When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
10 hrs ago
When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
2 mos ago
Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
1 yr ago
Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
1 yr ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
1 yr ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting
Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.
@Tortoise - Is it okay if Ilyana is now a worshiper of Fãrryn, her nation's goddess of the sea? She appears as a young elvish woman with wavy blue hair who reminds you of a playful dolphin. She has deep-set eyes the color of milk. She has an amazonian build. Her skin is white. She has thick eyebrows and small hands. Their icon is a conch shell.
She possesses two powerful items - a Conch Shell that allows her to control sea creatures, and Kŷiriŏn - a magic boat that can go anywhere at command (it is actually her son from a drunken trysk with a sailor, her father Ievis of the Forest thought her son was a degenerate and transformed him).
Ye! That's just fine.
Smol update, boys and girls. My goal is to kick off IC either today (the 29th, by my clock), or on Halloween. Today is my birthday, and Halloween is a holiday, so it seem appropriate to start the RP on one of those two occasions. I'll choose our first Destination.
At some point after the IC starts, I'll begin updating the "Lore of Alwyne" section of the OP with rough overviews of the lore that has thus far been created by our sheets. Things like the cultures, gods, magics and whatnot that we have already added to Alwyne. I'll probably be using a lot of direct quotations to save myself time ;P
Yet you ask about the character's D&D alignment in your sheet?
I mean, yeah. I figured it'd be a fun way to relate our character's ethos to something most people are already familiar with; it hardly makes this a DnD game, and I didn't at all expect it to be perceived that way. If you're genuinely saying that's how you took it, I'm a little bit shocked.
Yes, Ilyana is a retread from a failed discord group, I wanted to play her more and I was very familiar with her when your game first showed up.
Chill. I'm not attacking Ilyana, I'm just making sure that people are clear on the style of game I'm doing. I've seen first-hand the kind of chaos that happens when multiple groups of players have different ideas of how the RP should happen, and I'm trying to prevent that from happening here. You're fine.
Not at all. You've arrived very early to the party. This is the kind of RP that is gonna keep accepting players even when we're 50 posts into IC, so being here before we've even kicked off is the same as being one of our first players. You're at the ground floor, my good dude(tte)
Also cribbed a bit from DnD in terms of a deity (Selûne is pretty cool to me), but it's an easy swap out/alteration if that's not cash money.
You know, I feel this is something I should address. It often happens that, when I create a fantasy RP, DnD fans assume that I'm creating some kind of stat-less variant of DnD, and this is not the intention. To be frank, I've never played Dungeons and Dragons. I don't care for tabletop games, and this is not one.
So, while I won't stop you from using deities from that world, I'd frankly prefer if we could think of our own.
This goes for @Expendable as well, since Deep Sashelas seems to be borrowed from Forgotten Realms, and many of the things you write seem to imply to me that you think this RP is going to work much more like a tabletop game than it is. So, to be clear: I won't be rolling dice to see if your characters succeed in an action. If you pull out a new ability or tool fifteen posts in, I won't stop you and go "Wait a minute, you didn't mention that on your sheet!" so long as it feels believable in-line with your character. This is a narrative RP. We're telling a story together, we're writing something collaboratively; I am not the Dungeon Master.
All that said-
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Tiefling, 23 years old, six months in the Pilgrim's Caravan.
Appearance: Illuminated by pale moonlight, Nem is a young woman touched by the abyss, and unmistakably marked by her infernal heritage. Taller than most, she moves with grace, and stands with poise beyond her years. Fearful stares follow her, meeting eyes somehow still full of cheer, brilliant orbs of gold. Two large horns sit atop her head and curve stylishly backwards. Long blue hair cascades past her horns, resting freely at the whims of her movements and the wind. Her skin is the color of cool sapphire and a gentle smile is spoiled only by pointed canine teeth that have a frightful effect on the unprepared. Nem has a thick, long tail that reaches some five feet in length. She has bat-like wings sprouting from her shoulders, politely kept neatly folded against her back.
