Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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On one hand, the dry heat both frame pilots were experiencing would begin to fade as they neared their destination.

Unfortunately, it was simply replaced by intense, oppressive humidity.

The northern portions of the Australian territories were considerably different from the outback's red sand-filled arid regions. Indeed, it could be considered to be nearly tropical in many regions, and in fact was home to a few rainforests as well. Indeed, the humidity was only growing as their surroundings became more and more flush with green.

Their destination was eventually visible.

The silver of steel. The grey of concrete. Some of it was visible, under the layers of vegetation and rust that had long since claimed the structure. It was a austere building, rectangular and grey. At least, it had been at one point. The entire front section of the research facility had been caved inwards by some tremendous force, scattered concrete and rebar laying all across the ground. This damage had allowed the plantlife to spread inwards with reckless abandon, groundcover sprouting all across the floor as vines spread across the walls, small saplings in locations that received enough light.

The structure certainly wasn't small, and apparently there was an underground section.

But navigating the forest that had reclaimed the facility's above-ground portion would just be the beginning.

At the very least, the birdsong that filled the forest indicated that nothing was disturbing the local wildlife. That, perhaps, would serve as an indicator of their solitude.

For the moment, at least.

The facility's reception desk was visible on further inspection.

A hallway choked with vegetation would lead them further inside.

"If that's the case, then deer are by far the superior option," responded Seelay, cocking her head skywards slightly. Indeed, the Pandilo was the target that the elf favored above all. Meat, scales, and a worthy hunt for someone of her level of skill. But when it came to other animals, the superior option was always the herbivore.

"Unless you are pressed, predator meats are much less suitable for consumption," she continued, regarding their chilly, evergreen surroundings carefully as she did, "While I understand that the townsfolk need to eat everything they can get, if they've got a choice I think most would prefer deer to wolf."

Predator meat was often tough and foul-tasting. This made the choice obvious in the silvery-haired archer's eyes. With that being said, there was the matter of the Kyrinth's kin being deer. She hadn't seen any of the deer under the Elder Beast's care on the way here, but she felt confident she could identify them easily if she needed to. Her eyes were very keen, even the slightest hint of blue in the deer's fur would signal it was not to be targeted.

"It's not just that, though," Seelay continued, "Wolves are vital to the health of this forest, and there's far less of them then there are deer. Kill too many, and the deer will go out of control until they eat too much of the resources and starve themselves. Kill the wolves who lead their packs, and new pups will not understand how to be wolves and may prove to be a threat as they grow."

Not only that, but wolves were sometimes prone to acts of revenge. Not that Seelay believed she would be in any danger from an attack by virtually any animal, but she couldn't say the same for the townsfolk.

"The deer, at least the ones not under the care of an Elder Beast, are much more capable of adjusting to the loss of their numbers."

@Rune_Alchemist@Cu Chulainn
While two of her daggers hit true, fading into blue light moments after, the rest were unable to reach their target in spite of Fio's layered offensive spellcasting. More worrying then that, however, was the manner in which the Fomorian shrugged off the injuries so swiftly and responded with two daggers of his own.

The petite witch had no choice but to construct a barrier as quickly as possible, without even being able to verbally cast. The resulting circle of light was thin, fragile, conjured as swiftly as she could manage. As such, it shattered almost instantly upon the dagger's impact, sending them hurtling off in different directions but also transferring their impact to the small girl's body. The air whipped past her as Fio was thrown backwards, holding her hat and by extension Mieka on her head as she fell from her floating barrier.

It was only just barely that was was able to form another barrier before she hit the ground, catching herself in mid-air. Had she fallen all the way, it was quite likely she would have been injured.

The Fomorian was quite capable of enduring pain, that much was obvious.

Fio scowled as she regained her footing, thrusting her gleaming sword into the sky. She was going to catch him with a direct hit this time, she had to!

"Create five phantom swords, from above!"

At the absolute edge of the range of her ability to manifest swords, she materialized the first phantom blade in the air. Each subsequent blade formed somewhat closer, a line forming above the Formorian and pointing downwards. Certainly, from this distance the would be more unstable, but it meant at the very least the moment they dropped he would be forced to disengage to the side. He would be struck if he didn't move, and if he tried to evade by moving backwards the other blades would catch him.

If Fio could start controlling his movements, she'd be able to lock him down!

For several moments, the voice from the forest did not speak. Flora, however, seemed rather anxious as she looked around. While she hadn't yet spoken up, it seemed she had some familiarity with what was occurring. Given that she had passed through this forest before, it was possible she had heard this voice prior.

... nakri will show. nakri will show the divine scent her face. then we will talk.

With that, a stream of green and red lights flowed from the darkness of the forest, gathering out of reach of the fire. Steadily, it build into the vague shape of a human, similar in proportions to Alasayana. Slowly, slowly, it became more solid, tangible, the red lights remaining in the position of its eyes.

