Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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"... Hmph."

With a huff, Fio dismissed her catalyst, the blade disappearing into light once more. The barrier beneath her feet lowered to the ground, until the distance been it and herself was small enough for her to hop off safely.

"Saying something cryptic like that and then retreating? I guess annoyance was his secret weapon," she complained, as Mieka lifted her hat from beneath it and peered out to ensure that the surroundings were safe.

Still, as irritating as the warning left behind by the Fomorian was, that didn't mean it was without any benefit. Whatever these Wings of Dark were, it was clear it was a threat to Sorcha's claim on the throne. But Fio had never heard of such an organization, or individual, or concept.

Whatever it was, it seemed like a topic to pursue when it came to research. Not only due to the immediate threat it posed, but how they related to Sorcha herself.

Perhaps it would help her learn more.

Fio stepped forward, approaching the others as she lifted her hat to help Mieka out from beneath it. The doll looked around warily for a moment, before choosing to make a proposal of her own.

"I think we should learn all we can about these 'Wings of Dark'," asserted the doll.

"Of course," Fio began, "Only an idiot wouldn't follow up on information like that."

"... Heeeh?"

Hoshiko didn't really understand most of what she was looking at, nor did she have any idea of where to begin narrowing down potential locations to search.

But she definitely knew that Louisa was proposing that she act as bait.

"Cutest? Eh-heheheh..." she scratched the back of her head, cheeks flushing slightly at the praise. Regardless of the situation, it was still a little embarrassing to be talked up like that.

To be honest, she really didn't mind acting as bait at all. If it helped, and made sure that no-one else got hurt, she was open to pretty much anything. Besides, she was a frame pilot, right? Whatever attacked her wouldn't be ready for that. It was targeting defenseless civilians, after all.

Anything it took to protect innocent people was fine in her mind.

"Um... if that's what it takes to lure it out, then I can do it!" said Hoshiko with a firm nod.

But that wasn't all. She'd noticed something unusual about the map, even if she didn't quite understand it.

"Oh, right, speaking of luring it out... I don't know what these blue lines mean, but all the attacks happen right next to them?"

The brunette pointed to the blue lines in question, each of the attacks happening along one of them.

Alright I'll probably be updating by the end of the week.

One of the deer had remained alive and able to move, and was already off and running. Seelay knew there was little choice but to catch it as quickly as possible. Not only was it best to end its suffering as swiftly as possible, but the spread of more blood would easily attract more predators.

The Cosain elf was off already, sprinting after the deer at top speed. But no matter how confident she was in her own ability, she was well aware that chasing the deer down on foot and catching it was unlikely.

And so there was only one course of action in mind.

Even as she ran, she was drawing another arrow from her quivering, smoothly knocking it. The angle was difficult, but if she kept this pace for long enough she would be able to hit it.

Seelay had the utmost confidence in that.

She raised her bow, judging distance and trajectory as quickly as she could. But to find the deer after it had been hit, especially if it didn't die instantly, would have been quite difficult.

And so she would ensure the body would be found, and any potential predators would be spooked by the sight.

Seelay felt magical energy run through her body, a tingling sensation through her arms as she began to prepare the arrow. A green glow spread across its surface, and then it flashed brightly, swirling emerald light surrounding the head and shaft.

"Oh, Fae Light, guide me!"

And so the arrow was loosed.

@Rune_Alchemist@Cu Chulainn
While no animal life beyond the wayward rat seemed to be visible, the continual chatter of the local birds was a comforting background noise in a place that was so devoid of humanity in spite of formerly being occupied by it.

The desk in particular was seemingly colonized by a variety of arthropods beneath it, the underside proving to have become quite damp and moist. Still, even a particularly large centipede was hardly disconcerting compared to the Warped, and it seemed more interesting in finding cover under plantlife then anything else upon being disturbed.

Within the drawers were a few papers that were rendered rather difficult to read due to moisture. One labeled the facility something indistinguishable beyond the word 'research and development', and another seemed to be mentioning supply shipments.

But perhaps most importantly was the presence of a keycard labeled 'security level 1'. At the very least, it would potentially allow for an easier path into the facility without being forced to get louder.

A rustling from deeper into the facility signaled the presence of some kind of creature, down the hall.

So he didn't have any other options when it came to maneuvering, and even with his extra appendages he could only react to so many things at once. While Fio had failed to strike him directly, she was able to obtain the information she wanted. She could force him to move in order to avoid her attacks, and thus control his movements at least to some extent.

With that in mind, she had a much clearer path forward.

But he had still been able to retaliate, sending another blade of his own hurtling towards her. This time, rather ten constructing a barrier intended to block it, the diminutive witch instead created a platform to her right and immediately leaped to it, holding her hat on as the dagger sailed past her.

