Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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In spite of their defense, the soldiers' numbers were dwindling. While their formation had initially afforded them a position that was difficult to assault, now they had been broken. The humanoid machine crashing down on their numbers was only served to further worsen their situation. None of them fled, to their credit, but now they were increasingly laying dead or dying.

The humanoid machine was repeating, internally in a calm masculine voice, that there was a 'System Error'. Whatever this meant was not elaborated on, and did not stop it from crushing several soldiers with its huge size, blood splattering across the stone as the sizable metal figure staggered and threatened to fall over entirely. Beside Lopaley, however...

The small figure was starting to stirr.

Outside of the machine, soldiers were cut down, hacked apart, bitten by the jaws tipping Alasayana's tails, or pierced with javelins. Trineon's bludgeoning blow with the gun served to knock a soldier off his feet, but he was immediately attempting to get back up, gripping his sword and drawing it immediately.

Needless to say, it was becoming clear how this battle was about to end.

The horned man's blade flashed, and with a hissing noise and a shower of sparks it scrapped along the side of O'Menus's borrowed weapon. But it wasn't enough.

The white sword slipped by the red, finally finding its place buried in the man's chest, piercing through his armor, his flesh, his bones, before erupting out of his back stained with blood.


A garbled noise came from behind the horned helmet, as the main dropped his own weapon on the plataeu.

"... Heh..."

And yet... he was beginning to laugh?

"Heheheh... hahaha..."

Suddenly, he reached out and gripped the Sun God's hand.

"The Light of the Holy Emperor Bathes my entire body!"

With that exclamation, a high pitch whine began to emanate from his armor, which began to glow...!

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@1Charak2@Raineh Daze@Renny@Martian
Upon realizing that she hadn't actually thanked her savior, Sefira quickly stumbled to her feet the moment she was free.

"Er... thanks," she said, averting her eyes as she spoke. The girl's bizarre behavior was still an enigma. Why would anyone be handling a situation like this... like that?!

Wait, what was that?!

"M-m-m-my b-body?! I-I... y-you... C-can't you take things a little more seriously?!" she cried, waving her hands in the air as if to gesture to the world around them, "We're in some weird isekai scenario, at least assuming you're another player, and I-"

She hesitated.

Saying she was actually a guy out loud would be way too much, especially when it came to someone weird like this and especially right now. She was barely managing to deal with that rather major change internally, if she tried to say anything about it there was no way it'd make it any easier if she blurted it out to the first stranger she ran into. Especially since the first stranger she ran into was some kind of weird pervert or something.

Sefira took a deep breath.

"N-nevermind," she said, her eyes turning skywards once more. There were monsters attacking from the skies. She recognized harpies like the one that attacked her, griffons, and sphinxes. Sphinxes? What were they even doing here?

"I-if we run, we'll probably just be attacked again," she said, trying to keep the subject off anything embarrassing and on the problem at hand as best she could, "Hmph, what the hell kind of game balance is this, just dropping monsters on a city..."

Then again, it was real now, so game balance probably didn't matter. What did matter was the clear and immediately danger to her and everyone else around her.

The blonde elf looked down at her delicate hands again. Maybe...

Matsuo-Or perhaps Sefira was more suitable at the moment-had only barely managed to tear her eyes away from her own reflection. To promptly stare at her own petite, slender, delicate hands in mute shock, but progress was progress. It was hard to do anything else. Her body had once been... well, a university-age man's.

And now... Sefira looked like she was somewhere in her teens. Petite and youthful, with a figure lacking any real maturity. This was all by design. Matsuo had modeled Sefira on some of his favorite tsundere characters. He particularly liked the short ones who got angry for being mistaken for younger then they actually were. Of course that wasn't the only reason he liked them, they still had to be developed characters beyond that...

But right now Sefira was cursing her own past decisions internally. Not only was she now female, but she was so small. It was going to be even harder to deal with!

So caught up in her own thoughts was the blonde elf that she only registered something was coming at her moments before it actually struck. A part of her brain actually capable of making rational thoughts realized it was the familiar winged shape of a harpy.

Another part of her wondered if she was about to get killed immediately after ending up in some kind of weird isekai scenario. If this was seriously going to be how her life ended.

Everything was happening all at once. It was too much happening all at once. A part of her just wanted to scream.

And then...

