Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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granted, however with such ineffective weapons humanity is unable to defend itself from the Alien invasion.

I wish that Kubey's Race never existed! And that no other thing would take their place and do the same things as they would have. (therefore stopping the cycle of magical girls and witches without me needing to become a god)
Posted, and it took way longer than it should have.
And now, to sleep! goodnight everyone!
Nadia Parnel
Bride of Exon and sister-bride to Saisri
(@Ellion and @RomanAria)

It seemed like the more Nadia struggled and tried to get away, the less good it did her. The Drakken's grip was too strong for her to slip free, and it only got tighter. After a few seconds, she could barely even breathe. She let herself go limp, perhaps he would loosen his grip if he thought she'd given up?

Well his grip did loosen, and he started to fall as she was pulled from his grasp and moved out of the way by her husband. As he spoke, the offender tried to punch him and, Nadia had to look away. She closed her eyes and waited for it to be over, which wasn't long. The sound of pain was bad enough, she couldn't bear to watch. She opened her eyes as her husband asked her if she was hurt.

"P-please don't! I'm fine, please, please don't hurt him anymore." It disturbed her how easily he'd said that. She'd never heard anyone speak so carelessly about taking a life. "I'm, more scared than anything, so there's no need to-" She flinched as she'd clasped her hands in front of herself, looking down at them as she finished speaking.

"There's no need to cause anyone any more pain." She could already tell she was going to have a bruise on her hand and wrist where the Drakken had grabbed her. She hoped her words were enough to keep him alive, and hoped that her sleeves might be long enough to hide the bruise for a while.

As she tried to think of a way to change the topic, she realized that she didn't even know her Husband's name. "Um, m'lord? You called me by name but I don't think I know yours yet."

Onyx is a little... loony. Her imagination borders on schizophrenia, so She's lucky she's not been in any danger yet. She doesn't process things the same way as everyone else, and reacts as if life is a book she's reading. She doesn't realize the reality around her is something to be wary of, so she's the one I get to use to point out and exploit irony

She'll realize eventually, I think. Kinda depends on how Kai treats her.

Nadia is actually terrified and scared out of her mind, and sad beyond words. She loved her family, and is probably going to try and run away or kill herself or something once things start to go bad unless she can learn to love Exon. She's too fragile to put up a fight, and her mentality is practically broken already from being torn away from her life and forced into this. She's not going to get through the night without breaking down in some way.
I'm waiting on @Vesuvius00

oh, OH. That's why it's so quiet today...
Working on it! Gimmie a few hours, I'm multi-tasking between homework, this, and friends blowing up my phone at the moment. I'd be amazed if I can focus at all...
Granted, but The Doctor saves you and destroys the army before you can take over.

I wish I lived in the anime world of Fairy Tail as an ice wizard in a guild.
Granted, but... you committed a crime by landing on their planet without proper permission and are killed by their judicial system because they can't understand what you say.

I wish I could teleport wherever I wanted by just picturing the place in my head.
Granted. You are killed in an unexpected meteor shower, crushed between two asteroids the size of Texas. That little suit didn't offer much protection, did it?

I wish for the power to control the weather within a 10 mile radius of myself.
Granted. You are abducted by the government and experimented on for the rest of the foreseeable future.

I wish I knew all the answers to my next chemistry test.
@karamonnom@Guardian Angel Haruki@Kafka Komedy

Finally posted! now, to sleep! goodnight everybody.
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