The figure raised one arm, spreading its fingers, and the lights began to solidify.

Nature spirits were not divine. They were entities tied not to divinity, but instead to a location. A place. The embodiment of a specific facet of the natural world. A forest. Even a specific tree. A specific cave. But powerful ones could still possess a physical form. What stood before them was a girl with curling horns and the tail of a wolf, her crimson eyes regarding each of the gods carefully, tan skin illuminated by the firelight.

"Nakri knows her," she said, her voice no sounding more distinct, more like that of a god or a human then the whisper from every direction and no direction it had been before. She raised her hand, pointing towards Flora, who did not seem entirely frightened but was certainly nervous, "The white moon scent. She came with another human scent. The human scent told Nakri he would return and help her in exchange for safe passage."

Glancing towards the knight's dead body, the nature spirit frowned.

"The human scent is dead..." her words hung in the air for a few moments, "... But the white moon scent is not. Will the divine scent help Nakri?"

Her red eyes regarded each of the deities in turn.

"You have taken her. The bargain is not fulfilled. Will you help Nakri?"

@Rune_Alchemist@Martian@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99@Click This
The only logical outcome was what followed. The bandit rabble, now cut down in number, turned tail and fled immediately while fearing for their lives.

Fio had never really had any doubt in the result of becoming involved in this fight. However, what followed was something far more unexpected.

A Fomorian.

Surprised, the Sword Witch paused for a moment at the sight of the lanky three-armed swordsman, his ashen-toned skin and scraggly white hair. She had never encountered such an opponent before, and wasn't certain what to expect immediately.

Then again, why was that any reason to hesitate?

Just because the enemy was strange did not mean anything changed. She was a peerless user of magic, excelling in her craft. Therefore, her enemies were the ones who needed to be cautious.

Fio Fan Fallise's pride was unshaken.

"Create five phantom daggers in line formation," she began, stepped back onto a more distant platform of light as she spoke, the barrier forming in the air beneath her feet. With a sweep of her blade, the daggers appeared much like the swords did, emerging from rippling portals in the air and formed from interlacing lines of blue light.

"Five phantom swords," Fio continued, the blades emerging from the air in a layered formation, just behind and between the daggers, "Five more phantom daggers!"

The final layer of blades materialized just between the line of swords, furthest in back.

"Release, release, release and kill!"

With the petite witch's declaration, each line of ghost blades fired in succession, hurtling towards the Fomorian. The daggers flew somewhat more quickly then the swords, with Fio's aim being to make the differently-flying projectiles more difficult to counter.

"Alrighty, leave it to me!" declared Hoshiko cheerfully as she practically spun in place to head back to the kitchen. It definitely smelled like they were making karaage today. The brunette's mouth was practically watering at the thought of the crispy, delicious, juicy fried chicken. But first, she had to get some for Xuan-yu and Elise.

Where were they going, anyway? If either of them had mentioned, she hadn't overheard. Even as she picked up the biggest boxes of karaage she could, scooping them into her arms, her mind was elsewhere. Were they going out to to do some sight-seeing? Then again, this seemed like an awful lot of food and alcohol for that. No matter how much Hoshiko liked eating, she knew it would be difficult to walk around and manage to eat this much food. Just carrying it all was plenty to deal with. So maybe they had a destination in mind? Were they just going to hang out, or was something else going on?

Hoshiko really was curious, even as she headed down from the cafeteria to the hangar.

She spotted Xuan-yu, with Elise no-where in sight for the moment, leaning against one of the AI-controlled aircraft that was deployed to get people to and from the Horizon.

"Heeey! Lang-san! I've got-uwaaah!"

Hoshiko's fought caught on something she hadn't seen over the boxes as she attempted to take a step. Stumbling forward, she found herself toppling over, the boxes tipping with her.

Through a stream of panicked thoughts at the idea of tipping all the karaage all over the hanger floor, a single clear course of action manifested in her mind. She had to do it, in order to save as much of the delicious fried chicken as she could!

Thrusting her foot out, she slammed it down, curving her spine back as much as she could to straighten her upper body, the boxes practically bouncing in her grip as she caught herself mid-step.



Seelay sighed, heavily, as she felt the slight weight of Sionna's tiny body resting atop her head.

"... I am a guardian of Tamaln, thank you very much," she corrected the fairy. Certainly, she was a guardian in service of both her people and the fey, but that by no means gave Sionna the right to refer to her as a servant! How irritating.

Still, a Raam joining her for the hunt was intriguing. There was certainly quite a mix of different peoples in the town, which Seelay found rather curious. Perhaps it was merely her upbringing in the Tamaln Forest, but such an eclectic mix of different races was a rather unfamiliar surrounding for the Cosain Elf.

"While I have never hunted alongside a Raam before, I've heard plenty," she commented to the man, nodding her head, "I am quite curious to see how you perform."

