Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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It's time for a samurai half-ghost gardener.
@Rezod92: 1. You can play as all of them

2. Due to plot elements, Kingprotea is in a bit of a weird area right now.
@Rezod92: The RP definitely has room.
Saber - Arturia Pendragon

Thieves. Thieves had been raiding the store, holding every single person in the building as their hostage in order to do so. They'd even assaulted the employee who had been behind the counter, leaving her unconscious. This could not stand. It would not stand!

But that wasn't it. That wasn't their only crime.

As they had attempted to escape, they threw down vials that had called forth shades. Shades of Heroic Spirits... To use even the shadow of a heroic spirit for nothing more then thievery, as a simple tool so they could attempt to get away with their crime...!

"Using the shadows of Servants to aid in petty thievery..." Arturia couldn't help but feel anger at the simple idea of it. But there was no time to question how it had occurred, how the thieves had obtained something that allowed them to instantly call forth Shadow Servants. The people in the shop were in danger, the Shadows bearing down on them, their weapons raised...!

"You have no free will to name yourselves, nor the mind to speak of honor. And so, I shall strike you down before your actions dishonoryour legacy!"

And in that instant, her Master dove through the window behind her, calling to her! Normally, she would have asserted that she would never stoop to such depths as to commit any kind of theft, but at the moment there were more important matters at hand!

"Stay back, Master! These are the Shadows of Servants!"

With that, Arturia launched herself forward! She cleared one of the hostages and brought her concealed sword down in the same motion, slamming it onto the spear wielded by one of the shadows with force that would have fragmented solid rock and split steel! The impact struck the shadow and sent it rocketing backwards, slamming into a shattered display container and bending the metal frame inwards as it did. Before the knight-girl could follow up on her first blow, however, the second of shadows twisted its body in an unnatural fashion, raising a thick curved sword as it did!

The Saber-class Servant rotated her body, hands guiding her hidden blade upwards to deflect the Shadow's blow immediately. No matter what their ties were to true heroic spirits, these shades were nothing more then shadows, and so...!

The edge of her sword bit into the darkness and cut downwards, severing the shade in half! In spite of the shadowy makeup of its body, crimson blood spewed from its severed form, splattering across the carpet as it fell in two pieces.

But in moments, it had dissipated into nothingness...

@FlappyTheSpybot: They meet at the bottom.
Fanilly was going to go down the right, where all the mercenaries got killed, but then the hooded man leading the reinforcements showed up there and thus she switched the side she was going down and changed her plans.
"Satou-san is right, no karuta," Tomoko added, smiling as she did.

"Mumumumuuuu..." the ghost seemed to fume for a few moments, hands clenched into fists at her sides, "And I was sure I was going to win this time!"

Tomoko simply kept smiling.

She'd never lost a single game.

"Your frightening form was good enough to scare both an oni and a yuki-onna, by the way," commented the blonde girl, "So at least you can count that as a win."

The karakasa did not look impressed by the fact that Akari was using her as a shield, glancing back over her shoulder with a disapproving look.

"Heeeeh?! Really?! An oni and a yuki-onna!? Wow!" the ghost exclaimed, clearly excited at the fact that she'd managed to frighten a pair of youkai. Tomoko declined to mention the fact that on both accounts they were irrationally scared of ghosts to begin with. There was no need to spoil the ghost's mood, at least not at the moment. After all, they wanted to ask her some questions, and making her upset wouldn't have helped in that goal at all. "Fufufu, I'm really impressive, aren't I?"

At the compliment from Kaori, the ghost's aura of smugness seemed to grow in power. But with it came some concern.

"Disappearances...?" asked the kimono-clad phantom, a frown coming across her lips. "Does she mean disappearances, ojou-sama? Like, the kind you might deal with?!"

"That's right," Tomoko said, unable to help but be mildly amused at the fact the ghost felt the need to clarify this to herself, "Seven children have vanished in the surrounding area this month alone, and one of them was last Friday in this very park. Since you haunt this playground, we were wondering if you might know anything. Did you see anything strange last Friday afternoon?"

The ghost looked thoughtful for a few moments. Perhaps some people would think it odd to ask a ghost if she saw anything strange, but what Tomoko was looking for was anything that the ghost felt did not match up to ordinary events. After all, if she haunted this location and saw the usual routine day in and day out, something that did not match that would naturally stand out. Even if she hadn't directly seen the disappearance...

