Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Alright I need to figure out what I'm doing.
When the owner of the yokai book library appeared and pleaded with them to stop before they actually came to blows, Youmu's hand drifted away from Roukanken's hilt. It was what the suddenly-appearing sister of the underground Satori had babbled about, too... it didn't sound like it was something that Hinanawi would have been involved with. But it definitely sounded like an incident... while her duty to Yuyuko-sama was paramount, she also couldn't let this go unaddressed. It wasn't right to leave people potentially in danger or otherwise let an incident continue unchecked.

It seemed as if quite a few people had appeared too, including the menreiki...

"... Very well, if there's an incident it can't be overlooked," she said, finally, with one last wary glance towards Hinanawi.

Tomoko considered the information that the ghost had provided thus far. A female apparition that no-one else seemed to see... and yet she didn't anticipate that the perpetrator was a ghost. A wandering ghost was unlikely to possess the power to cause children to simply vanish, something like that would demand far more power then the average disembodied soul without a concrete location to anchor itself would be capable of mustering. Even a ghost like the one they were speaking to now, fully capable of interacting with children, would not have the capability to simply cause those children to vanish.

Kaori, however, had hit upon a line of questioning that Tomoko had wanted to pursue almost from the outset.

"Her height? How she dressed?" the ghost asked, cocking her head.

"Specifically, I think Kaori-san wants to know... if she was perhaps exceptionally tall, and wearing a white sundress and matching hat," Tomoko said, waiving her hand as she did.

She was certain now, but she wanted confirmation.

"Oh... how did you know?! That's exactly what she was wearing! ... Is that bad or good?" the ghost immediately seemed uncertain. "She was also making a weird sound... I think... po...?"

"You've confirmed my suspicions, good work!" declared Tomoko brightly, flashing a thumbs up towards the ghost, who seemed surprised for the moment that what she's said was enough to confirm anything.

"I was already suspecting we might be dealing with something like this," she said, as she turned to her club members, "But now I know for sure. We're not dealing with an ancient mountain hag, a displaced kappa, or anything like that. We're dealing with something quite a bit more urban!"

The blonde girl tapped the tip of her walking stick against the ground.

"Our perpetrator is Hasshaku-sama!"

She paused for a moment, for dramatic effect.

"Oh! I've heard children talk about that, what is it?" asked the ghost. It was only natural she didn't know, having died before the internet existed.

"She's a ghost, or a yokai depending on who you ask," Tomoko explained, "Who focuses largely on children. She takes them away, in most tellings, which is something I'm counting on. But the important thing to know is this: Hasshaku-sama is entirely fictional."

The ghost stared blankly.

"Eeeh? Then how is she the culprit...?"

Tomoko brushed the question off.

"What we need to do now is figure out how we're going to lure her out!"

@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99@TheHangedMan@Rune_Alchemist
In that case, is it okay if I update with an assumption of what she'll do?
I'm interested, but you already knew that. Though if Okita is gone that's my prime pick taken... Hmmmmm.
Today's task was a mission of utmost importance. For Konpaku Youmu, Gardener and Guardian of Hakugyokurou, there could be no task of greater importance then that which had been assigned to her by Yuyuko-sama.

Well... admittedly this wasn't anything so dramatic... and really it was mostly happening because Yuyuko-sama kept asking for bigger portions so they'd run out of food faster then Youmu had anticipated... Aaaah, sometimes she ate so much Youmu couldn't even comprehend it! She had planned so carefully for the correct amount of food for the both of them even considering Yuyuko-sama's enormous appetite, and yet she'd still already run out of certain ingredients. On top of that, Yuyuko-sama had eaten the pudding from the outside world that she'd purchased, and she tried not to be upset, she tried! It was Yuyuko-sama after all, and Yuyuko-sama's desires and will were the most important, but how could she not be disappointed on missing out on something like that?!

At least Yuyuko-sama hadn't seemed to have known it was hers, but still...

Needless to say, errands had to be run. Not only was the diminutive half-phantom quite aware of this fact herself, but Yuyuko-sama had asked her to do it. Naturally, this made it crucial... hopefully there was more then a few of those puddings too... And they hadn't all been bought yet.

Youmu was on her way to pick up some groceries when she noticed there was a hustle and bustle of activity, and not in the usual way. No, she couldn't help but here them talking about someone being unconscious, some kind of weird location... the sheer amount of unease that surrounded her was palpable.

It was around that moment she caught sight of some familiar blue hair...

Hinanawi Tenshi. While she wasn't always the worst, when something like this was going on...

Hand drifting towards Roukanken's hilt, the small girl frowned deeply as she approached.

