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Demetri Rowan Howell


A sudden wash of emotion rolled over him. Calming, soothing, presence that helped to stamp down his anger towards Nancy, towards the situation, and allowed him to think more clearly. This had nothing to do with approval, and everything to do with their attitudes and how they'd responded. Demi had offered to help them in their duty, to do what he knew to be wrong, just to extend an olive branch to the Romans. Yet they spat in his face. Even now it seemed as though they couldn't grasp why any of this had happened. He pitied them really. Ignoring Kieras protests and half views on what had even transpired. He closed the distance between him and Nancy, slowly letting her down from his grasp in the shadows.

ā€That's where you're wrong and we differ Nancy. I do regret attacking you, and I thank Niah for her timely intervention. I can't say what I mightā€™ve done if my judgement continued to be clouded.ā€ Demetri watched as his boyfriend left them. Heading to be by himself while everyone else was left to sort themselves out more or less. ā€You've clearly got this handled and don't want or need my help to escort. So go about your duty. I'll beā€¦somewhere.ā€ Demi said as he began to walk away. He shifted, wishing to be a bird in flight but instead landing on an Emu. At least they had incredible running speeds. So he did. He ran, bolting towards Zeus Cabin.
@Morose I think I'll do the same and swap out QL for the 3rd trait
Dorian Gray

Location: Percy's Pants
Skills: Work Out Fit

The beeping of the coffee machine rang through the room as Dorian and Percy laid there for a moment. Dorian had gotten up, making his way over to the coffee pot and grabbing a mug from where Percy usually had them placed. He'd gotten used to his boyfriend's layout, even if they were divided by a whole break. Countless times spent in his room to study for classes, or simply hang out while Percy studied and Dorian played on his handheld. He poured himself a cup, looking over towards Percy with an empty mug. ā€Want a cup as well. T'ink you'll be needin' it.ā€ He joked, chuckling as he spoke. His phone buzzed and rang from the other room, a ringtone April would recognize as their group chat tone playing for all to hear from within the bundles of his pants.

ā€Merde, eit'er April or Danni are tryin' to reach us and I don't ā€˜ave my phone on me.ā€

Percy nodded - a cup of coffee was definitely needed. He thought he had been completely exhausted after the first session - after the second? His mind and body both felt like jello. He was completely dazed and content, and the rest of the world felt so very far away - that is, until Dorianā€™s phone rang through the thin walls.

He had to hide a small smile though at the way Dorian said us - he liked that.

ā€Allow me,ā€ he offered, stumbling slightly out of bed - he hadnā€™t realized how sore he felt - and he slipped on the nearest change of clothes that he could find. Then in a small flash of blue light, Percy teleported into Dorianā€™s room, which was thankfully unoccupied, and he grabbed the offending phone. Another jump and he was back in his own room, standing by Dorianā€™s side, phone outstretched.

ā€Oooo what a gentleman. Tā€™ank you mon cœur.ā€ Dorian replied as he took his phone from Percy's hands. He noticed he had several missed messages, between April and also Vicky. Clearly the idea of students going dark was hanging on Vicky. Though the wording was a bit odd. Dorian turned his phone towards Percy for him to see, ā€Apparently Vicky also needs my ā€˜elp? Could be cuz i understand ā€˜er tech suit but wouldn't Zari be just as good?ā€ He said with a shrug before texting her back.

Percy read the message quickly, before scowling deeply. ā€She shouldnā€™t be saying that about you.ā€ Maybe he needed to make it more known, his attachment to Dorian. He knew that married couples wore rings - what did boyfriends do?

ā€Its fine. Danni says it all t'e time to. Really freaked our parents out t'e first time. T'ey ended up givinā€™ us t'e talk. But t'ere's not much of a better way to talk about my powersā€¦unfortunately.ā€

Percy didnā€™t like the idea of Danni saying that about Dorian either - in fact, he liked it even less. ā€Do people know that youā€™re my boyfriend?ā€ he pressed, still hung up on this. Heā€™d never really understood jealousy much before, but now, he was beginning to get an idea.

