Avatar of The Savant


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20 days ago
Current Valentine's day doesn't have to be sexual attraction and romance. It's about love. Spend it with friends or family members that you love, if you can.
27 days ago
Because psychology is a degree about research. All research degrees require at least upper level statistics so you as an individual is capable of analyzing such data and numerical information.
29 days ago
7 years in the 9th. Known my SO for 9 years, been with them for almost 7, and married for roughly 2.5 years. Woot woot!
1 mo ago
When you are in your mid-20s and your wisdom teeth decide to start coming in. What the absolute fuckery is this?
1 mo ago
I love the bio and beautiful artwork, @ Andre Valias


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

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Welcome, welcome! More the merrier!
Proceeds to struggle to hold my tongue about the comments I want to make so I don't get banned from RPG for saying something over PG 13

I hope you're all having a wonderful night.


Hey hey hey. He was flirting with a guy too. He's being inclusive.
Asterion & Krish

Uninvited Guests

The tension in the room could cut a knife. Hailey found herself biting down on her gag, willfully trying to quell her heart that she swore they could hear. At least they graced her with the presence of the ‘actual’ boss. Maybe she could die with the peace that he decided to show his real face. Not that it meant she succeeded any further. Not now, at least.

She tested her restraints. Couldn't move a budge; they had tied her tight.

The burns along her body cried in the moderate heat of the room; they needed ice, salves and bandages. But she very much doubted she'd get that.

All the while, she pointedly was avoiding staring at anyone, or anything, too long or too much. Especially not the weirdo strapped to a chair beside her.

The weirdo, readily enough, seemed far more relaxed than Hailey, staring Asterion straight on with a dead look in his eye. If he could talk, he'd be saying some pretty crass words right about now.

His bullet wound had been bandaged up a bit more, but the bullet was still in his thigh. He wondered if he'd ever actually get treated for it, or if he was gonna die over this shit.

The man might have not shown any of it but he did feel bad that they were being left in such a state. Neither of them did much… Well, the cartoon-character looking woman did more damage, but the military man barely did anything. He wasn’t successful with his attempts either. “Do you not care to look at me, doll face?” Asterion smoothly asked while making sure his footsteps were quiet while he moved to her and exposed himself at the edge of the light. Crouching down and looking towards her. He was trying to get a good concentration on her eyes to see if he was going to be able to jump into her or not.

Krish stayed in the shadows of the room not saying anything since he didn’t want to bother Asterion. His lighter eyes focused on the military man and he was wondering how the man didn’t bleed out by now. He was somewhat worried if they spent too much time with the bomb-girl that they would get no words from the man — he glanced over to Asterion who was trying to get a mere glance of her eyes to attempt to jump in. He only needed a second of connection.

When he crouched in front of her and called her softly, it was almost instinctively for her wide eyes to lock with Asterion's, staring with fear.

Do not fear me love,” Asterion kept his voice soft and pleasant. “And do not be scared. I have no plans to hurt you. Not yet. Especially if you cooperate with me,” Asterion attempts to jump into Hailey.

Outcome of attempt 5 Response 4

”Not yet?!” Was the shrieking voice inside Hailey’s head as she was thrust to the back, now a prisoner even in her own mind as Asterion stepped in and made himself at home. She didn't resist the infiltration, hoping to avoid punishment for her actions as much as possible.

Asterion would be able to take a delightful gander of her memories as he saw the world from her lowly chained self. Most poignant of these memories were the one in a smoky room, sitting across from a red-haired man who held a goblet of wine in his leather seat.

”It's imperative you get to the top of the skyscraper. Really give them a run for their money. The more eyes you get on you, the better.”

Hailey's vision tilted in the memory as she stared at the man, her feelings filled with pride. But also, nerves. ”So I bag this Kairo. Then what?”

”You leave the rest to me, my dear. Just bring him back. And if you get overwhelmed, retreat. But know that if you're caught, I can't throw out a lifeline right away, mm?”

”I understand, M.PHAT. Leave it to me.”

It was clear Hailey was given a story. But, looking carefully, it would appear to the astute that something was missing. How did the military man fit into all this?

