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Consciousness at last returns to Viktor, and with it confusion. The chains, his last real memory in who knows how long, are gone, yet he feels far from free, heavy limbs unwilling to move.

You have woken.
Patience, the Warden says, her voice like breaking glass. All in due time. They are waking.

Well that explains things, of course that horror needs no chains to bind him. Or rather them, it (and it's definitely an it in his mind, far too inhuman to be anything else) mentioned a they after all.
He strains to look at the shadowy figures, but only his eyes move, darting around their sockets.
But that is all he does, he vaguely hears some words from one of the shadows, but has no intention of wasting his breath here. Just stand and wait, they, whoever they are, are here for a reason and only time will reveal it.

??? - Mosslit Cavern

Vrelenor follows the others out and pauses to admire the view, the midday sun shining brilliantly as they reach the exit is pleasant on its own, they certainly had fortunate timing, but the seemingly endless forest below is like nothing he'd ever seen, so many trees!

"Well, that is quite the view, I've seen forests before, but not that reach the horizon. Uh, any of you know how to survive in a forest? Because I'm not seeing as much as a village."

He then follows Javal down the path, it's a little precarious, someone should really install a railing, but his new body seems to have come with a small upgrade to his balance, though whether it's an elf thing or one of the stats is unclear. Besides it's still a path, can't be that hard.

@Crusader Lord @Expendable @Crimson Paladin
I'm also fine either way, just do what seems more fun to you.

??? - Mosslit Cavern

The alcoves, the ones he was sure were hiding sneaky monsters, cunning traps, or at least some sort of puzzle, are completely empty. The idea that this world might not be that dangerous passes through Vrelenor's head, but it doesn't really fit, if that was the case they probably wouldn't have spawned in with a bunch of almost entirely combat-related stats and skills.

He calls over, sounding a little disappointed "Literally nothing in the alcoves, I have no idea why they're even here. We could try playing the flute, maybe it'll do something interesting and we could do that while moving. I've got to say a flute and a pelt is a very random combination though, random loot is certainly common in fiction, but doesn't make much sense, maybe when we get out of here we can ask a local."
He follows along behind Nyana.

@Crusader Lord @Expendable @Crimson Paladin
If I'm not too late then here's Viktor.

Still here, nearly done with my CS, just thinking up suitable examples of dark magic for him (beyond the summoning demons which is more how he got it than anything else)

??? - Mosslit Cavern

Vrelenor was about to explain that blocking the alcoves up with ice would both require getting pointlessly close and probably be quite ineffective without a way to anchor the ice in place, but Jason opened the chest before he opened his mouth.


It was so suspicious, even Jason thought it was a trap, and he doesn't seem to be familiar with the 'genre'. It's probably not a good idea to expect any sort of genre convention to apply to reality, and Vrelenor is certainly not going to voice any aloud, but it's like trying not to think of pink elephants, everything he seen so far just reminds him of fiction).

Vrelenor walks over to take a look inside, maybe some sort of puzzle, definitely not saying that aloud without more proof, don't think these guys would approve.
"Well, that's the last thing I expected, anyone play the flute or know what it's made of? Why is there a random flute in a harmless yet incredibly suspicious room?"

Maybe the alcoves hold a clue? He walks over to the nearest one and takes a look inside.

@Crusader Lord @Expendable @Crimson Paladin

??? - ???

"Well I tried, one of you armoured guys gets to go poke it now."

@Crusader Lord @Expendable @Crimson Paladin

??? - ???

He's not sure what good hitting it gently will do, but the chance to do some magic is tempting. "I can certainly try."
Vrelenor swiftly swings his staff around to point at the chest while manipulating mana with the strange new sense (or is it more like a limb? It's more active than any sense.) his skill gave him, a fist sized lump of ice forms in under a second and shoots towards the chest, he manages to hold back enough that it's no faster than if he'd simply thrown a rock.

@Crusader Lord @Expendable @Crimson Paladin @PKMNB0Y
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