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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by DFTBA>

Naturally ( 'w')

Hah, clearly your opponent's knowledge of emoticons was subpar. I would offer a real challenge (ง︡'-'︠)ง.
Are you guys open for more people to join? Edit: Silly me, it says full. Anyway, I shall lurk in this RP since I find it really interesting.
So right now the gods are a little unbalanced.
  • Underworld
    • Darko
    • Fregion ( This can change )
    • Sekualla
  • Heaven
    • Hal
  • Unaffiliated
    • X

We are in need of light gods.
@Vec Nori is no longer with us.

Yh I realized. I don't really need to change my post though :/ We can just act like she escaped during the confusion.
._. But I wasn't god moding.....you guys must of not read my cs but what eves I'll just change my post to fit you guys needs.

Zero closing his hand instantly destroying a couple of Linia's ribs.

If this isn't godmodding, i don't know what is.

Yeah.... no godmod please @Slendy

I did not ignore the light @Vec

I said that to slendy :/
"Its nice to meet you two. Now you can watch each other die....." Zero closing his hand instantly destroying a couple of Linia's ribs. He was planning on killing the both of them slowly and painfully.

in all seriousness, you cant just ignore my post AND do godmod at the same time. thats too much.
Okay! I haven't posted in a while. And I need to.
At some point in these games, Oram has to fight Sable.
Now question:
Are the guild members not participating in the games, in the crowd in the stands like in the anime?

I think that that Is correct :|
There is nothing more narcissistic than a potato.
Michael Allpress

"Everything seems to be in order for the most part" Michael thought as he sat down on a nearby bench. "We are almost done patrolling this area I guess... Better move on to the ne-" sudden gunfire broke Michaels train of thought. He quickly ducked to cover himself, "What? They are here?" he thought while frantically searching for the source of the gunfire. He looked over at his fellow rebels to see if anyone had been wounded by the bullets, "Nori! Cinia! Linia! Watch out!" He shouted as he ran towards the crowd. "Hurry all, run! It isn't safe here!" he started yelling to the crowd, trying to disperse it.

Suddenly, another, different voice was heard. "Ahhh West its good to see you again. Now that we're all here we can deal with rebels in one blow. Lead the way old friend," a man shouted. Michael quickly turned to see to whom the voice belonged to, obviously a New Breed.

It didn't take much time for Michael to find the man as he and his friend seemed to not care much for concealing themselves. One was casually holding a gun in his hands while talking to his friend, who Michael assumed was a New Breed as well. "This is bad. It seems we are surrounded by them," he thought and searched for a way for them to get out of that mess. "I'll have to blind them somehow... I could use that!" "Guys, quickly fall back! Such an open gives them too many opportunities to strike us!" he said to his comrades.

Michael closed his eyes and concentrated on the the image of the construct and, as if commanded, light particles started gathering in his hands. After a few moments of gathering, "Blinding Light!" Michael would yell and the light particles gathered in his hand would burst forth, showering the immediate area with light, temporarily blinding for a few seconds whoever had their eyes directly on him.
anyway, i think ill post to get the fight going.
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