It might have not been detectable to Hailey at the time since she was the one being taken over but Krish jumped when he heard the thud against the floor. “Oh shit, boss. I’m sorry,” Krish moved over to Aesterion’s lifeless body. With Hailey’s eyes, Asterion was looking at him with slight annoyance though his body wasn’t standing so he didn’t fall that hard.
Asterion focused on the memories that showed themselves with ease. Who was the man ordering this bomb lunatic around? Sweetheart, tell me who he is, the thought echoed out in her mind and it was Asterion’s, not her own.

And why did you follow such a stupid plan? You seemed a little unhinged, but I was not taking you for a moron, he continued. Coming into a territory that would clearly make you an enemy, alone, without any consideration of help? That is a suicide mission and I am sorry to say. I doubt your friend will send anyone to help you but I could consider helping you, if you tell me who he is, and where he is, Asterion was not playing by the tone of his echoing thoughts.

Hailey's thoughts were panicked and fluttering. ”He's M.PHAT, and he will break down the Wall! I… I don't know where he is! He moves around a lot.”

There was the hint of a lie in her thoughts, which were much harder to hide within her own mind. She quickly added in another thought, trying to control the flow of the conversation.

”I was just a distraction! M.PHAT's plans are always well-thought out. He would have anticipated this. And if I'm just an expendable piece-” A rush of new-found dread clouded her thoughts. ”-...Then so be it!”

Asterion hated that for the bomb throwing lunatic, he honestly didn’t want anyone to be an expendable piece, and Hailey might have felt the disgust that conjured in her. A disgust that would make her own body feel sick to her stomach, I hate that for you, was an honest reaction from Asterion — he hated that for anyone. Being nothing but an uncared for pawn.

What if you do not have to be an expendable piece, doll face? he wondered how she would react to that and feeling the new-found dread that clouded her body and thoughts made it apparent that she did not want to be an expendable piece. A pawn for nothing.

Rolling her head on her shoulders as he was thinking and getting an understanding for her body’s motor skills, Asterion sat there so obediently in the chair. Now, is this M. PHAT individual called anything else or do you not even know who he is? Because that is quite sad if you are working for someone and know nothing about them except that they are… how would you put it? Solid possibly? Breaking down the wall might cause horrors for everyone. It will make people suffer and I am trying to cause the least suffering… that was when he focused on his eyes again and jumped back into his own body.

Krish helped him up without a second thought and he stood there, smoothing his several piece suit to look decent for appearances. “Hailey,” he spoke softly to her while staring. This time, he didn't care to jump into her. “I do not care for liars. I do not care for blind followers. Though I want you to remember, you matter to me, your life does, but I will make you my play thing if I have to figure out more from you without your cooperation,” there was a lifeless emotionlessness to his tone, to his eyes, and his whole being. His stare down was almost similar to a disappointed father. Unapproving.

Then he ignored her existence by stepping to the other side where the military man was, “Are you going to fight me? Or am I welcome to come join you in that beautiful mind of yours?” He chuckled a little with a small grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Hailey was a bundle of nerves, melted into her chair, happy to attempt to put herself back together with the respite.

The military man, on the other hand? Oh, he was staring daggers into Asterion's soul. With the boss’ eyes on him, he struggled a bit in his bindings, as if he wanted to reach out and punch the guy. Which was pretty impressive, given the fact that any excessive movement could kill him.

Rolling his eyes at the pathetic attempts of the man struggling. Asterion grabbed the military man’s jaw and chin with an excessiveness to keep him in his hold while he looked into his eyes. “Stop struggling and you will receive proper care. If you do not cooperate. I might have to change my mind,” the sad thing is… Asterion might not be able to actually keep care from someone even someone that wanted to kill him or wanted him dead. It was a fault. He could understand why someone wanted him dead but it took a few special types of people for Asterion to wish they would die themselves.

Staring into his eyes a little longer, he smirked, “You have beautiful eyes by the way,” the man stated before trying to jump into the other.

Outcome of attempt 9 Response 11

The military man hardened his will, finding a sweet spot to grip the invasive force and throw it out, rejecting Asterion's advances. He stared up, trying to jerk his chin away from Asterion's grip, smugness in his eyes.