Someone tackled her to the ground from the side. Sefira yelped as she hit the ground, landing on her back as her savior landed on top of her, both out of reach of those sweeping, grasping claws.

For a few moments, Sefira simply laid there beneath her savior, her mind trying to catch up with the situation.

At least until said savior decided to make comments about her figure. Almost immediately, in spite of everything, her cheeks reddened.

"Wh-what are you, some kind of dirty old man!?" she shouted, unable to contain herself, "We're caught up in some kind of stupid isekai plot and now there's monsters, and you're... y-you're..."

Even thinking about her own body was embarrassing at this point.

"We need to g-get... just let me up! Gaaaah..."

Flustered, trying to collect her thoughts, Sefira glanced skywards. There really was a lot of other monsters, and the sky had gotten dark...


If she was Sefira now, did that mean...?

The fact that the servers were so clear was strange. Matsuo hadn't expected that. He'd managed to set aside time to try out the new expansion, but he really hadn't expected to be able to log in so easily.

Much stranger, however, was the flash of white light that filled his vision almost as soon as the loading splash screen appeared.

When it faded, the university student was in for a considerable shock.

He was no longer in his room, in front of his computer.

There was a wide street in front of him, blanked by various shops. Familiar shops.

Shops from Emerald Odyssey.

He'd logged off in the Aluvera shopping district. And now he appeared to be standing in it, surrounded by people going about their daily business. NPCs going about their daily business. Considerably more then filled the streets normally, but there was no mistaking his surroundings.

"Am I dre-"

Matsuo cut himself off, clutching at his throat.

His skin felt soft and smooth. His neck felt slender. And his voice...

That wasn't his voice. It was a girl's voice. That was absolutely a girl's voice. A cute, somewhat higher-pitched girl's voice. Shakily, the university student raised his hand harder, bringing both of them to his delicate chin and jaw, his soft cheeks, his dainty nose... running his hands through lengthy, silky blonde hair.

This couldn't be real.

Matsuo's heart was beating faster. His breathing was getting harder.

"N-no way, right?" he asked himself, in that voice that didn't suit his real life self in the least, "I'm dreaming. I have to be. There's no way. I fell asleep waiting for the expansion to drop. That has to be it."

Slowly, Matsuo located the nearest shopfront window. He had to see his reflection.

He found one to the right side of the street.

Looking back at him was the petite, slender figure of a small girl, with bright blue eyes and lengthy blonde hair. And pointed ears. In a blue Starlight Mage's outfit.

Matsuo slowly placed a hand to her cheek and pinched herself.

She didn't wake up.

"No way no way no way no way," she repeated to herself multiple times, shaking, "This can't be real! I have... I have university to... how?! I... wh-what kind of isekai setup is this?! I-I'm Sefira?!"

She took a step away from her reflection, her petite body shaking, blue eyes wide. There was no way something like this could ever happen. She felt certain of that. And yet this wasn't a dream. She felt pain. She felt a lot of things, the air on her skin, the ground beneath her feet, everything.

There was no way it was a dream.