Nemeia hails from the distant land of Stygia, a frozen wasteland said to be ruled by Levistus, archdevil and merchant of souls, known for offering bargains to those faced with inescapable doom makes no effort to dispel such horrific notions and cheerfully explains that she is indeed from the fifth layer of the Nine Hells unmistakably and undoubtedly honest, the veracity of such a claim is difficult to establish little consensus to be found in the few ancient history books that still mention Stygia
her father was an elf her mother a demon the youngest of seven siblings all great and terrible warriors an infamous warlord or two an infernal crusader rumored to have burned the Holy Library of Ostoc to the ground no less than three times
describes a happy relationship with her parents admits her relatives expressed some confusion regarding her chosen vocation faithful demons were not unheard of, but to worship a goddess of good was less than desirable despairing for her future prospects, her parents encouraged her to travel
storied adventures prejudice insults threats violence guided by the wisdom of her mistress forgiveness, compassion a time of spiritual growth and great learning
Nem claims to be on a holy quest, the result of a deal made by a traveling cleric and Levistus himself. For all her openness, Nem is surprisingly secretive concerning the details of her appointed task, offering only an impish smile and wink if pushed for further information.
Personality: Nem is a creature of contradictions. She is a devil with religion. She is a being formed in no small part from chaos and evil, yet dedicated wholeheartedly to good. She is a devoted cleric, with not an ounce of regard for chastity. She is a cleric in good standing, unbound by orthodoxy. She is a humble servant of moon goddess, held in great favor by her mistress.
Nem is moonflower uncorrupted by the soil of her native land and untouched by the machinations of her infernal kin. She is kind, friendly, and possess little of the bitterness that (rightfully) afflicts other tieflings. Many are quick to point out her many are quick to point out her obvious heritage and proclaim that she must have some sort of demonic and evil scheme. However, despite Nem's obvious heritage, her heart is kind and her soul is pure.
Motivation: Desiring to do good and much more of good at that, Nemeia has joined the Pilgrim's Caravan in order that she may reach more souls in need of help.
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Skills: * Cleric: Nemeia is a divine spellcaster, a conduit for divine power, casts cleric spells, her domain is twilight, skilled in the magic expected of a good aligned cleric, healing, rebuking the undead, and spells related to protection from evil * Martial Training: While no fighter, Nemeia has been taught enough about mundane weapons to be capable of defending herself or others. After all, honorable goals such as protecting temples, escorting pilgrims, and helping those in need can rarely be achieved solely through magic. *
Strengths & Weaknesses: + Resistant to fire & ice + Darkvision: Nemeia has superior vision in dark and dim conditions + Infernal Linguistics: As a result of her particular familial constellation, Nem is a comfortable convering in common, Elven, and Infernal + Infernal Magic: Thanks to her infernal heritage, Nemeia commands magic tied to hell that spawned her. + Wings: Nem has a pair of pale, bat-like wings that allow her to fly at a modest pace.
- Fanatical Idealist: Nemeia would happily die for her beliefs, certain that she can do nothing else but fight for what is right, to convince her to deviate from her wholeheartedly carried principles is an act of hopelessness. Nemeia will stubbornly refuse any and all entreaties to be pragmatic. - Reckless: Stemming from her faith and idealism, Nem is loathe to acknowledge risk and when she does she pays it little mind if the task is noble in purpose. - Poorly Perceived and Received: Few readily or easily trust tieflings, convinced that they are no different than their demonic progenitors. At times, mistrust morphs into hatred and Nem has experienced no small amount of poor treatment. In some lands, Nemeia has found that even undeserved acts of violence are to be expected from strangers.
Tools * Holy Symbol: a silver pendent depicting the holy symbol of Selûne (a bright pair of eyes of a darkly beautiful human woman, encircled by seven silver stars). * Holy Staff: the symbol of her high office, Nemeia possesses a wooden staff wrapped with silver, including silver flowers and vines, and topped with a moonstone * Clerical Robes: white robes embroidered with silver and decorated with moonstones * Clerical Circlet: a circlet of woven flowers and vines worn around the head * Clothes for the Road: Nemeia owns a set of clothes well-suited for travel. Thick boots, a wool skirt reaching past her knees, a sturdy belt, a shirt with a jacket and an ample cloak with hood. * Traveling Pack: a leather backpack containing a blanket, 10 candles, a tinder box, an alms box, 2 blocks of incense, a censer, vestments, several days worth of rations, and waterskin. * Heavy Mace: four-flanged heavy mace of potent magical power * Scale Mail: comprised a suit of perfectly circular scales of opalescent appearance that glowed faintly with silver light
What They Most Want: Nemeia wants to be good, she wants to do good, she wants to change the world for the better. She wants to be better than her ancestors, she to be kinder than her kin, and she wants to be a merciful light in the dark winter night.
