Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Click This: She's just wearing the dress, though if one were to look at her upper back just beneath the dress they would find a stylized lily mark.
The girl did not wake, nor did her fever worsen. While it was difficult to tell, to avoid any potential worsening of her condition it was likely that slowing time for her was the best choice. It certainly would not hurt.

The stairs were carved from stone, leading upwards a short distance. It was rather unremarkable in all respects, but adorning the walls on either side were strange geometric shapes, faintly glowing and overlapping one another, leading back down to the hexagonal chamber.

At the top of the staircase was a solid steel door. While it appeared to be somewhat dented from the outside, it was otherwise holding fast.

A voice spoke from beyond the door.

"Prepare for another volley, we'll get through sooner or la-"

Once the gods reached it, it slid open almost immediately.

Beyond was a stony expanse, light gray rock making it apparent they were either on some kind of plateau or the top of a cliff. Beyond that, some distance below, there was a considerable distance completely taken up by the greens of some form of forest. It appeared considerably more temperate then the jungles some deities may have been used to, but it would still feel somewhat familiar to those who engrossed themselves in nature.

Perhaps more pressing were the mortals in their immediate vicinity.

There were at least two dozen of them. All of them were clad entire in some form of unusual black and red armor, shiny and looking rather different from even the heaviest armor any of the deities would be familiar with, some portions composed of some form of fabric as well. At the head of the group was a figure with even more bright armor, two curling horns adorning his face-concealing helmet.

They were armed with swords, and strange devices that looked like some sort of tube. The devices would be entirely unfamiliar, and yet Ashte would immediately recognize them as weapons. They all seemed quite shocked by the sudden appearance of the gods, thought judging their reactions beyond the helmets was difficult.

That wasn't all.

A single especially large figure, humanoid but enormous, some form of metal construct, lay on the ground cut completely in half. One arm was composed entirely of a blade, the other an enormous version of the tube-weapons held by the armored men.

There was blood on the stones. Dozens more of the armored figures lay dead, stabbed, cut apart, and otherwise killed by some manner of extremely sharp blade.

Beside the doorway lay another fully armored figure. They were clad in white and gold armor with a tattered blue cape, damaged heavily with numerous holes pierced through, two swords piercing their chest and blood covering the front of the armor. Their helmet, reminiscent of that of a knight's, was cracked to reveal an empty, staring blue eye. In their left hand they gripped an impressive sword, white with a gold hilt, even in death.

The moment the red armored mortals recovered from their surprise, they were raising their weaponry.

"Hold your fire!" commanded the man with the horned helmet. "They have the priestess."

The armored figures hesitated for a moment, then lowered their weapons slightly.

"Sir, wasn't there only supposed to be a single knight?"

The soldier asking the question was entirely ignored as the man in the horned helmet stepped forward.

"You're surrounded," he began, "By the authority of the Holy Emperor of Durma, surrender the Flower Priestess at once."

He paused for a moment, as his eyes fell on Alasayana.

"Consorting with a beastkin... Disgusting," he continued, the contempt audible in his voice, "Surrender or die. You have no other options. We will carry out the Holy Emperor's will."

The soldiers raised their weapons once more.

Certainly, gods were diminished, weakened.

But by no means were they helpless.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@1Charak2@Raineh Daze@Renny@Martian
@JessieTargaryen: That would be fine!
An orb desired by the Illuminator? How coincidental, she had just spoken to him.

Without knowing anything else about the situation, Nobunaga's immediate conclusion was an obvious one: Lazhira was absolutely correct in her judgement. Giving the reckless god anything he desired would only allow him greater hold on this place. As such, rejection of such a bargain wholeheartedly was the only way forward.

She would not permit anything to interfere with her plan.

Brushing her gleaming black hair back with one hand, her response was an obvious one, at least to her.

"Well, we cannot allow him to have it, then," Nobunaga asserted. If he desired it, obtaining it would not mean anything good. Therefore it was only reasonable not to permit anything of the sort.

