ♥ Crush/Significant Other *
- Name: ___.
- Name: ___.
- Name: ___.
- Name: ___.
- Name: ___.
- Name: ___.
Character Quotes:
"Can't you see I am reading!?"
"You have something on your face; right there."
"Is that a ___inserts scary animal/insect/etc here___ right there!?"
Theme Song: ___.
Aura Color: ___.
Scent: ___.
Partner: ___.
More: ___.
"You have something on your face; right there."
"Is that a ___inserts scary animal/insect/etc here___ right there!?"
Theme Song: ___.
Aura Color: ___.
Scent: ___.
Partner: ___.
More: ___.
If anyone wants to look at what I have so far. Here it is. There isn't much.