Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Maple let go of the girl's hand as she began to lead her and Olly to the magic demonstrations, although by the time she got there she had lost them. She looked for them a little, but decided that if she ever saw them again she could just apologize. She went on to watch the demonstrations and afterwards went to find her dorm.

Now she woke up in that room, having decorated it the night before with little squares of colored paper that made it feel more like a bedroom and less like a dungeon. She wasn't like most pure vampires, her family was much more modern than the rest of them, and so her room looked a lot more like how a normal human's room would look. She had a cell phone, and a music player, and even a little box of makeup and care products on her dresser.

She got out of bed after turning off the alarm on her phone and went through her normal routine of picking out an outfit for the day. It actually was daytime now, as she had decided to take a couple of the day classes so she could get ahead in her schoolwork. In that case, she had only gotten about 5 hours of sleep and now had one hour to get ready for class and actually find the classroom. Luckily she had kept the map she had grabbed the night before, and found her way there with minutes to spare.

She walked into the mental magics classroom and chose a seat near the front of the room, looking around at the handful of other students there and noticing that the teacher was not there yet.

Vivian smiled as Amelia greeted her and James, even though she could tell she wasn't in her usual mood. "Good morning Amelia." She said before taking a sip of coffee. She closed her eyes a moment and made a small illusion for Amelia, a cute little sprite that would do funny things that only the two of them could see.

Certain that once she noticed it Amelia would start to cheer up, Vivian excused herself while James and Amelia finished their breakfast to make sure she had everything she needed for her day class. When she went back to the kitchen Amelia was already waiting for her so they could go to class together, although it seemed she hadn't noticed the sprite yet.

With a quick goodbye to James she and Amelia left, they would get to her classroom in a few minutes. Along the way, Vivian hummed and pointed out things to Amelia, like what a beautiful day it was or how a certain cloud looked a bit like her, or if you tilted your head the other way it looked like a rabbit. Nevertheless she was hoping to cheer Amelia up before they got to the classroom.
Eve nodded to Nataly, Drew, and Vanahara before going over to the starboard side of the ship and beginning to coat it with ice. Luckily the air was full of water and ice already from the proximity of the Storm, it was a simple matter to pull it from the air and cover the ship. Within a couple of minutes she and Nataly had the entire ship covered, and she could sense where Vanahara was strengthening the hull from where the ice was forced to move.

Then they entered the storm. It was amazing, like they were transported to an entirely different planet, but it didn't take long until Eve was focused again on keeping the layer of ice around the ship. small bits of earth and lightning consistently broke the ice, the electricity in the lightning being grounded by the metal hull and heating it up to melt the ice around it at the same time. However, as fast as the Storm's elements were breaking their shield, she and Nataly were replacing it just as quickly.

She was distracted a moment by the rope that Vanahara had tossed to them, and she nodded her thanks as she quickly tied the rope around her waist. Trusting the knot to be strong enough, she turned back to her ice, pulling some from the storm to patch where the other elements of the storm kept breaking the shield of ice. She began to get annoyed at how the elements of the storm seemed to be working together to defeat their efforts.

When Vanahara yelled to them that there was a cannon lost Eve quickly spread a thin layer of ice over the cannon ports to find where the hole was. She hadn't put much ice by the cannons, the constant firing would just increase the risk of it shattering, but when she found the empty port she pulled more ice from the storm and filled it, the ice forming on both sides of the wall and fusing in the space between them.

Before she could even take a breath after that, a harpy landed on the deck beside her thinking that she would be its next meal. She pulled her sword off her back and sliced it in two, then formed a bunch of small, sharp shards of ice using the water from the rune in her sword's hilt, throwing them towards more of the harpies and aiming for their eyes.

She continued this strengthening of the ice shield and volley of ice attacks on the harpies until one managed to get behind her and lift her from the ship's deck, causing her to drop her sword as she was pulled into the sky. The rope around her waist managed to stop their ascent, causing the harpy to dig its claws into her shoulders and start tugging on her, painfully and in vain as it tried to fight against the rope. She managed to calm down after a moment, and started coating the harpy in ice, starting with its wings.

