Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Will need to prep some stuff, but my character should be done over the next few days.
Hey need to work out some things but so down for this.
Alrighty, probably won't be too much more of this fight. I think it's done what it needs to and given people a taste of what's to come.
It would likely be a shock to the god of the Sun when, after managing to force his way through the front line of soldiers defending their learned, the man with a horned helmet swung his blade in an arc and blocked his initial strike with a resounding clash of metal on metal. It certainly wasn't an easy feet, given the way his entire body rocked from the impacted, but this time it appeared he had prepared himself and answered in kind.

The mere fact a mortal could defend themselves in this fashion would perhaps be a clear sign of he position the deities were in right now.

Indeed, of the remaining soldiers, several of them immediately took aim at the engaged Sun God and prepared to open fire. It was Ashte's intervention, the sharp cracking sounds of her stolen weapon immediately sounding the death of one of the soldiers and forcing them to turn to try and defend themselves, that spared him time to press his assault. Indeed, the lives of two soldiers were already claimed by Ashte's fire, and the others were unable to attack O'Menus.

Due to the efforts of Trineon and Alasayana, two of the soldiers with the explosive tubes were dispatched, one impaled with a crimson blade and the other crushed by the Huntress's tail.

Immediately, the nearest soldiers trained their weapons on the Goddess of Justice. While this was a danger to her, the fact that they had been forced to stop focusing on suppressing other attackers meant Aureia had a free window to do more or less whatever she desired.

Their numbers were dwindling, but the fact they were putting up this much of a fight displayed both that they were quite a dedicated force, and that the gods had much power they needed to regain.

The great human-shaped machine was mending under Lopalay's power, steel knitting itself back together steadily. However, even once it had mended, the machine did not move. It appeared it needed something else in order to work, perhaps related to the empty space near the center of its body.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@1Charak2@Raineh Daze@Renny@Martian
I'd like a post from @1Charak2 first, but I still intend to update as soon as is appropriate. Hoping everyone is enjoying things so far!
"Gladly, oh Kyrinth,."

Nobunaga bowed, then placed a hand to her chest as she took a step forward. It was time for her to begin setting the negotiations truly in motion.

"The Illuminator's knowledge is certainly undeniable, but his wisdom leaves much to be desired," she began, "As does his consideration for the consequences of his actions. He cares nothing for the people of this land, or anything that lives. A god like this cannot be accepted."

Taking another step forward, she spread her arms.

"Therefore, such a fool should be discarded. But knowledge is doubtless required for the progress of humanity, is it not?" the petite girl continued, "Humanity learns to produce food, to care for the land, to care for one another, only through obtaining the knowledge to do so."

Gesturing to the Kyrinth, Nobunaga smiled.

"A wise dweller of the forest, one in tune with nature, one who is a guardian of nature, is surely capable of providing much knowledge of the natural world," explained the warlord, "Through the Kyrinth's teachings, the people of this village could learn both how to use the natural world and to care for the natural world. How to better their lives and preserve that which is around them."

She spread her arms once more, her cape flourishing as she did.

"And through these teachings, not only will they learn how to better their own lives and the lives of generations to come, but they will also learn to value this land, and the plants and animals living within it."

Certainly, Nobunaga had no particular love or dislike of the natural world prior. Her interest in it had been entirely a practical one. But the Kyrinth desired the protection of the natural world, and even out of purely practical concerns the preservation of resources was crucial to humans. Therefore, instilling a desire to preserve it would both strengthen the bond between the people of the village and the Elder Beast as well as ensure they had resources for generations to come.

"A 'God of Knowledge' who only spreads their knowledge for their own benefit will be replaced by a wise guardian and teacher of the forest, in a relationship that will benefit both man and nature."

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
Hey, let me know if this is too fast, but since we're in combat I decided an update made the most sense.

I can delay if people think I'm moving too quickly, but rest assured the battle won't actually end until everyone who wants to has been able to participate(as long as it doesn't take excessively long that is).
"Oh? So you are blasphemers, too," the man in the horned helmet said, inclining his head to one side as he spoke, "There is no god before the Emperor. Your fate is execu-"

He couldn't finish speaking. He hadn't expected such a swift retaliation, O'Menus's sudden advance taking him entirely off-guard. He barely had time to raise his arms as if to block, a translucent orange shield of light suddenly spreading from his gauntlets and taking the blow of the white sword. But in spite of his defense, the shield seemed to crack almost immediately, and he was sent skidding backwards across the stony ground, staggering when he came to a halt several meters away.

The sheer force of the blow had taken him entirely off-guard, even as he cancelled his barrier.

"Damnation! Open fi-" He cut himself off in shock as he watched several soldiers suddenly snapped up on the maws of judgement, crushed even in spite of their crimson armor, Aureia's umbrella cleaving cleanly through the front of the nearest soldier's armor with a spurt of blood.

"They're mages?!" he cried, in shock, "The Klois Knights even sent mages?! Kill them! Kill them all! But don't kill the priestess! We need her alive!"

He drew his sword, the blade thrumming with red light as he did, the remaining soldiers backing up into a tighter formation and swiftly raising their weapons. The ones at the front of the formation knelt, their tube-like weapons cracking as they unleashed extremely fast projectiles.

Indeed, the barriers created by the gods would prove effective against their weapons.

But the soldiers wielding the larger tubes raised them, and unleashed arcing, larger projectiles that hurtled through the air with a whistling sound.

On impact, they would release a small, but violent explosion.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@1Charak2@Raineh Daze@Renny@Martian
@JessieTargaryen: Yep you're good.
@JessieTargaryen: Hey sorry for the delay, I don't think I see any issues with your bio.
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