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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Nightmare Bunny>

Well, someone certainly knows how to get on my good side.

Morning everyone xP

huh. Here its late afternoon so good afternoon ;)
welp im going to cram school. i pray that when i come back, there wont be 10 pages of words for me to read Q.Q
I know this isn't DC, but Deus has the power to create at a divine level...I don't necessarily need to use Amazonium, I can just use Aura Construct....Which gives me an idea...*Evil Laughter increases*

Edit: By the way, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the strongest metal Graphene?

Graphene is an alotrope of carbon, a non-metal. So it itself isn't a metal as well.
I say impossible to break sarcastically, Amazonium is a metal from the DC universe, it can withstand Supermans Punches and Heat Vision and Darkseid's Omega Beams, now that Supervharged with Energy, Is really hard to break, I mean hard, that's why I use the word Impossible loosely.

yeah but this aint the DC universe :/ The hardest "metal" you could in this universe isn't even a metal. It's an alloy, Inconel Carbon Steel Alloy 1090 or Tungsten Carbide
Paul Ray

Paul just watched as Meredith continued the questioning of the students, amused by their frightened reactions. Then Tony came from nowhere and sat down, next to where Paul was sitting. "Shitty start to the first day, but definitely not the worst I've had" Tony said. "Nah, it wasn't that bad. Besides, this much is expected, It's Meredith we're talking about" to told Tony and chuckled. Paul knew that there was a technopath enrolled at Herculean Academy but didn't really know much else about him. Well, he knew his name at least, Tony Hart.

Paul then noticed that there was another familiar face on the train, Olivia. He and Olivia knew eachother pretty well since they were classmates for two years prior to this. He watched as she just casually made small talk with Meredith, much to the newcomers surprise. Then she offered to escort the two that seemed to have started the whole thing, back at the train platform. Paul sighed, "Seems everythings fine now" he said and re-opened the train doors, allowing the students to disembark the train. "Well, let's go back then" he told Tony and stood up, following Meredith out of the train.
Nigel Ballard

Confused. That was the one word that could describe Nigel right then. He ignored Piper and her question, watching as the town went from a sunny, filled with laughter place to a dark, hostile environment. He watched the townspeople turn into crazy cultists and what's more, space itself started warping. The ground shaked, spikes and spirals started shooting from the ground and buildings that could only be described as demonic emerged from beneath Augustine town's buildings, destroying them in the process.

Nigel looked up and saw a man hovering above everyone. "You all have done wonderfully. Your mettle shall be tested. You've come to be fed the beast known as Walpurgisnacht and I, Lucifer, shall harbor to your death." That man, Lucifer as he called himself, seemed to be the one responsible for all the destruction. We will be fed? Walpurgisnacht? There were a million questions filling Nigel's mind but it seemed they weren't going to be answered any time soon. He looked around and to his surprice, saw that everyone who was at the S-Class camp had, somehow, been teleported to Augustine as well. Must be Lucifer's work.. Nigel figured.

Nigel cleared his mind, trying to organise his thoughts. If he was to formulate a plan of action, he would have to be calm, collected and above all, concentrated on the task at hand. That's when Piper shouted at him, "Boost me onto one of these rooftops, if you can get me on top of that, I'll have the perfect position to-..." she was cut off as the building she had been pointing at was sliced in half. "Okay, that building will do decently," she corrected herself, pointing at a different building. Nigel looked at the building and then back at Piper and nodded in agreement before he stated transforming. When he was finished, Nigel no longer looked like a human but more like an advanced launching pad. A face appeared at the side of the strange contraption, "Hurry and step in" he told Piper.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

When you say ten pages, do you mean in the OOC or the IC?

Alex Faulkner

Alex was casually talking to the other three when the magical power in the air intensified even more. Then, with a rumbling sound, pillars of fire and rock emerged from the ground and features started appearing from the ground between them. Alex had trouble discerning what it was in the beginning but slowly he realised a giant Titan was being formed between the pillars. When the body of the monster was created, arms and legs shot forward from the pillars and attached to the Titan who then rose from its position and started walking towards the group, surely intending to attack them.

"guys we need to move NOW!" He heard Eris shout before she started running away from the Titan but stopped and casted a spell on the group to make them invisible. "She's endangering herself to help us escape! Guys, go help her and I'll take care of whoever summoned this monster. I'm sure that if we take out the source, the summoning will be undone as well" he quickly told the two.

"Good luck" he shouted and bolted towards the opposite direction, towards the Titan. "Archimedes' Box!" he shouted and a green, cubical force-field surrounded him, protecting him from the falling lava and rock as he passed beneath the giant behemoth. When he had distanced himself enough from the Titan, who was conveniently chasing after Eris and Slick, Alex stopped and closed his eyes. Not many people know this, but the human body emits a small electromagnetic force field, generated by the electricity that passes though the neurons. That force field is different in each human being, it's like the scientific version of a fingerprint. Alex had learned from a small age how to tell who was where by sensing that force field. He hadn't missed his chance and had already registered in his mind the force fields for everyone in their class.

Suddenly, Alex's eyes opened I found you...! he thought. He calculated the coordinates and then activated the formula that would teleport him to where Meruin's group was located. He had made sure to teleport a dozen meters away from the group, not wanting to let them find him just yet. When he arrived at the location, Alex scanned his surroundings for the enemy mage. The last thing he expected to find though was a huge dragon protecting her, "This is going to be difficult.." he mumbled.
phew you guys are cool
the other RP im in, the people progressed 10 PAGES! 10! while i was asleep. like WTF

but we're cool here. We're cool. Right?
oh my god.
I go to sleep ~~> 167 pages
wakes up ~~> 177 pages

relax guys xD
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