At this point, AI Camphor's explanations were little more than background noise to the chaos. Snuggles let out something between a growl and a yelp as electricity coursed through her, but refused to let go of the offending Pokémon. If anything, she bit down harder, ragging the electric type in an attempt to make it stop.
Chloe dashed forward out of sheer reflex, her pokédex, still spewing information about Riolu, slipping from her grasp and clattering to the ground. She'd almost reached the scene when a ball flew past her from Jill's direction, and Yuu slid forwards, towards the Snubbull. In her panic, Chloe didn't register the potion; all she saw was that the psychopath's hand was moving towards her Pokémon.
She leapt for the Snubbull, and as Snuggles realized her trainer was about to come in to contact with her, she opened her mouth and let the electric type be yanked out. One of Chloe's arms closed around the fairy type only a moment later, the other striking out in an attempt to slap Yuu square in the face.
"Get away from her, you psycho!"