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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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The Primordial Sun, The Star Forger
Level 4 God; Cosmos(Stars)

45 Might & 5 Free Points


The Twilight Queen
Level 5 Hero; Werewolf Primus

20 Khookies

The setting sun's rays painted the skies over the western continent of Cygnea blood red. An ominous sign for some, a boon for others. Amongst the numerous mountains scattered across the continent, there was a peculiar one. Unlike its counterparts, this particular mountain possessed one strange characteristic; or the lack of. Aside from this particular difference, It perfectly fit all the other criteria that should be in place for a landmass like itself to be called a mountain.

Trees sprouted from its sides, forming large forested areas filled with all sorts of wildlife. Water gushed from its core, creating numerous springs and rivers of all sorts of sizes and shapes that, in turn, made their way down the mountain and into the valleys below before hitting a natural blockade and forming lakes or eventually finding their way to the Inner Sea, creating lush deltas that were filled with all sorts of fauna and flora of their own.

Everything about this mountain was mountain-like, except for one thing. Its peak was upside down.

As if something had ripped the peak off and then rammed it down back in place, peak side first, deeply embedding it inside the mountain's bowels. All this resulted in it having a quite sinister appearance when looking at it from afar in the past. Nowadays, since Ull'Yang and Luna had made it their home, the whole mountain and the area surrounding it have experienced a surge of life. Flowers bloom earlier in the year, the tree leaves don't wilt as often as usually and even the animals that reside in those parts found themselves experiencing all sorts of miraculous things. Predators would find themselves feeling stronger when biting and faster when pouncing whilst finding their prey becoming faster and more agile in their effort to escape. All this, of course, was a direct result of the increased presence of divine essence in the atmosphere, something Ull'Yang was unintentionally the culprit of.

High up in the mountain and through the thick, illusory mist that blocked off the entrance to the reversed peak, courtesy of Ull'Yang to ward off potential would-be intruders, the stellar god and the twilight queen resided.

In a divine feat of earth moulding, Ull'Yang had managed to hollow out the insides of the peak enough so as to create a living space for the two of them without endangering the structural integrity of his creation, an easy feat to the eyes of a being capable of raising whole continents and creating a separate demi-plane, right? Well, not really. Ull'Yang was no Teknall. As such, although his little self-made castle certainly was no Divine Citadel, it nevertheless served its purpose flawlessly and made Ull'Yang felt pretty proud about his meager constructing skills as a bonus.

The peak was surrounded by twenty huge cylindrical columns of solid rock. With a height-to-thickness ratio of about 8-to-1, these sturdy columns further supported and protected the whole structure from any sort of disaster, be it natural or artificial.

As for the interior design of the structure, divided into two floors with the lower one being the guest living area and the upper one being where Luna lived in, it could only be described as straightforward. As of yet, however, the halls of the peak have not welcomed any living beings other than Ull'Yang and Luna, with the former of the two preferring to live on the roof of the building since it offered the best stargazing experience.

Ull'Yang tore his gaze from the setting sun and somewhere inside, he felt a deep ache that he could not even begin to describe. It had been some time now that the god had settled down on the reverse peak and had some time to ruminate on many things.

The position Amul'Sharar and Fate had entrusted him with had cast a heavy net of pressure over him, a net that he felt was tightening by the millennia, culminating in a single climax, the supernova. He dreaded the event and each subsequent painful rebirth left him in a miserable state that required him to spend countless years reforming himself.

Most of all, however, was not the event itself that he feared. It was the state in which he found his consciousness right after each supernova. As if he was expelled from his own body, or perhaps the better wording would be dragged out from inside it. This part of Ull'Yang's memories is fragmented, with some of the parts missing. Every time the event takes place, however, some of the parts piece themselves together, giving him a better understanding of the intricacies behind the mechanism of his own being.

From the very first supernova after the Shattering Disunity, Ull'Yang's memories are few and cryptic, so much so that they would not even count as memories in the eyes of Vulamera. The only thing Ull'Yang remembers is two distinct states of emotion, one being utter and inconceivable dread and the other being blissful happiness.

One would think that when faced with those two types of opposite emotions, one would obviously be drawn towards the latter one. That person would be right to think that, because who in their right mind would willingly put themselves through dread and despair?

Well, Ull'Yang seemed to be one such being, as evident from the fact that he chose said route back then. A route he also chose during his second, third and fourth rebirth.

