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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Shoichi kept to himself the whole time, he was too far into his own thoughts to listen much of what they were saying. He caught what the master said in the beginning about Wes and that she wanted a team that would break into the Magic Council building and retrieve a certain book but he obviously wasn't the best when it came to concealed operations and so he decided not to participate. He was sure that some of the other members of the guild would be willing to participate, whose skill-set would increase the chances of the mission succeeding more than he would. He was surprised though when the two new members offered their help, Minerva and James and became even more surprised when the master accepted them. "She doesn't know anything about their abilities and yet she trusts them with the mission..." Sho thought impressed.

He saw the master approaching where he sat and stood up, "So, where do I go?" he asked her, hoping it wasn't something that stealth related...
I've kinda been busy. I'll get around posting soon :/
i need jamie to get Sho in what mayt and her are gonna do. Could you edit it? Like, jamie signaling sho or something? I'm in kind of a writers block here :/
Elric reminds me so much of Petir Baelish.

Spooky huh?
Professor_Wyvern said
He smiled when Trafalgar brought up his research, but before he had a chance to discuss it the Elf brought up the guild and its methods of teaching. Nodding at Trafalgar, "Yes, the guild does teach those who can learn the ways of magic. Do you happen to be so inclined in those ways? I do need to turn in my research, and my mentor Ashera, does teach the new initiates. If that is what you were implying and asking about." He glanced at Shork, "If you'd like to come as well, feel free."

"What if I told you that you just made my day? Would be believe me? Because that is exactly what you just did!" Trafalgar said with an excited look on his face. He was finally going to learn more about magic, he would be able to continue from where his magic training had stopped before he left his home and further evolve and refine his powers in order to protect himself and those around him. "One step at a time Trafalgar, one step at a time..." he thought. An image of Corinne briefly passed through his mind but he quickly brushed it off; "Well, I would love to meet that mentor of yours...Ashera? Is there anything I ne-" a bright light flashed in the sky and the sudden burst of light prompted him to wince in pain and cover his eyes with his hands to protect them but it was over in an instant. "WHAT was that!?" he yelled surprised.
MyCatGinger said
I actually thought for a handful of seconds that the elven hunter that got the poor gnoll was Corinne, and he has the wrong perception of her being heartless because she might have been just as pissed about wasting an arrow, but didn't want to kill anything not game, or that she couldn't sell, so even wounding an innocent individual, even if he was beast-like, would kind of suck.Would be an interesting link to make, but ah, it's covered already I see...WHERE ARE MY BEARINGS.Also, Wyvern, why hast thou sent my lover away... <<UNLESS. NO. NO YOU COULDN'T HAVE.I REFUSE TO BELIEVE......Subject: Benjamin Smith, kidnapped by [redacted] at 11:33 AM. Family unaware. [redacted] unaware. Proceed with procedure P0977, "[redacted]". Type B and above personnel only. Meet Agent #436 at [redacted] with [redacted].Becomes an unknowing motive in the story.Who you'll eventually kill off and leave Corinne a horrible wreck and seeking solace in someone elseAND THAT'S WHEN TRAFGUY STEPS IN ANDyou cheeky bastard I'll destroy you

Professor_Wyvern said
Yes, but the Demon Card was pulled out too early. ESPECIALLY with the War Scenario going down as well.It's important for the characters to have, ya know, a personal motivation for actions.

IncredibleBee said
Except there's no reason for any character to work together; half of us haven't even met each other, and a good other chunk are more likely to just leave Estermere.Furthermore, a demon invasion is something you lead up to, not something you use as a lead.

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damn im suddenly away for 1 day and demons invade ? what's next? meteor shower?
Caits said
Yay! Finally got to post! Hope the site being down didn't freak you all!

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