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1 mo ago
Current Somewhere between Heaven and Hell


So if you've made it this far you have an interest in me and my writing.

I'm human, unfortunately.
I prefer cats and dogs over humans. They just don't start drama. Well cats do, but that's just being a cat.
If I had a choice, I'd be dead. But I've tried that, and it didn't work out.

I write on several forum groups under a couple different names.

I will never give my Real Name, my Gender and opinions on that will not be revealed.
I've never cared what anyone I write with is. As long as you write in English and well it doesn't matter.

Although there are times when I wish an Alien/Angel/Demon/mutant/Werewolf/Vampire would come to my house and say "We need to talk"

Yes, I've died. Like full on CPR resurrection dead. God kicked me out.

Most Recent Posts

i have no opinion on this..i'm dead..
I love it lol.

Two angel born walk into a bar, the bar blows up

the demon raises an eyebrow.. wasn't me...
I think I've been kidnapped?
I died and converted to catholic after it happened.
Alaina: Nephilim

A long long time ago in a city far far away….

It was her birthday and during mass she started to bleed. Her brother made fun of her. She was freaking out that she was dying. Her father was embarrassed, her mother was mothering her. They left Mass early and she didn’t get communion.

She saw the weird guy standing across the street from her school staring at the building. She reported it to the nun and even pointed at him. The nun told her to stop making things up, no one was there. The headache came on suddenly, and hard enough that it was like a billion bees inside her head.

A strange lady, one she’d never seen before followed Seraphina and her friends to the bus stop, she even got on with them. And of course Becky had to sing her name like it was a game. But every time she did the woman winced and clenched her teeth tighter. Becky got off the bus and the woman moved closer. And then Seraphina was off the bus and she ran the two blocks to her house. She took four aspirin for her headache and cuddled around a hot blanket as her skull tried to exploded.

She saw him again, on the far side of the street, but this time he was watching her. And he was angry. So angry. His face twisted into a scowl of rage and hate. She went inside and pointed him out to the Pastor. Father Thomas said he’d come by the house that night but never did.

The buzzing in her head had her throwing up that night, but her father insisted she go to school. He wasn’t going to baby her, she was a woman now. Time to act like it.

The man was back at the school, Father Thomas hadn’t come in today. The woman was at the bus stop when she got home and tried to grab her, but she’d twisted out of the way. Another was standing at the door to her house so she ran around the back and went in through the garage. Dropping to her knees she prayed for her parents to get home soon. They’d called the cops and made a report, and she’d told them about everything happening during the week. She was told ‘you’re imagining things’ and the cops left. She could hear them talking about ‘stupid hysterical girls’.

Good thing she didn’t tell the cops that the woman and men had seemed .. off… like their faces were fuzzy and twitchy.

No strange people at school or nearby, but Father Thomas was still out. He’d always looked out for her, she was his favorite pupil. He’d told her once that he was ex-military and if she was ever in danger or felt unsafe, she could call him. He’d protect her.

The Lakehouse was on tv and she had a blanket and bucket of popcorn. Her parents were on the couch,snuggled together and her brat of a brother was in his room playing video games. Probably something their father would disapprove of.

Popping a few kernals into her moth she watched Keanu painting the deck as the dog ran across the wet paint. Spitting out the popcorn – it tasted nasty – she winced as the background buzzing in her head burst into words.

She could her her mother talking about what she was going to do to her father later – with her mouth. He was talking about work. Her brother was screaming DIE!DIE!DIE! YOU FUCKING CHEATER! And someone was ringing the doorbell. Kill Everyone, and make sure that bitch takes a while.

Grumbling her father answered the door, it was two cops. Not the same ones. She saw their eyes. Like burning coals of hate and rage and pain.

One of the cops grabbed her fathers arm and wrenched him off balance, dislocating the shoulder and kicking him in the knee. She could hear him screaming in her head! It hurt so much. Vomiting popcorn and soda she hit the floor as her mother screamed at the cops.

The room was getting darker, the lights going out, the tv was static and then black. Her brother came out of his room wearing his boxers and carrying a baseball bat. He swung at a cop but the man just grabbed the moving bat like it was motionless, absorbing the speed without blinking.

Then he beat her brother to death with it. But he didn’t just hit his head. He broke his legs and arms, then went to work on his chest. The first cop was.. eating her mother. Ripping fingers off to chew before swallowing. A dark haze was sliding across their skin. Like they had two skins. She new what they’d do to her. They were talking about her like she was a main course.

She ran. Barefoot and wearing shorts and t-shirt she ran. She didn’t stop to open the back door, she went through the glass and hit the ground rolling. Falling into the pool she climbed out the far side and kept running. She heard a splash behind her, and then screams that weren’t human. Father Thomas had told her once he’d blessed the pool so she couldn’t drown. Had he really blessed it ad turned it to holy water?

Going over the fence she kept running, crossing the road behind the house she could feel the demons ht breath on her neck as she darted through traffic. A squeal of tires. A crunch of metal and glass.

She ran. When she stopped to breathe her side hurt like she’d been stabbed. But she wasn’t bleeding and there wasn’t any cut. Looking around she headed for Father Thomas. He could help.

The Rectory door had been closed, but it wasn’t locked. Slipping inside she called for the Father, but the place was cold and silent. She found him in the living room. He’d been crucified upside down. His head had been taken and his blood used to draw nasty symbols on the floor. She never saw the hidden room behind the bookcase, or the armory within.
Alaina: Nephilim

So many voices screaming in her head, Alaina joined them screaming in her head at them to shut up. Just shut up and leave her alone! She didn’t feel her skin and clothes being dragged across rocks and concrete, didn’t feel broken lass digging at her skin as she was hauled into an alley.

And there was silence. Peace. Quiet. The voices were gone. It was like falling. Like the wall she’d always had there, pressing against her was gone. Wobbly as a whore after a 12 man bachelor party she used a wall to haul herself upwards.

Once on her feet she saw the shit going down in the alley. Looked like four against one? Didn’t matter, not her problem. Then the wind shifted, and heat ripped across her like an inferno in the middle of a blizzard.

Flashing back to the night of the massacre, she screamed, as she relived the sight of the demon ripping into flesh and bone. The ground shook, windows shattered, and the steel garbage dumpster buckled and collapsed in on itself. Crushed from within.

Iron escape ladders bent and twisted as security doors contorted from hinges. Gasping for air she sighed, “Demon.” before she collapsed. Spent. Let the demon kill her, make the voices stop finally. Let it be over.

Tommy the cutie. Tommy the one guy she'd thought about maybe, well, maybe never mattered. He was gone. The voices never stopped. The monsters never stopped chasing. Let them just kill her and end it.
i figure it would depend on the person?
some would be anti-gifted (Bigots)
others would be neutral
and others would be pro (wishing they had powers as well)
maybe Battlestar Galactica? Stargate?
Most likely she'll end up at the local rehab or emergency room.
No. Human dealers grabbed the human dealer (Tommy) she was approaching. Alaina got weak drugs so the voices are overwhelming her. They're moving in on his territory and making sure he doesn't object.
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