"Well, a few kids noticed me, so I was playing hide and seek with them!" declared the ghost, clearly considering this to be a happy memory, "But when I got done with that... I remember there was a woman I'd never seen around before."

"A woman that you'd never seen before?" Tomoko asked. At first glance, there was nothing particularly unusual about that. Surely new people showed up to the playground all the time, bringing their children with them. But the fact that it had specifically stood out to the ghost...

"That's right! She didn't have any children with her or anything," continued the girl phantom, "And I remember thinking that was strange because adults don't normally show up to the playground on their own, at least not the good kind of adults. So I decided I was going to keep an eye on her, and spook her if she tried anything with the kids! But then I noticed that no-one else seemed to see her... so I think she must have been a ghost like me."

A phantom woman who appeared the same day as Makishima Taro disappeared, at the same time? Tomoko had long since concluded coincidences were a rarity, and this didn't sound like one.

"Then what happened?" she asked.

"Well, I was going to keep an eye on her... but then the kids wanted to play hide and seek again, and I couldn't say no! But after that, I think I remember hearing some of the parents calling for their child... Taro-kun, I think it was? I thought he'd just gotten lost and they'd find him soon enough... but do you think..."

@Rune_Alchemist@TheHangedMan@RolePlayerRoxas@Crab Bane@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99
Caster of Red

A smirk crossed Caster's lips.

Indeed, she had read the small oni quite effectively. The moment she had laid eyes on her, and listened to the manner in which she spoke, the black-haired girl had felt quite certain she knew exactly what it would take to ensure that Berserker went to the battlefield. And that it quite frankly wouldn't take very much.

Oh, this was going to be an enjoyable relationship, wasn't it? Caster was already getting rather excited. And her undead had joined the battle, too...

The golden-crowned magus rose to her feet, approaching the oni as she did.

"You'll find the battle has begun in the forest near the mountains. Look for an old metal tower," she explained as she drew closer. Mmm, yes, this truly was going to be delightful. The oni was a savage beast with the guise of a young girl, and yet seemed to have some sort of innocence to her as well. That alone was intriguing to her. Such a being would be quite easy to wield as a weapon, all she needed was the right words.

"I can see just how powerful you are. What a strong and impressive warrior you must be," she continued, idly gesturing with one hand as she did, "So I'm certain you will strike true fear into the enemy. In fact..."

She leaned slightly closer, though not too close. Caster felt certain that would likely make the Berserker uncomfortable.

"If you do... Perhaps I'll work on getting you that candy you desired~?"

@PaulHaynek: You have picked hard mode.
  • Name\Title: Angelee Ethelvet
  • Appearance: "Why wouldn't you trust this face~?" Angelee is a small ten-year-old girl in physical appearance, who favors dresses that could be considered gothic lolita in style.
  • Short Bio/Synopsis: Angelee prefers to be referred to as Ange, presenting herself as a rather cheerful girl with an affection for her stuffed toy. In a way, this isn't exactly a lie. Generally she has a rather cheerful demeanor. However, in reality, she is much older then she appears to be, and far more mature then she enjoys acting. Ange is a highly intelligent and shrewd magus who adores toying with and taunting her enemies. Undeniably a sadist, the girl displays a predatory nature towards those who oppose her, and if she's feeling particularly merciless is liable to give them a rather harsh fate if she is able to. She believes that those who involve themselves in the affairs of magi should be prepared for any fate they may meet, and therefore does not believe that she should show any lenience towards even the weakest and most helpless of opponents. However, she is more likely to attempt to kill such enemies in a quick and painless fashion as opposed to any particularly cruel fate.