"Are you behind all this commotion, Hinanawi?"

Your plan is perfectly fine! Just don't expect it to be so easy.
  • Name: Konpaku Youmu
  • Appearance: "If it's for Yuyuko-sama, I won't lose!" Youmu is pretty small, at under five feet.
  • Ability/Skills: Youmu is somewhat more durable than a regular human being, and has a somewhat more capable healing ability, but this is nothing as extreme as most youkai. As a half-ghost, a portion of her soul is embodied as a (usually)non-sentient floating phantom referred to as Myon. This can be used to observe distant areas, fire danmaku, or even temporarily become a duplicate of Youmu for double team attacks. Youmu also feels everything Myon feels, though she cannot be damaged in this way(something painful to Myon will be painful to Youmu, though). Youmu is an incredibly skilled swordswoman, capable of wielding her blades both one and two-handed. Her strength is above human level, allowing her to wield the incredibly long Roukanken one-handed. Youmu's attacking speed allows her to slash many times in an instant, to the point where it appears as a single attack. She can also move very quickly, in both air and on land, her speed making her the second fastest person in Gensokyo. This allows her to pull off her family technique, Two-Hundred Yojana in One Slash, covering an enormous amount of distance and come back in the time it takes to unsheath Roukanken and cut with it, allowing her to cut foes even quite a distance away. However, these shows of speed will eventually wear on her, so she cannot endlessly utilize her top speed. She also carries spellcards and is fully capable of flight. Her most powerful technique, both in spellcard form and as a true attack, is Reflecting Satellite Slash. This attack is simultaneously the cutting of her blade and a wave of blades reflected by the light of the moon, assaulting her opponent in a flash of light as she moves to cut through them. Even in nonlethal danmaku form it is a highly dangerous attack. However, it requires Youmu to hold still and gather power to properly perform it. In spite of all her advantages, Youmu is still partially human and can be injured as a human can, and while attacks to Myon do not cause physical harm, the pain caused by them can immobilize her. Youmu carries two katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken.
    • Roukanken: An incredibly long katana, a nodachi that measures longer than the short girl is tall. Roukanken's blade was forged by youkai, allowing it to be nearly unbreakable. This is not the most notable feature of Roukanken, however. The katana's incredibly sharp blade transcends physicality, allowing it to cut apart even existences such as formless ghosts. Rocks, trees, flesh, steel, little can stand up to the unrestrained Roukanken. However, Youmu utilizes danmaku rules to avoid killing unless her life or the lives of others are in danger. Supernatural protection, or heavily augmented technology, may also defend against Roukanken.
    • Hakurouken: A wakizashi, Hakurouken possesses no ability to kill a living thing. Indeed, it is almost entirely harmless, causing some pain and discomfort but otherwise nothing else. Its capabilities lie in another area. It can be used to parry and it can incapacitate with enough blows, but the true nature of Hakurouken is its ability to divide things such as confusion. Certainly, cutting confusion is a valuable asset to the easily-confused Youmu. However, this is merely a side effect of its intended function. Hakurouken instantly causes the state of Nirvana in spirits it strikes, causing them to vanish utterly.
  • History: Youmu was born into the Konpaku family, half-ghosts in service of the ruler of the Netherworld, Saigyouji Yuyuko. She was trained intensely in swordplay, and in how to garden in order to cultivate the gardens around Yuyuko's home. Soon enough, Youmu became Yuyuko's servant, dedicated to her service even when she was to cause an incident that nearly(unintentionally) caused the awakening of a malevolent entity in the form of a soul-eating cherry tree. Since then, Youmu has actively assisted in the resolution of several incidents.
  • Personality: Calm, collected, serious. These are things Youmu tries to be at all times. To her credit, in a fight she is a dangerous and focused opponent, but outside of combat she is prone to being rather awkward. Her attempts to remain collected often fail, as Youmu is easily surprised and confused. She is not unintelligent, but it is simply quite easy to exasperate or perplex her. Youmu is easily frustrated by things that confuse her, and she is somewhat easy to mislead. However, she has been working on this, as to not fail Yuyuko. Youmu takes pride in her combat capabilities and her speed, as well as her katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken. In spite of her attempts to be a dutiful and serious warrior, Youmu retains a fear of ghost stories. In spite of being half ghost. And serving a ghost. However, when her opponent is not a ghost, Youmu can be a courageous fighter who refuses to give in. She also retains absolute loyalty to Saigyouji Yuyuko, even if the gluttonous ghost confuses and embarrasses her at times. While it is unlikely this will become relevant in Gensokyo, Youmu is reluctant to kill other intelligent beings unless it is necessary to defend herself, Yuyuko, or others.
