Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

"Oh.. oooh. Hmmm. I guess this will be interesting to watch. Alexiiiii!! Come sit next to me so we can tease the boys!"

*Grinning* "I have absolutely no problem with that."
"Alexis be nice. I'm pretty sure Suley is hurt enough from you running away from him earlier, he doesn't need to deal with you flaunting yourself with Velai."
*sitting next to Velai now* "Who says I'm flaunting?"

"Besides, unless someone kidnaps me like right now IC, there's a very high chance they'll both lose me to a giant Basilisk very soon."

"Are... are you planning on dying?"
"No. But no one ever does, do they?"
"That's really up to you anyway though. I'm just the idiot going into battle with 0 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours."

"And I'm the idiot that put you in that situation."

Yeah I loved that post. But in all honesty Befriending Suleykaar also means you may over time learn about his past and who he was.

I'd hope so, the exact same is true for Alexis!
Lila hears everything with an increasingly curious stare.
Bed... you?
What do you mean by that? You say he is hot because he is a dragon, right?

"Uhhh... Do you know what Sex is?"
"Well how else do I explain that to her!?"
"Not like that!"
"Lila, he wants to-"
"dont you dare finish that sentence"
"Fine. I won't."

"But I will say that when someone calls someone else 'hot' Lila, they usually mean that person is attractive, not warm."
"Dear lord."
I have posted!!!

I also wanna say, what Alexis does to Ava, the telekinetic levitation? that's not meant to be like, an auto-hit or something.
I know it might be weird to mention auto-hitting in a non-combat situation, but I've been accused of it before (because I was using 'combat skills' outside of a fight). Alexis is just trying to help. If @Sohtem would rather have Ava fall to the ground instead, I'll edit my post accordingly.
Alexis frowned at Suleykaar as he greeted her when she was coming back into the shop. If it had been anyone that knew her she probably would have snapped at them, but because it was him she simply let out a sigh before speaking as calmly as she could. "Please don't call me Lexi. My little sister's name is Lexi, and she used to annoy me so much about how similar our names are to each other when we were younger."

As the dragon began to tell her what he'd bought and how he'd ended up spending all his money, Alexis couldn't help but laugh. "How do you even do that? Are you planning on supplying both sides of this battle, because you certainly have enough stuff there to do it." She smiled at him as she shook her head in disbelief, following him out of the store as they started making their way back to the Inn. "I'm certain Soron isn't going to like to hear that at all."

She walked next to him in silence, until he thanked her for accompanying him and then asked why she'd done so in the first place. She closed her eyes for a second, trying to think what to say. "I don't know... What did I say before? That, you didn't seem like you should be alone?" She opened her eyes and glanced at Suleykaar, an unreadable mix of emotions on her face as her gaze met his. "It might sound like a stupid reason, but you just shouldn't have been alone. Because... because you were grieving over the past and blaming yourself for what happened. Because I could tell that was what was going through your mind without needing to use my abilities to do so." She looked away from him now, her volume dropping so he could probably barely hear her as she continued speaking.

"Because I've felt like that before and wished there was someone, anyone around willing to listen to me; so I wouldn't have to go scream at the clouds just to get my thoughts out of my head." Images flashed through her mind as she said the words. A labyrinth of dark, life-draining caves. A poisoned wound and a faked smile on the dying man's face. The sight of footprints in the mud at the spot where the trail ends, the girl the prints belonged to having taken flight. An entire town, burning to the ground.

She sucked in a breath as she tried to suppress the tears the memories threatened to spill from her eyes, letting the air out slowly before continuing to speak back at a normal volume. "It doesn't matter that I don't really know you, I can still be there to listen if you need someone to talk to. And, I know I don't have as much knowledge about the world as I should, but I can still offer what advice or opinions I do have if you think it might help you."

Alexis clasped her hands together in front of her chest, as if she were about to say a prayer. But no such words came. Instead she just half-smiled at the ground before continuing her thought. "I've been told I care too much about others. Problem with that is, aren't we supposed to care? We're all stuck on this world together, so we might as well make sure that we can all be happy, and help each other get through the moments where we feel like the whole world's falling apart around us."

She let her clasped hands fall apart as she finished, the two of them walking in silence for a moment until Suleykaar spoke up again.

"If you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask. I will always offer my assistance to you. If you ever are in need of help, I will be there my dear, and should anyone try to hurt you, I will burn their very essence to protect you, or shall I cease to exist trying so."

She looked over at the Dragonlord in surprise, and then seeing the look in his eyes as they met hers, she smiled. "Thank you, Suleykaar. That means a lot to me."

