Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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  • Name\Title: Angelee Ethelvet
  • Appearance: "Why wouldn't you trust this face~?" Angelee is a small ten-year-old girl in physical appearance, who favors dresses that could be considered gothic lolita in style.
  • Short Bio/Synopsis: Angelee prefers to be referred to as Ange, presenting herself as a rather cheerful girl with an affection for her stuffed toy. In a way, this isn't exactly a lie. Generally she has a rather cheerful demeanor. However, in reality, she is much older then she appears to be, and far more mature then she enjoys acting. Ange is a highly intelligent and shrewd magus who adores toying with and taunting her enemies. Undeniably a sadist, the girl displays a predatory nature towards those who oppose her, and if she's feeling particularly merciless is liable to give them a rather harsh fate if she is able to. She believes that those who involve themselves in the affairs of magi should be prepared for any fate they may meet, and therefore does not believe that she should show any lenience towards even the weakest and most helpless of opponents. However, she is more likely to attempt to kill such enemies in a quick and painless fashion as opposed to any particularly cruel fate.

    She loathes involving people who have no knowledge of magecraft, believing that to be far more cruel of a punishment then anything she performs. Ange believes it is poor etiquette and heartlessness, declaring anyone who would drag the unaware into the affairs of magi as 'the worst kind of villain'. Of course, she refers to herself as a heartless and cruel villain as well, but in spite of the assertions she can prove to be a remarkably kind and generous host towards any guests she welcomes into her home. While her heartless and sadistic nature cannot be said to be a lie, perhaps the side of her that simply desires to enjoy herself harmlessly and not care about tomorrow is not a lie as well.
  • Magecraft: Ange's affinity is for Water. As a result, the fluid manipulation magecraft afforded by this affinity proved useful in the various modifications she made to her body to prevent her from dying. However, the initial transformation of her body was performed purely via magecraft. In terms of her capabilities as a mage, she is considered a high-efficiency and high-power magus with a wide repertoire of spells. Among these spells are featured condensed 'bullets' of fluid as well as high pressure beams of liquid. She is also highly capable in spells relating to the flow of energy, and in spells related to healing. However, she possesses a number of more unique traits resulting from the modifications of her body as well.
    • Fangs: Ange has modified her canine teeth into a set of fangs. While she is not a Dead Apostle, her usage of these fangs to gather mana via the nonlethal drinking of human blood makes her easily mistaken for one.
    • Mystic Eyes of Charm: Achieved via delicate manipulations of her eyes, Ange possesses the Mystic Eyes of Charm. Their grade is low due to the artificial nature of their creation, but it is sufficient for her to successfully charm any non-magus, or anyone with particularly weak protections against such interference.
    • Animate Musculature: Ange has modified her muscular tissue so that it will bind itself together if severed, making it much easier to heal injuries, even including severed limbs. However, she was unable to induce any healing processes automatically, forcing her to manually use healing spells.
    • Relocated Heart: Ange's heart has been moved to the opposite side of her body to make it more difficult to kill her via attacking it.
  • Mystic Codes: Ange has applied much of her knowledge to the creation of dolls. While she can hardly be considered on the same level as Aozaki Touko, she is still capable of producing a set of high-grade dolls to be used as guards and housemaids. They resemble traditional french maids and are dressed as such, but when used to attack their bodies suddenly reveal numerous blades and other dangerous implements.

    Finally, hidden inside of Ange's rabbit plush is a Mystic Code known as Bizarro Arachne, her most powerful doll collapsed into a minuscule state. When released, Bizarro Arachne expands to its full size, a vaguely feminine body supported by numerous razor-sharp, spindly legs. Highly dangerous to humans due to its thick armor and high mobility, it is considerably less challenging for a Servant provided Ange does not reinforce its body in order to post a more serious threat.
  • Misc/Other/Trivia: There once was a magus who lived in London. They were a diligent, hard worker, someone who knew they must do everything they could in order to fulfill their family's name. Someone who placed so much importance on their goals because they knew their family had trusted them. This person wanted nothing more then to fulfill the wishes of their family. And, indeed, they did. They exceeded the wishes of their family. They were met with a success beyond their wildest dreams. But the Mage's Association took notice. And the Association swiftly placed a sealing designation on them. Unwilling to be kept isolated, unable to practice their magecraft, they fled.