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be: Neutral Good
Three Likes: + A social creature, Nemeia enjoys good food and good company in equal measure. + Steeped in religion, Nemeia appreciates exposure to new stories, be they written, spoken, or even sung. + Nemeia is immensely fond of all animals, she absolutely adores cats and other fuzzy creatures.
Three Dislikes: - Violence: Nemeia regards violence with great disdain - Cruelty: Having seen and experienced the cruelty of the abyss, Nemeia has had more than her fill of cruelty and seeks only to spread kindness in the world. - Laziness: Nemeia believes in action, she likes to do things, many things, probably too many things, and she does not take kindly to those predisposed to overzealous inactivity.
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?: Nem unwaveringly and unhesistantly follows her heart.
Worst Fear: The greatest fear that Nem has is that she will one day succumb to the base and cruel desires associated with her infernal heritage.
Favorite Color: Blue
Most Like The Animal: Capybara
Favorite Time of Day: Nemeia has a shifting favoritism towards the time of day that shifts based on the phases of the moon. She is most fond of the times of day, usually night, when the moon shines the brightest in the sky.
How They Dress: Traveling Nem dresses pragmatically, wearing clothes suitable for long, arduous journeys (thick boots, a wool skirt reaching past her knees, a sturdy belt, a shirt with a jacket and an ample cloak with hood).
Performing ritual or ceremony, she dons a white robe embroidered with silver and decorated with moonstones, a circlet of woven flowers worn around her head, and embraces a distinct lack of shoes.
In times of great danger, with violence expected, Nem will wear her suit of scale armor.
Favorite Season: Nemeia_ holds Winter as her favorite season is Winter. Cold days and colder nights, long hours painted with snow and ice remind her of her distant home.
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any): Nem worships the many shifting forms of the moon goddess Selûne.
I'll probably approve this character, when the history is completed. But, for the above reasons, I have to ask that you reconsider some of the language you use. Things like "a conduit for divine power, casts cleric spells, her domain is twilight, skilled in the magic expected of a good aligned cleric" brings forward the problems I mentioned above, where it ties us to DnD and other such games that this is not intended to be a clone of.
Remember, folks: this is an open-ended, narrative, story-telling RP, with a somewhat laid back vibe. If you'd like, I can compare it to a fantasy book that we're all writing together.
Note: Being the GM, I have nobody to ask approval from when I update my CS. Nonetheless I feel that I should tell the rest of y'all that I changed Athulwin's attributes a little bit. I removed everything about him knowing martial combat (I didn't feel it fit his character) and all forms of physical fighting from the character, and instead expanded more on his fire and wind powers. He's much more of a pyromancer now, and since he's cursed to be very weak, he's also a bit of a glass cannon.
The Strengths and Weaknesses section especially has been fixed up. It feels more consistent; before, I think I was trying to do too many different things, and now it should hopefully be one solid idea.
Ok, here you go. I'm happy with how it turned out but amenable to suggestions.
Gruyere Emmentaler Caerphilly Yarg
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Human (Supposedly), 34, 2 years 8 months and 1 day
Appearance: Though ostensibly human, Gru possesses an odd assortment of shapes and proportions that make him seem less like a real person and more like a caricature come to life. Standing on the shorter side at a mere 5’7”, Gru possesses a somewhat unimpressive, heavyset physique, with thin arms and legs, a rotund middle, and not much neck, which his hunched posture certainly doesn’t help. His eyes are small, sunken, and a beady black. He bears a very prominent hooked nose, a strong chin made even stronger by his pointed goatee, and what might be termed a triple mustache with three tapered lengths extending to either side. It’s wenge, a dark drab brown, like his somewhat greasy hair, which is worn slicked back with a long, thin ponytail. Large, scruffy eyebrows and sideburns complete the look. His skin is quite pale, though it gets quite pink around his nose, ears, chin, et cetera
History: For centuries, if anyone were to go searching around the world for a place they could call ‘paradise’, they might have very well ended up at Arcadia, the Valley of Plenty. Its famous black soil, rich with minerals and impossibly fertile, can be traced back to the activity of volcanoes that arose long ago thanks to the region’s fault line. Exactly when settlers first arrived to farm the valley is up for debate, but eventually people of all shapes and sizes would flock to the region in an unprecedented gold rush not for metal, but for grain. For a time budding nations fought over the Valley of Plenty, but after almost destroying the area’s natural beauty and abundance forever, wiser heads prevailed in the nick of time to strike a truce. The paradise became Arcadia, a no-man’s land and a shared blessing to all, governed by a council with representatives from various nations and hailed by many as the agricultural capital of the world. It would remain that way for an age, so valuable to surrounding nations that any threat to it would result in action from all the rest, keeping the Valley of Plenty in peace.