ā€Duh. I talk about you all t'e time. To everyone. I don't t'ink it could be anymore obvious. Even if we aren't t'e ā€œitā€ couple like Teddy and Billy. But t'eyā€™re gonna be old news once we win t'e Contest.ā€

He relaxed slightly. Maybe he didnā€™t have to get Dorian a ring, then. But it was still worth consideration. ā€Good,ā€ Percy paused. ā€I donā€™t like the idea of you being inside other people.ā€ And he wasnā€™t talking about Dorianā€™s powersā€¦ not entirely, at least.

ā€Just you. Or atleast illt'e manner t'at I dont use my powers.ā€ Dorian said with a wink, waving his phone towards Percy. ā€Question now isā€¦what do I say to April and Danni.ā€

ā€About what?ā€ he asked, before it clicked into place. ā€Oh. Youā€™re going to tell them that we had sex.ā€ He hesitated for a moment, uncertain how to feel about that. He liked to keep things private. But at the same time, if everyone knew that he and Dorian had done such things, then maybe people would be less inclined to flirt with his boyfriend. So as much as it felt somewhat uncomfortable, it was probably for the best - if for no other reason than to ward off others, like Vicky. ā€You can just tell them. Thatā€™s fine.ā€

Still fully undressed, he began to pace the room trying to think of the best way possible to say this. ā€Yeah but I don't know ā€˜ow t'ey'll react. Besides it's all Diana's fault. April caught ā€˜er leavinā€™ my room witā€™ no one innit so now shes askinā€™ why.ā€

He nodded. ā€Of course she did,ā€ Percy said with a slight huff. He was going to have to talk with his sister later about boundaries, and reintroduce her to the concept of knocking first. She wasnā€™t usually like this - usually she was better about minding her own business, but maybe things were different now, after everything with Arcade. Maybe his moms had put her up to it, since he got a boyfriend.

Dorian rolled his eyes. ā€ŠžŠ½Š° Š½ŠµŠ¼Š½Š¾Š³Š¾ ŠæрŠøчŠøŠ½ŃŠµŃ‚ Š±Š¾Š»ŃŒ, ŠøŠ·Š²ŠøŠ½ŠøтŠµā€ He said, shaking his head slightly before finally responding to April.

Dorian sighed for a moment as he could hear several voices in the hallway by his door, one of which was Aprils. ā€Should probably go t'ere. T'ey might be worried since we missed t'e meetinā€™...again. I don't want April to freak out.ā€ Dorian grabbed a towel from Percy's stash, throwing on one of his more casual button ups and only doing it halfway as he wrapped the towel around his waist and opened Percy's dorm door. Peaking out slightly. ā€ ā€˜ey Uh one minute. Just uh, bad ā€˜air day tryinā€™ to fix it.ā€ He said as he looked up and noticed his hair was now more of a mess than before before shutting the bedroom door.

Percy raised an eyebrow at Dorianā€™s reaction - and how he explicitly didnā€™t want April Flynn to freak out. He didnā€™t know her very well, having only really interacted with her because of Dorian or because of the contest, but it seemed to be her usual pattern. It must have been exhausting. ā€She freaks out a lot,ā€ Percy mused, as Dorian went over to the door. He had no intention of being seen. Yes, he had put on some clothing - just in case his teleporting was as error prone as it usually was - but his hair was a mess and he knew that the smell of Dorian on him was likely not the only thing left behind. However, as he listened, he realized it wasnā€™t just April Flynn outsideā€¦ but his sister was still there.

He cursed under his breath in Russian.

Heā€™d been so swept up in the moment he had almost forgotten about that.

He walked over to the door, and cleared his throat, before speaking quickly in Russian, certain his sister was listening. ā€Š”ŠøŠ°Š½Š°, ты Š½Š°Š¼ŠµŃ€ŠµŠ½Š½Š¾ ŠæрŠµŠ½ŠµŠ±Ń€ŠµŠ³Š°ŠµŃˆŃŒ Š¼Š¾ŠµŠ¹ Š»ŠøчŠ½Š¾Š¹ Š¶ŠøŠ·Š½ŃŒŃŽ сŠµŠ³Š¾Š“Š½Ń утрŠ¾Š¼ ŠøŠ»Šø этŠ¾ сŠ¾Š²ŠæŠ°Š“ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ?ā€

