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That was a little over a week ago, and Ciri could've really used another pizza right about now.

Like last time, Ciri was the only Esper that Maverick Alternative had to spare for today's operation. That meant she'd gotten to make her way to the meeting spot in blissful silence, alone save for her ever watchful shadow. Be that some tension remained between them still; they'd never really worked out their differences when it came to the conclusion of their previous mission, after all.

In other words, Ciri was still pissed, but refused to talk about it.

Anyway, unlike last time, Ciri wasn't going to be the only Esper on the case as a whole, and that didn't help with her mood any. Somehow, the big shots had managed to hire two freelancers to aid with their cause, no doubt in exchange for a hefty sum of money. No way those greedy bastards would've moved their asses otherwise.

Ciri could only hope that being able to hire freelancers at all meant that the GEMINI, who would abso-fucking-lutely show up today too, weren't in too good a financial situation.

"Can we just ditch them if they're late?" Ciri sighed up at Boteg, leaning against his leg, nose buried in her phone.


... Of all the-!

Used as Elaeshor was to the concealed jabs and veiled threats of nobles at court, the outright ridicule of a peasant was preposterous enough to make the kitsune bristle underneath his well-crafted smile. Still, the man had been generous and cooperative enough, and letting his ire show would've done him little good now — on the contrary, he suspected, it would've only fueled the fire. Pride had a time and place.

So, instead, the 'elf' offered the distancing fisherman an exaggeratedly sheepish smile and a bow, hollering after him: "Why, good tidings to you and yours, kind sir!"

And to think he even received a bucket, not needing to touch the gape-mouthed, bug-eyed, slimy little thing himself! How wonderful. Humming, Elaeshor picked the bucket up, coat tails swishing in lieu of an actual tail, as he turned and made his way back towards the others. Who, he soon found, had fared much better than him.

Though not, he assumed, without having had to both figuratively and literally dirty their hands.

Alandri joined them soon enough, taking in their catches. Upon meeting her gaze and the look of understanding reflected in it, Elaeshor offered her a curt nod of confirmation.

Once the gnome was done doing her rounds, complimenting each of the others in turn, she handed them all another Bubbling Scale — and, more disconcertingly, a few words. "This is for tomorrow! See you then!"

... What in the seven hells awaited them tomorrow? Had he missed the part where doing her bidding had become a recurring duty?

As the Kobold called out for the gnome to negotiate for a fish, Elaeshor leaned closer to the other two, veiling his concern with a chuckle. "Surely she does not... expect us to be back to fish for her tomorrow as well, now does she?"

Gods, they could not make their way back to Teacher Ot's office soon enough.
@wanderingwolf Nah that'll work. Fleur doesn't do manual labor.

Her and Ele def have that in common, then!

On that note, changed the name to Elaeshor now. Will post in a bit, gotta walk the pup first.


So unpleasant was the hollow feeling that seeped into her core, that at first Fellwing was sure her magic had gone awry, and the Void Moon had denied her request. She no longer felt like she'd been freed from the confines of a physical realm; she felt as if she was no longer part of it at all, unable to hold onto it even if she'd wanted to. She felt a ghost.

Then she moved. Not because she'd wanted to, but because her legs did, thus she had little say in the matter. The next she knew, she was tearing apart the threads that blocked the entrance to the mines. Then the world went dark — or, rather, bright.

"Ugh..." the Seer blinked open her eyes, disoriented at first, until her eyes happened upon another's. She would have screamed, but by the time she was awake enough to do so, she had no time to fill her lungs before the creature she had stared at scurried away from her. Scared, like her. "W-wait, wh—"

Fellwing tried to reach out a wing, but too late. Her head was still spinning, and she wasn't entirely sure she wasn't just seeing things anyhow. She'd never seen a creature like this before.

"It's... it's quite alright," she said slowly, voice even, as much to herself as to the creature now cowering a little distance from her. "I won't hurt you. I'm Fellwing, a drake. Just a drake. See?" She stretched her wings slowly, looking down at her own, lithe form. "I'm quite far from scary! Who... um, who are you? May I help you?"

