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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Vec>

I mean, when speaking of Jvan, it makes sense. Have you seen how geometric she is?

Yeah, she's fractal and all. Oh well. By the way, I think I'll take you up on that Cosmic Knight char thing, if you open then up for others to play as, but I'll have to talk to you about some stuff regarding them.
@WrongEndoftheRainbow I could benefit from countless portfolios, but that does not mean that Ull is suited for them e.e Dunno how Divinity in and of itself could be counted as a portfolio.

But then again, we counted Geometry as a portfolio for Beauty... I digress...

@WrongEndoftheRainbow How would that Knowledge (Divinity) work exactly? I mean, there are a lot of things that have yet to be canonised, so I dunno...
@Legion02 By the way, he's not a dragon now. He looks like a tall, brawny human so I don't know how you could call that a monster or thing xD
@Raizin lemme fix it then :)
@Raizin Have you specified somewhere that you are in human form? Cause I thought you were in wolf form all along...
Name: P4NDA | Level: 1 | Cleric | Day 1 / Morning | Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Main Lounge table.
Tagging: @Bright_Ops
Mentioned: Open

Kai had to admit that the magician's tricks with the deck of cards were pretty cool, although he tried his best to not get fooled. With a smirk, he placed the card back on the second half of deck that the magician held in his hand and waited expectantly. "I wonder what exactly you're gonna do... You better not make my wallet disappear like our little friend's over there has," Kai said and pointed with his thumb at No behind him. "Not like I am accusing you of anything..." Kai added, just to make sure the man didn't take what he said the wrong way.
Name: P4NDA | Level: 1 | Cleric | Day 1 / Morning | Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Main Lounge table.
Tagging: @Bright_Ops, @Holy Soldier, @Raizin
Mentioned: @Halvtand, @Fetzen, @Cyrania, @JackalopeLove, Open

Everyone seemed to be having fun in Kai's eyes. He scanned the group of people that had gathered and lightly chuckled. "This'll be interesting, to say the least," he snickered. When another man, presumably a fellow guild member, approached them holding pies in his hands and asking if anyone wanted any, Kai helped himself to a piece. "I'll have that!" He said before leaning back in his chair once more, this time with pie in hand. As he took a bite, he noticed the elf thief that had inserted herself within the group without saying anything and smirked at how similar her mannerisms seemed to his, albeit, she seemed to not be in a good mood at the time.

Out of nowhere, one of the girls suddenly stood up, brought out bow and arrow and pointed it towards No while screaming to stay away from her, much to everyone's surprise. Kai placed a hand on his forehead and sighed. "It was bound to happen eventually..." Kai knew of No and his reputation as a flirt, but he didn't think he would make a pass at someone so early in the morning. Apparently, Kai was mistaken.

Nevertheless, No seemed to get the message and didn't bother the girl anymore, and the table once again found peace. Sadly, nice things don't last long; No suddenly stood up and started shouting something about having his wallet stolen. Kai frowned and scratched his ear, "Do you really think that whoever stole it - if It was even stolen and you're not forgetting where you put it - would reveal themselves? 'Oh yeah! I did it!'" Kai mocked with half a smile.

Others interjected as well, trying to calm No down, like the knight, or outright refuting his claims, like the gargoyle. Kai nibbled on the piece of pie he had in his hand as he diverted his attention to the black-robbed magician that had just approached the group, and was holding a deck of cards, asking for someone to pick a card. "Oh, this ought to be more fun than whatever those guys are doing," Kai said as he stood up and quickly chose a card before anyone else could. "Let's see your tricks, master magician," he told Keith and after throwing a glance at it, put the card over his chest, not caring to show it to anyone other than himself.
wut is going on here... you guys are putting too much thought on stuff. Ull hasn't even started investing MP into a second port, much less having one xD

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