Asterion took a step back with a sigh, “Fine. Be that way,” his voice sounded like there was poison on his tongue. “Die like the working dog you are,” the man stepped away, not facing the military man or Hailey, and he began to step away. “Do not let the medics in here for him. Have them check on Hailey,” he whispered in Krish’s ear. “I’ll be back in half an hour to see if he wants to be more cooperative. If not, I guess I might have to get my hands dirty today,” he chuckled while leaving the room.

Krish stood there and nodded his head. He was scared Asterion was losing himself in this world. How cruel it was. He used to not hold necessary treatment or anything. The man glanced at the military man with a little frown, “How are you feeling?” he wanted to know. He wanted to see how willing the man was to die, possibly, and he was hoping it would make him feel better if he did end up perishing…

In the pause between Krish's words, and in the silence that took the room, there was the steady drip-drip of blood seeping out of a wound, despite all first-aid efforts. The military man, having put on a brave face and expecting immediate backlash, almost seemed to deflate. His skin was sweaty and pale, and it was more like the chair was holding him up, instead of him sitting in the chair.

It would be a long half-hour…

Krish stood there and watched how deflated the man became and he shook his head, “We aren’t like this…” He whispered to himself. With the thought running through his mind. Asterion, you aren’t like this… why are you acting that way? Was his friend becoming sick of the world? He looked to the door and back to the military man. Krish was so conflicted and the military man and Hailey would be able to see it on his face.

That was when Krish left the room and within ten minutes came back with medical providers, “Do not untie them. Nothing sharp, unless it needs to be, and take care of him first,” Krish gestured to the man that was looking more lifeless by the seconds. Please forgive my actions, Asterion, you’ll thank me later.

The medics moved forward, giving one look at the military man and shaking their heads.

”He needs an infusion.”

With quick hands, an IV was placed, giving the military man a transfusion of blood while, still keeping him bound, removed the bandages and belt gently.

”Shit. Still a bullet in here.” One murmured low to the other.

The lead medic glanced at Krish. ”Gotta use forceps for This, and sew it up. A couple sharp objects. We’ll be careful.”

The military man was given anesthetics, and then the bullet was removed, and the wound was sewn up. Already, color was returning to his face, and he seemed more relaxed in his seat.

Them the medics moved to Hailey, cleaning her burns, applying salves, and bandaging them.

”They're both going to be fine.” The lead medic said confidently.

Krish nodded his head, “Thanks,” he muttered out from the hand covering his mouth. What was Asterion going to say to this? Did he overstep by making sure the military man had proper medical care? Rolling his shoulders back, it was a waiting game, and he stared at the door for a very long time. At least it felt like a long time but in actuality, the medics were here most of that half hour, and Krish only stood there for about five minutes before his boss and best friend came back through that door.

Hey~” an anxious vocalization came from Krish.

Asterion’s brows knitted a little as he stared at his friend for a few seconds before helping the door close this time, “What?” he wasn’t unfamiliar with Krish’s vocals or actions. The man knew his friend did something and his eyes scanned that room — a disappointed sigh echoed out. Both of the individuals that were tied up were treated.

The man slowly made his way over to the military man and took out the man’s gag, “Are you ready to talk?” He was going to see if the man was going to talk willingly or not. If not, he would attempt to jump back into him.

The military man seemed relieved to finally have the gag out, mashing his lips together a couple times, before he gave Asterion a defeated look.

”Your man could have let me die… Of course I'll talk.”

Rolling his shoulders a bit, the man nodded, “He could have,” Asterion glanced back at Krish who was standing almost protectively in the shadows as if he was trying to hide a little bit. He knew that Krish disobeyed him for good reason though it was still nipping at him that he did it. Looking back at the military man as he began to talk.

The military man's jaw clenched briefly, before he spoke again. ”I work for the Del Guarde. I was tasked with stealing from you, to hurt your finances. I ended up failing, even after capitalizing on your little ‘sister's’ distraction.”

Hailey’s eyes silently bugged out, noticing something strange with the military man's wording.

Asterion’s brows furrowed while he stared at the military man for a second, “You did fail…” he murmured while thinking about what the man meant by little sister. Shaking his head while glancing over to Hailey as she seemed to react, “What do you mean by that last part? I do not understand,” his words were plain as he stared at the unfamiliar man.