    They killed again and again until they didn't care. But they knew that there was no chance of permanently escaping such a fate. But they had to hide. They had to find some way to hide that would allow them to operate how they wanted. And so they searched, and searched. They searched as much as they could. They did everything in their power to find something, anything, that would allow them to hide from the Association's sights. And, in a most esoteric writing, they found it. They found an obscure writing. The fate of a certain prophetic magus, who used an unusual method to modify his entire body to become an entirely new person. Age, sex, everything about his appearance had changed. And so the magus found their solution. The process was difficult, but after several months they had reconstructed their body into something the Enforcers pursuing them would never recognize.

    A child. A young girl with no resemblance to her original self. The magus laughed to herself. Was it this simple, all along? To become someone else? And yet, it worked. No-one knew her. No-one recognized her. Calling herself Angelee Ethelvet, she found herself free once more. She embraced this freedom. She did everything she had been unable to do before. She took vengeance, unexpected, on some who had wronged her during her flight from the Association's Enforcers. Angelee Ethelvet was free. And she realized that if she could modify her body to such a great extent, why not work further? Grant herself new attributes to further her desires. So she worked, altering her eyes, her muscles, her internal organs, devising ways to make herself more difficult to kill, more dangerous. She became her own test subject, and she relished in everything that came of it.

    Angelee Ethelvet eventually ceased her modifications, satisfied. She advanced her magecraft, but it was not much longer before she discovered a certain ritual occurring in Black Rock.

    Seemingly, Ange's pursuit of this ritual is on a whim. But is there something she doesn't want to admit to herself?
  • Special Boon: Superior Magical Skills. Due to both her family history and the modifications that she made to her own body, Angelee is of a higher grade then some other magi.
@PaulHaynek: That's staying.
Caster of Red

This would do nicely.

For a magus from any era, the creation of a workshop in which they could operate freely and with the full use of all tools at their disposal was crucial. It could be said there was no exception when it came to even the most ancient of Casters.

Therefore, it was only natural that even she would create a workshop within the territory she had established. Indeed, it was in fact ideal. This place... the location in which her team would operate out of, it was hers. Her land. The land she had claimed for herself if only briefly...

They should be thankful she permitted them to operate from inside of it. Even if they were her allies, it was still a boon.

Granted by royalty.

Caster placed one hand on her cheek, leaning on the arm of her throne.

The battle had already begun.

Her workshop was tailored to her tastes, a long hall with various desks and tables at the sides, a lengthy dining table marking its center as was fitting for the hall of a member of royalty. At its head, a throne of bone and gold currently occupied by Caster itself. The hall was lined with enormous bones as well, serving as pillars to support the arched roof. The hall was illuminated with green flames, lit in sconces fashioned from human skulls.

Caster could never be described as understated, at least.

The Servant herself was a small, frail-looking girl with deathly pale skin, pointed ears, and green eyes. Perhaps not what one would expect to see as the creator of such a workshop.

It would be unwise to mention such a thing to her.

At the moment, she had simply been contemplating how best to make her entrance. Not in person, there was little reason to perform as such. No, she would utilize her toys to enter the field of battle. As she had done in life, so to would she do now. Yes, indeed... She would demonstrate to all those on the battlefield the power of the Elven Queen without even making an appearance in person. The thought filled her with excitement. But she was no fool. Deploying her toys from a safe location would also allow her to gauge just what kind of opponents she was facing, and thus better tailor her forces to counter them.

It was at that moment, however, that one of her... allies... barged into her workshop. It was Berserker, a horned young girl clad in recognizably Japanese clothing, with monstrous red hands and equally monstrous bare red feet. It was likely she was one of those demons of the Orient, but beyond that Caster had little knowledge of her nature.