Ull'Yang gazed at the night sky and its stars. "Two routes, one choice, always drawn towards the seemingly wrong one, yet I always return back here, in my Universe..."

While he was meditating over this, down below in the mountainous forests, Luna was hunting. Her swift, bestial form could not be seen with the naked eye as she nimbly dashed through the forest with the carcass of a huge bison over her shoulders

She ran through the forest like a shadow, seemingly unimpeded by the vast amount of mass weighing her down. She passed through the illusory mist and quickly made her way up the reverse peak. When she reached the upper floor, she dropped the corpse on the ground and proceeded to feast on its meat. Blood and torn flesh flew everywhere as Luna bit into the animal.

Soon, the bison was stripped down to its very bones, which were promptly tossed aside in a corner that was filled with animal remains. Luna slowly walked up the stairs to the roof where Ull'Yang was, transforming back to her humanoid form in the process.

Ull'Yang made a note of his canine companion's arrival but did not initiate the conversation. When Luna reached him, he opened his arms as she fell into his embrace. He watched as she made herself comfortable. When she had settled down, she looked upwards and their eyes met, a smile beaming on her face. The stellar god sighed.

After that night when he had gotten angry at her for trying to force him to take an Oath to the Primordials and the subsequent reconciliation session they shared, she was now depended on him to be able to sleep quietly at night. If he did not take her in his arms, she would always be overcome by mental demons that haunted her subconscious and prevented her from sleeping.

They remained like that for a couple of hours, until the stars were right above them, illuminating the skies above and the ground below. Luna's gaze shifted from the sky to Ull'Yang; "Master?" she called out.

"What is it, little wolf?" Ull'Yang looked at her quizically. "What's the matter now?" he asked.

"Where are the other gods?"

Ull'Yang was taken aback by her sudden questioning of his siblings' whereabouts. In truth, he had indeed not communicated with his siblings since entering his plane. Well, of course, there was his Avatar. He was sure that by now, his Avatar would have made contact with at least one or two of his fellow gods. "If that's the case then for what reason have I not been made aware of any such contact?"

With that thought in mind, Ull'Yang concentrated his divine will and projected it across the entirety of Cygnea, an easy feat considering that the plane was very much attuned to him. His mind touched the boundaries of the plane, the protective barrier he had set in order to bar both unauthorized entry and exit from his realm.

"Ahh, so it is like this..." Ull'Yang uttered in realization. Luna looked at her master; "What happened, master?" Ull'Yang placed his hand on his face and sighed. "It seems..." his voice faltered. "It seems that I was with much ado when I was first laying Cygnea's foundations. So much so that I actually made a mistake during the employment of the barrier." Ull'Yang sighed once more.

"This... error of mine caused interference in the outer layers of the barrier and so when my Avatar - or any other divine being for that matter - tried to communicate with me directly, Its divine will was blocked by the barrier and made unable to reach me. Similarly, had I tried to communicate with my siblings or my Avatar, I would have found myself unable to do so..."

Ull'Yang raised a hand and a small, blue sphere covered with a myriad of runic symbols, unintelligible to everyone but himself, appeared a few inches over his palm. "Fortunately, It is an easy problem to fix..."

The sphere rotated over his palm before suddenly stopping. Three sets of runes glowed bright red, a contrast to the sphere's blue color, indicating that these were at fault for the barrier's malfunction. Ull'Yang's eyes trailed over the three words calmly, analyzing them.

Luna too, brought her face closer to the sphere, marveling at its mysteries. The contrast of the blood red words with their blue background aroused multiple feelings inside of her, with awe, curiosity, and a sense of yearning being but a few of them.

To Ull'Yang, however, the words meant something completely different, for he knew their actual meaning. His eyes bulged as he was overcome by dread. "Th-these words!" He exclaimed. At that moment, if he was a mortal, he would have most likely, from head to toe, been drenched in sweat.

"T-t-this cannot be... Rii, Vey, Feim..." Ull'Yang looked up at the night sky with a look of anger mixed with anxiety and fear. "Essence, Cut, Fade... 'Tis a most unfortunate, bad omen...

Ull'Yang immediately expelled the three words from the surface of the sphere and as if the shackles that were weighing the barrier down were broken, the rest of the runic symbols let out a brilliant golden light and started rotating around the sphere. At the same time, a beam of light was shot upwards from the sphere to the barrier.