Dorian didn't like the lack of question mark at the end of Percy's statement. rummaging through his boyfriend's clothing to find something he liked. He tried hard not to mess up the order within his drawers, but somethings (inevitably) got undone in his search. ā€She's goinā€™ t'rough a lot right now ok? Between t'e contest, girlfriends, ā€˜er parents, I mean my dad always said ā€˜er dad must ā€˜ave some kind of ā€˜ealinā€™ factor to be walkinā€™ around witā€™ a stick up ā€˜is ass all t'e time. I t'ink she just needs time to breat'e and relax outside of school pressure.ā€

By now Dorian was full dressed. Lightwash denim pants that fit him like Capris, a short sleeved button up, the other one abandoned, only halfway done with a shirt underneath. He made his way to Percy's mirror, trying to fix his hair a bit as he stole some product before running over and kissing his boyfriend on the mouth. ā€Don't hide away. Meet me outside? But uh,clean up a bit first maybe.ā€ He said with a cheeky wink.

Percy felt uncomfortable for a moment there, hearing Dorian list off every stressor in the life of a person he just didnā€™t know. Had he made a misstep by commenting that it seemed like April freaked out a lot? He hadnā€™t thought he had said anything wrong - it had merely been an observation, a statement. ā€You care a lot about your friends,ā€ he said. ā€Iā€™m sorry if that was not correct of me to say.ā€

He blushed slightly, as Dorian ran over to kiss him, and he returned the kiss eagerly. However, at the wink, Percy pulled a face, rolling his eyes. ā€And whose fault is that?ā€

ā€Of Course i care about my friends. Especially when tā€™at friend is April, she's like family to me. Aaaaand I'd say your faultā€¦and a bit of mine.ā€

He raised an eyebrow. ā€It tastes like your fault.ā€

Dorian smirked as his hand was on the doorknob. ā€Tā€™en pop a mint before cominā€™ out. Besides we should really get a bit of food.ā€ He said as he opened the door looking at the trio standing outside his dormroom. ā€We ā€˜avinā€™ a party I didn't know about or somet'in'?ā€

Percy rolled his eyes, even as he found this almost rougher(?) side of Dorian to be strangely appealing. It was attractive, really, hearing his boyfriend - usually so sweet and considerate - be almost a little bit abrasive. Heā€™d have to examine that realization later, of course. Instead, he tried to make a teleportation jump to the bathroom, so he could wash himself off properly - but his energy seemed to have been spent, the blue whirls around his hands appearing but not settling. That was also most definitely Dorianā€™s fault. On the second attempt, though, he managed to muster up the energy - and he flickered into the dormā€™s bathroom, about five minutes in the past, where he cleaned himself up quickly, making him as presentable as he could while on a time crunch.

He then stepped out of the bathroom, approaching the group that had gathered in the hallway, and taking his place by Dorianā€™s side. ā€It would seem so.ā€

ā€Oh ā€˜ey Perce. Where ya been? Was waitinā€™ in your room for a while passinā€™ time.ā€ Dorian said as he wrapped his arm around Percy's waist.

ā€ā€¦I wasā€¦ cleaningā€¦ myā€¦ face.ā€

ā€LOVE Tatcha. My favorite cleanser, its like t'is opaque white liquid with exfoliate in it. Somet'inā€™ about tea oils or somet'inā€™, don't know I just use it.ā€

Percy tried to keep his composure.

He really tried.

He really tried.

But he couldnā€™t help himself - he immediately lost it, laughing as hard as he ever had in his life, unable to catch his breath, even his eyes tearing up. He couldnā€™t even speak, just completely lost to a seemingly never ending laughing fit. Yes, it was Dorianā€™s favorite cleanser - he had learned as much - and it was an opaque white liquidā€¦ He just couldnā€™t help himself, couldnā€™t help but partially collapse into his boyfriend to stay standing, desperately trying to stop laughing but he couldnā€™t recover, practically wheezing.

