Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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A full-tilt sprint down the stairs that had been cleared was the best path forward. They had to reach Vosahnn's sister. They couldn't end this with the nem's sister dead. They couldn't...!

Even as that fear played at Fanilly's mind, she spurred herself onwards. Not a moment of doubt could be allowed. For that single moment could be the difference between life and death for the girl who was at the bottom of the crypt. The roguish man who had been leading the mercenary reinforcements had made it sound quite clear that she was alive... and Fanilly hoped that whoever was at the bottom with her would rather have a hostage they could attempt to use then a corpse that would seal their fate.

Rescuing a hostage wouldn't be easy, but it was their best chance!

The mercenaries had divided their forces too, but the bulk of the reinforcements had accompanied the cloaked man that gone up the right side. The moment Fanilly met one of their number, a tall bald man with a two-handed hammer, she ducked low under the initial swing! Driving herself forward, he staggered back and used the handle of his hammer in a bit to deflect her thrust. It worked, metal screeching against metal as he raised his hammer again...!

But she was faster, slicing through his side, cutting through leather armor and flesh in a single swing. To end his suffering more swiftly, she thrust the blade once more, upwards and through his heart.

But as she turned...

Fanilly was forced to bring her sword up, sparks flying as metal clashed on metal. Her attacker this time was a man in armor, plate armor, with dark hair and a light beard, grinning as he pushed his strength against her. At his sides were no living, human mercenaries...

But skeletal husks, some with no flesh at all showing bleached white bone underneath, others displaying some scraps of flesh, holding swords and shields, axes and maces... there were at least a dozen of them.

This had to be the work of the necromancer...!

The hulking Barukstaedian man was quite clearly a cut above the other mercenaries. Not only was he clearly far stronger and more skilled, but the runes on his armor and weapon spoke of some form of magical enhancement, though at the moment it was difficult to tell exactly what this meant.

What was quite obvious was the fact that he had already begun to move again, both hands on his two-handed axe as he made a bit to use the head as a ram, before swinging it once more to use the edge!

"Iron Roses? Yes, I'm quite aware," the hooded man commented, cocking his head as he spoke, face still concealed by the hood. "And I'm sure you would love to take me alive... but I think you're a little late."

Almost immediately he fired his crossbow before following it up with an incredibly, almost impossibly swift lunge forward. The mercenaries at his flanks, too, began their charge.

@HereComesTheSnow@Asuras@jdh97@Animal@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk@Heartfillia
Mihama Nanako

Helping Meltryllis change wasn't difficult, even with the memory of the terrible scar forever carved into her wallet was still lingering in her mind quite intensely. First the figure, now this... but it was worthwhile, at least. She did want to patch things together with Meltryllis. She wanted to keep moving forward and keep making things better. And finding clothing that she liked was a good step... she'd grabbed a few underclothes options as well, to the further pain of her wallet, and her Servant had only shown interest in the smallest bikini she'd grabbed just because it was less expensive...

The fact that the Alter Ego had only her ordinary(if you could call it that) outfit made helping her change a little more embarrassing then she'd initially though, but when they were done...

... What was this feeling?

Deep inside her, this heartthrobbing sensation...

Meltryllis looked adorable in this hoodie! The purple-haired Servant was so slim and cute and the hoodie was over-sized for her and this was... this was... even after seeing how brutally Meltryllis could slaughter her opponents...! This was too much! It was too much! Meltryllis was too cute! She'd already been very beautiful and cute, even in spite of her sadistic leanings, but this hoodie... it was just...

It almost made Nanako forget about how expensive it was. Almost.

It was only when Meltryllis paused and took note of some others nearby, a girl who looked like she didn't get out much in many, many ways and what appeared to be some form of kitsune Servant. Presumably, they were both a pair.

"... Is that a compliment or..." Nanako scratched the back of her head uncertainly. She hoped it was, but Meltryllis didn't often make direct compliments like that and her wording as ambiguous enough to make it difficult to be certain.

@Krayzikk: Should I wait until you get a response up then?
I'll be updating tomorrow.
I redesigned my Jubei a bit, I think she looks a lot better now.

