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So I have been thinking of doing an adventure rp and while I can think of stuff of it. Thinking of a plot for it is.... hard for me for some reason. So I was curious if I could get some help with it and would anyone be willing to help me with it?

The idea is that a group of people that had been under the wing at some point of a disgraced archaeologist who after dying, has given the group's control of what is left of his family's fortune and estate and have decided to carry on his mission and discover the lost history of the world. Starting with the finding of an artifact that the disgraced archaeologist was looking for. Anyone here willing to help me with this?
Juichi Kyoya
April 27th 2025
Just inside the border of Taniland

Juichi unlike the rest of his team, was somehow asleep despite the loud noise coming from the engines of the old bird. He figured that would be the best given talking was impossible given the noise and he has slept through worse or at least that is what he thought. Since this time he was barely asleep as the noise made him come in and out of sleep. It was annoying but, he kept at it.

It was only the rough landing that truly woke him up and as he looked around. Juichi realized that the plane has landed and as the co-pilot gestured to them. He unclipped his belt and collected his things. Following the others out of the plane and through the hatch. The warm Taniland air greeting him as he made his landed his first steps on Taniland soil.

Juichi had a smile on his face despite the slightly oppressive heat as he was just glad that the trip was over and they were on solid ground. That flight may have been his worst even though he semi-slept through it. Still, breathing in the fresh open air, it was better than Sudan so far and now it was time to see what their first mission would be in this place.

He kept silent as the team met with Jamison and got in the minibus with their gear stored in it. Juichi chose a spot on the right side near the middle. Just sitting plainly and despite looking out the window and admiring at the jungle scenery. Juichi was listening to what Jamison was saying the entire time. Though being a nature lover and wanting time to explore the jungle as he has never been in it before. This is not a vacation, this is a mission and he was focused on that.

When the dossier was passed to him, Juichi made the effort to remember Thomas's name and face as he passed the dossier to the others when he was finished. So that is their first mission, he thought. A rescue mission and one that will certainly help make friends with the locals and showing the Order that is one else is willing to fight them. Though another thought entered his mind, this would be his first real mission, the ones he has been on were just evacuations. Making sure that allied or foreign nationals were safe from developments in a country. Nothing like this, and was he nervous about it? No, just eager to prove himself that he has earned his rank and position after years of being in the military. Their first mission should be a good test of his skills and see for himself how he handles in real combat.

When the others added their voices to the mission talk, Juichi added his with a Japanese accent with a smile on his face. "Sounds like a plan boss and the sooner we get Adebayo out of there the sooner we can really start messing with the Order."
Desmond Wathen
The Eye of the Beholder Inn

"Oh.... okay Valgo," Desmond replayed as he heard Valgo's slow and disjointed response. Looking rather wided eye opened and a bit nervous. So the rumors were right, he thought as he took a small sip from his drink. Well, not all of them but, the ones about a blightborn sucking your soul out is actually true apparently. But if that is the case then why would the prince and princess allow them to live in the town? Since they are dangerous it appears and yet.... he is now living with them and already having a business opportunity with one. Does she eat souls or flesh or....?

Desmond sighed at the thought and realize he may have to watch himself and his staff just in case. He wanted to press Valgo further about the blighborn but considering his slow response and how he might react. Desmond opted not to ask him further and simply took the information he as given. Though he would like to know what a hakdeesha is and why it is lucky to find a hungry one.

Still, there has to be a reason how the blightborn are able to seemly coexist here given their feeding requirements... Is there something he is missing or what is the princess thinking? This perplexes him and he sighed again after taking a long sip from his drink. Time to investigate it sounds like to see how dangerous the blightborn can be and how they coexist here.

But remembering he is talking to someone, Desmond bounced back from his thoughts, back to the table and the last thing that Valgo said. Desmond managing to make a smile despite his worrying thoughts. "Yes, Valgo, it was nice to meet you too and yeah we will meet again." Sounding sincere and would have hoisted his drink up so they could tap each others mugs but, since Valgo did not have a mug, Desmond did not try. "Just be careful okay?"

Interact - @Dark Light
Elijah Tower

St Alexia’s Practice
Interacts: Elena @Qia and Loni @FernStone

Elijah simply stayed quiet and followed along with Loni and Elena and watched as the healer tended to Loni's wound. He breathed a sigh of relief as it was clear the Loni would make it. One person died today and he did not want another to join her. More so, with the fact that she had a child as he watched Elena hold Luciana.