ŠžŠ½Š° Š½ŠµŠ¼Š½Š¾Š³Š¾ ŠæрŠøчŠøŠ½ŃŠµŃ‚ Š±Š¾Š»ŃŒ, ŠøŠ·Š²ŠøŠ½ŠøтŠµ = Sheā€™s a bit of a pain, sorry
Š”ŠøŠ°Š½Š°, ты Š½Š°Š¼ŠµŃ€ŠµŠ½Š½Š¾ ŠæрŠµŠ½ŠµŠ±Ń€ŠµŠ³Š°ŠµŃˆŃŒ Š¼Š¾ŠµŠ¹ Š»ŠøчŠ½Š¾Š¹ Š¶ŠøŠ·Š½ŃŒŃŽ сŠµŠ³Š¾Š“Š½Ń утрŠ¾Š¼ ŠøŠ»Šø этŠ¾ сŠ¾Š²ŠæŠ°Š“ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ? = Diana, are you intentionally disrespecting my privacy this morning or is this a coincidence?

Dorian Gray

Location: Percy's Pants
Skills: Work Out Fit

The next few moments had been experienced over a span of time that only Percy's watch would know about. Jewelry would happen to stay on, after all. Adrenaline has been known to factor into many miraculous acts, and that of two teenage hormonal boys was no different. With a vast display of powers and prowess mixing together in both controlled, and uncontrolled, ways. By the end of it all they both lay exhausted and elated, side by side halfway beneath the covers. ā€How's that for a Time Space Entanglement.ā€ Dorian said with a wink before kissing Percy on the lips. The moment cut short by an alarm goes off on Percy's side table. ā€What alarm could you possibly have going off right now?ā€ Dorian asked as he hit the snooze button on the clock before reading it said 8:10 AM.

Distant voices could be heard from the hall, Danni loudly proclaiming that they needed to work on Percy's uniform, and Percy replying back with one hell of a deja vu. Dorian quickly glanced down at Percy's watch and noticed it was almost 9 am. ā€Merde, I t'ink we may ā€˜ave jumped a bit too far back t'ere mon chĆØre.ā€ He said with a bit of a laugh.

Percy was completely spent, his body and his mind both dazed. He had barely registered the alarm on his nightstand flashing - everything else felt far away, strangely distant, like sounds echoing through water. He had curled up against Dorianā€™s chest, somehow not as bothered by the physical contact as he usually was - he liked it even, well, more than liked it.

ā€Hm?ā€ Percy tilted his head slightly, before noticing what the alarm clock was reading - it was ten past eight - and his watch, miraculously given to him by the sorceress Agatha Harkness, had so far always told perfect time. He frowned slightly, considering how many jumps he must have made - he usually would only jump for a few seconds at a time, anything more than that and he would recall lectures from his mothers, about how dangerous it was to jump through time without training, that it was like diving into freezing water and emerging as an acorn, etc etc. No wonder he felt completely exhausted. ā€I see. Youā€™re far too distracting.ā€ And then he shifted slightly, closing his eyes. Meetings be damned. He was too content to just remain here. The odds of them having substantial harm from paradox psychosis was low, too.

ā€Oh I'm t'e distractinā€™ one? Moi?ā€ Dorian chuckled as he pulled Percy in closer, tighter, as he started up at the ceiling. ā€Well we definitely ā€˜ave more time before t'at meetinā€™ now. T'ough probably best we don't leave t'is roomā€¦unless it's to tā€™e cafeterĆ­a for a snack and coffee.ā€ He hardly had time to have breakfast the first go around, and now with all the exerted energy he definitely needed something within his system.

It didnā€™t occur to Percy that the meeting was at eight oā€™clock, and that even having time traveled back, they still would have been late. However, he had no intention of leaving this room at all. For one of the first times in his life, he felt entirely content - peaceful, even. [color=ed1c24]ā€[i]Si, cā€™est toi,ā€[/color] Percy murmured. He didnā€™t notice the French slip out from his lips - when he wasnā€™t concentrating, most languages sounded the same to him, coming out in some mixture of Russian and English. It was an odd effect of his mutant power, forcing him to have to really focus and think to know what language was being used, and what he was replying in. ā€I have coffee here. It isnā€™t as nice as yours, butā€¦ Itā€™ll do. I enjoy it.ā€ He then paused, shifting slightly. He hadnā€™t told this to Dorian before - hadnā€™t really told it to anyone before. ā€I also have bourbon.ā€ He then waited, somewhat apprehensive. Not many fourteen year olds drank.