Also, yes, her A++ Agility is only in reference to her drawing and swinging her sword, though when she removes her eyepatch she does go up to A+ Agility overall.
  • Name: Yagyu Jubei Mitsuyoshi
  • Class: Saber
  • Appearance: Black hair, light skintone. She's actually pretty short.
  • Personality: Saber's attitude at first glance is best described as somewhat roguish. She likes alcohol, attractive people, and good food. However, she also has a strong sense of duty and justice, in spite of her seemingly lackadaisical behavior. She will never let an injustice go unnoticed. She will never allowed herself to falter. The edge of her blade is always keen and always ready... even if she likes to let loose and relax at times. Indeed, for all she is fond of parties, Saber remains a samurai who travelled chiefly to hone her skills. Her travels never lost their goal, she always sought to obtain the peak of kenjutsu, even as she excelled as the true master of the blade in her clan. To see the beauty and elegance of Saber's sword in battle was something that many a foe witnessed before their last moments. For all she may seem like nothing more then a rogue at times, Saber shines brightest when she is in battle, and indeed wishes to battle skilled opponents whenever she has the chance. There is a reason that she is remembered as one who upheld honorable conduct and defended the weak.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: C
    • Endurance: D
    • Agility: A++
    • Mana: E
    • Luck: A
    • Noble Phantasm: A+
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: C
    • Riding: B
  • Personal Skills:
      Shinkage-ryu: A++. A master of the blade already, in spite of being younger then her father. At the age of 9 she was already filling in as an instructor for him, though at the time she was dressed as a boy. Saber has utterly absorbed the secrets of the Yagyu Shinkage-ryu, becoming a transcendent wielder of the sword and surpassing all those who have shared her blood. As a result of this impressive skill, she is also resistant to mental interference.
    • No-Sword Capture: A+. Surpassing her father in Shinkage-ryu, it is only natural that Saber excels even when unarmed. Even her hands are a sufficient weapon against an enemy who wields a sword.
    • The Journey of Yagyu Jubei: A. Saber is known for a twelve-year journey she went on after her expulsion from the Edo court. Already a master of the blade, it is during this time that she honed her skills even further. By viewing her existence as a Servant as a continuation of her journey, it is possible for Saber's abilities to be honed even further and provide bonuses to her parameters.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Hidden Eye - Constraining Oneself as a Means of Self-Improvement
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit(Self)
    • Appearance: The tsuba eyepatch over Saber's left eye.
    • Effects: A self-sealing Noble Phantasm, the tsuba repurposed as an eyepatch over Saber's left eye does not cover an injury. Rather, it was devised by her as means to test herself, to fight with only a single eye in use. By fighting with this hardship, she would be able to hone her skills even further. This Noble Phantasm has no function other than providing this restraint. As a result, its removal allows Saber to fight with her full potential, unsealing her second Noble Phantasm and raising her physical parameters by one rank. Saber's high rank in Agility applies only to her drawing and swinging her sword, but her overall ability is raised to A+ when her eyepatch is removed.

    • Name: Tenken Musou: One who Has Transcended Peerless
    • Rank: A+
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: All that is considered is the blade and its target. In an instant, the sword is all that matters. A perfection of Shinkage-ryu, surpassing even her father who was lauded as peerless, Saber clears her mind of all distract and delivers a decisive strike born from a place of emptiness. For in her mind, in that instant, there is not a single worldly distraction. Her roguish ways fall apart, and for a moment there is nothing but a sword that is beyond peerless. Before this strike, nothing exists, and the opponent is cut even if they attempt to defend, before their arms can even move. It is a magnificent blow that cannot be answered and cuts flesh and armor and stone as if it was mere paper. A sure-killing technique that can only be foiled by self-recovery or evasion.
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Changes: As Jubei's life is largely mysterious, it turns out that he was actually a woman. Her brash attitude and the fact that she was female are the reason she was initially met with disapproval before her travels.

Given how much they talk up Munenori, it was actually kind of hard making his kid even better then he was in according with historical accounts.
After some thought, I think I will be going with a female Yagyu Jubei. I think Jubei's actually very easy to justifiably genderbend looking things over again, and some affirmation helped me with that.
@KoL: Hmmm, then maybe I will go with that.
Meanwhile since someone took Okita I'm really struggling since I know I'd want a knight class or maybe Rider for a Japanese Servant but since I feel awkward trying to play guys it's difficult to find someone who has a good stuff to make into NPs and is either female or I feel like I can justify a genderbend. D:

Like I think Yagyu Jubei would make an awesome Saber but there's no justifying a genderbend there. And Nakazawa Koto and Sasaki Rui are both really cool historical female kenjutsu masters, but I can't really see anything to turn into an NP.
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