Nor did she understand why she was having candy requested of her.

"... If you've so rudely entered my workshop and still believe that I'm some sort of candymaker, I'm afraid I have few words for you," she commented, with a dismissive wave of her hand. "In fact... why aren't you assisting our allies? It's poor sportsmanship to run off on your own."

Of course, even as she admonished the Berserker, Caster's attention was in part elsewhere... Ah, there was an idea.

"Really... I would think someone who looks as strong as you would relish in the chance to demonstrate your power and strike fear into the hearts of allies and enemies alike. It's disappointing to see that may not be the case..."


As Saber of Black slashed down trees in an attempt to draw out Archer of Red, he would soon be faced by the fact that he was not alone.

Black arrows fired from the trees, with far less coordination then those of the Archer but considerable numbers. After this initial volley, shapes began to come forth from the darkness. Clad in rusty helmets and chainmail and wielding an assortment of weapons, from axes to swords to spears, the dead had been called forth as soldiers in order to support the Caster's allies.

And this, indeed, was only the tip of the iceberg...

  • Class: Caster
  • True Name\Title: Princess Skuld, Elven Queen of the Dead
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Appearance: "Behold the Magecraft of the Elven Queen!" A petite girl, short in stature, with dark green eyes and black hair. Her crown is gold, with green flames burning in it. Her outfit is largely black, with green highlights and bleached white bones.
  • Short Bio/Synopsis: The Half-Elven Princess Skuld, who became Queen of the Island of Oland and slaughtered her half-brother Hrolfr Kraki and all but one of his companions. Cold, callous, and cruel to her enemies, that is the image that Princess Skuld presents. Indeed, her desire is to fulfill the image of a wicked seductress. She is arrogant and cruel, taking pleasure in mocking and manipulating others around her. And yet, she is perhaps too eager to be praised, to be treated as someone worthy of attention and appreciation. For there is another side of Princess Skuld. A girl who was simply guided through life by others, a girl who naively trusted in those around her until she was twisted by the horrific discovery of the treatment of her mother by her father. Indeed, in spite of a nature described as sadistic cruelty, Skuld will show her Master consideration provided she likes them, mostly through the lens of treating them as a servant and insisting on being praised. Still, she will never see the dead as anything other then tools. In spite of her nature as a seductress, Skuld is highly self-conscious about her own petite figure, and secretly feels she does not meet the image she attempts to portray.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: D
    • Endurance: E
    • Agility: C
    • Mana: A+
    • Luck: C
    • Noble Phantasm: A
  • Class Skill:
    • Item Construction: C
    • Territory Creation: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Necromancy: A. A skill pertaining to the reanimation and manipulation of the dead. Caster raised a vast army of undead in order to slay her brother and his companions, transforming Oland into a nightmarish kingdom of death.
    • Grace of the Elven Queen: C. In life, Caster was a master manipulator who easily twisted those around her to her will. As a result, she is capable of using her words, and the grace of her bearing as the Elven Queen, in order to twist the perceptions of those around her so that she is not attacked.
    • Elemental Spirit Manipulation: C. Caster may freely make use of weak, wayward spirits representing the elements. Her undead army was bolstered by many other supernatural beings, including elemental spirits.
    • High Speed Divine Words: B
  • Noble Phantasms:
    • True Name/Title: Oland: Darkness Nightmare Capital
    • Rank: B
    • Type: Bounded Field
    • Range: 1-60
    • Maximum Number of Targets: 1000 people
    • Description: A bounded field that recreates the conditions of the island Kingdom of Oland as it was during Caster's brief but devastating reign. Her desire for vengeance against her own family twisted the island into a dark, cold place swarming with the dead. Within the Kingdom of Oland, there is no light nor heat, leaving it a place completely devoid of anything resembling life. Those who manage to breach the bounded field are left in a dark void of freezing temperatures. Servants who fail to pass a luck check suffer a rank down in all physical parameters as a result. As Oland is a replication of the location in which Caster's legend took place, once it is established it grants her a staging ground bonus as long as she is inside of it. Even when she is not, it vastly reduces the mana cost for the summoning of her undead and permits the invocation of monstrous creatures such as undead ice giants and skeletal wyverns. Even the raising of an undead dragon becomes possible, though the reanimated corpse of such a beast is far weaker then it was while it was alive. The chief limitations of this Noble Phantasm are its limited range and the time required for its establishment, as impressing the Kingdom of Oland upon the world is no simple ritual.

