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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Fractured: I'm not the GM but I can confirm that's the case.

Also sorry for the delay I'll get Youmu going today!
Hey, since we're a bit low on variety I decided to do a second Servant to make things a bit more varied!

  • Name: Kashin Koji
  • Class: Caster
  • Appearance: "I am the conjurer who turned Oda Nobunaga's stomach!"
  • Personality: Caster's greatest ambition was always to reach for the top. He would work for anyone, use his magic for any purpose, for the sake of this endeavor. No matter how cruel or heartless an act, he embraces it wholeheartedly. Indeed, his desire to reach for the top, or to be by the side of the one who finds themselves there, will drive him to casually perform utterly heinous acts. His regard for the lives of others is considerably lacking. Even those he calls friends may be subject to terror if he concludes it assists his goals, or simply if he finds it amusing. Nevertheless, he was a genius of onmyodo for his time and hesitates little to flaunt this fact. He has no illusions about his own morality, even happily declaring himself the villain. In spite of his amoral nature, Caster does not believe in killing for its own sake, and would much rather use those around him then kill them if given the opportunity. In a twisted way, he holds deep appreciation for his Master as well, for allowing him to be summoned into the world once more, and will do what he can do keep them from danger. Even Caster holds some level of humanity deep inside.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: C
    • Endurance: D
    • Agility: C
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: C
    • Noble Phantasm: B
  • Class Skills:
    • Item Construction: A. A particularly high rank of Item Construction, allowing Caster to create advanced dolls with sufficient materials. Caster is the creator of the karakuri ninja Kato Danzo.
    • Territory Creation: C
  • Personal Skills:
    • Body Modification: C+. A skill pertaining to the alteration, but not transformation of one's own body in order to assume a different appearance. At a rank of C+, it is sufficient to completely change one's sex, age, and physique structure, but a vague familiarity remains as if one's forms are related to one another in some way.
    • Incitement of the Phantasmal: A. In accordance to legend, Caster was capable of raising spirits and inciting yokai to a frenzied state. The materialization of phantoms under Caster's control is possible, and those of mixed blood must possess strong willpower to remain in control of themselves.
    • Fish and Leaves: A. An anecdote speaks of Caster animating leaves that had fallen into a pond, turning them into fish. The creation of tsukumogami, living objects, is possible with the use of this skill.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Onryo: The Vengeful Spirit of Hatred
    • Rank: B
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Appearance: Appearance varies
    • Effects: An anecdote speaks of a conversation between Caster and his friend, Matsunaga Hisahide. Matsunaga challenged Caster to frighten him, and Caster's response was to summon the phantom of his dead wife as a vengeful spirit to terrorize his friend until he admitted he was afraid. Caster's capacity to twist phantoms into devastating vengeful spirits that sow curses and attack with unyielding hatred has been crystallized as a Noble Phantasm capable of assaulting an entire army's worth of people. While they are capable of being destroyed, cursed spirits rise in great numbers. They can be combined into a single mass of curses and hatred to bolster their power, a potentially devastating monstrous onryo seeking to enact nothing less then mindless vengeance.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Changes: N/A

I probably won't be playing this Caster full time, but still a character I'm signing up regardless.
Anyone having trouble? Need any help?
@Raineh Daze: I know @KoL's Caster is going to be going to Akane, at least.
Saber - Benienma

On sight of the burgers, Benienma had become quite distracted. While they certainly had maintained their good qualities... there was still plenty of things for the diminutive enma to talk to the cooks about.

"Master, I shall return in a moment dechi. There are important matters I must attend to dechi."

Reminding herself to seek out Suzuka and introduce her to remedial lessons at some point in the near future, Benienma vanished into the kitchen before anyone would be able to stop her.

Among those who were dining at the restaurant(many of which had been quite distracted by the site of a little redheaded girl disappearing into the back before a single person could even react enough to prevent it), one notable patron was a child, a young girl no older than nine.

While she was not incredibly famous, those familiar with the ins and outs of the city would likely recognize her after a few moments.

Tsugihara Amelia was a young girl born from the union of two very recently-created mage families. They had not expected to summon a Servant, but they had expected their daughter to learn quite a bit in a city full of magecraft.

It was difficult to separate a Servant from a child once they had been summoned.

While Amelia's Servant was not currently present(she had been asked to run an errand for the moment), those who worked in the CCF or had knowledge about the town might pay passing notice to her.

And thus they would likely notice, even though she was in a relatively crowded spot in the building, when she suddenly dropped the drink she'd been holding... and seemed to vanish. Anyone who hadn't been looking at her at all, who had never noticed her in the first place, would most likely miss this happened at all...

... But those who had noticed her presence whatsoever... would see a hazy shape, one hand over the unconscious young girl's mouth, swiftly departing from the restaurant...

@RolePlayerRoxas@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze
@PaulHaynek: No, she's fighting the armored Barukstaedian man further down.
Youmu listened carefully to what Akyuu had to say. There was something messing with the records of Gensokyo's history? To the point where the teacher fell unconscious attempting to read it? Not only that, but strange spaces had developed in Gensokyo... The moment that Hinanawi mentioned one of the altered records, the pale half-phantom froze for a moment.

Yuyuko-sama... was Yuyuko-sama in one of these spaces? Were the events of that incident being altered? If that was the case...

