Avatar of Tortoise


Recent Statuses

10 hrs ago
Current When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
2 mos ago
Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
1 yr ago
Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
1 yr ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
1 yr ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting


Current RP I want you to join: roleplayerguild.com/topics/191461-car…

Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.

Most Recent Posts

@Tortoise - Is it okay if Ilyana is now a worshiper of Fãrryn, her nation's goddess of the sea? She appears as a young elvish woman with wavy blue hair who reminds you of a playful dolphin. She has deep-set eyes the color of milk. She has an amazonian build. Her skin is white. She has thick eyebrows and small hands. Their icon is a conch shell.

She possesses two powerful items - a Conch Shell that allows her to control sea creatures, and Kŷiriŏn - a magic boat that can go anywhere at command (it is actually her son from a drunken trysk with a sailor, her father Ievis of the Forest thought her son was a degenerate and transformed him).

Ye! That's just fine.

Smol update, boys and girls. My goal is to kick off IC either today (the 29th, by my clock), or on Halloween. Today is my birthday, and Halloween is a holiday, so it seem appropriate to start the RP on one of those two occasions. I'll choose our first Destination.

At some point after the IC starts, I'll begin updating the "Lore of Alwyne" section of the OP with rough overviews of the lore that has thus far been created by our sheets. Things like the cultures, gods, magics and whatnot that we have already added to Alwyne. I'll probably be using a lot of direct quotations to save myself time ;P
Yet you ask about the character's D&D alignment in your sheet?

I mean, yeah. I figured it'd be a fun way to relate our character's ethos to something most people are already familiar with; it hardly makes this a DnD game, and I didn't at all expect it to be perceived that way. If you're genuinely saying that's how you took it, I'm a little bit shocked.

Yes, Ilyana is a retread from a failed discord group, I wanted to play her more and I was very familiar with her when your game first showed up.

Chill. I'm not attacking Ilyana, I'm just making sure that people are clear on the style of game I'm doing. I've seen first-hand the kind of chaos that happens when multiple groups of players have different ideas of how the RP should happen, and I'm trying to prevent that from happening here. You're fine.
Arriving a bit late to the party

Not at all. You've arrived very early to the party. This is the kind of RP that is gonna keep accepting players even when we're 50 posts into IC, so being here before we've even kicked off is the same as being one of our first players. You're at the ground floor, my good dude(tte)

Also cribbed a bit from DnD in terms of a deity (Selûne is pretty cool to me), but it's an easy swap out/alteration if that's not cash money.

You know, I feel this is something I should address. It often happens that, when I create a fantasy RP, DnD fans assume that I'm creating some kind of stat-less variant of DnD, and this is not the intention. To be frank, I've never played Dungeons and Dragons. I don't care for tabletop games, and this is not one.

So, while I won't stop you from using deities from that world, I'd frankly prefer if we could think of our own.

This goes for @Expendable as well, since Deep Sashelas seems to be borrowed from Forgotten Realms, and many of the things you write seem to imply to me that you think this RP is going to work much more like a tabletop game than it is. So, to be clear: I won't be rolling dice to see if your characters succeed in an action. If you pull out a new ability or tool fifteen posts in, I won't stop you and go "Wait a minute, you didn't mention that on your sheet!" so long as it feels believable in-line with your character. This is a narrative RP. We're telling a story together, we're writing something collaboratively; I am not the Dungeon Master.

All that said-

I'll probably approve this character, when the history is completed. But, for the above reasons, I have to ask that you reconsider some of the language you use. Things like "a conduit for divine power, casts cleric spells, her domain is twilight, skilled in the magic expected of a good aligned cleric" brings forward the problems I mentioned above, where it ties us to DnD and other such games that this is not intended to be a clone of.

Remember, folks: this is an open-ended, narrative, story-telling RP, with a somewhat laid back vibe. If you'd like, I can compare it to a fantasy book that we're all writing together.
Update: IC planned for early next week. Monday or Tuesday (Halloween) are the targets.
Alright y'all- is there anyone currently working on a WIP sheet? I'm trying to get a good general idea for when to kick off IC.
Note: Being the GM, I have nobody to ask approval from when I update my CS. Nonetheless I feel that I should tell the rest of y'all that I changed Athulwin's attributes a little bit. I removed everything about him knowing martial combat (I didn't feel it fit his character) and all forms of physical fighting from the character, and instead expanded more on his fire and wind powers. He's much more of a pyromancer now, and since he's cursed to be very weak, he's also a bit of a glass cannon.

The Strengths and Weaknesses section especially has been fixed up. It feels more consistent; before, I think I was trying to do too many different things, and now it should hopefully be one solid idea.
Ok, here you go. I'm happy with how it turned out but amenable to suggestions.



This is the best sheet I've seen thus far. It has a character mixed with revulsion, mystery and humor, and at the same time adds to the Lore of Alwyne beautifully. The Fall of Arcadia's part of our history now. And, furthermore- I can't help but wonder if we'll visit the Valley of Blight on our travels? Mayhaps you'll pick it as our Destination, when it's your turn? I got some The Colour Out of Space vibes when I was reading what happened to it.

Regardless, Gru is double-extra approved. My only request is that you change the part where it says that his caravan is "the largest" in the group to saying that it's simply "one of the largest," so that other players don't feel limited in how big they can go.


He also keeps one of his four favorite rats under his hat at all times, which itself wears a hat while doing so


To be fair, a lunatic screeching about THE SUN AND THE LIGHT with scrawled snakes all over their wall in questionable fluids does sound pretty survival horror.

@Crusader Lord

The Dinnin are a crossover event with another one of Tort's RPs (technically two since there's a fantasy and sci-fi version of them) with three seperate sub-societies all grouped under the 'Dinnin' banner. Excited to get into them if I get the chance!

Yeah at this point I just assume that every RP I make is gonna connect to the Dinnin, one way or another. They're turning into the extended universe of my games.

I'mma make a horror survival RP some day and you'll find a way to have a character who follows the Dinnin's faith wandering around the abandoned insane asylum somehow.
For those wondering, yes, dwarves of all genders and sexes have beards. At least the Dinnin kind.

I like to imagine they're born with stubble.
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