Not that anyone else was a better hunter then she was, of course. Given the Raam had already addressed the question of the Kyrinth, and how it could be avoided, Seelay could pursue a different matter. Still, she was rather curious about the Elder Beast. She had been unable to understand much of the creature since arriving. Simply that it was quite protective of the forest and its wildlife, without any other details beyond that.

Naturally, this could easily pose an obstacle to hunting.

"In any case, in order to display my skill as a hunter it's best to know what the wildlife around here is like. I would like to know anything you can tell me."

@Rune_Alchemist@Cu Chulainn
Of course, there was no proof to anything that Sorcha said. That being said, it was somewhat more credible then claiming she had been granted the entire knowledge of the dead king by a mysterious figure, or that she had come to possess some special artifact that told her exactly who she was. With equal amounts of proof, such things would sound far too good to be true.

Fio was hardly convinced, but at least it was some kind of answer that was marginally more satisfying then something overly explicit.

That being said, there was no time to contemplate Sorcha's words.

"Bandits, then?" the Sword Witch rose to her feet and stepped up, a barrier of magical energy forming as she left Sorcha's horse and stepped onto it, raising herself into the air, "Idiots."

Stretching her hand to one side, a scowl on her face, Fio called upon her catalyst once again. The shape of the blade materialized from the air, glimmering with blue light as it manifested into her hand. As she did, Mieka raised up the Sword Witch's hat and proceeded to hide herself under it entirely.

From this range, there was little the doll could do.

"I suppose it's time once again to demonstrate the magic of the Sword Witch. Sura."

Swinging her blade forward, it gleamed with blue light as circles of light manifested in the air once more.

"Create ten phantom swords."

The translucent, ghostly blades emerged.

"Strike them down."

And then they were released.

"Heeh?" Hoshiko cocked her head to one side, pausing for a moment in her crusade to consume more food then most people did in a single day. The parfaits did look pretty good. And she loved parfaits. Well, and pretty much anything that was sweet. Or savory. Crispy, juicy, crunchy, tender...

Really, Hoshiko just liked food in general.

But a moment's consideration left her wondering if she should maybe grab something a little more filling and substantial then just snacks. After all, she was pretty hungry, and at times like these just sweets didn't cut it. She could have more snacks after she ate something a little heartier.

She'd had ramen earlier, so maybe something else? Oh, karaage sounded really good. She wasn't sure if there was any today, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Just as she was about to stand up and ask if she could pick anything up for anyone else, she heard Xuan-yu's voice. The Chinese man was kind of enigmatic to her, he was so different from the rest of their team. Not that she thought he didn't belong or something like that. Simply that his demeanor and attitude always seemed different. Maybe it was because he was...

Hoshiko had assumed he was a soldier before, but she'd never really asked him about it. Resolving in her head to change that, she gave the man a smile.

"Eh-heheh, I dunno what you mean," she replied. Rolling boulder? Well, eating lots of sugar would give you energy like you were boulder that just kept on rolling and never stopped. That wasn't bad at all, so it's clearly what he meant, right? "I guess having a lot of energy to roll over the warped and never stop is my plan, though..."

Hoshiko rose to her feet.

"Oh yeah, everyone, do you want anything else? I'm going to run over to get something to eat for dinner, so I can pick more food up if anyone wants anything!"

The fact that Hoshiko eating all those snacks then saying she was going to eat even more food had to be a mildly surreal one. Where did it all go?

Having elected to choose Mieka for the doll to travel along with her, as the others had shown considerable misbehavior in the leadup to their departure, Fio had taken this opportunity to carefully observe the Queen as they travelled. It hadn't shown her much information that she didn't already known, and even sending Mieka to get a peak at her when Fio herself couldn't wasn't particularly useful either.

... That, and when Mieka reported she had seen Sorcha undressing and bathing one night, Fio had immediately ceased this method of observation upon realizing just how perverse it seemed.

Still, it was an opportunity to try and learn what the Queen's motivations were.

How did she come to think she was a reincarnation? And why did she pursue any of this?

These were things that the Sword Witch wanted to know.

The story of the Lightsword family was certainly not uninteresting, but at least some of it was information that the petite girl had been able to glean prior, or in the course of her research on the family lines of the others who had come to serve Sorcha. Still, to hear it directly from Luna's mouth was a somewhat different experience. Fio was quite curious about the Elder Beast that had blessed the lady knight's family.

But at the moment, she wanted to take the opportunity to learn more from Sorcha, directly from her.

Adjusting Mieka's position on her shoulder slightly, having been listening to Luna's story quietly until now, her attention soon shifted to the Queen.

"While we're sharing stories," began Fio, "I think it is only fair you tell us a little of yourself, your highness. How did you come to understand your were a reincarnation of the King? Just what motivated you to take the throne? You've never told me."

Her desire to know these facts rather then simply hear a story was hardly a subtle one.

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