Location: Percy's Pants
Skills: Can tie a cherry stem with his tongue, telekinesis, astral projection.
Work Out Fit
What if he didn't? Didn't what? Change uniforms? Dorian knew that Percy wasn't exactly the most
fashionable person, but even he had to understand that Dorian's look had to be cohesive. He'd turned around, still in his boxers, to say as much towards Percy when he noticed the red tinging his boyfriend's cheeks. A sudden realization came over Dorian, he'd meant something beyond the realm of what he'd previously imagined.
”What if I…don't put on…more clothes? Mon chère, you tease me. Non?” Dorian asked expectedly, seeing if Percy had truly meant for them to have a bit of fun before going to the meeting they were already very late for.
“Mais non!” Percy stammered, his mutant gift triggering as he began to speak back in French without realizing.
“Je ne te moque pas, c’est juste…On pourra…” He hesitated again, scrunching up his nose slightly. Words were usually so easy. But now? Now he couldn’t think of how to say what he wanted to - his entire grasp of language seemed to be eluding him.
“… Je n’ai pas des mots, désolé…”Dorian smirked, locking eyes with Percy as he answered.
”It's a good t'ing words aren't exactly needed for t'is sort of t'ing. Just actions.” It was cute seeing his boyfriend all flustered like this. He hardly ever got to see him like this. Without much thought, Dorian's eyes traced down Percy's shirt, slowly taking him in, as one by one the buttons on Percy's shirt began to come undone. His right hand grabbed Percy by the tie, pulling him closer as he straddled him and his left hand began to phase and took Percy's shirt with it. He tossed it off to the side, catching it with his telekinesis as it gently folded itself while it flew down onto the desk nearby before Dorian went in for a kiss.
Something inside of Percy simultaneously tightened and melted at Dorian’s remark, his boyfriend smoother with language in that moment than Percy could ever help to be. He’d never really quivered before, but his body was trembling wherever Dorian’s gaze fell - as the buttons of his shirt were neatly undone with just a look, a look that he knew he’d never be able to get out of his head - as Dorian pulled him in by his tie, before trapping him beneath him, his shirt carefully set aside and Dorian’s lips dove down onto his like a prayer.
This must be what nectar tastes like, Percy thought dimly - the only coherent thought that afforded itself to him, as he did his best to match Dorian’s lips, his tongue expressing what his mind could not.
Dorians hand held tight onto the tie as his other began to run down Percy's chest, stopping just above the waist of his pants as he hooked a finger underneath it. He was about to ask if he could remove them when he heard a grating voice behind him. Somehow Diana had managed to get into his room, and what's worse was his hand was now about midway beneath the fabric as they were making out atop his bed.
jumped in surprise at hearing his sister’s voice - not a physical jump however, but one of displacement. He was so entangled in Dorian’s limbs and body that as Percy instinctively retreated to the nearest safe location - his dorm room - Dorian was teleported alongside. His heart was pounding and his eyes were wide, startled at the abrupt change of… well,
“...Diana? Could you knock next time?” Percy said, his tone dazed, but the language he was reaching to switched back to English once more.
A blue light wrapped around Dorian, disorienting him for a moment as he instantly knew he wasn't in his own dorm room again. The scent of coffee they kept on tabular now replaced with that of old books that littered the shelves. It was Percy's room, which meant no roommates to interrupt either.
”Or just don't come in at all next time.” Dorian chimed in before he went into it again. His powers entangling with his movements as they moved from the bed to a wall, pressed against it and held up by his telekinesis.
Percy couldn’t help but be flustered at first, from his sister’s interruption to Dorian’s immediate continuation - and yet, it was still too easy to fall back into the rhythm they had quickly found, his body yearning for more, wanting Dorian to be closer, impossibly close. He felt his back up against the wall, felt himself held up by Dorian’s strength, and
gods, Percy could barely help himself. Every inch of him felt like it had been set on fire, and the only salvation could be found in Dorian - every breath of air felt like an eternity, another desperate gasp before his lips could fall upon his again, as Percy clutched Dorian’s bareback, his fingers twitching out patterns like sigils.
Dorian hardly knew what he was doing, it wasn't like he got around at all at school, but whatever it was he was doing Percy had seemed to be enjoying it. So like most of the things he did in life, he tried not to think too hard on it and just go with the motions. His hand had finally found it's way underneath Percy's pants, grabbing purchase to what lay beneath. He began to make his way down, kissing down his neck, then chest, until finally he'd made it down to Percy's waist and removed his pants. As for what happened next, Well Dorian Gray can tie a cherry stem with only his tongue.