The harpy shrieked and they fell back to the deck, Eve managing to land on the creature and pull its claws from her. Shakily, she grabbed her sword back off the ground and shoved it into the harpie's torso, where its heart would be. The creature fell to a heap on the deck as she removed her sword, and went to sit with her back against the railing so nothing could get her from behind again. She held her sword in her lap in front of her, ready to defend herself again as she went about re-repatching the layer of ice around the ship, making sure that the hole in the cannon bay was still closed.
@Markofkri You're perfectly welcome. ^.^
@Markofkri yes you were! Sorry about the confusion.
ooh clans. Even more interesting.

So, I got a bit of writer's block, and used the clans idea to get around it. Here's my first fight:

Learning an instrument from the age of four, that's normal. It just means your parents are overachievers or high-society. Most of the time. Killing a small group of people with your music at the age of 10, that's terrifying. Unless of course that's what you wanted to do, what your parents trained you to do. Living in the lap of luxury does not make you a good person, or mean that you ever were. How do you think the Harmoni clan rose to power and riches in the first place?

When a rival clan attacked their home, the Harmonis were on top of everything. A group of about 4-6 people (a couple ran away after a while) decided to pick off the younger members of the clan, and had cornered Lucia in her bedroom. But no problem. Once she got bored of dodging their attacks, she picked up her flute from her dresser and started playing.

The melody was beautiful, and caused a few of the enemies to pause and listen, just long enough for her to make a barrier between them and herself. As they tried, and failed, to break her barrier (A thick wall made of her music) the melody grew, and with it so did a pack of wolves behind the group, trapping them in the room with her. She smiled and closed her eyes, listening only to the music as the group was torn to shreds.

I hope this is ok. She's not super good at fighting, just unfazed by it.

Player check/role-call: Who all's still here? (Sorry about this I'm just worried.)
If I don't mention you and you are still here, please chastise me harshly for forgetting you. If I mention you and you aren't here anymore please tell us!

@Vesuvius00 This is me. I am here. Bleehhh.

@Lucius Cypher I know you're here, but for completeness's sake...

@Luna I see you've been on over the weekend. Prepare to be pestered! =P

@Satsuki@Aspen Wren@Markofkri@Pudding@Diabolic@duskshine749@SwarthyBard126@Aisling
I think that's everyone still in the thread...

And finally: @Joshua Tamashii I almost forgot to mention you... Come join the thread now!
Alright, anyone wanna help Allen with repeatedly killing the Cat-bunny? XD

Also, yay! Post 100!
Allen watched as the fight went on. The blonde woman was tossed into the Cat-bunny, and then someone started shooting, missing the blonde but tearing the Cat-bunny to shreds. The group didn't miss a beat as someone else went up and punched the woman right in the gut, making a sound like a clap of thunder as the fist connected. The woman began to twitch and cough, a sick black goo coming up as she did, but soon started laughing as she regenerated.

"Disgusting. I can't see her soul, which means she must be human, but the way she acts and regenerates is like an Akuma." Allen spoke out loud as he noticed another Cat-bunny, (or maybe the same one?) had appeared and was eating the remains of the other one. And those Cat-things are not much better it seems. At that, he began to target the Cat-bunny, but couldn't fire before the woman started a miniature sandstorm, blowing the Cat-bunny away and temporarily messing up Allen's aim.

Before Allen could relocate the Cat-bunny, a giant bird appeared, stopping the sandstorm as it began to take flight. He was going to try and bring it down along with the others, until he noticed the Cat-bunny starting to run from the scene. He chased after it until he caught up, pinning it in place by standing on one of its ears and aiming his arm-cannon at it. "What the heck are you two?"
Ok! I'm finally back home! Will have a post up asap.

Just checking in... I'll get a post up as soon as I can get back to a computer. I spent the weekend camping with family and have only been able to check stuff on my phone.
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