Avatar of Varshanka


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1 mo ago
Current Somewhere between Heaven and Hell


So if you've made it this far you have an interest in me and my writing.

I'm human, unfortunately.
I prefer cats and dogs over humans. They just don't start drama. Well cats do, but that's just being a cat.
If I had a choice, I'd be dead. But I've tried that, and it didn't work out.

I write on several forum groups under a couple different names.

I will never give my Real Name, my Gender and opinions on that will not be revealed.
I've never cared what anyone I write with is. As long as you write in English and well it doesn't matter.

Although there are times when I wish an Alien/Angel/Demon/mutant/Werewolf/Vampire would come to my house and say "We need to talk"

Yes, I've died. Like full on CPR resurrection dead. God kicked me out.

Most Recent Posts

i tend to respond to direct questions. to my chracters, but in a forum assembly (ie the speaker i go round robin.) however if i get tired of waiting 2-3 days i tend to post anyways.
i tend to respond to direct questions. to my chracters, but in a forum assembly (ie the speaker i go round robin.) however if i get tired of waiting 2-3 days i tend to post anyways.
Shifting slightly Tænar wondered if this was a bad idea. So many people so close to her was a bit… overwhelming. And the stench of burning tobacco from the man’s walk through the courtyard. Merlin’s BEARD!!! it stank, and it was in his clothes and hair and beard!!! How did one breathe with that stench? Did his food all taste the same, like bunt ash?

“What troublemakers are we anticipating? I’m assuming at Least one Weasley this year, at some level or other. The sight of Red Hair, such a double-edged sword. Girls are sharp as a whip; boys are a nightmare. Did anybody have a curriculum or student roster?”

Looking over the other teachers she sort of recognized a couple. Not really though. She might have had classes with two, but she’d been so obsessed with her grades that flirting, or any other social event, had been beyond her comprehension. She’d learned to dance, eventually, but she’d never been asked to any of the school dances. Hells she hadn’t even realized there was a dance until the day of when everyone was in fine dress and looking handsome and/or beautiful.

Not to say she was lonely or a recluse, she had Storm Cloud after all, as her familiar they went everywhere together even place he shouldn’t. Closing her eyes for a moment she called him, and within a triple heartbeat he was bouncing into the room like a puppy. A 200# muscle bound puppy in the shape of a Rottweiler. But he was just a baby to her.

Tossing small bits of sausage to him she scratched his head, which he laid on the bench neck to her hip. After a second he gave a horrific sneeze before returning his head to his spot.
everyone in my family was smokers as well. I quit when I was 18, cancer scare, coughing blood. found it was chemical burns from the cleaning solutions I used at work. smokers cough was tearing the lining of my lungs. so i quit cause I wanted to live forever.
The smell of cigarettes lingers in clothing until washed. Even second hand smoke clings to clothing. And cigarette breath is vile. Like an ashtray.
Jasper “Kalan” Raven
“Yes, we have an accord. An Arrangement of mutual interest. But I want ninety percent of the Energy. And I want the Angel-born that did this,” he said pointing at Puriel. “He and I have a score to settle, and I’m going to rip his head off.”

Unbeknownst to his host, he was already planning on trading in the body. “AS an advance on my payment, I want the power of the Shedim. Transference of host at will.”

"It will make doing your bidding in this matter far simpler and quicker."
*Gather Information
*Knowledge: Galactic Lore
and High Galactic language.

applied this to Inquisitor character as she'll be from Corescant

need modifier or Kashyyk Character (Scout Trooper)
Rebuilding characters from scratch so i don't make any mistakes..

Inq will by from Coruscant

Scout will by from Kashyyk
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