    She loathes involving people who have no knowledge of magecraft, believing that to be far more cruel of a punishment then anything she performs. Ange believes it is poor etiquette and heartlessness, declaring anyone who would drag the unaware into the affairs of magi as 'the worst kind of villain'. Of course, she refers to herself as a heartless and cruel villain as well, but in spite of the assertions she can prove to be a remarkably kind and generous host towards any guests she welcomes into her home. While her heartless and sadistic nature cannot be said to be a lie, perhaps the side of her that simply desires to enjoy herself harmlessly and not care about tomorrow is not a lie as well.
  • Magecraft: Ange's affinity is for Water. As a result, the fluid manipulation magecraft afforded by this affinity proved useful in the various modifications she made to her body to prevent her from dying. However, the initial transformation of her body was performed purely via magecraft. In terms of her capabilities as a mage, she is considered a high-efficiency and high-power magus with a wide repertoire of spells. Among these spells are featured condensed 'bullets' of fluid as well as high pressure beams of liquid. She is also highly capable in spells relating to the flow of energy, and in spells related to healing. However, she possesses a number of more unique traits resulting from the modifications of her body as well.
    • Fangs: Ange has modified her canine teeth into a set of fangs. While she is not a Dead Apostle, her usage of these fangs to gather mana via the nonlethal drinking of human blood makes her easily mistaken for one.
    • Mystic Eyes of Charm: Achieved via delicate manipulations of her eyes, Ange possesses the Mystic Eyes of Charm. Their grade is low due to the artificial nature of their creation, but it is sufficient for her to successfully charm any non-magus, or anyone with particularly weak protections against such interference.
    • Animate Musculature: Ange has modified her muscular tissue so that it will bind itself together if severed, making it much easier to heal injuries, even including severed limbs. However, she was unable to induce any healing processes automatically, forcing her to manually use healing spells.
    • Relocated Heart: Ange's heart has been moved to the opposite side of her body to make it more difficult to kill her via attacking it.
  • Mystic Codes: Ange has applied much of her knowledge to the creation of dolls. While she can hardly be considered on the same level as Aozaki Touko, she is still capable of producing a set of high-grade dolls to be used as guards and housemaids. They resemble traditional french maids and are dressed as such, but when used to attack their bodies suddenly reveal numerous blades and other dangerous implements.

    Finally, hidden inside of Ange's rabbit plush is a Mystic Code known as Bizarro Arachne, her most powerful doll collapsed into a minuscule state. When released, Bizarro Arachne expands to its full size, a vaguely feminine body supported by numerous razor-sharp, spindly legs. Highly dangerous to humans due to its thick armor and high mobility, it is considerably less challenging for a Servant provided Ange does not reinforce its body in order to post a more serious threat.
  • Misc/Other/Trivia: There once was a magus who lived in London. They were a diligent, hard worker, someone who knew they must do everything they could in order to fulfill their family's name. Someone who placed so much importance on their goals because they knew their family had trusted them. This person wanted nothing more then to fulfill the wishes of their family. And, indeed, they did. They exceeded the wishes of their family. They were met with a success beyond their wildest dreams. But the Mage's Association took notice. And the Association swiftly placed a sealing designation on them. Unwilling to be kept isolated, unable to practice their magecraft, they fled.

    They killed again and again until they didn't care. But they knew that there was no chance of permanently escaping such a fate. But they had to hide. They had to find some way to hide that would allow them to operate how they wanted. And so they searched, and searched. They searched as much as they could. They did everything in their power to find something, anything, that would allow them to hide from the Association's sights. And, in a most esoteric writing, they found it. They found an obscure writing. The fate of a certain prophetic magus, who used an unusual method to modify his entire body to become an entirely new person. Age, sex, everything about his appearance had changed. And so the magus found their solution. The process was difficult, but after several months they had reconstructed their body into something the Enforcers pursuing them would never recognize.

    A child. A young girl with no resemblance to her original self. The magus laughed to herself. Was it this simple, all along? To become someone else? And yet, it worked. No-one knew her. No-one recognized her. Calling herself Angelee Ethelvet, she found herself free once more. She embraced this freedom. She did everything she had been unable to do before. She took vengeance, unexpected, on some who had wronged her during her flight from the Association's Enforcers. Angelee Ethelvet was free. And she realized that if she could modify her body to such a great extent, why not work further? Grant herself new attributes to further her desires. So she worked, altering her eyes, her muscles, her internal organs, devising ways to make herself more difficult to kill, more dangerous. She became her own test subject, and she relished in everything that came of it.

    Angelee Ethelvet eventually ceased her modifications, satisfied. She advanced her magecraft, but it was not much longer before she discovered a certain ritual occurring in Black Rock.

    Seemingly, Ange's pursuit of this ritual is on a whim. But is there something she doesn't want to admit to herself?
  • Special Boon: Superior Magical Skills. Due to both her family history and the modifications that she made to her own body, Angelee is of a higher grade then some other magi.
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