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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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1st question: Is Ziska Russian? and if yes
2nd question: Is she communist? and if yes
3rd question: Does she climb tall buildings?

If yes to all three, well, lets just say that..."Houston, we have a problem"
I could do a short post and move Paul to the cafeteria If you want C:

Greetings! I keep seeing your username and I thought I'd say hi :P

Hi C: Savo told me about this RP and I'm jsut checking it out. You got a good cast and story going on.
I would support this if: enough reasons were presented as to why would a mage select that partner he wants and a reason as to why that partner would accept their invitation.

Then, there is the problem that, in a mage vs mage scenario, the elite mages even if they are partnered with weaker ones are bound to give their team the upper hand, just because of their level. In a 2v2 situation, its a lot harder for the weaker couple to win when faced with an overwhelmingly strong opponent even if the weaker team showed top-notch cooperation. However, in a 5v5 situation, cooperation between multiple teammates can potentially overcome one very strong opponent.
@XxFellsingxX You here? :|
rekt and erekt

@Feisty-Pants 36 hours damn. I'm dead after 12....
Nigel Ballard

Nigel was sitting at one of the bar stools, slowly drinking his whiskey when Piper came suddenly out of nowhere, jumping and sitting on the bar next to him. "The timeline you gave me claims you'd be done with the uniforms today, I've been waiting to see how they'll work. They good to go for the Games? Oh, and don't worry about getting me a drink. I've already had seven cups of coffee. I'm more interested in how nice I'll look in the uniform, you see?" "Well, someone is a lot perkier than usual" Nigel said with a smile on his face and shifted in his seat to face her. "Indeed, the 'uniforms' are ready; Though, I would not call that a uniform by itself, but I'm sure you guys will find my little invention pretty cool and practical at the same time" he added and took a sip of his drink. "And I think that, depending on your choice, you would look a lot more than nice when wearing the uniform," he said with a wink before finishing his whiskey and standing up.

Nigel watched Piper as she landed on her feet, "I've also got something cool to show you later. I practiced it all night. I found a way to disarm someone and humiliate them. A perfect way to win a fight if I ever get picked for one, eh?" Nigel raised his eyebrow,"you've piqued my curiosity, but now it's time for the big reveal" he said and walked towards the stairs heading upstairs, signaling her to follow him.

When they arrived at the door to his lab, Nigel pressed a button on the wall next to the metal-reinforced door. After a couple of seconds, six holes, one big and five other small ones surrounding the big one, opened on the surface of the wall. From the big hole came a strange sphere-looking thing with blue engravings on it. Nigel placed his palm on the sphere and inserted one finger in each of the other small holes. Following that, he started pouring a steady amount of eternano from his body to the sphere. The sphere's engravings started glowing; it was checking to see if the magical imprint was Nigel's or not. Soon after, the sphere stopped glowing, Nigel removed his hand and the sphere retracted itself back inside the wall before closing all six holes behind it. The door to the lab then opened and Nigel signaled Piper to enter before following closely behind her.

"Have a seat, I'll go bring the fabric" he told Piper and pointed at a chair before vanishing for a couple of minutes. Once he found the fabric, he returned back to where he had left Piper, "I hope I didn't make you wait," he said, "well, there's not much point in waiting so here it is" he said and presented Piper with the pitch-black fabric. "I know, It doesn't look the part, but just give it a try and see for yourself," he told her and gave her the fabric, obviously excited. "You put it on like this," he said and mimicked putting on a coat.

"You'll need to be naked though for it to work. There's a dressing room in the back right there," he pointed at an empty room with a curtain a few feet away from where they were. "Once you put it on, I want you to close your eyes and imagine something, anything you would want to wear," he told her, putting on extreme emphasis on the word anything. "Really, go ahead and try it!" he urged her with a light shove towards the dressing room.

@chukklehed So Merrian is paraplegic? Hmm, Nigel could make her a set of robotic leg-supports or smthing.
She could even become able to use her Crash magic then...
"Hypotheticals are irrelevant, Nigel. What matters is the current circumstances as they stand, to fight for the greater good is to fight for the commonfolk. Not wage wonton destruction over trivialities such as pride and fury.

Tell that to Sable.

And in the end, you are right. Would they act the same? Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't. What matters is what I choose to do with my power, a wise man once told me: 'A Soldier needs not be thanked for that which is their duty.' Meaning of course that I would happily charge headlong against the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse if it meant buying a glimmer of hope for those who don't have it. And I would do it freely, without expectation of reward, fame, or fortune."

Well, that's you doing what you think is right. As I said, that doesn't mean everyone shares your opinion on responsibility.
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