Avatar of The Savant


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21 days ago
Current Valentine's day doesn't have to be sexual attraction and romance. It's about love. Spend it with friends or family members that you love, if you can.
27 days ago
Because psychology is a degree about research. All research degrees require at least upper level statistics so you as an individual is capable of analyzing such data and numerical information.
29 days ago
7 years in the 9th. Known my SO for 9 years, been with them for almost 7, and married for roughly 2.5 years. Woot woot!
1 mo ago
When you are in your mid-20s and your wisdom teeth decide to start coming in. What the absolute fuckery is this?
1 mo ago
I love the bio and beautiful artwork, @ Andre Valias


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

@The Savant

Be advised... I dont know when or where but I swear one of my characters will rp with you at some point... some time... some how.


I will keep that in mind. @ me here or DM me whenever, if you want to try and discuss arrangements.

Every time he saw an encouraging or brightening smile from Elara, he could not help the goofy smile that appeared on his face, more like a crooked smirk, but they did not last for long at all. His thoughts kept grabbing him away from the control of his expressions though he would brighten each time from Elara’s visual urging. The man noticed the lingering awkwardness in the room between them and he couldn’t help the thought crossing his mind — She is awfully sweet.

Those thoughts went through his mind as his amber eyes met her ocean blues, the connection almost made him feel self-conscious and guilty, so he looked back down at his food. Why was it so difficult to look at her? Everything felt so complex and he knew it shouldn’t. They barely knew each other’s names yet he had a hell of a time talking to her for the past two or three months. Honestly, he felt horrible about that. As she spoke about the situation, he found himself relieved that he was not the only one worried, but he felt like others shouldn’t know. Elara was the princess's handmaiden and he was Flynn’s best friend. Others shouldn’t be catching wind of their fights.

Sunni had a complicated time controlling his emotions when Elara’s expressions changed. She was filtering through different ones and he was trying to analyze her to understand what might be happening behind those beautiful eyes. While hers filtered, he began to show worry in his eyes, concerned furrowing of his brows, sincerity on his lips, and seriousness lingering in the whole of his face. Lips parted before closing to hear the rest of what she had to say. All of his emotions began to disappear into a pool of confusion and not fully understand the woman.

His body language appeared off in some way as he absorbed her words. Encouraging the princess to be honest with Flynn? What the hell was she not being honest about? The thoughts began to race through his mind with all the possibilities of what a princess could lie about. They were honestly going darker than he wanted. Everything was beginning to swirl down the drain in his mind while his mind began to take in everything else she had to say.

Elara…” Sunni sighed with a reassuring smile before putting down his food. “Have you ever heard the story about Enu? You might not have. It’s an Aurelian tale about a desert fox. They are small. Very tiny,” He explained as he made sure he properly put his plate and fork down and began to talk with his hands.

Glancing at Elara, “My father used to tell me this story a lot. I do not know why but it was about this clever little desert fox named Enu. The fox lived amongst the dunes of the desert and liked it that way. It was peaceful and quiet. One day, Enu noticed that the desert was filled with anger and hate. It was the tribe of the eagle owls and the clan of kangaroo mice at each other’s throats. They were blaming each other for the yearly drought, pointing fingers, and at disagreements.

For some reason, Enu believed that it was his fault and that he could fix it though these two groups have been at odds and ends since the beginning of time. Enu approached the eagle owls in fear because they could eat him. He decided to be brave and tell the eagle owls that he had a possible solution and he felt like this was his fault for not doing something earlier.

The eagle owls told him that a single little desert fox couldn’t do anything worse than the group of kangaroo mice. They appreciated his attempt to communicate but shooed him away.

Enu decided to go to the kangaroo mice clan and talk to them. He informed them that he felt like this anger towards the other clan was because of something he might have done or might not have done.

The kangaroo mice told Enu that he nor anyone else did wrong. That the eagle owls needed to fix their mistakes and pay for them. Then they shooed him away as well.

Enu decided that there was one thing to do. He searched around for an oasis or a cave that would have collected water. He searched and searched. Almost losing hope, Enu found the source of water he was looking for.

The little desert fox went to both tribes and they told him to go away. They appreciated his words but didn’t want to hear his ideas. They didn’t want to continue seeing him in between their war for water. Enu begged to be listened to but neither clan did. With his ears drooping and his thoughts saddening, Enu decided to wander back to the little oasis that he found, and he stared at his reflection.

Tears began to form before they dripped into the little bit of water that might have helped things. Enu was startled by an unfamiliar voice, and an ancient tortoise decided to sit right beside him.

She asked, “What is wrong child?”

Enu explained the situation between the eagle owls and the kangaroo mice. How they didn’t want to listen and they were blaming each other for the drought. How it was all his fault that this fight between tribes was happening.

The wise tortoise laughed at him. She asked if he truly believed it was his fault.

He confirmed.

She began to tell Enu a story about how two tribes did not get along before she hatched out of her egg. She explained how they had always been mad at each other. From generation to generation, they could never agree.

She asked if Enu believed that was his fault too.

