Avatar of The Savant


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20 days ago
Current Valentine's day doesn't have to be sexual attraction and romance. It's about love. Spend it with friends or family members that you love, if you can.
27 days ago
Because psychology is a degree about research. All research degrees require at least upper level statistics so you as an individual is capable of analyzing such data and numerical information.
29 days ago
7 years in the 9th. Known my SO for 9 years, been with them for almost 7, and married for roughly 2.5 years. Woot woot!
1 mo ago
When you are in your mid-20s and your wisdom teeth decide to start coming in. What the absolute fuckery is this?
1 mo ago
I love the bio and beautiful artwork, @ Andre Valias


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

If anyone wants to look at what I have so far. Here it is. There isn't much.

I checked out the Google sheet and I think it's good looking! All organized and nice. It'll make creating a character easier for sure.
Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19zmR4…

If you need help with the spreadsheet, please let me know! Instructions within~

EDIT: Here's my copy in case you want to see how it looks. I'm slowly filling info for the Duel Coordinator. docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19zmR4…

@The Savant

You're welcome to create two! Depending on how many folks we get, I'm going to try to keep it to one character per person. But I don't mind people creating two to start with even if we end up only needing one per person. If that makes sense.

That does make sense. I'll work on my first character idea who I want to play and then I'll make the second as a ready to use, if needed, and I'll keep it at that for the moment.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

I have no problems with you creating a blind character. So, unless anyone else has any major issues with it, I think you'll be fine to get started.

Awesome. I'll work on a character tonight and try to get some foundation for a character started.

I also do not mind playing a noble and a knight, so I can make two characters if that is wanted as well.

I have an idea about a character but I want to ask before I get off work and start really dabbling in creating this character. I'm planning on making them at least mildly to full blind. In the sense of that, I haven't thought about it too much but the best they would be able to see is hues/shadows/lights and at worst they see nothing.

Do you believe a character with that disability would be an appropriate attribute to this party or no?
I believe that I have a rough character idea. It's brewing in my head and I at least have a visual and aesthetic that I want for my character.
<Snipped quote by HylianRose>

Took the words right out of my mouth, I think we can have a minus or plus one year wiggle room. Someone who entered the school earlier, right on 'schedule', or later, so then we'll have 15, 16, or 17 as PC age choices, quite the range if you ask me. Then, of course, they'll grow up over the course of the RP with each school year.

This isn't even including "outliers" such a genius prodigy who started really early or a delinquent who began quite late, both cases I've seen happened IRL.

All in all, I wouldn't worry about being too restrictive in IC age choices. Unless someone wants to play a 50-year-old first year or somethin'...

You caught me. I wanna play that 50 year old first year. Dammit. I didn't realize we were going to be so REstrICTIVE. ~ sarcasm.
Banned for forgetting the reason for banning.
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

I'll wait for others to weigh in on that, but I'm okay with everyone starting as first years! Just means everyone will have to play a 16 year old character, unless they want to play someone who has been held back a year for whatever reason.

I'm fine with playing a 16-year-old character.
Until the 4th years bully the 1st years when it comes to "off the books" situations and hell breaks loose without the teachers knowing. No one talks about Fight Club. The first rule of a fight club is no one talks about a fight club.
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