During that time, many mercantile guilds would come and go, managing trade both within Arcadia and with foreign countries. With so many competing interests, its economy was in a state of constant flux, but a few guilds endured. One was the Chemists’ Guild. It specialized in investment, repayment, research, and development, with fingers in countless given pies at any one moment despite the rather tight-knit, clandestine nature with which it operated. The Chemists provided miraculous fertilizers and other products that enriched their clients with harvests of unprecedented bounty even for Arcadia, with vegetables and livestock larger than usual, as well as cultivation of crops not typically climate with the region. Other suppliers just couldn’t compete. Despite the whispers about unconventional, even occult methods, official investigators found nothing amiss, and the Chemists became rich. Of course, they new this couldn’t last. In their underground laboratories they pursued ever more ambitious means to combat soil depletion and ensure that the perennial bumper crop never wavered. One day, things went wrong.
That night, there was no massive explosion. No destruction or indication of any calamity whatsoever. Yet in the morning, with no fanfare, the Chemists quietly packed their bags and left. Those who saw them thought nothing of it, for the Chemists often traveled to secure the rare and exotic materials for their craft, but in the weeks afterward things began to change. It began with the soil, as it became slightly discolored, adopting an odd, fuzzy texture. The crops planted at the time began to experience accelerated growth, initially celebrated by the farmers as the Chemists’ latest innovation made free to all in as a mark of respect for the age-old, often-forgotten tradition of Arcadian generosity. But as large as they grew, the crops weren’t quite right. They came out with strange colors and textures, tasting terrible. Livestock experienced madness and premature death. Soon, the people began to curse the Chemists for unleashing a plague upon them. Those with the means began to leave, but the rest did what they could to purge the disease and try again for the better. Instead, things continued to worsen. Strange, fuzzy growths appeared all over the ground. Animals began to experience grotesque deformities, dying or rampaging in large numbers. The people who remained were in denial, eventually to a delusional extent, and evidencing signs of infection themselves. Attempts at stopping the infection failed, and soon the whole valley was under quarantine.
Within months, fungal mold had infested all of Arcadia, taking over and eventually consuming everything that had ever eaten infected food. Few witnesses ever risked going into what would come to be known as Mycelia, the Valley of Blight, but disturbing rumors got out about what happened deep inside. They say that the mold eventually replaced everything that it killed. Mold birds singing in mold trees that bore mold fruits. Mold predators roaming mold woods hunting mold beasts that nibbled mold grass. Mold farmers tilling mold fields and selling mold grains. Mold men worshiping mold gods and dreaming mold dreams about a land of perfect peace and happiness with neither grief, nor disparity, nor greed.
Well before the point that the ruin of Arcadia became known far and wide, a man who called himself Gruyere E.C. Yarg, known to his friends as Gru (if only he had any, as he often jokes), joined the Pilgrim’s Caravan with a small carriage run by rats. Styling himself as a self-made merchant, he used his travels with them to run a small-scale cheese-making operation. Rather than horde money, he put most of his earnings back into his business, either improving his ever-evolving Chuck Wagon or purchasing milk, feed, rennet, grapes, salt, and cheese-making tips from the various farms he visited during his travels. Gradually he’d build up a reputation as a sleazy-looking but reliable itinerant merchant, his quality products (if not his attitude) earning him a good reputation. Like many members of the Caravan, he doesn’t talk about his past much, and if asked only ever mentions a boring and humble beginning in the small village of Stilton, never bothering to mention where it was. The past, as Gru says, is behind him. He wants nothing more than to practice his beloved craft, care for his beloved rats, and live a comfortable, quiet life.