  • Other: N/A
  • Name: Konpaku Youmu
  • Appearance: "If it's for Yuyuko-sama, I won't lose!" Youmu is pretty small, at under five feet.
  • Ability/Skills: Youmu is somewhat more durable than a regular human being, and has a somewhat more capable healing ability, but this is nothing as extreme as most youkai. As a half-ghost, a portion of her soul is embodied as a (usually)non-sentient floating phantom referred to as Myon. This can be used to observe distant areas, fire danmaku, or even temporarily become a duplicate of Youmu for double team attacks. Youmu also feels everything Myon feels, though she cannot be damaged in this way(something painful to Myon will be painful to Youmu, though). Youmu is an incredibly skilled swordswoman, capable of wielding her blades both one and two-handed. Her strength is above human level, allowing her to wield the incredibly long Roukanken one-handed. Youmu's attacking speed allows her to slash many times in an instant, to the point where it appears as a single attack. She can also move very quickly, in both air and on land, her speed making her the second fastest person in Gensokyo. This allows her to pull off her family technique, Two-Hundred Yojana in One Slash, covering an enormous amount of distance and come back in the time it takes to unsheath Roukanken and cut with it, allowing her to cut foes even quite a distance away. However, these shows of speed will eventually wear on her, so she cannot endlessly utilize her top speed. She also carries spellcards and is fully capable of flight. Her most powerful technique, both in spellcard form and as a true attack, is Reflecting Satellite Slash. This attack is simultaneously the cutting of her blade and a wave of blades reflected by the light of the moon, assaulting her opponent in a flash of light as she moves to cut through them. Even in nonlethal danmaku form it is a highly dangerous attack. However, it requires Youmu to hold still and gather power to properly perform it. In spite of all her advantages, Youmu is still partially human and can be injured as a human can, and while attacks to Myon do not cause physical harm, the pain caused by them can immobilize her. Youmu carries two katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken.
    • Roukanken: An incredibly long katana, a nodachi that measures longer than the short girl is tall. Roukanken's blade was forged by youkai, allowing it to be nearly unbreakable. This is not the most notable feature of Roukanken, however. The katana's incredibly sharp blade transcends physicality, allowing it to cut apart even existences such as formless ghosts. Rocks, trees, flesh, steel, little can stand up to the unrestrained Roukanken. However, Youmu utilizes danmaku rules to avoid killing unless her life or the lives of others are in danger. Supernatural protection, or heavily augmented technology, may also defend against Roukanken.
    • Hakurouken: A wakizashi, Hakurouken possesses no ability to kill a living thing. Indeed, it is almost entirely harmless, causing some pain and discomfort but otherwise nothing else. Its capabilities lie in another area. It can be used to parry and it can incapacitate with enough blows, but the true nature of Hakurouken is its ability to divide things such as confusion. Certainly, cutting confusion is a valuable asset to the easily-confused Youmu. However, this is merely a side effect of its intended function. Hakurouken instantly causes the state of Nirvana in spirits it strikes, causing them to vanish utterly.
  • History: Youmu was born into the Konpaku family, half-ghosts in service of the ruler of the Netherworld, Saigyouji Yuyuko. She was trained intensely in swordplay, and in how to garden in order to cultivate the gardens around Yuyuko's home. Soon enough, Youmu became Yuyuko's servant, dedicated to her service even when she was to cause an incident that nearly(unintentionally) caused the awakening of a malevolent entity in the form of a soul-eating cherry tree. Since then, Youmu has actively assisted in the resolution of several incidents.
  • Personality: Calm, collected, serious. These are things Youmu tries to be at all times. To her credit, in a fight she is a dangerous and focused opponent, but outside of combat she is prone to being rather awkward. Her attempts to remain collected often fail, as Youmu is easily surprised and confused. She is not unintelligent, but it is simply quite easy to exasperate or perplex her. Youmu is easily frustrated by things that confuse her, and she is somewhat easy to mislead. However, she has been working on this, as to not fail Yuyuko. Youmu takes pride in her combat capabilities and her speed, as well as her katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken. In spite of her attempts to be a dutiful and serious warrior, Youmu retains a fear of ghost stories. In spite of being half ghost. And serving a ghost. However, when her opponent is not a ghost, Youmu can be a courageous fighter who refuses to give in. She also retains absolute loyalty to Saigyouji Yuyuko, even if the gluttonous ghost confuses and embarrasses her at times. While it is unlikely this will become relevant in Gensokyo, Youmu is reluctant to kill other intelligent beings unless it is necessary to defend herself, Yuyuko, or others.
  • Other: N/A