ā€Didn't know you were Irish.ā€ Dorian quipped. [Color=CC99FF]ā€But I t'ink if we show up late [i]and]/i] witā€™ alchy on our breatā€™ t'en we are just askinā€™ for trouble. So for now t'e coffee will ā€˜ave to do.ā€[/color] Dorian didn't bother to question why Percy had a bottle of bourbon stashed away. His house was fairly dry for the most part. Casper was a bit of an addict toā€¦well anything so it was easiest to keep the house clean of temptations. So there was never really a chance to sneak a drink back home unless they snuck out and headed to Bourbon Street. Even then, their fresh faces would get carded too quickly.

ā€... My surname is Novikov,ā€ Percy tilted his head, confused by Dorianā€™s statement. ā€Youā€™ve met my mothers. Weā€™re Russian and Jewish.ā€ Of course, it was a bit of a stereotype that Russians enjoyed alcohol more than most, but Percy wasnā€™t going to raise that. However, as much as he wanted the coffee, he also had no intention of moving from his spot in bed. He was vaguely aware of people wanting ā€˜princess treatmentā€™ from time to time. In this moment, Percy was perhaps guilty of that. ā€Would you make the coffee? This position is ratherā€¦ comfortable.ā€

Dorian sighed, whispering Novikova under his breath as he shook his head. ā€I know all about your lineage. I meant to say I didn't take you to drink irish coffee, which is to have a bourbon or whiskey in tā€™e cup along witā€™ it.ā€ He had to admit however, he was rather comfortable as well. So he tilted his head upwards and spied the machine from across the room. With his free hand he attempted to extend his reach with his powers and press it on, though at first it only managed to gently nudge the machine one way, and then the other, until at his third attempt the button pressed and the coffee began to be made. ā€Coffee is beinā€™ started, and without ā€˜avinā€™ to compromise our positionā€¦t'ough we could alwaysā€¦change positionsā€¦if you've t'e energy for it.ā€ Dorian teased.

Percy raised an eyebrow. ā€You know all about my lineage?ā€ In his opinion, there wasnā€™t much to know. All the interesting people in his ancestry began and ended with his mothers. From what he knew of Dorianā€™s life, his own family was far more interesting - and overly complex. Percy still wasnā€™t quite certain how Dorian and Dani were related, if at all. But at Dorianā€™s offer of a change in positionā€¦ Percyā€™s heart skipped a beat. Somehow, the haze of exhaustion seemed to lift for a moment, his body beginning to stir once more. As strange and terrifying and unfamiliar as it was, he couldnā€™t help but want to lean into the sensation. ā€Hm. What are you suggesting?ā€

ā€Obviously. You just told me about it Perce.ā€ Dorian hadnt expected Percy to be willing for another round, but at the thought of the possibility, it was as if Dorian had the energy to do it all again. ā€Well, I was t'inkinā€™ maybe t'is time try to keep us until just before t'e coffee is done brewinā€™. T'at way when we finish we ā€˜ave t'e pot waitinā€™ for us at t'e end.ā€ Dorian said as he repositioned himself and was now over Percy. ā€What do you say?ā€

He rolled his eyes. A month or so ago, Percy would have taken this as further evidence as to how infuriating Dorian was. He still was infuriating, of course. It was one of his qualities that drove Percy insane - alongside other things, such as the way his boyfriend shifted to be above him, preemptive shivers running down his spine. He was very much alert now. His face turned positively crimson at Dorianā€™s suggestion to keep the time-jumps so that way it matched up with when the coffee would finish. He didnā€™t have fine control over his temporal teleportations when he was concentrating - and like this, well.. But strangely, the challenge seemed to only amplify the other emotions coursing through him. Percy nodded, swallowing slightly. ā€Je peux essayer.ā€

ā€Je te fais confiance.ā€ Dorian replied as placed a kiss on his lips. Pulling off for a moment only to set an alarm on his phone for when the coffee would finish and then placed it back to the stand. ā€Now? Where were we.ā€
Maximillian Gray