Eventually they got back to the Rest Easy, Suley calling out a cheerful greeting as he introduced himself to the entire Bar, once again. "You just really like being the center of attention, don't you?" Alexis asked this quietly, more to herself if to anyone at all. His behavior was interesting, to say the least; this wasn't the first time that day he'd caused her to wonder just how in touch with reality he was, what with his flamboyant actions and how he threw money around like it was confetti at a wedding. But still, a second later she decided to copy the Dragonlord, albeit somewhat sarcastically.

"Well, as long as we're introducing ourselves to rooms of people at once... I'm Alexis!" She smiled at the room before watching the exchange between Suley and Soron in silence. I was right, he's angry at him... She had to hold back a laugh at the comment that the two were like an old married couple, the hand she placed over her mouth not being quite enough to hide the mirth in her eyes however. She had to agree that right now that certainly described them perfectly, but she felt that at their core they really were just good friends. Why else would Soron put up with Suleykaar's antics?

Soon a girl with glowing rainbow wings approached Alexis, saying something about how she liked to talk to people, and then going on to say something kinda cryptic-sounding about Violence causing Violence, and how the town would need Soron and Suleykaar's help. Or at least that's what Alexis thought the girl was saying, she used such strange nicknames to refer to the two men that she couldn't be sure. She shook her head in confusion before a sound on the stairs leading up to the rooms caught her attention, causing her to look up and see the two sisters that Soron had fought earlier struggling to get up the stairs.

She went over to the two, stopping on the stair next to them as she moved to help the Seraphim to her feet. "Here, let me help." She didn't even wait until she was done speaking or had an answer from the woman before reaching out to touch the unconscious dragonkin girl's shoulder, her body suddenly becoming lighter and then beginning to float in the air as Alexis used her telekinesis to help move the woman. She would carry the woman to their room like this, she wasn't as heavy as she'd looked so she wasn't that hard to keep afloat.

Once Alexis put the girl on the bed in the room, she looked over to the Seraphim before bowing her head slightly, a concerned look on her features but also an understanding in her mind that she probably wasn't wanted hanging around. "Goodnight. I hope you both get some good rest." If neither of them needed any more help right then, she'd leave to go back downstairs, but she wouldn't do that until she actually heard either of them say that they would be okay.

@Sohtem@FallenTrinity@Landaus Five-One@Rai
"What? Oh, god no. He's not trying to eat me, he's trying to bed me."
"and he's doing a terrible job of it. Not romantic at all."
"Hush you. I like him."
"Because he, uh..."
"Because he's hot?"

"I know for a fact you're not that shallow."
"Well. I don't know. Here he's being scary. IC he's awesome."

"Whereas Lila here is awesome in both the IC and OOC."
(please don't bite me)
"Your questions though... Lila, none of that has actually happened."
"The IC is reality, and everything here is hypothetical and 'for fun's sake' only."
"I've never ridden Suley or flown with him. He's just teasing me because I'm scared that if we do sleep with each other he'll hurt me."

"Way to dodge explaining the other thing, Alexis."
"Lila!" *runs up to hug the emo vamp*
"welcome, welcome! This place is confusing, but fun!"
banned because the council of Ricks has decried to ban you

"Hi Velai!!"
"I'm not sure how much I trust your 'surprises' Rai..."
*Le gasp* "Vesuvius is back!"
"Yeah, hi. I laughed so much I had to blind myself to the OOC for a bit, but then I got worried about you so I sent mini-ves to check on you and fix the connection from this side."
"I still don't understand who she was."

"That's fine."

"God, don't talk like her!"

"I am not your god."
"I'm your overlord. There's a difference."

Post is almost done guys
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

"It's just an expression. Just meaning she found something so hilarious her sides hurt from laughter. Don't take it literally."

Edit: Also isn't she supposed to be working on her post right now?

"Take it literally. Take it very literally."
"Wha- Who are you?!"
"I'm Vesuvius."
"No you're not."
"Well, okay. I'm kinda Vesuvius. I'm the Meta Character."
"My name is Vesuvius. I don't know you you are though, we've never met before."

"Uh.. I'm Alexis?"
"It's nice to meet you, Alexis. Would you like a cookie?"
"No. Why are you here? Where's um.. Vesuvius?"
"Error report. You've been disconnected from Ves somehow."
"She also told me to come ask if you're still okay."

"Oh... I'm fine now."
"What do mean by 'error report'?"
"I deal with the glitches."
"I don't understand."
"That's fine."

"Also, she is working on the post. She's just multitasking."
"RL keeps distracting her and this is fun. It also helps pull her back into playing Alexis IC."
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