Upon spotting other fishermen nearby, Elaeshor slipped away from his group. He approached the eldest of the bunch, who looked like he'd already been at it for a while, despite the early hour. Just the kind of dedication to his craft Elaeshor was looking for.
At the man's greeting, the disguised kitsune bowed politely, noting his suspicion. He was not well-versed with talking to ordinary folk not draped in silk and lies, so all he could do was wing it and hope for the best. "And a fine day to you too, sir. Pardon the intrusion, but as you might be able to guess," Elaeshor gestured at himself, "I'm afraid I'm quite out of my element here. I promised my companions here aid in trying to catch fish and feed hungry mouths, yet realized all too late that I've no idea how to do so. And I couldn't help but notice that out of everyone here, why, you seem the most at ease by the river."
He smiled, sheepish. "Might I request of you a little help? A contribution of a little of your time, and the littlest of your fish? I assure you, good sir, that your generosity will not go unsung."