Name: Vrelenor (not his real name, but this is his idea of what an elven mage
should be called and his old name was boring)
Age: 21 mental and whatever the equivalent is physically for elves in this world.
Gender: Male.
Race: Elf
Appearance: Tall with dark hair and pointy elf ears, he'll dress the part of wizard ASAP. I have no artistic talent, but got one of those free AI's to whip something up, not sure what's going on with the cape but it has an appropriate amount of functionless belts and gets the idea across well enough. (I actually went back and tried to regenerate, I ran out of free uses, so just ignore the fingers)
Personality: Cheerful, friendly, convinced he's going to be the cool hero here, pretty bold, thinks he's funny. Definitely overconfident since he's yet to have that confidence crushed out of him by reality.
History: Not much of interest really, he was a reasonably smart college graduate, he'd grown up middle class, wasn't really paying the whole "crippling student loan debt" thing any attention and was sure he'd be getting some great tech job any day now. He was on the plane to make a connection at JFK, returning from a fun vacation where he'd got to go to one of those big conventions, taking advantage of his parents generosity and a schedule free of both classes and working.
Stats: (and why he picked them)
STR: 1 (pft, like he's going to hit things)
DEX: 2 (can't miss those cool spells he's totally getting)
MAG: 3 (time to be a wizard)
DEF: 1 (just don't be hit, can't be that hard)
RES: 1 (just don't be hit, can't be that hard, besides there's probably healing magic anyway)
AGI: 2 (run away faster, cast spells faster)
LCK: 2 (You can never be too lucky, besides he's the protagonist now, so maybe this is how plot armour works, pity he needs to spend the rest of his points in MAG)
Skills: None of these looked very cheaty, but maybe it's just a matter of figuring it out with his superior modern education (that is to say a basic college education in the entirely irrelevant field of web development) once he gets to try it out.
Skill Name: [Ice Magic]
Skill Description: Allows the manipulation of ice magic to cast ice spells.
(Simple logic here, he needs something that sounds capable of fighting because there's no way he's been transported to another world to not fight for his life, lightning is cool but one note, video games have taught him that fire immunity is everywhere, while fire magic is usually just as good with the bonus of making ice walls and stuff, plus he can probably learn more magic later, hopefully)