When the healer was done and Elijah simply nodded his head and stayed with Loni and Elena. "I am just glad I was able to kill that thing." Elijah added to what Elena said, "no need to thanks me." Though he did wonder what would have happen if he did not show up to the bakery today since he did not see anyone else try to fight and kill the thing. It was just him and he does not even know if the spear was the only thing that could have hurt and kill it. A worrying thought but it is over and the thing is dead. Plus, a child does not lose her mother.

As Loni began to ramble, Elijah chose to silently listen again and when Loni brought up her place of work the Sin Sisters and what Elena said. It made him think, he has no support in this city and maybe he should change that but where to start? Of course he has his own plans but, right now. If someone or some thing were to attack him and it was too much for him.... then he is done.

Elijah looked over at Loni and Elena, he did say to himself that today things were going to change and maybe this is apart of this change just not in the way he thought it would be. Not so much of joining a coven but making friends with others and developing a small group of people he can trust to have his back. Granted he does not really know Loni or Elena but that can change. If they were open to it that is.

But Elijah was not going to push that now and when Elena left the room to make a phone call, he spoke. "I think I will stay a bit and my name is Elijah by the way," he made a soft smile. Though it was hiding a concern he had when Loni said about there not being more of those things and with what the thing said to him back at the bakery. It made him think if it was over or something else is on the horizon. But he chose not focus on that now but it is thing to think about in the future.
Lost and Forgotten: A Mentor's Legacy

Arthur Montgomery is a man known among the scientific and archaeologist community as a polarizing individual. While many would reflect positively on Arthur's dedication to discovering the truth about the past, most would negatively remark on his behavior in his later years. Seemly obsessed to prove his fringe theories about history that left him shunned from the scientific and archaeologist community. Labelling him as a conspiracy theorist and disapproving of anything that went against accepted knowledge about the past.

Did this deter Arthur? No, this only strengthened his resolve for Arthur is not crazy. He did discover something that suggested something else, a lost past, but the relic that indicated this was shattered into pieces and left useless after Arthur spent some time studying it. So, he used what was left of his family's fortune to uncover the truth.

Only Arthur is dead, he died of a heart attack, and now his work lies incomplete. But, in his will, he leaves his estate and what is leave of his fortune not to his remaining family but to five people once they complete a task. These five people are those that Arthur took under his wing and had a good relationship with. The hope that Arthur has if he dies before he can unveil the truth that he was desperately seeking. That these five people can continue what he started and do what he could not.

Starting within his estate and dealing with an artifact that he was studying.

1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. A max of one characters
5. Minimum of one paragraph


Hello and welcome to the rp. The rp is about a group of five, maybe six people who have opted to continue Arthur Montgomery's work and discover the lost past of the world. A lost history that few know about. So the rp will explore both real-world myths and homebrew custom ones. I should say that the rp is inspired by Indiana Jones, Uncharted and Tomb Raider.

Now, Arthur's estate will act as the base and home for the group and will be the place where the characters will spend their time in between treks and it is located in the United Kingdom, specifically in Bristol. Plus, this will be the place where the group's artifacts will be stored after a trek. As you will discover, Arthur before he died, installed an expensive security system at his home estate that would make any potential burglars think twice about trying to break in.

But as to your character's reason for continuing Arthur's mission. In the first arc, there will be an event that happens that will prove that Arthur's theories had some merit, and they can come up with their own reasons for wanting to continue Arthur's mission after that.

Plus, while it is required that your character had a good relationship with Arthur and had been taken under his wing at some point in order to warrant him trusting your character with his mission. You can decide what exactly that means, as in how Arthur helped your character and what he did to make your character have a good relationship with him despite his reputation. Basically, why did he choose you to be in his will and think you could continue his mission.

Also, for your character's picture, go with a real-life face claim. No anime or drawn pictures.

That is it, and if anyone has any questions, then feel free to ask.

Collab between Theyra and InfamousGuy101

Itzi leaned over the control panel, her eyes scanning the gauges for helium levels, fuel reserves, and ballast readings. She made small adjustments here and there, ensuring everything remained in top shape. The steady hum of the airship’s engines filled the bridge, a sound she found both calming and nerve-wracking. This vessel was their lifeline, and every moment that passed made her anxious, not knowing what was happening down at the castle was perhaps the worst part of it.

Her mind wandered briefly to the rolling hills and warm waters of the Main, her home. She longed to return there, but not empty-handed. Promises and dreams wouldn’t pay for her father’s fishing boat repairs or her sister’s school fees. She needed something tangible, something that would make all this worth it. A sack of gold, perhaps, or even just enough to start fresh.

Her thoughts shifted to that circus man, Puskurunuwa Petrides or simply Nuwa, as he’d introduced himself. The memory of him falling through her ceiling made her smile faintly, despite herself. “Nuwa,” she murmured, the name lingering on her lips. Maybe his sudden, chaotic arrival had been some kind of sign, though what it could mean, she couldn’t quite tell. She quickly shook the thought away, focusing back on the controls.