Personality: To most, Gruyere would appear to be the archetypal unsavory businessman or snake oil salesman. He’s greedy, cunning, jocular, and capricious, bitingly sarcastic one moment and an obsequious lickspittle the next. Whatever it takes to make the sale. In fact, his manner sometimes undermines the fact that his products are actually very high quality, made to his exacting standards. In terms of his business dealings, he’s actually pretty honest. He’s just not very nice. Highly secretive and private, both about his trade skills and life, he isn’t very social and minds his own business as much as possible. While he doesn’t like conflict, he’s competitive and vindictive, never forgetting a slight. He cares a lot about his rats, both for their own sake and for the joy they bring him, and he gives them all the love that withholds from his fellow man. A perennial miser, he never does anything for free, and he expects anyone he deals with to honor their word
Motivation: To continue building up his business and ‘family’ in pursuit of a comfortable life
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools:
+ Cheesemonger: Gru’s trade skill. He’s cultivated almost encyclopedic knowledge of how to make cheeses, from the chemistry of their creation to the tools needed to produce them. The cheeses he makes are of very high quality and nutritional value, and he prides himself on their appearances and flavors across a whole host of different styles. This is how he makes his money while in the Caravan; taking and orders while on the road, selling pre-made cheeses or taking orders for clients, then aging the cheeses he makes until the Caravan visits them again and he can fulfill those orders. Somewhat more recently he’s also tried diversifying into wine, a trade that demands even more patience but pairs well with his main craft. He makes these foodstuffs with a speed and efficiency few can match
+ Friend of Animals: Gru is much better with animals than he is with people. This extends to most (domesticated) animals, so whether it’s cows, goats, sheep, or even camels and yaks, they feel comfortable and affectionate around him, and he around them. This means he can often get top yield from whatever animals he encounters, and he’s a surprisingly good companion on hunts
+ Rat Authority - His natural bond with one animal completely transcends all the rest: rats. For whatever reason, he’s so completely in-tune with rats that they lack any fear of or hostility toward him, even in huge numbers. He knows how to take good care of rats, and ‘his’ rats listen to him almost unconditionally, obeying his orders like trained dogs and exhibiting unusual intelligence, strength, and dexterity. This goes double for his four favorite rats: Pepper Jack, Rick Otta, Wensley Dale, and Reggie Ano. If Gru is the general, they are the captains. Working as hordes under his command, his rats are capable of astonishing feats, so much so that one can’t help but wonder if this bond is supernatural
+ The Chuck Wagon: Named after his father Charles, Gru’s personal method of transportation is possibly the most impressive thing about him. It’s the largest wagon in the Pilgrim’s Caravan by far, and isn’t just a living space, but a mobile cheese factory that he’s put huge amounts of money into perfecting. It’s divided into ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ halves, each with their own doors on the right side. The wet half is essentially a laboratory, with multiple vats and tanks for liquid storage, milk coagulation, curd separation, brining, and so forth, all watertight and able to be locked down during travel. There’s even vat for the crushing and fermentation of grapes The dry half has shelves for drying and aging cheese (and also wine), and is where Gru lives. The top floor of the Chuck Wagon, about a foot in height and known as the ‘attic’, is a compartment reserved exclusively for his rats. They have little houses in there with straw bedding, food stores, etc, and on good days Gru can open up the top of the wagon to make the little village open to the air. On the left side of the wagon are two large silos, one filled with water and the other with rat food, including grains, seeds, and nuts. Perhaps most interesting is how the wagon moves; instead of being drawn by horses or other beasts of burden, it has eight enormous wheels, four in the front and four in the back. These are hollow and function as giant hamster wheels, making the Chuck Wagon entirely rat-powered. The rats work the wheels (and, under Gru’s supervision, the kitchen) in shifts and go up into the attic to rest
- Noncombatant: Gru isn’t really a fighter. He doesn’t have the constitution for it, nor the interest. He prefers to get others -people or otherwise- to do his fighting for him, especially if there’s serious risk and/or publicity involved
- Something Irreplaceable: Although Gru’s greatest strength, the Chuck Wagon is also his greatest weakness. It’s very important to him, and he’s extremely averse to any damage to it. Losing it is practically out of the question, and there’s very little he wouldn’t do to keep it safe. After all, it’s not just the source of his livelihood; it’s everything he owns, and without it, he’d be almost nothing. The same goes for his rats. While losing them isn’t the end of the world, they’re all his friends, and not just tools for him