Not only was Matsuo in Emerald Odyssey, but he had become his character, Sefira Sylvanbelle.
Going to update no later then this weekend.
Discord is useful for RPs so yeah!
  • Name: Takeyama Matsuo
  • Character Name: Sefira Sylvanbelle
  • Race: Elf
  • Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin. Very short. Clothing is largely shades of blue.
  • Age: 21
  • Personality: Matsuo is the no-nonsense type, one to take his studies as a university student very seriously. A dilligent student who refuses to accept nonsense, it would be a shock to many of his real life friends that Matsuo is something of fan of anime, manga, and video games. Indeed, his no-nonsense attitude and short temper would make this considerably unlikely. Indeed, due to his image as an excellent student, he felt self-conscious about how his hobbies might be seen and thus endeavored to keep it a secret from his real life friends. Matsuo is an especially big fan of character design, and one of the things that drew him to Emerald Odyssey was its robust character creator. Modeling his character on his favorite archetype, the surly and petite type of tsundere, Matsuo soon became an avid player of Emerald Odyssey. While he played the game to enjoy it, that didn't mean he took kindly to players who got themselves caught in AoEs that were obviously going to drop or completely failed to pay attention to what was going on around them. That being said, the fact that he was quite accomplished as a high burst damage mage(and a healer on the side even though he hated it) quickly made him a valuable party member. Matsuo's short temper and no-nonsense attitude were remarkably suited towards the role of a petite tsundere character, making it all the more ironic now that she has become one. Indeed, becoming Sefira is bound to be a shock, and she's going to have quite a struggle from now on...
  • History: A university student who lived a relatively normal life. Matsuo's background is nothing too surprising, though pressure to succeed from his parents was likely born from their own successes. Still, he enjoyed being a successful student. That being said, he also came to realize he needed something to release stress and alleviate the pressure, and after reading a light novel titled The Elven Mage Can't Stand Me began his journey into the world of anime, manga, and video games. Spending his time balancing his studies and his hobbies, he also became interested in Emerald Odyssey and was soon an avid player. Never once did he suspect that he would become his character...
  • Classes:
    • Starlight Mage: A burst damage class, Sefira as a Starlight Mage is capable of high-power ranged spells. Possessing low HP and low defense, her main defensive options in this class is the use of a barrier spell that prevents attacks from reaching her. Her basic attacks take the form of showers of blue magical bullets. In lore, Starlight Mages utilize the stars and constellations as a template for their spells. As a result, by invoking various constellations she can reduce casting times and increase damage.
    • Sage: A straightforward healing class, built for direct healing and resurrections of injured or fallen players. Sefira absolutely hates playing healer, and only started because her friends in game needed one. Having experienced almost no enjoyment from playing healer, she thus only uses it as an absolute last resort. Now that the game is real it may become different as it is far more important to ensure others wellbeing, but she would still much rather utilize her more offensive skillset.
  • Other: N/A
I think my character is done now!
  • Name: Takeyama Matsuo
  • Character Name: Sefira Sylvanbelle
  • Race: Elf
  • Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin. Very short. Clothing is largely shades of blue.
  • Age: 21
  • Personality: Matsuo is the no-nonsense type, one to take his studies as a university student very seriously. A dilligent student who refuses to accept nonsense, it would be a shock to many of his real life friends that Matsuo is something of fan of anime, manga, and video games. Indeed, his no-nonsense attitude and short temper would make this considerably unlikely. Indeed, due to his image as an excellent student, he felt self-conscious about how his hobbies might be seen and thus endeavored to keep it a secret from his real life friends. Matsuo is an especially big fan of character design, and one of the things that drew him to Emerald Odyssey was its robust character creator. Modeling his character on his favorite archetype, the surly and petite type of tsundere, Matsuo soon became an avid player of Emerald Odyssey. While he played the game to enjoy it, that didn't mean he took kindly to players who got themselves caught in AoEs that were obviously going to drop or completely failed to pay attention to what was going on around them. That being said, the fact that he was quite accomplished as a high burst damage mage(and a healer on the side even though he hated it) quickly made him a valuable party member. Matsuo's short temper and no-nonsense attitude were remarkably suited towards the role of a petite tsundere character, making it all the more ironic now that she has become one. Indeed, becoming Sefira is bound to be a shock, and she's going to have quite a struggle from now on...
  • History: A university student who lived a relatively normal life. Matsuo's background is nothing too surprising, though pressure to succeed from his parents was likely born from their own successes. Still, he enjoyed being a successful student. That being said, he also came to realize he needed something to release stress and alleviate the pressure, and after reading a light novel titled The Elven Mage Can't Stand Me began his journey into the world of anime, manga, and video games. Spending his time balancing his studies and his hobbies, he also became interested in Emerald Odyssey and was soon an avid player. Never once did he suspect that he would become his character...
  • Classes:
    • Starlight Mage: A burst damage class, Sefira as a Starlight Mage is capable of high-power ranged spells. Possessing low HP and low defense, her main defensive options in this class is the use of a barrier spell that prevents attacks from reaching her. Her basic attacks take the form of showers of blue magical bullets. In lore, Starlight Mages utilize the stars and constellations as a template for their spells. As a result, by invoking various constellations she can reduce casting times and increase damage.
    • Sage: A straightforward healing class, built for direct healing and resurrections of injured or fallen players. Sefira absolutely hates playing healer, and only started because her friends in game needed one. Having experienced almost no enjoyment from playing healer, she thus only uses it as an absolute last resort. Now that the game is real it may become different as it is far more important to ensure others wellbeing, but she would still much rather utilize her more offensive skillset.
  • Other: N/A
Going to be playing an elf and I know what her powerset is going to be. This shouldn't take very long!
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