Location: Shi'ar Throne World
Skills: Current Outfit: Header Image

The Phoenix was weak to magic? Damn how could he have forgotten that. With all his knowledge of the mythical creature (was a creature still a myth if it was real?) he'd forgotten that one basic principle of it. He didn't think this varied from host to host either, but then could it even take a magical host like Strange or himself? Max mused to himself as the conversation continued past that, talking about transporting and how best to fire it or something, until Carolina suggested that Max simply justā€¦failed. Sure his magic was finicky at times, especially in high stress environments when he attempts to push himself past limits he's usually done, but opening up two portals at once in the calm of a lab was as easy as a snap. It was down right offensive to him that she'd not only suggest that, but offer a secondary version of teleportation involving our Asgardian friends. Luckily he had a distraction for now, focusing his attention on Ben as he placed a hand onto his shoulder.

ā€Don't worry, they're safe and sound far away from New Orleans remember? I left a portal open for them back home to leave through. It was enchanted to close the second they left so that no one could follow behind and bring them any trouble. And that was before we even left New Orleans for the Bifrost.ā€ Max reassured Ben. He'd show him visuals if need be, but for now they had to focus on the matter at hand. A third party member was blocking them from entering his home, and that frightened him. Who not only knew about them being out and was strong enough to keep them all out? It seemed Avery had figured it out as well. Someone else was pulling all these strings, but who? Before Max could ask Runa if she was ready for Stranges, she reached out and used the power of the Bifrost to move them all outside of the city's limits. ā€Well unless Heimdall is having an off day Carolina, then I'd say someone is working overtime to keep us outside of this city. At the very least keeping us from teleporting on. But who?.ā€

Max queried out loud as he placed a finger onto his bottom lip. He hadn't had a chance to use his artifact since that night with Avery, butā€¦ Max tugged on the leather strap underneath his shirt collar and pulled it out from under his shirt. A small, heavy metallic eye now sat on his chest. It appeared to resemble Strange's Eye of Agamotto, but the centerpiece was different once he opened it. Max mimicked the same motions he'd seen Strange use before, activating the amulet in an attempts to peer further beyond. To peer the truth. At first it didn't want to open, fighting back as it budged slightly and then closed. He tried again, and as it opened it instantly shut once more. It concerned Max, beginning to feel as if maybe he wasn't meant to know this information. Like the Eye was shielding from the truth. A last attempt finally saw the Eye partially open, enough for the Eye of Agamodin to reveal to him only that magic was incredibly stronger than he is.

Max stared at the magic before him, watching it's workings from outside before it vanished back as the Eye closed once more. ā€I know not who cast this veil on my city. But I can ascertain this much. They are a Sorcerer or Sorceress of immense power, beyond my own it seems. And enough to keep the Eye of Agamodin from wanting to reveal it's truth. I have a theory of who this individual may be, but no true basis for itā€¦ā€ Strong enough to hide from the Eye, pulling strings of chaos and descent, and they just so happened to have two Asgardians with them this day? It wreaked of Loki, the tricks the chaos, the ability to hide away from Odin's sight. A Sorcerer of his own right. But Max had no true clue if he was right, but who else to hide themselves so well than a God of Mischief and magic.


The kid had gotten scared enough to back on out of the car. Enough for his cousin to slip in and start it for them both to leave. HermĆØs watched as the cops instantly pulled their weapons out. A pit forming in his stomach at just how jumpy they were being. It was an attempted hot wire not an armed takeover. Pigs. A part of him felt bad for the situation the new kid was put into, but then again he did try and steal a car from under a cops nose soā€¦it was a little hard to feel sorry. HermĆØs slipped into the passenger seat and began to buckle up, signing with one hand as he did. ā€And this is why I hate pigs. They're all shoot first ask later.ā€

He was just glad to have gotten out of that situation. Scenes of it replaying in his head. Finley, the old man, the drawn weapons. Both the operator and the first responders seemed shaken up by this new epidemic. They didn't get far in this New York traffic. Worse now than he'd ever seen it. ā€Everyone seems on edge. Like they are evacuating. Are you ok?ā€ HermĆØs asked as he looked at his cousin. They weren't moving right now so they could afford a little eye to eye conversation.
In Trainers CS 2 mos ago Forum: Test Forum
In Trainers CS 2 mos ago Forum: Test Forum
Holding Space for Defying Gravity
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