The moment the beam of light impacted the barrier, Ull'Yang was immediately flooded with myriads of information. Everything that had taken place in Galbar, his Avatar's experiences, Vestec's little war on the mortal races, Teknall coming to him for help and the eventual confrontation of the Avatars. Then, there was the sudden interruption by Vowzra's and Astarte's Avatars and his verbal sparring with Vowzra that eventually lead to the two Avatars fighting a fierce battle, albeit for different reasons altogether.

Yang'Ze condition after the fight was severe but it was not life-threatening so Ull'Yang did not bother much with that. As for Vowzra's Avatar, Yang'Ze had utilized his superior speed in order to escape after managing to cut off one of the turtle's legs, temporarily impeding its movement. He had no clue as to the turtle's current whereabouts.

Ull'Yang let all the new information flow inside his mind unhampered by restrictions or barriers. Only after everything was over did he let out a sigh. At least nothing too serious had happe-

As each of the four gods' divine signature burned off and faded into oblivion, Ull'Yang felt like his very soul was being repeatedly stabbed by four million scorchingly hot needles. He let out an earth-shaking below as he clutched his chest, right above where his core was. Luna, who was sitting leisurely on his lap the whole time, was frightened out of her wits by his sudden outburst.

"W-w-what happened?!" Luna said with a worried look. One moment he was peacefully sitting with her and the other moment, he was writhing on the ground whilst clutching his chest in pain. Such a sudden turn of events had left her in a state of bewilderment, to say the least. The only thing she could do was to stay at Ull'Yang's side and hope he endured the whole ordeal.

It took a whole four hours for Ull'Yang to finally calm down. The look on his face was not in the least reassuring; the essence lines covering his body and previously brimming with brilliant divine essence had now significantly dimmed down to the bare minimum. It took another four hours for Ull'Yang to return to his former condition.

Right before opening his eyes, myriads of images, pulled straight from Yang'Ze's memories, were shown to him. They spoke of a large event taking place in Galbar, the planet his siblings had poured so much of their attention. A giant body of rippling flesh shooting off from one of Galbar's oceans, traveling all the way to the northern hemisphere of the planet and crashing into a huge mountain in an impact of cataclysmic proportions. The mountain's peak was blasted to smithereens. After that, a huge portal opened up and the Flesh entered it, only to come out again after a few seconds.

That time, however, it brought something with it. The Flesh's surface rippled as it spat out a huge dome-like shape that landed on the northern parts of the planet, sending tremors that were felt even by Yang'Ze, who was witnessing the whole scene from afar. After that, the Flesh significantly shriveled in size and promptly disappeared from the area.

Following that, Toun's solemn voice echoed inside Ull'Yang's mind, relaying his message. Ull'Yang felt something liquid dripping on his face and so slowly opened his eyes. Luna was there, eyes closed and... praying? To whom? The Gods? What sort of being is capable of death yet dares to call itself a god? The Primordials? Were they the True Gods? If so, then what were the 20, no, 16 - now - siblings? Not quite like True Gods, yet too powerful to label demigods? Something in the middle?

Ull'Yang did not know what to think or feel. Should he be angry at the Primordials for dragging them in this universal playground of theirs, only to stand back and watch as they slaughtered each other?

Should he feel sad at the loss of his fellow siblings? His creations would never be tested and tempered by Mammon's challenges. Vulamera's insights into the intricacies of the mind would never give answers to his questions. He would never get to know the mysterious even to his brethren, god of Death. Last but not least, he would never again have the opportunity to talk, argue and compare theories about the Universe and its mysteries with Vowzra.

Or should he simply resign himself to the workings of Fate? Only to end up just another piece of the puzzle that is the Universe. Because since even the God of Time's death did not result in the Universe suddenly imploding, then that was evidence of the fact that they were just that. Expendable pieces whose only real purpose was to aid with the creation of the Universe and nothing more.

Yet it was neither of the three emotions that surfaced at that moment. Instead, he simply laughed. He laughed away the anger towards the Primordials, he laughed away the sorrow towards his sibling's deaths and he laughed away the thoughts of resignation to Fate's Will. Much like in the fleeting moments before the Shattering Disunity, when he had voiced his resistance towards Fate and the pre-ordained path it had chosen for him.

He laughed and steeled his resolve, for he had decided he would tread a path riddled with danger. A path that would surely bring him to conflict with many of his siblings. A path that might as well bring him to his end.

And even then, he laughed.