    • True Name/Title: Great Quilled Boar ~ Heinous Maneater of Skuld
    • Rank: A
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Range: 1-50
    • Maximum Number of Targets: 100 People
    • Description: The greatest and most terrifying beast that was brought to bear in the battle that saw the death of Hroflr Kraki and all but one of his companions. A slaughtering beast, the Quilled Boar is an enormous monster with skin made of interlocking quills and fire burning in its eye sockets. The quills all across its body are capable of being fired as projectiles, and its thundering hooves can crush even the sturdiest targets beneath them. Its tusks carve great rents in the ear and its teeth are sharp as swords. A monster with a taste for human flesh, the Quilled Boar will seek out and devour humans whenever it is able. Because of its nature as a barely controllable rampaging beast, Caster is reluctant to use it unless she is truly desperate and cannot think of any alternative plans. To summon the Quilled Boar in a populated area would lead to nothing less then a massacre.
  • Misc/Other/Trivia: Skuld is incredibly smug and liable to brag. Flattery is an excellent tool for her Master. In spite of her nature as a seductress, shows of affection are likely to make her flustered unless they are on her terms. Skuld deliberately dresses in provocative ways due to her self-consciousness over her small figure, and views any more mature women as direct competition.
  • Class: Caster
  • True Name\Title: Princess Skuld, Elven Queen of the Dead
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Appearance: "Behold the Magecraft of the Elven Queen!" A petite girl, short in stature, with dark green eyes and black hair. Her crown is gold, with green flames burning in it. Her outfit is largely black, with green highlights and bleached white bones.
  • Short Bio/Synopsis: The Half-Elven Princess Skuld, who became Queen of the Island of Oland and slaughtered her half-brother Hrolfr Kraki and all but one of his companions. Cold, callous, and cruel to her enemies, that is the image that Princess Skuld presents. Indeed, her desire is to fulfill the image of a wicked seductress. She is arrogant and cruel, taking pleasure in mocking and manipulating others around her. And yet, she is perhaps too eager to be praised, to be treated as someone worthy of attention and appreciation. For there is another side of Princess Skuld. A girl who was simply guided through life by others, a girl who naively trusted in those around her until she was twisted by the horrific discovery of the treatment of her mother by her father. Indeed, in spite of a nature described as sadistic cruelty, Skuld will show her Master consideration provided she likes them, mostly through the lens of treating them as a servant and insisting on being praised. Still, she will never see the dead as anything other then tools. In spite of her nature as a seductress, Skuld is highly self-conscious about her own petite figure, and secretly feels she does not meet the image she attempts to portray.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: D
    • Endurance: E
    • Agility: C
    • Mana: A+
    • Luck: C
    • Noble Phantasm: A
  • Class Skill:
    • Item Construction: C
    • Territory Creation: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Necromancy: A. A skill pertaining to the reanimation and manipulation of the dead. Caster raised a vast army of undead in order to slay her brother and his companions, transforming Oland into a nightmarish kingdom of death.
    • Grace of the Elven Queen: C. In life, Caster was a master manipulator who easily twisted those around her to her will. As a result, she is capable of using her words, and the grace of her bearing as the Elven Queen, in order to twist the perceptions of those around her so that she is not attacked.
    • Elemental Spirit Manipulation: C. Caster may freely make use of weak, wayward spirits representing the elements. Her undead army was bolstered by many other supernatural beings, including elemental spirits.
    • High Speed Divine Words: B
  • Noble Phantasms:
    • True Name/Title: Oland: Darkness Nightmare Capital
    • Rank: B
    • Type: Bounded Field
    • Range: 1-60
    • Maximum Number of Targets: 1000 people
    • Description: A bounded field that recreates the conditions of the island Kingdom of Oland as it was during Caster's brief but devastating reign. Her desire for vengeance against her own family twisted the island into a dark, cold place swarming with the dead. Within the Kingdom of Oland, there is no light nor heat, leaving it a place completely devoid of anything resembling life. Those who manage to breach the bounded field are left in a dark void of freezing temperatures. Servants who fail to pass a luck check suffer a rank down in all physical parameters as a result. As Oland is a replication of the location in which Caster's legend took place, once it is established it grants her a staging ground bonus as long as she is inside of it. Even when she is not, it vastly reduces the mana cost for the summoning of her undead and permits the invocation of monstrous creatures such as undead ice giants and skeletal wyverns. Even the raising of an undead dragon becomes possible, though the reanimated corpse of such a beast is far weaker then it was while it was alive. The chief limitations of this Noble Phantasm are its limited range and the time required for its establishment, as impressing the Kingdom of Oland upon the world is no simple ritual.