The military man realized his trip up in his words, and appeared a bit flustered. ”Ah, nothing. Just that, you know, she's small, and a girl, and…”

He trailed off, cheeks reddening a bit to show his elevated heart rate. Then he swore quietly under his breath.

Oh, something was definitely up.

The man stood there in slight confusion, the man seemed to flustered, and Asterion was not understanding why. Was he talking about Hailey? He glanced over to Hailey again to try to determine what that would even mean but nothing particular came to mind. Staring at her for a few seconds before looking back at the man to notice his cheeks reddened even more. “Since you cannot get your words out, I am curious. Let me come in,” he stated before attempting to jump into the military man, once again.

Outcome 8 Response 2

The military man's heart dropped, and he gritted his teeth reflexively. Then, all that resistance faded away as Asterion made his home in the military man's body and mind.

All Asterion would be able to hear was the man's panicked strings of curses echoing around in his mind.

Then, the memories started.

And, curiously, the same red-haired man as before came into view, in that one smoky office. The millitary man was pacing, obviously anxious.

”Sit down, Reid. You're going to give me motion sickness.” The red-haired man stated plainly.

The military man's vision instantly snapped to the red-haired man, dread colouring the memory briefly, before he sat down.

”You sure about this? You're putting Hailey at risk for a ‘maybe’.”

The red-haired man propped an elbow on his desk. ”I'm willing to gamble that. If you can convince them Del Guarde is at fault, indirectly or by your words, they'll be stuck fighting each other. Waste resources, all that.

“It's perfect.”

The military man, or more aptly named, Reid, nodded his head. ”Right… I'll make it happen, boss. I'll try to keep little sister safe too.”

And the memory concluded.

Asterion watched the memory as he was in Reid’s body, if he had his own face, he’d frown a little bit, but Reid’s face frowned instead. Something that the owner of the body might be able to feel. Hailey might have noticed how quickly Krish supported the lifeless body of the man he worked for. Holding him up and making sure he didn’t hit the ground hard before slowly lowering him down into a sitting position against stable legs.

Asterion was doing little movements with Reid’s body to familiarize himself with it. Would my thoughts be wrong to assume that Hailey is your bosses little sister? his thoughts echoed out into Reid’s mind. And, if you want to be proud of something, you have convinced me that your boss has no worth in this world. Using you and Hailey as pawns. Varek could have killed you on the spot and I could have killed Hailey. I could kill you both now and I doubt your boss would care to even give you an improper burial, he simply continued speaking to Reid inside of his own head.

There was minor hesitation before Reid's thoughts came to light, much harder to hide here. ”Yes, she's the boss' little sister.”

A pause, before Reid continued his stream of thoughts. ”The boss will be the one to break the Wall. He might be a little ruthless, but he does care about us. Like I'm betting you now he's sent out a proposal to negotiate for our freedom.

“Not that I like thinking about the prospect of dying. But I think the boss knew you might hold back…”

And if Asterion had access to his phone at that moment, he'd see a message pop up from an unknown number, asking to talk.

He does not mean the best when he is sending his little sister into such a sticky situation, Reid. Nor does he mean the best when he is doing the same to you, all of those attempts to get into the Skyscraper and steal for him were pathetic in his opinion. And you know that. I can tell that you are smart. Plus, do you think breaking down the wall is the best idea? Asterion had doubts about breaking the wall down. They didn’t make sense to him. People have brought it up in the past but everyone has failed plus the rumors and truths he has heard about what is on the other wise didn’t make him confident to ever step into a plan like that. No one had an actual reason or evidence on how it could benefit any of them… they just wanted to do it.

Also, I am not killing you because I do not believe you are a bad person, Reid. Nor do I think Hailey is, but I want answers, and if I do not get them. I will do what I must,

Asterion would be able to feel the unbridled fear that passed through Reid in that moment. ”I… I'll be cooperative.”

Asterion’s phone began to sound out a notification and he focused more on the external factors. “Do you want me to answer that boss?” Krish asked while looking at Reid then back at the body of Asterion.

With Reid’s voice, he shook his head, “Answer it, Krish.