"... You... you're right, the Saigyou Ayakashi..." she trailed off. She didn't know just what was happening, but a terrible feeling had suddenly clutched at her heart. "I have to go. I have to see what's happening. If Yuyuko-sama is in danger, I can't wait any longer!"

At this point, incident resolution was a distant secondary to ensuring Yuyuko-sama's safety. Given how little was known about what was happening, and how historical records were being altered, there was no telling what was going on. But the chance of danger was far too great for her.

Immediately, Youmu turned and began to hurry off.
  • Name: Sekiguchi Akane, also known "Higanbana Shoujo" to local residents
  • Age: Physically, she is no older than 9 or 10. In actuality, she is around 469 years in age.
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Would you like to test your courage~?"
  • Personality: Akane is motivated largely by the things she finds interesting. At times she could be considered quite lazy, but the moment something catches her attention, or she finds herself interested in someone, she immediately pursues that topic of interest with considerable fervor. Indeed, entertainment is one of her chief pursuits. In the past, she has entertained herself by frightening locals or people from out of town. Akane finds people who believe they are in danger to be quite amusing. Indeed, the reaction of human beings who are scared, confused, annoyed, or some combination of all of those three traits is something she takes pleasure in. Indeed, she enjoys nothing less then causing others difficulty. Even inflicting pain is enjoyable for her, though she has never casually killed anyone purely for the sake of her amusement. That is not to say there is no blood on her hands, however. Regardless, her pursuit of that which amuses her conceals two things: As a sort of guardian for the land, she feels some level of obligation to ensuring its safety, and the fact that she can be rather lonely. Even if she expresses her interest in people in ways that are likely to frighten them(and enjoys it) she is still liable to follow people simply to be near someone else. That being said, her interest in someone can easily turn deadly, if they are an opponent. Akane may not casually kill others without reason, but she has no qualms with the act.
  • Skills: Akane has little to no practical skills of her own.
  • Abilities: To begin with, Akane's existence is conceptually tied to the land itself. As long as the local land exists, killing her is a remarkably difficult prospect. This is not to say it is impossible, but even grievous injury or destruction of much of her body will simply cause her to reform within the bounded field containing her home. She does not age, nor does she suffer from illness. Some injuries can be mended on the spot, while others force her to break her body down and reform it within her bounded field. One way to end her life properly would be to sever her connection to the land itself, but this is difficult without the capability to interact with such connections. A large-scale ritual with the explicit purpose to denying her existence would be one method, and placing her within a reality marble and attacking her there is another. While truly killing her is very difficult, her body is no more durable then it appears and thus forcing her retreat into bounded field is no more difficult then inflicting sufficient damage. In terms of her capabilities as a practitioner of onmyodo, as opposed to more western methods, it can be said that she is possessed of exceptional circuits of exceptional quality.
    As an onmyouji her compatibility against spirits is high, though this does not mean she is capable of dispelling Servants. Still, spiritual existences are easily dealt with by her. As a part of the process that rendered her an existence tied to the land, Akane produced a bounded field containing her home, an expansive Japanese mansion surrounded by higanbana. She can freely manifest higanbana around herself, as well, creating an area of denial that drains the energy from those who enter it, though it is considerably less effective against Servants it can act as a defense against attack. She is also capable of utilizing ofuda to apply an energy-draining curse to a target, or even erode solid objects. Indeed, due to the nature of her existence she has a high compatibility with curses. Her ofuda can also be used for various methods of attack, such as causing them to erupt with magical energy or fix a target in place. As a highly adept onmyouji, Akane is highly dangerous to potential opponents. However, she can only defend herself from most Servants.
  • Brief Backstory: In the local area, there is the tale of a mysterious little girl known as Higanbana Shoujo. A child no older then nine or ten, with long black hair, pale skin, and red eyes wearing a red kimono. It is said she is accompanied by higanbana, and when she appears to someone something terrible will befall them. The most well-known version of the myth states that she will offer those who meet her a test of courage. If it is rejected, they will die in ten days, suffer terrible misfortune, or any other number of negative outcomes. If it is accepted, it is said something truly terrifying will occur, that may lead to the person's death anyway.
    This myth originates with Sekiguchi Akane. Hundreds of years ago, she was the child of a family that had long worked to create a 'permanent' human, someone who would exist even if the entire family perished. In order to accomplish this they had devised a ritual sacrifice that would tie the offering to the land, thus creating an artificial guardian spirit rather then resulting in the sacrifice's death. Their young daughter, Akane, became the subject of this ritual. It was out of a warped form of affection, her parents believing that their daughter living on forever was worth the process that it required, something Akane was unable to understand. An agonizing experience followed, her limbs broken and her body buried while she was still alive. Even though it succeeded, she suffered greatly in the process. The result was a living human being whose existence was thoroughly tied to the land itself, thus rendering her nearly immortal but incapable of leaving the local area. She was swift to reject her family in the aftermath, and did not mourn them when they perished. She has spent many long years, now, entertaining herself by scaring locals and other endeavors. It is only natural, then, that she was drawn to this Holy Grail War...

Phew. This is a weird idea, I know.
@ColourlessKing: Rain means literally "Emiya the counter guardian after UBW".
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