    • True Name/Title: Great Quilled Boar ~ Heinous Maneater of Skuld
    • Rank: A
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Range: 1-50
    • Maximum Number of Targets: 100 People
    • Description: The greatest and most terrifying beast that was brought to bear in the battle that saw the death of Hroflr Kraki and all but one of his companions. A slaughtering beast, the Quilled Boar is an enormous monster with skin made of interlocking quills and fire burning in its eye sockets. The quills all across its body are capable of being fired as projectiles, and its thundering hooves can crush even the sturdiest targets beneath them. Its tusks carve great rents in the ear and its teeth are sharp as swords. A monster with a taste for human flesh, the Quilled Boar will seek out and devour humans whenever it is able. Because of its nature as a barely controllable rampaging beast, Caster is reluctant to use it unless she is truly desperate and cannot think of any alternative plans. To summon the Quilled Boar in a populated area would lead to nothing less then a massacre.
  • Misc/Other/Trivia: Skuld is incredibly smug and liable to brag. Flattery is an excellent tool for her Master. In spite of her nature as a seductress, shows of affection are likely to make her flustered unless they are on her terms. Skuld deliberately dresses in provocative ways due to her self-consciousness over her small figure, and views any more mature women as direct competition.
@HereComesTheSnow: I'd envisioned the hooded man leading the mercenaries up through the carnage, so I suppose right side.
Mihama Nanako

It worked! Not only was she pleased that she might see Meltryllis in another outfit for practical reasons, but she kind of wanted to see the Alter Ego wear something else out of curiosity, too. The doll-like girl would look good in anything, and Nanako wasn't the most in the know about fashion among the girls in her class, but that didn't mean she didn't want to see how Meltryllis would look in a different outfit anyway. She knew just where to go, too, her favorite shop was pretty close by!

Trying to kill her own price tag concerns, Nananko led the way...

At first it seemed like Meltryllis didn't particularly care for anything in the shop, which was a bit concerning... until she came across...


For a moment, Nanako's heart stopped.

A penguin hoodie.

It was a penguin hoodie.

Her cool, arrogant Servant... wanted to wear an adorable penguin hoodie.

She had to see this. She had to! Meltryllis was really cute, it was true, but that didn't make the choice on her part any less surprising!

For a moment, the brunette was nothing but enthusiastic... until she saw the item's price.

That made her heart plummet. Of all the articles of clothing in the store... Meltryllis wanted one that cost that much?! Why did it even cost that much?! But she'd promised, hadn't she? That she'd get what the Alter Ego wanted...

It was with a heavy heart that she took the penguin hoodie off the rack to take to the changing room for her Servant. She couldn't go back on her word.

Hey um, I noticed some slots were filled by NPCs... any chance of maybe filling those? ^^;
There wasn't much else to do so I decided to push right for the summoning.
"We'll simply be contacting the lingering dead in the immediate area of the last disappearance," Tomoko clarified, lowering her staff as she did, "If anyone's seen what was going on, it was probably them."