Krish reached into Asterion’s pocket where the notification sound came from and he pulled out the phone. “An unknown number wants to talk,” he shook the phone almost playfully as if he was offering it to Reid.

Call it.

Krish opened Asterion’s phone with a password and pressed the call button on the random number that was messaging him.

A smooth voice rang out on the other end. ”Hello, am I speaking with Asterion Kairo or the Mairo Mafia?

“You have something of mine. I'd like it back, if at all possible.”

Krish glanced up to Reid who was possessed by his boss. He shook his head, “No, you are talking to Krish. Mister Kairo is a little busy with being inside of someone right now,” he stated plainly before his brows furrowed.

Reid’s expressions lacked the same muscle memory that Asterion’s own face had though the expression came out offended. Absolutely offended. “How could you have thought that was good wording?” the offended tone of Reid echoed out before Asterion jumped back into his body. Asterion was in disbelief and while sitting there against Krish’s legs, he looked up, and took the phone, “Yes, you are talking to Asterion. Who is this?

There was a somewhat amused tone on the other end of the line. ”Flint. Flint Weathersteel. From the sounds of it, I take it Reid and Little Sister are quite comfortable, yes?

“What do you need for them to make it safely home?”

Asterion did not believe the man when he said his name was Flint Weathersteel though he would extend some faith into the man. He thought for a second before a smirk appeared on his face, “They are currently tied up,” he was being truthful with the man. “They got proper medical but I am not wanting to let them go just yet, Mister Weathersteel,” he chimed with his voice, looking at Reid, and staring into his eyes. Reid sweated a little under his gaze.

They will be my guests from now on. You have my word, but if you want them back. Take 93rd street over and give it to me. Then come to Kairo Skyscraper because I want to meet you,” Kairo wanted to meet this man and see his face. He wanted to know what type of person he was dealing with but he wouldn’t let Reid or Hailey go until 93rd was handed to him.

There was a light chuckle. ”And how do I know you won't kill me upon meeting me, Mr. Kairo? And how do I know you won't kill my people while I'm busy working 93rd Street?”

Because I am curious and I want answers and when I want answers… or not… I try to be a pleasant man. You know, setting meetings up, introducing myself, and making sure a truce is held,” he spoke mildly with the man as if he was speaking to someone he's spoken to many times before.

”A truce, huh…?” Flint's voice was contemplative, as if entertaining a dream.

Asterion stood up, And let me make it easy for you. Under reason, how would you like me to prove to you they are safe? I plan to put them into very nice rooms that are very difficult to break out of. If you want, I can make sure you have access to live video of them at any hour,” he thought that was a reasonable suggestion.

There was a pause before Flint spoke again. ”You send me a link to those live feeds when they're active. When I can see them both settled and safe, I'll begin.

“I can agree to your terms, Mr. Kairo.”

See you soon,” he chimed in before hanging up.

That was when Asterion placed his phone back into his pocket before jumping into both of the captured individuals. Dividing into their minds and making them take a sedative before jumping back into his own body. “I am sorry for making you take a sedative though it is a precaution,” he told them while they were fading into sleep.

By the time both of them were waking up, they were separated, and in places that might have been trippy to experience in reality. Reid was waking up to the sound of rain. The bedroom was handcrafted for him right out of his desires. Glowing strips were around the room while his bed was placed by a window to see the rest of the city. He was floors up on the skyscraper. He’d end up noticing that there was no visible door in the room or nothing that he could tell was a door at first. If he went to look in the mini fridge of the room, there would be his favorite drinks, snacks, and things he wanted to try. The same with some of the cupboards. Other things had games or movies that were on discs or different outlets so he could put them into the computer and play.

Reid stared in confusion for a long, long time. In another time, when he was a boy, he had always wanted a room like this. A safe place to sleep, without the screams, without the noise.

He numbly wrapped one of the blankets around him, taking a few seconds to notice the hot tears falling unbidden from his eyes.