Reverse Peak

Ull'Yang stood in the middle of The Peak's roof. He looked over at Luna who was silently standing a few meters away from him, a deep sadness was evident in her eyes. She wanted to speak, to voice her objection to Ull'Yang's plan, yet after a lengthy discussion in which he had disclosed everything that had occurred in the Outer Realm and had also expressed his thoughts and emotions to her, somewhere deep inside she found herself admitting that she agreed with his decision. So, instead of blocking his way and being a general nuisance, she'd decided to wholeheartedly support him in his endeavors, whatever they may be.

She could not, however, shake off the feeling of sadness that overtook her whenever she thought the happy and quiet times they shared together, isolated from the rest of the world inside Ull'Yang's realm, would soon come to an end.

Ull'Yang tore his eyes away from Luna's form and brought himself to focus on the task at hand. He sat down cross-legged in the middle of rooftop and closed his eyes. He made some last seconds adjustments to his mental condition and then activated his divine power. Divine essence coursed through the essence lines on his body, making them shine a bright red light. He made a couple of simple gestures with his hands and then made a pushing motion.

Suddenly, and as if actually being pushed by Ull'Yang's hands, a medium sized globe started to slowly come out of the star god's chest. The moment a fraction of the red sphere came in contact with the surrounding atmosphere, the temperature was raised a couple thousand degrees. Fortunately, Ull'Yang had made preparations beforehand.

The moment the globe appeared, an array of runic symbols he had previously inscribed upon the ground glowed a bright golden light that suppressed the oppressing force of the burning sphere, forming a ten-meter barrier around Ull'Yang that isolated the space inside from the rest of the realm and effectively protecting it from any harm that could befall Cygnea as a result of the whole process.

After a minute or so, the whole of the globe had come out and was silently levitating in front of Ull'Yang. The temperature inside the ten-meter radius of the barrier could be counted in the millions. No living being except the gods themselves would ever be able to withstand such high temperatures. The rest would simply evaporate out of existence, with not even their ashes remaining.

"The easy part is over..." Ull'Yang thought and with a wave of his hand, multiple runic symbols surrounded the burning red core of his. He circulated his divine essence and the symbols started to slowly rotate clockwise as they revolved around the core, whilst at the same time giving off a multitude of colors.

Ull'Yang placed his hands on either side of the core and after taking a deep breath in, he stimulated all of his power and poured massive amounts of divine essence into the symbols while pushing inwards. The resistance he faced was immense. The core felt like a small boulder in the hands of a powerless child. It would neither budge nor deform. However, Ull'Yang had prepared for this beforehand and made sure to be in his top condition.

He circulated even more of his divine essence, pouring even more of it inside the symbols, powering them up further. The symbols, in turn, shone even more brightly. Bright red rays of light escaped the ten-meter radius of the sealing array but were promptly stopped by a second sealing array placed on top of the first one. Ull'Yang spared no effort in meticulously making sure his realm would emerge unharmed from his breakthrough.

Because it was exactly that, a breakthrough. After he had successfully refined his core, Ull'Yang was sure that he would be able to gain the ability to roam the Universe with his true form however he pleased and would be finally freed of the limitations his nature as a star imposed upon his freedom.

However, as he was struggling, he realized that his power was still not enough. His core was the center of his being and as such, it would arduously resist any and every change that went against the natural ways. Making any sort of change to it would be tantamount to changing the mechanism of his very being. Nevertheless, Ull'Yang persevered. He continued infusing the symbols with his divine essence. Suddenly and out of nowhere, a loud popping sound echoed throughout his being. He whole body let off cracking sounds and he was unexpectedly filled with newfound power! "It seems as if the effort put into refining my core brought forth unforeseen yet positive results..."

Ull'Yang did not allow himself to feel surprised for more than a millisecond before putting this new pool of untapped divine essence into use. He infused the symbols with more divine essence and simultaneously pushed with all his strength inwards. Seemingly, this extra bit of divine essence was exactly what he needed for the core to finally succumb under his strength.

At the start, small dents started appearing on the surface of the core and after a while, cracks began appearing. At that moment, Ull'Yang felt an incomparable amount of pain. In front of this kind of pain, what he had felt when his siblings died could be compared to the pain a person feels when a mosquito pierces their skin with its needle-like mouth. This kind of pain came from the deepest parts of his soul and actually terrorized Ull'Yang.

However, he would not allow himself to develop doubts about his decisions. That was his path now and he would follow it to the end. Ull'Yang clenched his teeth and pushed at the core once more. Slowly and under the intense pressure from the runic symbols, the core started to slowly deform, until it eventually turned into a malleable, transparent viscous substance. Ull'Yang shaped this substance into his desired shape over a period of several hours before finally activating the secondary effect of the runic symbols.

