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Death Vigil fucking slaps, by the way.

Bernie's a beauty.

I am just going to say no, not that. The character's name is Sam, and he is from the comic book series called Death Vigil which I liked. Even though it only got eight comics to its name.
<Snipped quote by Theyra>

Actually, no, but I forgot that Dante has white hair.
Aside from those who have already implied or stated they're thinking of potential ideas for another game, let me know who is interested in collaborative brainstorming and I'll get something started.

I think, collectively, there's quite a bit we as individuals may disagree on how these games should be run, but I also believe that we have enough shared experience to understand what fundamentally does and does not work. Communicating at least those fundamentals and workshopping how to start and then keep momentum for longer than a month can only be beneficial.

And I think most people who have gamed with me for the last thirteen years know that I'm pretty decent when it comes to brainstorming and worldbuilding, so I'm confident I can help in that regard if nothing else.

Though kinda new to this, I would be open to helping with brainstorming and worldbuilding. I enjoy both and maybe I can help with figuring out the next rp.

<Snipped quote by Roman>

Hmmm, I will be impressed if anyone can recognize the char or the comic he is from.

The IC is live.
Power Rangers Rebel Force
Episode 1 - First Strike

It was a bright summer day in Grey Vale in 2025, and the city's residents were going about their daily business. At ease and peaceful going on with their day. While the world is unaware of what happened to their guardians, the Power Rangers and the looming threat of the Velcon Empire's invasion.

But there is still hope as the Velcon Empire's recon team has switched sides and have joined the side of Earth and the Power Rangers. The Velcon Commander of the invasion, Von Tero, was furious upon learning of their defection. He promised that they would pay for their disloyalty to the empire. Unaware that the former recon team are the new Power Rangers after the last group mysteriously disappeared, these defectors and an unexpected ally are now all that lies between Earth and the Velcon Empire.

Will the group be able to defend Earth and defeat the seemingly unstoppable evil Velcon empire, and will humanity remain free? Will they find out what happened to the last Power Rangers? Will these new Power Rangers handle themselves as the new defenders of Earth and succeed in the end? It is time to find out.

Ven Ferr

Another day living in Grey Vale for Jacob Miles, or he should say Ven Ferr, his real name. It was around noon, and the alien Ven was busy making himself something to eat at his apartment. A BLT, as the humans called it, and he was disguised as his human self just in case, though Ven has been too cautious with hiding his real self from humans. His neighbors have been treating him well, and so far, Ven has been enjoying his time at Grey Vale. He does not want anything to mess that up. So the only time his disguise is off is when he is at the Outlook. The only place Ven knows he is safe without his disguise.

Still, it was something living on Earth with humans. Definitely, it's a step up from living in the empire, and Ven likes it here. Though since becoming a Power Ranger, he knows his duties are more than just living among humans now. It has only been two weeks since they became the new Power Rangers after their human counterparts disappeared. That is something that weighs on his mind, and while Ven does not believe that the empire was behind it. Who could it have been?

Either way, as he finished making his BLT, he took a bite out of it and took a satisfying crunch out of it. His thoughts went from gloomy to happy as he was surprised at how a BLT would taste. It was good, maybe it was the bacon, he thought.

But as Ven happily finished his lunch, he remembered that he should meet with the others as per their regular meeting. Von has yet to act, and they can only guess when the first attack take place. A worrying concern that they have to be prepared for when Von decides to start the invasion.

So after cleaning up, Ven sent a message to the rest of the Power Rangers about meeting at the Outlook and discussing their plans. Then Ven made his way to the Overlook but took one last look around as he left his apartment. Earth, despite its flaws is a nice place to live in comparison to how the worlds in the empire are. A reminder of what he is fighting for and made his way to the Overlook.
I don't mind either way.

Edit: Finished!

Also, I love the fact that we're in Oregon.

I'm fine with or without discord

All accepted, and feel free to post them in the character tab
Well, since he joined the discord, I guess they are in? Either way, as long you two are still in. @mattmanganon@Cyrania I will start working on the ic and will get something up before or after Thanksgiving.
The link should work now.
<Snipped quote by Theyra>

If you can figure out something for the zords/megazord sure. BTW could you post the discord invitation again? It expired

Since no one went with pink, I think I will just say that the Red (Leo) Zord serves as the chest and head. Which if we get a pink player then the megazord gets an improved helmet/head. That work for you? Also I will fix the link just give me a moment.
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