Hailey on the other hand would wake up in a totally different room from Reid. Her room was made for a princess. There were a variety of stuffed and plush animals or other friendly and cute looking things. These plushies were all scattered around the room. When she woke up, if she ventured around, she would notice there was no visible door to get out. Not one that was easy to find. If she checked in the mini fridge in her room it was the same as Reid’s in a sense, her favorite types of drinks and snacks. Things she had wanted to try. The same with the cupboards around it. Things she loved. Things she wished for. Except her room seemed to be a little more lively as if something else was there…

A cat tower?

A food and water bowl by the mini fridge. That wasn’t for Hailey was it?

No, not at all. Asterion wouldn’t treat them like animals, would he? Hailey might have heard one of the comfy sitting areas that were in the room purring. A very happy and very fluffy beast that was sprawled out where the windows of the room allowed warmer light to get in. Her room was a comfort incarnate — the rug was plush, soft, and fluffy. She had a wing that was also comfortable. All the bed linens and pillows were extremely soft and nice to the touch.

”KITTY!” Hailey cried with excitement, reaching out to give the purring cat a pet.

She would find coloring books, movies for the T.V., and other activities that she liked to do in the room.

There was only light-hearted giggles that escaped Hailey. There were lights in her eyes, and she had a childish demeanor. She spun and spun in her room, landing with a whump on her soft princess bed.

Neither thought about the door being absent, and neither thought to leave. At least, not yet.

Both Reid and Hailey might notice, there was a pyramid of paper propped up on their mini fridges. With the note:
Dinner is at six,

Handwritten by Asterion himself. What could that mean?

Hailey stared at the note, her curiosity evident in her face. Her moment of trepidation soon passed. It had been a long time, indeed, since she could remember her father preparing dinner and sitting down with her.

Her excitement grew somber, and she stood there for a long moment, just staring at the note, feeling quite cared for.

By this time, Mister Weathersteel had the link sent to him and full access to the room, sadly there was no two-way communication though he could hear what was happening in the room. The link was highly encrypted and wouldn’t be easy to try and get a ping from. Its pings would come from all around the city as if a personal VPN was being used to static it through the networks.

Flint tilted his head and the feeds. Kairo had given his little sister a princess bed, and Reid was a puddle of emotion on the floor.

Well, both seemed alive and safe. That meant one thing, and one thing only.

He passed his tablet to one of his men, “Keep an eye on them. I have some preparations to do.”

Interactions: Flint Weathersteel, Reid, and Hailey @Estylwen
Mentions: None
I have plenty of buddies. Some may be demoted to less-than-buddy level for not taking 93rd. ;3

Asterion is a very busy man. Give him a minute.
Alright, am free for collabs again.

And man, the amount of effort I have to go through just to match the Wealth generation of one Rich District kekek.

Sounds like you got to catch up to your buddy :P
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Damn maybe Emily should of flirted with him too :>

She probably still could. 😂
I'm learning by these collaborations. Asterion is such a flirt. I love it.


"If people want to play these games, I will play games," Asterion huffed out while pacing back and forth in his office. Krish was silent along with Kaela and Elara. While Zarek and Varek were outside guarding the office doors and checking with the ground floor guards if there were anyone else in the immediate area of the Kairo Skypscraper.

A fainter cough to attempt to clear the heaviness in the air could be heard, "I believe Kaele should leave if you are going to say something too important ~" the auburn haired woman with big blue doe eyes faintly spoke as she looked over to the neutral character of the room.

The redheaded woman glared though she wasn't able to say anything before Asterion flicked his hand up and held it up as if to say stop. "No one needs to leave, now shut up Elara," he stammered his words in deeper thought while he paced around. Krish followed each step and movement of his friend with his eyes while Elara and Kaela were eyeing each other. They didn't get alone very well because Elara didn't trust how neutral and possibly unloyal Kaela could be.

"Have you thought about hiring more quiet individuals? Possibly ones that do not complain as much?" Kaela decided to be a little bit of a smart ass about the whole ordeal.

Elara scuffed her breath in protest, "How ab---" she was cut short with a growl.

"Can you two please be quiet or LEAVE!? Please. Just leave. I am thinking. I told you that once why do you both think I need to stay that again?" Asterion was trying to figure out why two individuals were going straight for his tower and nightclub. If they were apart of the same company or not. He began to rub his temples while he continued to pace while closing his eyes for a second.

