Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

Chara will be causing troubles at every chance they get. Eventually they'll have done enough that the conflict between Humans and Monsters is self-fueling.

And the only one who can stop them is... Idk whoever tries first I guess.

Chara's voice
Chara's voice when possessing someone
Just so there's no confusion when I suddenly switch colors in a post. ^.^
@booksmusicanime@Spooky Tanuki@thanatosDefiant@DigitalDemon@Skepic

Chara rolled their eyes as the humans began flocking to Toriel like... ducklings, or something else equally cute and annoying. They were a little angry that Flowey hadn't answered them, although considering the situation it would raise a bit of suspicion if they started having an all-out conversation. "Hmm... Watch this." Chara snickered as they went over to one human who seemed totally uninterested in the group, just some guy walking down the street.

He was weak, easy to posses and control as Chara made him walk over to the group, a crazed grin on his face mirroring their own as Chara found that he carried a pocket knife. He drew it slowly from his pocket as Chara made him speak, an introduction mocking those of the other humans who had walked over to talk to Toriel. "Hello! I don't know any of you but find you all extremely annoying. Especially. You." As Chara made the human say "you" they made him lunge at Toriel with the knife aimed for her heart, leaving/unpossessing the human at the same moment.

Chara hovered nearby to watch the "fun", laughing and looking around for more weak humans they could sick on Toriel.
I was kinda assuming that all the Class Noir students knew each other already. So I'm sorry if that's not the case, what with all the introductions going on.

Let's just pretend (if the students really don't already know each other) that Sora's the kind of person that does their homework so they can go around being Mr. Know-it-all if they want.
Hitomi Sora
Sora had wandered in a loop around campus, ending up back at the Dorms as the announcement came on over the PA. Not being one to actually go to Assemblies they just hung out in the dorm's common area until a feeling of indecision came over them. Surely, their roommate would have found the room by now... Sora didn't really want to go there if their roommate would be there. Some people tried too hard to be "Friendly" and ended up asking too many questions.
It's bad form to have to threaten your roommate on the first day, after all.

As boredom won out, Sora climbed the stairs quickly. Before they got to their room however, they saw someone much more interesting than whoever their roommate was. It was another Class Noir student, Jin. He wore a muzzle and chains as he walked about, a somewhat-crazed look in his eye. A small grin formed on Sora's face as they approached him.
"Hey, Jin. Excited to start the new year?" Sora's tone was friendly but also respectful enough that they wouldn't seem pushy. Sora would leave Jin alone if it seemed that he didn't want to talk. It was never a good idea to get on the bad side of a Class Noir student, especially since you had to live, or die, with the consequences.

A lost Island or Underwater sounds really cool. Like, Atlantis or something.
anyways, @Vesuvius00, have you gotten Shiri sorted out? Do you need any help with getting her moving?

No, I haven't been able to talk to Echo yet or anything. I could use some help maybe just getting her away from Jewel
Make sure to edit it and tag me as a Co GM

This is the IntCK Luna. lol, the official ooc won't be so....

It probably will only change minimally
Hetalia - Shinanigans with (no?) Consequences

First off: Rules.

NO godmodding
NO powerplaying
NO autohitting
NO controlling another person's character, EVER

and absolutely NO not having fun. :)

There is a loose plot in place however this is mostly a Slice of life/Coffee shop kinda idea, like the Manga and Anime itself. (The plot is really just me coming up with ideas for villains/troubles/situations to throw at you all.

Each player can play 2 countries unless there is not a lot of players, in which case I will raise the limit.

My lovely Co-GM @Luna and I will be keeping the piece, somehow. But still, try not to be rude or cause problems. I GM on a basic 3-strike rule. If you get to 3, you're out. That doesn't normally happen, though.

I will introduce "Plot" as it happens, however here's a brief list of what to expect:
Time Travel
Canada (Srsly don't forget 'im)
Apostrophes (These things => ' )


Taken Countries

Canada - @Vesuvius00
Romano - @Vesuvius00
Italy - @Luna
Germany - @Luna
Japan - @YamiCuoreLaroux
America - @Entropsy
N. and S. Vietnam - @Yvain

Human OCs are accepted and encouraged so long as they're not EXTREMELY WELL THOUGHT OUT AND AWESOME. Do not waste cool OCs on a Slice of life Garbage RP. Please. This is for fun, not character development.

Please use this format for any and all CSes you wish to submit:
[i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i] (NOT NECESSARY)
Chara smiled as the sun rose, turning the grey Pre-dawn of the suface into a vibrant and colorful veiw of their new playground. Since the barrier broke it had become much easier for Chara to move about and remain in this world without needing to be tethered to anyone. Chara was basically a ghost now, but with a far more powerful Soul, and while they didn't quite understand what was going on in the world at the moment, they knew enough to make this a new stating point. A new plan.

Now, to find Asriel.

Chara drifted through the neighborhood, searching, when they came across a human who seemed to be sleeping in the middle of the street. Out of curiosity, they reached out to touch and perhaps wake the human, but the attempt failed when their hand phased right through the girl's arm. Sighing, Chara tensed up as she noticed her mo- Toriel, walking down the street along with Frisk, (ugh) and...

Asriel! Or, Flowey at the moment. He looked pretty funny being carried around in a flower pot, and not extremely happy with the situation either. Chara went over and whispered to him. "Remember me? Time for a new plan, partner."
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