It was far easier to create a barrier that could support her weight almost instantly then it was to create one that could take an explosive impact, and she'd only barely managed to block the less potent daggers without taking damage.

Still holding her hat on, the Sword Witch swung her blade up as her hair billowed in the wind.

"Create three great phantom blades at the front and sides, and smite the wicked!" she commanded.

The magical energy ignited, blazing across the sword's surface. This time, a single large blade emerged first from behind the Fomorian, the air shimmering around it. It was a thick sword, the interwoven threads of light composing its structure glowing brightly. It was followed by two identical weapons.

Dodging them wasn't impossible. There was space. And the blade that materialized behind their opponent was more fragile and less sturdy then the others due to the range, even if it was still just as dangerous if it struck true.

But dodging them and responding to her allies attacks at the same time, without either being forced into one the knights' swords or one of her phantom ones...

That was a far more difficult task.

It was time to see if this Fomorian was up to the challenge!

As the chat on the phone continued, Nico would be struck with an odd sensation. It wasn't entirely different from the feeling of the presence of a shade, but somehow it felt somewhat less heavy. Or perhaps concentrated differently?

Regardless of what it was, it was definitely not the same feeling that the presence of a shade would produce. Perhaps it would warrant investigation?

@Ammokkx@King Cosmos
As the girls spoke and introduced one another, perhaps some of them would notice a certain feel in the air. A familiar, heavy sensation, seemingly coming from the east of their location, was beginning to grow. This was undeniably the feeling of a shade, and one that was somewhat higher grade then the batlike creature they had destroyed moments ago.

Indeed, perhaps anyone who chose to glance in that direction would see a strange, dark, slithering shape just on the edge of vision...


"Hey! Have you seen anything strange around here?!"

A voice called to the girl and her dog. If she turned towards it, she would be greeted by a particularly surreal sight(at least as far as ordinary people were concerned).

A small, slender girl, seemingly no older then ten at the most, wearing pink furisode. Her pale face was framed with dark, bobbed hair, and she had rather bright pink eyes the same shade as her kimono. In one hand she held a bamboo broom.

Looking like some kind of lucky household spirit, the small girl rushed up to Abigail's side.

"I'm looking for-o-oh, you're a Foreigner..."

She trailed off, fidgeting awkwardly for a few moments.

"... [D-do... yu... su... suppeeku nihongo?]"

At least she made an attempt.

@Raineh Daze

Unfortunately, they were not clear.

A heavy sensation would strike all three magical girls, as another shade crawled along the wall, entering the alleyway. It resembled a huge frog, bright red and orange lights lining the sides of its body as it eyelessly regarded the magical girls.

When it opened its mouth, its black tongue suddenly lashed out towards the girls!

Hoshiko wasn't sure what to think. She didn't understand any of this at all. Warped were attacking people within the city walls. Killing them.

A somewhat grim expression was on the girl's face as she considered that information once more. These people were supposed to be safe, and yet there were being killed in terrible ways. A part of her wished she already knew, so that she could have intervened before anyone got hurt. A part of her hated that it took this long for her to know.

The brunette took a deep breath, shoulders sagging.

"I don't really know what's going on, but..." she paused for a moment, glancing over the information again, "We have to stop it before anyone else gets hurt, so I'll do my best!"

Hoshiko raised one fist and clenched it in the air for emphasis, nodding to herself. But it quickly dawned on her that she had no idea where to start. She had to do something, but where did she even begin?

"Um... you said you needed addresses?" she asked, grabbing a map and spreading it out, "Tell me where they are and I'll start marking them down!"

Indeed, as soon as she was instructed, Hoshiko would begin to mark each address with a red X.

For a few moments, Seelay regarded the deer carefully. While it might have been difficult to tell from this distance for the others, she could discern clear streaks of blue in the fur of two of their number.

The wood elf nodded to herself wordlessly before whispering to her companions.

"Those deer," she began, gesturing to each of them in turn, "Are under the Kyrinth's protection. The remaining three are not. I can kill these two myself, as long as nothing breaks my line of sight."

Quietly, she indicated to the two ordinary deer nearest to one another. She was confident in her ability to lethally injure both of the animals before one could escape, which in her mind left only one of the three deer to the others.

As it should be. The more she had control over hunting, the better.

"The third of our number should focus on scaring off any predators who will be attracted by the commotion and the scent of blood. Wolves aren't inclined to approach us as prey, but they might try to steal from us."

Even as Seelay spoke, she was preparing to nock an arrow, awaiting the others to choose their roles and prepare

The moment they were ready and in position, she would loose two arrows aimed at piercing the deer she had selected through the heart or lungs.

@Rune_Alchemist@Cu Chulainn
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