Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

um... yeah my bad.

I'll try and get a post done tonight. After I finish this... project.

*cough cough minecraft*

Edit: This post will be for Sorici and a mini-post for Saisri.

I'm also "working" on a post. love your sig by the way Aria
@booksmusicanime may I play Sans, Toriel, Gaster, and Chara? Pretty please? ((I couldn't choose only 2 or 3 soo...))

Gaster and Chara are essential for my villainous plans, which I suppose I should probably tell you about at some point, not sure if I need to PM them or not, they aren't exactly secret or hard to figure out but...

If someone else wants Sans or Tori they can have them, I'll only take them if no one else wants them.

((Yes, the feathers follow me everywhere I go. If you ever need to find me, follow the trail they leave.))

"Don't look down, Don't look into the eyes of the world beneath you.
Don't look down, you'll fall down, You'll become their sacrifice."

What is your name? Do you have any nicknames? Please include them.

Nicknames include:
Ves, Vesu, vesves, and whatever else you wanna call me.

What is your gender?


How old are you?

Well, I’m kinda immortal so… let’s go with 17 or 18-ish?

What species are you? Please include details about said species.

Well, I’m a “Reality Sprite”, but because I’m lazy and bad at explaining things, let’s just say that I’m an Angel, of sorts. But, not really. I have wings, and can fly with said wings. I have this nifty little “halo” that, other than defying gravity by floating over my head all the time, acts as a sort of “control” for my powers, helping me to focus and whatnot so I don’t accidentally blow something up or destroy a small universe.

Reality Sprites are not native to this world. Or any world, in fact. But we explore the vast multiverse in search of something fun to do- that hopefully won’t cause something bad to happen. I hope that in this world, I can do something productive and helpful. As far as I know, that’s my purpose in life, and I actually feel pained when I’m not following this instinct to help and explore everything the multiverse has to offer.

What abilities and powers do you have? Do you have any expertise or “special skills”? Please include them.
Physical/Genetic Abilities:

Flight - I can’t fly if my wings are soaked however.

Minor Shapeshifting - Unless the world I’m in requires me to take on a completely different form, I have 3 versions of myself that I can switch to at will. One to blend in with most humans (weakened power level), one where I am incapable of doing anything considered “Evil” by myself or my kind (Default power level), and one where I can release my halo’s limits at will, unleashing my full potential, but at the cost of me possibly killing myself and/or everyone around me along with possibly erasing myself and anything I ever did from existence (Highest power level). I don’t use that last one much, if ever.

Speed - Even without using any of my powers, I’m just plain fast. I can run a mile a minute at top speed, and average about 10 mph over long distances. Of course that’s tiring and I don’t like to do that so… My top flight speed is 100 mph, average is about 80 mph. I’m lighter than I look.


Teleportation - I can go anywhere, even into supposedly “imaginary” worlds, like those of a book or TV show. The multiverse is my oyster. To switch universes I have a small incantation I need to say, and there’s another incantation for if I want to bring someone else with me whenever I teleport, but if it’s just me and I’m staying in my current world all I have to do is think where I want to go. People have told me it looks like the air around me shimmers right before I disappear, and it also shimmers where I’m about to go, too.

Reality Shift - I can "delete" things from existence temporarily, create some things out of thin air, and move around Reality as we know it. On a large scale, I can only create things similar or roughly equal to what's already here. For example, while I can’t force a snowstorm in june, I could change rain into snow. That way I am not forcing a storm, but changing what the storm is.

Meddling - This is split into Memories and Time.
Memory - I can't alter or remove real memories, only place false ones. while that'll be confusing for a while for the target, the false memories are different from true ones and can be told apart by how the person feels when recalling that memory. Like, the fake one is cleaner, with less tiny details and a shiny gloss over whatever didn't matter enough for me to falsify, and no matter what the memory depicts there's always an eerie calm to it. The maximum amount of time a fake memory could go completely unnoticed is probably a week.
Time - I can’t stop or change time, but I can travel in it when moving between universes. Meddling with time allows me to travel through different multiverses while maintaining my own inner time clock, separate from the time of whatever universe I’m in. This is why I don’t really age.

Comprehension passive - I just, understand things. Quantum physics, why there’s no sound in space, how you feel about that person just now… It’s not mind reading, and I’m not super smart, but given basic information, I can figure things out and understand them perfectly in the terms of whoever I’m “learning” from. The knowledge comes and goes as needed, and as it’s not true learning, I never really remember most of what I “learn” once I no longer need the information.

Special Skills:

Observation - I like to watch things, and learn from what I see.

Are you skilled in certain types of combat? What type of weapon do you typically wield?

I fight way more than I’d like to. I have a sword that I like to use for close combat, and am a pretty good aim with any ranged weapon you wanna hand me. It’s hard for me to fight and fly at the same time so I’m more likely to teleport in a fight to surprise the enemy than I am to take off. I prefer to mess with the enemy by using my powers rather than fight them, it’s more fun that way.

What equipment do you typically carry into battle? Or feel comfortable carrying into battle?

No armor, no knives or guns or spell-books. Just me, my sword, and my mind.

Are you affiliated with any other organization? If so, please say who and your rank.

Nope. I’m just here to have fun and help people out.

Where in Guild City are you from?

I’m from outside the city, though when I first came here I fell in love with the Advanced areas. I often frequent Casual and Spam as well.

What has your life been like so far?

I’ve been traveling my entire life. I don’t really know anyone else of my kind, though there have been a few that came close. I’ve been on so many adventures, I can’t count them or even remember them all properly. I don’t know how long I’ve been alive, I don’t age at all, but it’s fun to see people I’ve come to care about live out their lives around me. Sometimes people ask me if I’m lonely. The truth is, I don’t know. I’m never alone, but I do feel like I might as well be alone for all the company some people are worth. I don’t think it bothers me.

Would you like to include any additional information that we may have missed?


>>> My effort to not be OP (because this is definitely the OP type of character) is my Limiter, the "halo". Basically if a power is going to affect someone/something too much, it can't be done with limits on, but it can with limits off. The limit isn't all or nothing, it's "enough to be super useful" or "pray to whatever you believe in that I don't screw this up" however limits will never come off unless all of reality is in danger or something.
@Vesuvius00 omg good luck!! What piece(s) are you playing?

I'M BACK!!! working on post now. Kinda. I'll probably get distracted.

Also, we sang "Blackbird" by the Beatles, and two other songs which I cant remember the composers for, "evening primrose" and "I'll be seeing you"
actually, I'll have to put my post on hold. I forgot state solo/ensemble is today, wish me luck!

I should be back in 8 hours-ish.
*poking the OOC*
Anyone here?

*poking the people I'm waiting for*
@Luna@Kafka Komedy@Guardian Angel Haruki

*poking the GM, just for fun*
poke poke @Major Ursa
Well, I guess procrastination isn't a valid excuse so... I'm working on it.
Here's my final CS. @Cynder @VarionusNW @Kalas

Thank you @Lucius Cypher for helping me make this less OP.
Fallen, I know I promised yesterday that I would post today. I'm sorry I didn't, and hope to make up for it tomorrow.

'Night everyone

Is there anything for me to do yet is the question tho.

@Nevix Onyx and Kai still have to react to things right? I'll see if I can get Onyx up tonight and cause a little trouble for Kai. (unintentionally on her part, of course.)

and, I think Zane is on standby until my plans for Nadia can go into play.
@RomanAria@Ellion Is there anything you're waiting on Nadia for?
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