It was then she noticed the Sakhian man sitting quietly in the corner of the bridge, sipping his coffee with an air of unbothered detachment. Itzi straightened, slightly startled. How long had he been there?

She cleared her throat, feeling a bit awkward. “Uh, hey there,” she began, turning toward him. “I’m Itzi Ku—uh, the Vice-Pilot, I guess.” She gave a lopsided smile and gestured vaguely to the controls. “I don’t think we’ve had much chance to talk… You, uh, been here long?”

Zano was mid-sip and was zoned out when Itzi spoke to him and he snapped out of it. Looking up at the Hunyunaki with a surprised expression. Putting his coffee down, he spoke. "We have not and I have not been in long." Taking another sip of his coffee. "Just here to relax and wait for the others since I am not much help right now." He sighed, "that and being able to see out a window is nice and before I forget my manners. My name is Zano Mirazdar and please to meet you Itzi."

Itzi extended her hand and shook Zano's with a cool, firm grip. “Nice to meet you, Zano,” she said with a faint smile. Turning her gaze out the wide windows of the bridge, she nodded toward the horizon. “The view is something, isn’t it? Not quite like home, but... it’s got its charm.”

She leaned out of the window slightly, letting her eyes wander over the endless expanse of sky and land below. The shimmering reflection of a distant river caught her attention, its surface glinting like liquid silver under the sunlight.

Itzi glanced back at Zano, one hand resting on her hip, “You know, I never thought I’d find myself in one of these things, let alone piloting it,” she said, her tone tinged with disbelief. “Back home, flying always seemed like something other people did. Rich folk, soldiers... not someone like me. And now here I am, practically the 'Vice-Pilot,' keeping this beast in the air.”

She chuckled softly, shaking her head as she gazed out the window. “It’s not quite like home, though. The Main is all wide-open spaces, hard soil, and the kind of sun that burns you through your shirt. Flying like this... it’s a different kind of freedom. Beautiful, sure, but it doesn’t feel as solid, you know? Like any moment, the whole thing could just... drift away.” She paused, then smirked. “Still, I can’t deny it’s spectacular.”

Her expression softened as she leaned against the console, her eyes distant. “I just hope the crew down at the castle isn’t getting themselves into too much trouble. Gold or not, I’d rather we all make it out of this intact. Getting back in one piece? That’s already worth more than any treasure.”

Zano had a somewhat firm grip when shaking hands with Itzi's. He stood up and walked over to what Itzl was and looked out the window with soft smile. "It does have a charm and a view that not many get to see and appreciate."

He took a sip of his coffee and his voice perk up, "I have a interest in these flying machines. Even learned how these airship work and operate if I ever have a chance to work on or with one." Zano sighed, "It is strange how things work out how both of us are here on this airship and get to experience flying and being in one."

Zano chuckled with her as home was brought up. "Well for me, I come from Mina-Sakh and that city was all I knew growing up. The busy streets, narrow alleyways and people everywhere. I admit I sometimes miss it but at times it is nice to feel freedom and this airship does have certain kind of one." Zano took another sip from his coffee and sighed. 'Like you said and I just wished we would have gotten here under better circumstances."

He chuckled again only with more vigor. "I feel the same though having gold is more like a bonus right now and I just wonder how long we will be here. Gold is heavy, so we might be here awhile as they get the gold. I just wished I could be useful right now but, at it stands. It is better for me if I stay here and wait. But, at least I can wait with company." Zano gave Itzl a smile as he took another sip from his coffee.

Itzi raised an eyebrow at Zano her arms crossed. She couldn’t help but smile at his comment about waiting with company, “Well, if you’re feeling useless sitting here sipping coffee, I might have a solution,” she said, a playful glint in her eye.

She gestured broadly to the controls surrounding her, “Only having two capable pilots on this ship, with one of them currently risking their neck for some shiny rocks, isn’t exactly ideal. So, how about this—I teach you how to pilot it?” Her tone was light but carried a note of seriousness. “I’ve mostly flown smaller airships back home, sure, but the basics are the same. It’s just… well, imagine the same principles, but multiplied by about ten.” She smirked. “Or twenty, depending on how temperamental this beast decides to be.”

Zano was about to sip what was left of his coffee but, stopped as he heard Itzi's offer with a eyebrow raised. "Hmm, learning how to pilot a airship... that is certainly a offer and.... Zano thought for a bit. "I think I will take you up on that, I have learned how a airship work but, learning how pilot a airship would certainly be a step up. That and it would be nice to have a backup pilot is anything were to happened you or the other pilot."