However, the matter of the meeting with the Kyrinth was by far the most important one at the moment.

"But that discussion can wait until later. For the moment, we have business to attend to, do we not?

@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist
The girl's fever was, at least on first inspection, rather serious. Her body was burning up, and she felt clammy. She must have been sweating a lot. Further inspection would reveal that her heart was beating quite fast, and though she was unsconcious her body was trembling slightly, and her breathing sounding somewhat labored.

It seemed as if an illness had taken her. Whether this was a natural affliction or somehow related to their revival was difficult to discern. Given the room she was discovered in, however, made the latter rather more likely.

Still, it seemed as if it would require more effort then attempting to shake her awake in order to revive her, and more to address her current condition.

This, however, was not the only matter of immediate concern.

Above, beyond the stairway, even gods who were not attuned to detecting mortal lives would be able to hear heated voices, and then a loud bang. As if something had slammed into a door with considerable force.
And any listening with care would overhear a man's voice.

"Get that door open immediately, we will secure the priestess!"

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@1Charak2@Raineh Daze@Renny@Martian
"Dame Tyaethe?" Fanilly questioned, tilting her head. Just why did she think the shard was already gone? What had changed? Was there any reason to suspect as much? There were so many moving parts to this situation. From the dead soldiers, the two bands of mercenaries, their mysterious employers, it was all adding up to just about nothing. Just where could this shard have gone?

"... If it truly is gone, then we shall have to find it as swiftly as possible," the petite knight-captain said, after a pause, "If only we had any idea of where to begin."

It was frustrating. Such a dangerous relic, and yet it was seemingly lost with no way to track it? They could not simply give up. They had to at the very least extract a lead from the fortress. All these soldiers had died in vain, she could not simply let it end here. For their sake. For Thaln's sake.

"... Not here? How can you tell?" the incredulous Alette asked, "That would explain why we couldn't find it, but what makes you think it's gone?!"

"Perhaps a sign from one of the goddesses?" mused Bors, one massive hand placed to his chin.

"Mmmm... this man..." Abigail leaned close to the corpse in the doorway, examining the wounds closely, "... He was struck unawares. My my, neater then the captain~"

She pressed a finger lightly to each wound in turn, cocking her head to one side as she did.

"Swift and concise, practically in a single motion. He didn't see it coming, and yet it was from the front?" She commented, "Curious~ The killer was perhaps someone he knew then? Hmmm..."

If the body was examined further, another note would be discovered on it.

The Silver Stone

The Silver Stone was the oldest shrine to Mayon in the entire country of Thaln, located within the Brennan forest, at its edge. Opposite, to the east, was the Golden Stone. It was the oldest shrine to Reon.

Regardless, the note had to have meant something. What was impossible to know, but it was the only clear lead in the entire fort at the moment.

@HereComesTheSnow@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk
In spite of the commotion around her, the frail-looking white haired girl would remain still. It was easy enough to confirm she was still breathing, and her body twitched faintly as the soft, fluffy tails surrounded her. But whatever illness or other condition had taken her was clearly enough that it was quite difficult to wake from.

Were anyone to do a close inspection of the girl, they would discover she appeared to have a fever, and the very tips of her otherwise white hair were darker.

The chamber itself did not change in any way after the gods stepped off the steel platforms. However, the lines that lead to each were faintly warm, and closer inspection of the inscriptions on the floor would indicate they were glowing ever so faintly. With this knowledge in mind, it would become clear the chamber itself was likely part of whatever returned them to life.

And that the girl was, somehow, involved with that process.

Aside from this, as the deities spoke to one another, there was little change in the room they occupied.

However, for deities attuned to such things, it might have been possible to sense the presence of mortals above, beyond the stairway...

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@1Charak2@Raineh Daze@Renny@Martian
Hey sorry, probably going to have to delay the update. I was a bit distracted today and now I've got a bit of a headache so I don't think I'll be able to push it out as intended.

Since nearly everyone already posted, as soon as @Martian posts I'll update.
Update incoming tonight or tomorrow!
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