- Unlikeable: In contrast to animals, people generally don’t like him, and he doesn’t like them. His generally acerbic attitude makes it difficult for genuine relationships to form, and he prefers businesslike arrangements of give and take where expectations are clear and no strings are attached
Mycomancy Gru isn’t just a businessman. He’s also a practitioner of a dark school of magic that manipulates fungi, especially mold–a fact he’s gone to great lengths to hide. He only ever practices it in the privacy of the Chuck Wagon’s interior, and even then in very small scale, manipulating mold to make cheese and the yeast that ferments wine to speed up the processes. In his time with the Caravan to date, he’s never needed to resort to using it for combat in front of the others, instead relying on his rats for self-defense. However, it’s possible for him to infest living things with mold that corrupt and weaken them from within, reducing their speed and defense so much that even he can kill them easily, let alone his rats. This mold can also be used to break down and dispose of dead organic matter, and create mold creatures under his control
Gru also owns four cheese-making tools that he keeps in his Chuck Wagon which happen to be usable as weapons. This includes:
Two cheese knives the size of scimitars, curved and with double-pointed tips
A cheese fork with a shaft so long it functions as a bident
A spico, a kind of curd-cutting tool about the size and shape of a large mace, but with a head shaped like a round cage of blades
A curd harp, essentially a shovel where the head is a square array of cutting blades
He could try fighting with these if he wanted, but they're mostly wielded by his favorite rats when they become Rat Kings. This is when Gru commands them to use swarms of their fellow rats to create large, bear-shaped rat masses that Pepper, Rick, Wensley, and Reggie 'pilot'. These Rat Kings are very strong, but since at least a few rats die whenever the Rat Kings take a hit, they'll typically fall back to regroup if threatened with serious losses
Greatest Desire: To never face the consequences of his actions
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Three Likes: His rats, his cheese, and his trade
Three Dislikes: Nosy people, unreasonable people, unmanageable people
Driving Organ: After seeing where his mind got him, Gru decided to follow his heart
Worst Fear: His secret getting out
Favorite Color: Wine red
Most Like The Animal: It’s hard to say
Favorite Time of Day: Dinnertime
Style of Dress: Gru dresses in the style of early industrialists, like the archetypal oil baron, with a rough, outdoorsy sort of formal wear. He’s given to large, heavy, long coats, expensive but still highly functional, worn over a pinstriped suit vest and pants with accompanying tie, ascot, or bow tie (his favorite). He prefers dark, desaturated colors, including black, brown, gray, and red. Most often he wears gray, accentuated by wine red. He’s seldom seen without gloves or boots, a mix of function and (perhaps questionable) fashion that nevertheless form a iconic aesthetic. Most iconic of all are his very small dark spectacles and his tricorn hat. That hat’s side flaps are much larger and rounder than the forward one, which together with its pink underside give the impression of big, floppy ears. One other thing to note is that all of his coats seemingly have a big gray fur collar. On closer inspection, this collar is actually a mass of live rats, so he literally has rats on him at all times (when possible, anyway). He also keeps one of his four favorite rats under his hat at all times, which itself wears a hat while doing so
Favorite Season: Spring, the best season for farm animals to feed on fresh growth, and thus the best season for cheese
Beliefs: That everybody deserves a second chance
This is the best sheet I've seen thus far. It has a character mixed with revulsion, mystery and humor, and at the same time adds to the Lore of Alwyne beautifully. The Fall of Arcadia's part of our history now. And, furthermore- I can't help but wonder if we'll visit the Valley of Blight on our travels? Mayhaps you'll pick it as our Destination, when it's your turn? I got some The Colour Out of Space vibes when I was reading what happened to it.
Regardless, Gru is double-extra approved. My only request is that you change the part where it says that his caravan is "the largest" in the group to saying that it's simply "one of the largest," so that other players don't feel limited in how big they can go.
He also keeps one of his four favorite rats under his hat at all times, which itself wears a hat while doing so
To be fair, a lunatic screeching about THE SUN AND THE LIGHT with scrawled snakes all over their wall in questionable fluids does sound pretty survival horror.
The Dinnin are a crossover event with another one of Tort's RPs (technically two since there's a fantasy and sci-fi version of them) with three seperate sub-societies all grouped under the 'Dinnin' banner. Excited to get into them if I get the chance!
Yeah at this point I just assume that every RP I make is gonna connect to the Dinnin, one way or another. They're turning into the extended universe of my games.
I'mma make a horror survival RP some day and you'll find a way to have a character who follows the Dinnin's faith wandering around the abandoned insane asylum somehow.
Current RP I want you to join:
Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Current RP I want you to join: <a href="" title="">…</a><br><br>Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href=""><img src="" /></a></div></div>