He looked around and found a place put down his coffee and with a smile, he looked back at Itzi. "I realize how hard it may be to learn but, you have yourself a eager student." He kept smiling while eyeing up the controls and took a deep breath.

"Well, I am ready when you are," sounding a bit nervous.

Itzi’s face lit up with a mixture of enthusiasm and determination as she clapped her hands together. “Alright, Zano, let’s get started! No better time than now to make yourself useful, huh?” She gestured for him to step closer to the console.

“This,” she began, her hand hovering over the throttle lever, “is your throttle. Controls our speed, forward and back. Smooth and steady wins the race here—yank it too fast, and you’ll have everyone onboard sliding into the walls.” She tapped the lever lightly and then pointed to the wheel. “And here’s your yoke. Steering’s just like turning a ship or even a car. Except instead of ground, we’ve got wind currents, and instead of brakes, we’ve got… well, nothing immediate.” She chuckled. “Takes a little finesse.”

She moved her hand over a row of toggles and gauges, her expression turning thoughtful for a moment. “These are for ballast adjustments. Keeps us balanced in the air. And the altimeter here tells you how high we are. Pretty straightforward, though the rest of these…” She hesitated briefly, her fingers brushing over unfamiliar dials. “Some of them are for finer adjustments I don’t usually mess with. They’re… more advanced.” She quickly moved on, her tone confident again. “But you won’t need to worry about those. Not yet, anyway.”

Zano walked over to the console and paid attention to what she said. Making a mental note of everything being said. Learning how a airship works should help with learning how to pilot one right? He sole thought as he listened to Itzi.

"Okay, I see Itzi and I think I understand what these things do." Sounding confidant, despite some lingering nervousness. "I might get the hang of this but, I have some questions."

Itzi smiled, "Shoot away."
Ven Ferr/Downtown Grey Vale

While the rest of the team was engaging at range. Ven went full on with his dual swords as he closed the gap between the Imperial Soldiers. He acted first and started slicing and dicing. Downing the first Imperial Soldier he came across, then the second and the third. But as the fight went on, there were still plenty of Imperial Soldiers left and while he was not getting shot at. Mir'aziel'thraw and Vivrynn shots downed three of the range soldiers. It seems like the remaining four range soldiers were ignoring him and Grydon and focused on Mir'aziel'thraw and Vivrynn as they were the bigger threats to them and started firing at them. With the soldiers near Michaela trying to rush her.

Which one of the police officers did pick up the plasma rifle and with a quick examination of it and accidently firing a shot near his feet. Did he get into positron and started firing at the Imperial Soldiers. Nailing at least two in the chest and they fell to the ground.

"We can do this," Ven yelled to his team as he was fighting. Dodging and blocking attacks from the Imperials in front of him while countering them when he could. "Do not let them surround you!" He said as advice as tried his best to be near to Grydon while trying to accidently get hit by his axe. As to protect each others flanks as to avoid getting surround and beat down from all sides.

Still, about thirteen of the imperials have been taken out and the remaining soldiers are they are still focused on taking down the power rangers despite their losses. Meanwhile off in the distance far down the street from the battle a figure was watching from afar. Judging how the battle was progressing and for now. They were content to watch from afar and there were still imperials left to fight. Time to see if the power rangers can call this day a victory.

@Cyrania@Duthguy@Hammy Chi@mattmanganon
Desmond Wathen
The Eye of the Beholder Inn

As Desmond excepted, the man's grip was tight and it hurts. Though he did not expect the spit and feeling the wet saliva on his hand was not a good feeling. Disgusting really but, Desmond tried his best to not seem grossed out or uncomfortable to Valgo. But, at least Desmond knows to prepare for the future if they handshake again. "And I will honor our deal and get your things. Do not worry about that," Desmond smiled though mainly to cover the pained expression his face wanted to do.

When it was over, Desmond expected Valgo to say something more or just leave but he did neither. Valgo just looking around and Desmond was wondering what he was doing. Then, the question was asked and he was a bit suspired that Valgo would ask him that. "No, Valgo, I am not a blightborn. I am a normal human," he motioned to the several clearly eaten chicken wings. "I eat normal food and not... people. Saying that last part as a whisper. Desmond sighed, "Though I have not meet a blightborn and I just know what other people have said and it is nothing good."

Desmond took a long sip from his drink and continued, "but I am now here and have to live with them so might as well learn more about them and what not." Sounding a bit cautious and looking around a bit. "But yeah, I am not a blightborn and well... you have any others questions you want to ask me?"

Interact - @Dark Light
I am still interested in this, just waiting on two people to post. Trying to see if they are still willing to post or not.
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