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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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guys i challenge you all to a duel on pokemon showdown!
dere. Blake to the rescue, once again. Sure hope that's enough for the Ariandos and Co to stop following though...
welp, gotta crash now anyways. Got to wake up early tomorrow. GN ;)
Blake Winterhawk

Thirty or so minutes had passed since their little group left New Bark and things seemed to be going fine for the most part. They killed time making small talk and chatting about random stuff. Just as it was starting to get late, however, Abigail spoke up, asking about their first destination and also throwing in Blackthorn as her own choice. "Uh oh..." Blake thought.

"If we’re voting on this, I’ll throw my vote in for Blackthorn, too. I, uh… I want to catch a-a Zubat."

As if on cue, Melody spoke. Of course, she instantly favored Abigail's proposal. Although she did pose a reason for her choice, Blake still couldn't understand how one could like anything about Abigail. "I just can't..." he mumbled to himself...

“Yep, yep. To Blackthorn!”

Avery jumped in and cast his own vote. Blake facepalmed his face. Here he was now, facing a situation where he had to somehow explain to everyone why going choosing Blackthorn was wrong. "Well, apart from the fact that I'm not ready to face Dad just yet," they seemed to forget that between them and Blackthorn layed a freaking mountain and a potentially dangerous cave for newbie trainers like them. "Ehm guys, I don-"

Suddenly, all hell broke loose. Avery and Blue, his newly named Phanpy, had started battling it out with a wild Pineco while Peggy and her Houndour were fighting a wild Sentret. Avery finished his battle first, succesfully catching Pineco after one failed attempt. He held the Pokeball gloriously in his hand and unleashed his usual Averylaugh. "Good for him" Blake thought with a smile.

The second in their group to own two pokemon was Peggy, believe it or not. After a hard-fought battle between Sentret and Houndour, which managed to hit Sentret with a well targeted Ember, she managed to capture the little furry Pokemon. She too, as Avery, was overly joyous and she rightfully deserved to be really. Catching a Pokemon on your own had become even more difficult than it had been some years back, judging from his Dad's stories from the time he too was on a journey, travelling around the world.


Her loud squeal caught Blake's attention who turned, only to see Abigail thrashing her arm around trying to make a Spinarak, which had clawed itself on it and refused to let go, fall off. The whole situation was too sureal for Blake, who burst into laughter. Abigail wasn't so happy though. She seemed pissed actually. When Blake saw the web that Spinarak had shot all over her face, he burst in a second fit of laughter, making even Swinub curious enough for it to come out of its Pokeball and see what was going on. The little fellow materialized right on top of Blake's head, just as he was before he was promptly sent inside his Pokeball a while earlier. It looked around with it's two little beady eyes, trying to figure out what was going on.

After doing her dirty, Spinarak jumped off Abigail and scurried back into the forest. Abigail, pissed as she was, started chasing it, following it into the forest. Then, Melody started chasing after Abigail. Ryley promptly followed the two and Avery, as the Avery he is, charged behind them, along with Blue. Peggy and her Houndour went after them but came back shortly after.

"T-they're okay. T-they s-should be b-b-back shortly."

"...Why do I have the feeling you are not telling the whole story?" He responded to Peggy. After a moment of thought, he decided to follow them. They were supposed to stay together and not stray away from the main group anyway. "To hell with it, I might as well..." Blake thought and hurried towards the direction the others were.

What he saw when he got there was something that didn't even come close to 'okay' as Peggy had told them. Spinaraks laying on the ground around him, some where paralyzed and unable to move, others bore slashes and bite marks on them. "A...It's a genoside..." Blake mumbled as he walked through the fallen Spinarak. He found the group just as Abigail caught one of the poor insects and also saw the huge purple spider, an Ariandos, that had suddenly appeared on one of the trees. "What the heck is that thing?! DO THEY GROW THAT BIG?!" he exclaimed.

Thankfully, Blake was an expert when it came to sticky situations and when he saw everyone running towards him, he didn't just stay idle. "Hey Swinub!" he told the little fella on top of his head, "use Mud Sport!" Blake commanded and the little Pokemon quickly complied with the order. It jumped down and quickly ran between the group and the angry Ariandos & co. Then, Swinub raised his two front feet and brought them down with force, hitting the ground and releasing a wave of mud from it towards the spider Pokemon. The wave coated the ground in front of Swinub with thick, slippery mud, surely making it impossible for the spiders to follow them by land. "That ought to slow them down! Good job Swinub! Return!" Blake told his Pokemon and returned it to its Pokeball before he too started running away as fast as he could.
How Avery sees Peggy: Badass survivalist who hides all her survival gear in her hair and turns into a badass warrior if you steal her hat.

How Peggy actually is: Nervous wreck who is scared of her own shadow, would do anything to avoid conflict when it strikes and hasn't left the house for over an hour since she was ten years old.

me likes.
also, seems Rune's too busy to say wb to a lowly scrub such as me....
I'll just sit in my usual corner and cry rivers t.t
hmm, I'm going to start working on a post. Phew, It's gonna take some time...thanks guys :<
<Snipped quote by Vec>

*grabs Vec and stuffs him in a bird cage* You aren't ever leaving again...




Sorry guys for not being on the past two days :< Been away with my family for the Easter. The good news is I just got back ;) Someone care to fill me in on what has happened while i was away :?
Welp, I'll be on my way now. Will try to find some kind of wifi but don't count in it :/ Cya when i cya ;P
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