The symbols suddenly halted to a stop before starting to rotate again, counter-clockwise this time. This time, the runes gave off a completely white light as they rapidly lowered themselves towards the core. When they touched the surface of the newly-shapen core, huge amounts of steam came forth from it. After a couple of seconds, the steam dissipated and in front of Ull'Yang levitated his new core.

After shrinking to almost half its previous size and gaining a new shape, one would be hard-pressed to know exactly what it was without previous knowledge of Ull'Yang's inner workings.

The stellar god palmed his core and gazed at it with a contented look. He let out a sigh of relief, before promptly absorbing the core back inside his body. Like a fish in water, the core radiated a bright red light immediately after entering Ull'Yang's body and started to hungrily absorb more divine essence. It took some time before Ull'Yang managed to stabilize himself. Unfortunately, however, he also came to know of another crucial piece of information during this time.

The whole process of refining his core had actually pushed forward the date of his next supernova. Sadly, there were some things, like the supernovae he went through, that he simply could not change with his current power level. In order for him to break those shackles, he would have to become more powerful and gain better insights into the inner workings of the Universe.

With a wave of his hand, the two-fold sealing symbol array he had engraved on the ground disappeared. Ull'Yang raised his eyes and looked at Luna, who had actually laid on the ground and was sleeping. She writhed from time to time and it was evident that she truly needed him to be able to have a peaceful rest.

Ull'Yang walked beside her sleeping form and gently put his arms behind her back and legs, lifting her up from the cold stone floor. Luna instinctively felt the warmth coming from him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He could only sigh before positioning her over his back, piggyback style. "Seems like you're coming with me to the Monument, but I'll be sending you back here soon enough. Can't have you around when the supernova's so close..." He then floated over the edge of The Peak's top and down towards the entrance of Reverse Peak. "Leaving this place unguarded?" Ull'Yang pondered on the thought for a couple of seconds before deciding against it. Who knew what might happen whilst he was gone?

As such, he slowly floated himself and Luna over in front of Reverse Peak's door and pointed at the two pillars on its sides. Beams of multicolored light, a sign of an imminent supernova, shot from his fingers towards the two pillars. After a second, rumbling noises were heard as the whole mountain beneath them trembled. Suddenly, two giant, muscular arms tore through the ground, each grabbing a pillar. The muscles on the arms bulged and tensed and all of a sudden, two identical giant humanoid monsters emerged from the mountain's innards.

The humanoid beasts looked at each other and then looked at Ull'Yang. The two beasts shared one mind and had perfect coordination between the two. Their immense strength could blow apart a huge boulder with a swing of their fist and they possessed rudimentary intelligence, enough for them to be able to distinguish friend from foe as well as receiving and carrying out orders from their master.

"You are Mundo," Ull'Yang said while pointing at the left monster. "And you are Odnum," he told the one on the right. "Protect this place in my absence. Kill animals only to sate your hunger and never hunt just for the sake of it. Respect nature for the very earth gave birth to you."

Ull'Yang paused a bit before he uttered his next lines. "Kill all outsiders who do not bear my crest..." he said and a flash of light shot from his eyes and entered their mind, deeply engraving his personal crest in their very being.

The two towering beings nodded their affirmation and positioned themselves beside their respective pillars. In a flash, they had turned into two immovable stone statues.

Ull'Yang, satisfied by his two house guardians, simply nodded back and with a thought, an interdimensional portal tore open in the fabric of space in front of him. He shielded Luna's body with a coating of multicolored divine essence and then stepped into the portal which closed behind him. Cygnea was left to rest, for now.

Ull'Yang took two simple steps. One to step into the portal, through which he appeared on the empty vacuum of outer space. He took a moment to marvel at the sheer vastness of the Universe before taking his seconds step.

Ull'Yang appeared in front of the Monument. The moment he laid foot on the surface of the planet, the ground beneath his feet lost all moisture and cracked whilst the plants and flowers around him quickly dried up and died. The very water in the air surrounding him was quickly evaporating into steam. Soon enough, a small raincloud had formed over his head and small droplets of water started raining down on him. He looked at the sight and let out a solemn smile. "And this is AFTER I have refined my core. Imagine what would happen if I suddenly showed up here without any sort of preparation beforehand. Utter annihilation..."