A smile still on her face, she turned to face the door before immediately being tackled by the oni, yelping as she hit the ground a bit too hard for her liking.

"Owowow..." she rubbed her backside, squirming a little.

"We're just asking them questions, they're not the perpetrators," she said, wincing slightly as she patted the oni carefully on the head, eventually managing to get her to let go. That was that. Well, at least she was fairly certain of the fact that ghosts weren't the perpetrators. Truly dangerous ghosts did indeed exist, but this string of disappearances didn't appear to be the work of such beings. At least, not any that could still be considered the spirits of deceased humans.

The girl paused for a final time, however, when she heard Mikoto's protests. She remained still for a brief moment, before turning entirely to face him.

"Don't worry about any of that," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand, "I wouldn't make that kind of mistake. Invoking a kami requires a lot more work then just calling up a ghost for a casual chat. Besides, humans who have died and yet linger here are recognized as spirits, aren't they?"

Indeed, ghosts were able to recognize her nature as well.

"You shouldn't be so doubtful of your club president."

Tomoko waved her finger in an admonishing fashion, as if being perfectly comfortable with summoning the ghosts of the dead was the most natural thing in the world. To be fair, to suggest that she had never communicated with the dead before would be rather silly. It was hard for Tomoko to go a week without meeting a ghost.

That being said, most people were not so likely to view the action so casually.

As the door opened, the shape of the girl Tomoko had arrived with in the first place shimmered into view, holding her umbrella over the petite blonde girl, the single eye upon it glancing at the others, the tongue waving back and forth.

"Let's go!"

The trip there was a wet one, though as they reached the scene of the crime the rain appeared to be dying down. Tomoko, with her hands-free umbrella, had of course remained completely dry during the whole walk.

Why she had elected to walk there rather then any other method of transport was perhaps mysterious, or perhaps simply because she felt like it. Regardless of the case, by this point in the day there were few people in this area of town.

The most recent disappearance had happened at night, and no-one was certain where it had actually occurred. Therefore, Tomoko had decided to travel to the site of the second-to-last disappearance. Not only was it a shorter walk, but it was also one of the most baffling: It had happened right behind the child's parent's backs.

Makishima Taro's disappearance was among the strangest of them, for certain.

The site of the disappearance was a playground. It seemed as if Tomoko had deliberately targeted both a fairly late point in the day, and a day where there would be very few people in the area, to begin her investigation.

"And now... let's get started!"

The ofuda she drew and tossed into the air was one-hundred-percent necessary, one of many invocation spells she had prepared prior to her arrival.

The pose she struck, drawing the five-pointed star of Abe no Seimei in the air with her cane around it, was almost invariably not. As the shimmering sign faded, the ofuda began to glow...

Tomoko straightened.

For a few moments, nothing in particular seemed to happen... And then...

Lurching out of the shadows, was the gaunt, grey-faced figure of a girl in her teens. She appeared like a dry corpse, her kimono in tatters with the colors faded away, eyes rolled back, hands grasping at the air, fingers curled like claws. Her mouth hung open, a death rattle escaping her throat, dried blood caked over one empty eye socket, a ragged gash across her throat.

When she spoke, her voice was like a whisper.

"Who... dares to-"

The ghost stopped for a moment.

When she spoke again, her voice was completely different.

"Oh, it's you, ojou-sama!"

Almost immediately, her eyes seemed to reappear in the sockets. Her hair neatened considerably, skin fading to a pale, but much less grey flesh tone. Her wounds sealed, her cheeks filled out... in moments, aside from a certain ethereal nature...

The girl who stood before them wasn't threatening at all.

"And some other people! What are all of you here for?" she questioned, tilting her head. "Fufu, if you're here to play karuta again, I won't lose this time!"

@Rune_Alchemist@TheHangedMan@RolePlayerRoxas@Crab Bane@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99
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