  • Name: Konpaku Youmu
  • Appearance: "If it's for Yuyuko-sama, I won't lose!" Youmu is pretty small, at under five feet.
  • Ability/Skills: Youmu is somewhat more durable than a regular human being, and has a somewhat more capable healing ability, but this is nothing as extreme as most youkai. As a half-ghost, a portion of her soul is embodied as a (usually)non-sentient floating phantom referred to as Myon. This can be used to observe distant areas, fire danmaku, or even temporarily become a duplicate of Youmu for double team attacks. Youmu also feels everything Myon feels, though she cannot be damaged in this way(something painful to Myon will be painful to Youmu, though). Youmu is an incredibly skilled swordswoman, capable of wielding her blades both one and two-handed. Her strength is above human level, allowing her to wield the incredibly long Roukanken one-handed. Youmu's attacking speed allows her to slash many times in an instant, to the point where it appears as a single attack. She can also move very quickly, in both air and on land, her speed making her the second fastest person in Gensokyo. This allows her to pull off her family technique, Two-Hundred Yojana in One Slash, covering an enormous amount of distance and come back in the time it takes to unsheath Roukanken and cut with it, allowing her to cut foes even quite a distance away. However, these shows of speed will eventually wear on her, so she cannot endlessly utilize her top speed. She also carries spellcards and is fully capable of flight. Her most powerful technique, both in spellcard form and as a true attack, is Reflecting Satellite Slash. This attack is simultaneously the cutting of her blade and a wave of blades reflected by the light of the moon, assaulting her opponent in a flash of light as she moves to cut through them. Even in nonlethal danmaku form it is a highly dangerous attack. However, it requires Youmu to hold still and gather power to properly perform it. In spite of all her advantages, Youmu is still partially human and can be injured as a human can, and while attacks to Myon do not cause physical harm, the pain caused by them can immobilize her. Youmu carries two katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken.
    • Roukanken: An incredibly long katana, a nodachi that measures longer than the short girl is tall. Roukanken's blade was forged by youkai, allowing it to be nearly unbreakable. This is not the most notable feature of Roukanken, however. The katana's incredibly sharp blade transcends physicality, allowing it to cut apart even existences such as formless ghosts. Rocks, trees, flesh, steel, little can stand up to the unrestrained Roukanken. However, Youmu utilizes danmaku rules to avoid killing unless her life or the lives of others are in danger. Supernatural protection, or heavily augmented technology, may also defend against Roukanken.
    • Hakurouken: A wakizashi, Hakurouken possesses no ability to kill a living thing. Indeed, it is almost entirely harmless, causing some pain and discomfort but otherwise nothing else. Its capabilities lie in another area. It can be used to parry and it can incapacitate with enough blows, but the true nature of Hakurouken is its ability to divide things such as confusion. Certainly, cutting confusion is a valuable asset to the easily-confused Youmu. However, this is merely a side effect of its intended function. Hakurouken instantly causes the state of Nirvana in spirits it strikes, causing them to vanish utterly.
  • History: Youmu was born into the Konpaku family, half-ghosts in service of the ruler of the Netherworld, Saigyouji Yuyuko. She was trained intensely in swordplay, and in how to garden in order to cultivate the gardens around Yuyuko's home. Soon enough, Youmu became Yuyuko's servant, dedicated to her service even when she was to cause an incident that nearly(unintentionally) caused the awakening of a malevolent entity in the form of a soul-eating cherry tree. Since then, Youmu has actively assisted in the resolution of several incidents.
  • Personality: Calm, collected, serious. These are things Youmu tries to be at all times. To her credit, in a fight she is a dangerous and focused opponent, but outside of combat she is prone to being rather awkward. Her attempts to remain collected often fail, as Youmu is easily surprised and confused. She is not unintelligent, but it is simply quite easy to exasperate or perplex her. Youmu is easily frustrated by things that confuse her, and she is somewhat easy to mislead. However, she has been working on this, as to not fail Yuyuko. Youmu takes pride in her combat capabilities and her speed, as well as her katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken. In spite of her attempts to be a dutiful and serious warrior, Youmu retains a fear of ghost stories. In spite of being half ghost. And serving a ghost. However, when her opponent is not a ghost, Youmu can be a courageous fighter who refuses to give in. She also retains absolute loyalty to Saigyouji Yuyuko, even if the gluttonous ghost confuses and embarrasses her at times. While it is unlikely this will become relevant in Gensokyo, Youmu is reluctant to kill other intelligent beings unless it is necessary to defend herself, Yuyuko, or others.
  • Other: N/A
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