The arburn haired woman stood up, "If you are going to raise your voice like that, I will," she had a prissiness to her voice as she flipped her hair around and left the room. Purposefully slamming the office door.

"E! --- mhm..." he went to shout her name but he bit his tongue to not hear her complain even more than she will later about him raising his voice. Kaela rolled her eyes. Krish sat there like this was a normal Tuesday afternoon.

Asterion waved his hand, "You too, Kaela. Please," his voice was softer for a second with sounding overly stressed. By this point, a thumb was on the one side of his forehead while his fingers were on the other side while he stood by the large bay windows of his office. Without a word, Kaela got up and left, and he pinched the bridge of his nose. Rubbing at the bridge for a few seconds before he heard the door close all the way.

"They always remind me why it's nicer to be single, aye?" Krish tried to lighten the mood.

The darker haired man standing by the bay windows let go of the bridge of his nose as his eyes flopped to the side to look at his friend. "You are single because you thought it was a good idea to date three girls that worked here all at the same time and girls talk, Krish," Asterion straightened himself while looking forward to the city while shaking his head with a roll of his eyes.

Krish stood up and gestured his hands out, "And why are you single then boss? Maybe think of something else than work for a hot minute and you could find someone to destress you," Krish came over and poked Asterion on the cheek.

"Do not touch me," Asterion sideyed his best friend.

The redheaded man gestured his hands up as if to declare defeat or he wouldn't do it anymore.

Asterion walked away from the windows and away from Krish to sit down at his desk. Looking at the laptop that was still open and noticing a notification for his emails. "I think we should plow into 93rd and without mercy, dive into Newport," he spoke half mindedly as he opened the email to read it.

You're a lucky winner!

There are certain, shall we say, ‘gems’ in the city. Gems ripe for the taking. Heavy Crossguard is one of those such locations.

There is a certain warehouse in the heart of Heavy Crossguard that is home to a biker gang. Yes, it's true they're subsidized by yet another big player in the city. But what I want to draw your attention to is the hoard of wealth they literally sit on.

Mainly, they have stacks of crates of Sugarcrush, a new drug. And they have a motherlode of stolen materials, such as artifacts from outside the Wall, and rare pieces of art. Even a few slot machines. Vintage wines.

Now, you could search Heavy Crossguard for days on end, trying to find this one particular warehouse. Or.

You could wire a transfer of $10,000 (1 Wealth) to Nocturnia Bank Account Number 35721 003 472951, and I'll tell you exactly where that warehouse is.

Before I forget, you'll want to actually fast. These goods are going to be moved in three days, where someone else will cash them in for money. I would prefer that someone is you.

Looking forward to your continued patronage,


Asterion sat there while reading, getting very quiet, and not even absorbing anything around him. He didn't know if Krish was going off on one of his rants and being chattier than the girls. Shaking his head, "Read this shit," he gestured to his screen.

Krish was on one of his rants though he broke out of it and quickly moved over to Asterion while leaning on the comfy chair behind the big guy's desk. "What?" he seemed curious while he began to read the email right away.

"This person must think the leaders of Nocturnia are idiots... who would fall for that crap? That has to be a trap, right?" Krish looked over to Asterion to confirm that his suspicions weren't wrong that it could be a possible trap.

"I think it is a trap. I will not be surprised if others fall for it. We will be focusing on 93rd for the time being but before that, let's go visit our friends, shall we?" Asterion's midnight blue eyes flicked up to Krish with a smirk to his lips.

Krish grinned, "We shall. I almost forgot about those two," he seemed excited to remember that had two individuals to have some fun with.

Asterion stood up, closing his laptop, and following Krish out of the office to go down the hall to a room where their two friends - the bomb lunatic and the lock picker were located - and when the door opened. Krish and Asterion stepped into the room. They were both tied to chairs in an excessive way, bound, and gagged to stay quiet. "Hello sweethearts~" The lights flicked on which caused Hailey and the military man to be emphasized in a glow while the rest of the room was dark. And the door closed heavily behind him without any help.

Mentions: 93rd Street & Newport
Interactions: Hailey & military man @Estylwen
I'll get something written up tonight and tomorrow and post it by Sunday.
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