Enu replied “No, that would be silly to blame myself for such a reason,”

And the tortoise laughed, “I was thinking the same thing about the story you just told me.”

And Enu realized that the problems that were happening between the others in the desert were not his fault. They never were but he would constantly be wrapped up in them by association.
” Sunni shrugged his shoulders when he told that story. He was hoping that it took her mind off what was happening but he didn’t blame her for Octavia and Flynn’s issues. If either of them were hiding something from the other and the other found out and got upset — that wasn’t anyone else’s issue.

He sighed at the thought, “You might have encouraged Octavia to be truthful with whatever it was. I kind of do not want to know. I’m sure I will hear it all from Flynn later tonight when we play cards again. If he feels like it, I promise you whatever emotions happen from it. They are not your fault. Do not blame yourself for others' doings, Elara or you will shortcut yourself each and every time,” Sunni hoped that his words helped to an extent but he had no idea if they would.

You might be unsettled from all the negative energy in this house,” Sunni chuckled while looking around. It felt heavy and tense. This house was not happy with what was happening within it. He wondered if he should check on Octavia or encourage Elara to, but he decided against it. “Would you like to go for a walk? With me. I wasn’t able to yesterday but I enjoy walking by the lake. It’s pretty and peaceful, and you might feel hungrier afterwards,” He explained feeling somewhat like an idiot after telling her a child’s tale that he used to be told when he was little. It was a story his father and his pseudo-mother would tell him constantly. Along with the many other bedtime stories.

Interactions @Qia Elara
@Lu I understand that it is definitely difficult introducing yourself into an RP but it's a new day still and we are still doing morning introductions.

The characters I currently have open are Pleiades and Desya (I would not recommend choosing Desya, he's an awful person).

Pleiades however is just chilling and reading a book in his house/the post office. If you want, we could say that your character might be picking up a letter or package or something and they can interact a little so you are at least introduced into the writing scheme of things.

Also, I love diving into books and getting lost. Sounds like a great time.

It was unnervingly silent in the house unlike last night when it was silent. This was not peaceful or welcoming. Today's silence was filled with tension and negative emotions which the redheaded man did not appreciate. He regretted staying the night and experiencing one of his best friend’s martial arguments and fights — why was Flynn not being truthful? They talked about it, Flynn seemed to shrug him off and not want to talk about it, but he knew the truth now. Flynn and Octavia were fighting. Somewhat? Personally, he had seen worse fights passing the baker and his wife in the local area he lived in Aurelia. At least they were not as bad as plenty of the other couples he had witnessed though this one felt a little too familiar. He did not know the others who fought but he cared for his friend who did.

Not hearing the door open was one thing, being surprised by Elara was another, since he was so focused on staring off into the distance — Sunni jumped out of his skin. “Ga-G–Good morning Elara,” There were plenty more things that wanted to come out of his mouth but he suppressed everything to not yell oddities at the woman that he embarrassed himself of last night.

Good morning,” This time it was stated confidently and calmly unlike his initial reaction seconds before. He did not realize that someone simply saying his name would spook him out of his skin so badly but he was now realizing how on edge he was from Flynn and Octavia’s fighting. The stress on his body seemed to disappear a little when his amber eyes focused on Elara as a whole. She was so pretty —- I don’t want to be alone with her! The small bit of panic flooded his system as the realization of how badly he humiliated himself last night set in seeing her again.

Looking at his food, he nodded, “I’m fine. Good. Well. Somewhere in the positive,” He chuckled while he sighed before pushing the mixture of eggs, meats, and vegetables around in the bowl. It was clearly not the full truth since he was jittery and jumpy. “How are you?” His eyes flicked up to her again when he asked this. The man felt like his chest was tightening and it was hard to breath though he was masking his emotions pretty well.

Oh…” Sunni began while he looked towards where Octavia’s room would be and he shrugged. “I…” Was he supposed to talk about this? Elara was her trusty handmaiden, he could talk about it, but he felt sick in his stomach at the thought. He only heard most of the vocalities of the situation, not seeing the emotion, physical actions, or the rest of it. Flynn didn’t come back inside and Octavia stomped into her room with slamming doors.

Shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head while he thought and looked at his food — was he even hungry at this point anymore? He had no clue — another sigh left his lips, “I think Flynn and Octavia are fighting… I really don’t know the entirety of it but they went through the house and out the front door. Flynn hasn’t returned and Octavia slammed doors and stomped through the house. I think she isn’t happy…” The fork began to push the food around in the bowl as he looked up at Elara again. Then he glanced at the plates that were left out for Flynn and Octavia. His eyes moved to the skillet that was still half full.

Uhm… Do you want some? I just made it. If you are hungry,” Sunni gestured to the skillet half full of food. “I can get you a bowl or plate,” He reassured if she didn’t want to intrude, he was offering, and he put the forkful of food in his mouth as he tried his best to silently chew in front of the woman.

Interactions @Qia Elara
@Lu What have you been up to thoughts wise for posting? I know it's a little overwhelming but it is a new day in RP and I was wondering if you needed a writing buddy or anything to help bring your lovely character into the world.
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