Ull'Yang then looked over at Toun's Monum- no. It was more of a memorial for the fallen. His eyes fell on the Tounic Caligraphy. Toun's distinct writing system conveyed thoughts and feelings in such a way that the tears he had not been able to shed earlier came out in rivers now. However, as soon as they came out, they were, too, evaporated by the incredible heat he was emitting.

He let himself cry as much as his subconscious wanted and only after every last drop had come out did he slowly walk away towards the Gate Unguarded. He did not sign the Oath of Stilldeath, for he knew it would do nothing more than curb his path towards fulfilling his ideals.

Before he entered, he pulled over to him the quarter of his consciousness he had left with his Avatar whilst leaving behind a couple of commands for it. Namely to find a safe place to recuperate and recover from the serious injuries inflicted in the fight with Vowzra's Avatar.

However, the moment he passed through the barrier separating this new realm and the rest of Galbar, Ull'Yang was pleasantly surprised by an extremely strange discovery. He smiled and looked towards the sky of the realm. "Even in death, you offer a helping hand. I've misjudged! A grave sin! I shall help myself with your parting gift and finish what you set out to do, albeit my way..."

The time flow inside this realm was indeed something that practically screamed Vowzra. "750 to 1...no...a thousand years here is one day outside!" Ull'Yang exclaimed in amazement.

Of course, Jvan's influence over the broken realm was also evident, much more so as it's original owner's essence ever so slowly faded away into nothingness, leaving behind only his creations to attest for him even existing in the first place...

Aside from these two facts, It seemed as if the realm itself rejected his presence there, or rather, his presence there caused so much harm to the realm itself that it shriveled away from him. As a result, everything in a ten-meter radius around Ull'Yang was barren and devoid of life. When he walked into one place, all the flora in that place magically gained feet and scampered away from his scorching aura. As for the animals, they did not even dare approach him. From the time he set foot inside the realm, he had not seen not one inkling of life around himself.

Ull'Yang spread his divine will and located one peculiar cube-like structure in the deeper parts of the realm. Aside from that, he detected various other signals, namely Toun, Teknall and two other unknown ones, albeit one of them sharing a similar trace with the late Vowzra.

Although he felt like talking with his siblings, he knew better. His rebirth was imminent and there would be time to exchange pleasantries afterward. Ull'Yang sat Luna's sleeping form beside a boulder, knelt down, placed his hands on the sides of her face and touched his forehead with hers. In a flash, all sorts of positive and reassuring messages passed onto her from him in an effort to somewhat curb her worries of him, because he knew, he was sure that she was completely liable to worry herself to death if he didn't prepare her mentally. He also planted a separate message inside her subconscious.

"You are by no means allowed to pass through the Gate Unguarded of the realm on the northern parts of Galbar."

When he pulled his head away from her, a single tear trickled down Luna's cheek, which he wiped aside before promptly teleporting her out of Vowzra's former realm.

With that done, Ull'Yang stood up and took one last good look of Vowzra's realm before sighing. "Here we go again..." he said out loud and his form was instantly sucked inside his new gem-like core. The core floated for a few seconds, multicolored lights flashing inside of it before it suddenly went dim and shot towards the nearby boulder. It phased through the boulder and took root inside of it.

The 5th cycle had begun.
@MuttonhawkDoes one have a choice whether they sign or not? I mean, you said it would take 25 (30 with Teknall's reinforcement) Might to break. What happens if someone decides to skip the whole thing? Do they have to use might in order to NOT sign it?
@Kho I have a question. Does the New Chronos time flow function in the same way as it previously did? I mean, is it still 1000 years-to-1 day inside or not?
@Antarctic Termite @Kho By the way, I wanna thank whoever put that video in the post. You just introduced me to my new favourite genre of music :)
@Gimmickly Nice char. Better put those images inside hiders though ;D
@Antarctic Termite So Vowzra was basically killed by his own creations...
So many Happenings happened. @Kho I believe my god list needs an update. Ull... Will have a lot to react to. One thing I hav3 not really understood well is: the other are something like the gods of the Gap and they are aggressive towards us, right? So they ganged up on Vowzra and killed him. Is that how it went down?
@PKMNB0Y I'm still on vacation with unstable internet and no laptop/pc to write. I'd stated that I would be off till today. Tomorrow I'll be back. If you want to, you can move forward and just assume that I followed along.
And a post for you! I'll leave you with this for now. I hope that I won't fall behind because of my week long vacation? ;'C

EDIT: I edited my post a little to spice things up ;P
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