Avatar of Varshanka


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1 mo ago
Current Somewhere between Heaven and Hell


So if you've made it this far you have an interest in me and my writing.

I'm human, unfortunately.
I prefer cats and dogs over humans. They just don't start drama. Well cats do, but that's just being a cat.
If I had a choice, I'd be dead. But I've tried that, and it didn't work out.

I write on several forum groups under a couple different names.

I will never give my Real Name, my Gender and opinions on that will not be revealed.
I've never cared what anyone I write with is. As long as you write in English and well it doesn't matter.

Although there are times when I wish an Alien/Angel/Demon/mutant/Werewolf/Vampire would come to my house and say "We need to talk"

Yes, I've died. Like full on CPR resurrection dead. God kicked me out.

Most Recent Posts

Just an FYI.. Tænar joined lunch group.. I made a bunch of edits to my posts just so I could join the gang.
Jasper “Kalan” Raven
Looking at the two of them Kalen knew it hadn’t necessarily lost, but it’s position was certainly weaker than it could have been. But until destruction took him from the Mortal realm, the chips were still on the table.

“I’d be willing to assist in your endeavor, if you’re willing to have me partake. On a pay by play contract. No formal bindings between us. You ask for assistance, I tell you how much, you agree or don’t.”

Kalan wouldn’t dare suggest an Entity of Agrid’s power or status ever needed help, but everyone did. Once in a while. Unfortunately sometimes it was Mortal’s that did the helping. Disgusting creatures that they were. Favored filth!! So easy to manipulate them and bring them down. As it was every abortion fed him more power.

Oh, So many sins committed in his name!! Hail Lucifer! Ava Satanas!

Ah my bad, i'm gonna edit my post to correct my mistake.

please tell me you saved all the writing? it was good, just use it for the first day of classes.. please...
Michael de Shade - Knight of the Veil
Returning to the police department Michael got hailed as a hero. Apparently they had a link into one of the Mafia Families due to the Pizzeria heist. The Abuser in the fourth floor was muscle and he’d flipped for his ass since he’d never responded to the silent buzzer.

Michael was getting a commendation, his picture in the paper (that wouldn’t due at all) and a speech from the myor. They might even drop Detective 3rd Class on him and a raise. The chief was happy as gumshoe and a hooker untiil he say Michael Drop an Envelope with the Secret Service logo on it onto the desk.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” he’d screamed, as Michael explained he’d applied 6 months ago, and it had arrived in the mail yesterday.

It was legit and straight up, granted it came through the Order and a couple dozen pulled strings. But it moved him out of the police line of site. And if anybody did notice him still in town he could just say it was his assignment. At least until they got to old to remember him or the Order moved him again. For now he didn’t HAVE to report to the Secret Service, but he would soon enough. Once the Order decided where he was needed most.

She spent a number of hours in the hospital bed, bleeding drugs and toxins from her eyes, ear, nose, and pores. And when she wasn’t oozing toxins she was shaking the bed hard enough to leave the floor, and that was without powers involved.

And then there was the stench of the toxins leaving her body. She had enough drugs in her system to kill a dozen mortals. Or a half dozen prophets. Nephilim were hard to kill and immune to drugs and alcohol, but she’d pushed the limit.

And then came the screams. They’d had to move her to the quiet room to stop everyone else but they weren't wordless screams of pain, they were the screams of nightmares and cries of torment.

And then she’d lain in bed like corpse. Medical staff had taken and washed her several times, by the time Michael had arrived at the Headquarters she’d been bathed once, and was on her second round of oozing from her pores.
Taking station at the door he’d watch over her until assigned another task. But for know, she was his problem. Fuck he hoped a prophet got assigned to her soon. Get her fixed up and stabilized.


Jerking awake Alaina scanned the room her eyes passing over the guy at the door twice before she realized he was standing there.

Staring at him she wondered if he was really there. Sitting up she damned near bared her nakedness before she grabbed the sheet and pulled it around herself.

“Where am I? Who Are you? What Happened? Why’s it so quiet?” She squealed, her pitch climbing the more she asked. “WHY AM I NAKED?!”

i don't think students are in yet? unless you have early birds that never went home?
am I allowed to post now, or shall I wait some more? who's left for responding? not sure who's still in the group.
ok? Posts are vanishing? or am I hallucinating?
if you review them a great deal of them are back posts or "Historical biographies" of past events.
SWEET!!!!!! Caroooooline.....

A!W!E!S!O!M!E! S!A!U!C!E!
when can we start?
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