Thank you for the rp!

It's too bad my schedule didn't let me participate as much as I would've liked, but I really enjoyed what I did manage to experience! And I'm sooo itching to write out a final thing for Abel, reacting to his fate. (I'm a sucker for bad ends, shh) I might just do that as a private thing though, since I feel like I'd ruin things by posting after the neat and clearly marked ending post, ha.

Also, have to say, I really do like the idea of a shorter rp that actually finishes, as opposed to a long one that peters out and dies. Next time, hopefully, I get to contribute more too :D Would definitely love to rp with you all again, sometime.

See y'all around!

@Vertigo I'm having trouble finding the feat you mentioned "Nudging Whisper." I'm looking in PC1 and PC2 and on archive of Nethys, but I've had no luck. Could you give me the source?

I have yet to look at your post, but I wanted to get up to speed here first.

Sure! It's from his Kitsune ancestry, here's a screenshot from the Pathbuilder site. It lists LO:TXCG as the source, which seems to be a book called Lost Omens: Tian Xia Character Guide. Looking it up, it's apparently pretty new? Had no idea, just saw it in the builder, ha.

Also posting tomorrow! Sorry for the wait on my part as well.
In SPIRITUM 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


From the sound of it, the interrogation was going well. At least, until there was a sudden gurgling sound, which Silje assumed meant that either all the exciting stuff was over, or it was just about to begin. Just this once, though, she didn't stick around to find out one way or the other.

Climbing out of the crate, it didn't take the diminutive battlemage long to figure out where Justice had taken the princess. Not only because they hadn't exactly gone very far, but also because Collette had left a distinct, colourful trail in her wake. Like a shooting star, except hopefully lasting for longer.

Silje popped her head behind the truck.

"Yeah, trouble and us go waaaay back!" she concurred, waving a hand to announce her presence — as if her words didn't already do a good enough job at it. She jumped fully within few and padded over, only stopping when she was inches from the princess' face.

"Not just leaking," she said abruptly, as if she'd been part of the conversation all along. "You're like— exuding it. There's a bunch! Here," she pointed at one of the faintly hued threads wafting past. "And here. And—"

A few more jabs at seemingly nothing, and Silje lowered her finger. "Mist isn't supposed to do that. You aren't supposed to do that to mist. It just is. You take it and you do stuff with it, but you don't make more of it. That's big! Like... reason enough to try and kidnap you and harvest your powers and turn you into an engine of war sort of big."

She paused as if having just realized something, then turned on her heels to stare up at Justice with crossed hands and a sudden, pleading look. "... Do we have to hand her off? Can we keep her instead? Please, please, ugly please? I want an engine of war!"
So, for the name change, I was thinking of going with Elaeshor.

Also, posted an attempt.


Manyroads' Maps, Tradegate, the Outlands
@Lurking Krog, @XxFellsingxX, @Abstract Proxy, @Guardian Angel Haruki

Garnet followed the conversation between her new 'friends' and the gnome with one ear — for a time. A time that wasn't particularly long. The man's rambles turned into little more than a buzz in the background by the time Garnet scooped up the compass and realized she knew what it was for. Or rather, where it was for; the Inner Planes.

She knew something good would come out of watching her mother carve all those old-as-all-heck runes into her blades. When she was younger, she just assumed that something would be bragging rights to her father, who said they looked like drunken kenku-scratches.

Oh, and hold up! Hadn't the others just talked about the Elemental Chaos? And how oh-so-very-difficult it was to traverse and all? Because, um, not for her! Not anymore.

"I coul' do it!" she announced from where she stood, hands on her hips, compass still visible in one hand. She was grinning again, proud of a feat not quite yet accomplished. "Tra'erse t'e place with t'e stuff 'n' thin's! Easy!"

At the very least, she had the sense not to add, 'with the compass I just stole from you'. Small victories.
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