Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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On the return to Dawn, there were many thoughts working their way through Seelay's mind. The Kyrnith's warning was chief among them. Not that she was worried about overhunting, as she would not allow the town's actions to come to that. Rather, the fact he had mentioned old creatures from the deep forest emerging to hunt.

That was a potential concern, and also a potential opportunity.

What hunter worth their salt would not desire to hunt such beasts, if given the opportunity?

But there was also a fairly immediate issue. Something was scaring the fish away, and had injured a man. Something in the water. While the elf was more adept at hunting on land then hunting things beneath the waves, she was still quite proud of her fishing skills. And a bow could kill a beast of the water just as well as it could kill a beast of the land, as long as it was near enough to the surface.

"Can you take me to the site of the fishing hole?" she asked.

While a larger library would have been appreciated, Fio found the surroundings cozy at least and an excellent place to do research. However, before she could begin searching the volumes for information on the 'Wings of Dark', she was interrupted.

It was a maid, an elf with darker skin then expected from most of her kind. She did not seem particular healthy either, given the fact she looked exhausted and she was coughing.

Fio hardly needed assistance with the library. Anyone attempting to help would likely be an annoyance, especially if their health was rather poor at the moment. She had no desire to babysit someone who was dealing with an illness, nor did it seem like it was the best choice for the maid's self-care.

"You should li-"

And then the maid pulled her own heart out. For a few moments, the Sword Witch almost seemed to go blue in the face, eyes wide as her jaw hung open and she stared in shock.

What?! Why?! How?! These were the thoughts that circulated through the petite girl's mind in that instant. Her stomach felt almost like it was about to turn itself inside out. The heart was still connected, still beating, and the elven maid didn't seem to think anything was wrong with what she was doing!

For a few moments this was the only way she could even function, to simply stare in mute shock with her mouth hanging open. But Fio's mind slowly caught up with the situation, and realized that the heart before her eyes was no ordinary organ.

It was drenched, suffused in curses, magical energy radiating from it like the most wicked and abominable Fomorian.

"That... y-your... your heart, it's cursed!" Fio nearly stumbled over her words. The alternative explanation was this girl was a Fomorian herself, but that seemed unlikely given her profession as a maid, "Y-you... C-can't you at least tell me before you do something like that?!"

The only way to proceed through the rest of the building was down the crumbling, damaged hallway. Here and there were clawmarks, or places where the scaffolding had seemingly melted from intense heat.

Whatever had occurred here had most certainly been swift and violent.

The previously-loud forest had gone utterly silent.

And the pilots were about to learn why.

There was a strange sound, something like a heavy and wet object being dragged along a rough surface. A slimy, slopping sound from behind them.

A long arm reached from the foliage. It was pitch black, and on close examination one would be able to discern that its entire surface was writhing. It was covered, or perhaps entirely composed, of thousands upon thousands of black, sluglike creatures, and it twisted in a fashion impossible for something supported by bone as it placed one human-like hand upon the ground.

The thing that lurched from the forest was supported by at least five more of these limbs. Whatever was beneath the writhing, sluglike creatures was impossible to see, if there was even anything within the mass in the first place. There must have been hundreds of thousands of them.

The only thing that broke up this undulating 'skin' was a pair of bright, circular red eyes, which rolled about slightly before fixing squarely on both pilots.

Each of this limbs retracted into its body, its mass writhing and growing for a moment as the black slugs squirmed over it. Then they exploded back outwards, at least a dozen tentacles composed of the squirming creatures surging down the hall towards the pilots.

The white-haired girl quietly stared back at Nico, wordlessly, as she spoke. She didn't respond immediately, looking down at her hands, for a moment, then back to the other girl.

Finally, she spoke. Her voice was soft, without much tone or inflection. It was either with little emotion, or simply emotionally dead. Given the situation, either could have been accurate.

"... Someone came to stop me?"

She didn't move from the building's edge, but she didn't step off of it either. At the very least, if she had been planning to jump, she hadn't done so yet.

"How did you know I was up here?" the girl questioned again, this time her voice carrying the slightest hint of insistence as she did. It was strange, if Nico were to pay attention she'd be able to discern that the shade-like feeling was coming from the exact spot the girl stood in. As if it was coming from the girl herself. "I didn't tell anyone. No-one's supposed to know yet."

She glanced off the edge of the building again. She was mostly expressionless, still, but there was a deadness to her eyes that made the worst interpretation of the situation all the more likely.

"So how did you know...?"

It certainly seemed as if she was still planning on jumping.

At least, if that was really what was going on here.


At the attacks aimed towards it, the mantis-like shade shut its upper half, concealing the flame-like orbs as it leaned forward, preparing to scuttle away with a metallic, grating sound.

But it staggered when its legs were struck by the wisps, flames singing its body and causing it to stumble, unable to continue its attempt to escape. Soon, they were followed by the winding vines, locking it in place even as it struggled.

Its upper body bent backwards when the javelins of water struck it in the torso, blowing two holes through its shifting, shadowy body. And if that wasn't enough, the followup blast of flames washed over it, searing through its upper half. For a moment it was silhouetted in the flames, before slowly evaporating, wiped away by the intense heat.

And yet...

It was still standing. The dark, hazy remains of its torso swirled around a brilliant, blazing orange orb, which flashed once with a high-pitched whine, before erupting with negative energy. A beam of light exploded from its surface, sounding almost like a child's scream as it tore through the air. It burned through the street, tearing towards the nearest of the assembled magical girls...!


"Hisako," the pink-clad magical girl replied, glancing around the park as she did. Thankfully, she didn't sense anything from the direction of the pond, but depending on where the shade was located that didn't necessarily mean it was somewhere they would be able to react easily, nor that it was necessarily not in the water.

But a natural space like this was marginally less likely to have active shades, especially at this time of day.

"If it's in the water, Sweep Up should be able to get it out!" she declared, her eyes sparkling as she raised her bamboo broom. It glowed slightly brighter at the mention of what was presumably one of her attacks.

The vague negative presence of a shade could be detected, after a few moments of searching it seemed to be a short distance to the north.

@Raineh Daze
For a moment, Fio considered what Sorcha had proposed. On one hand, striking while the iron was hot didn't seem like a terrible idea, they also simply lacked knowledge. Not that Fio didn't have the utmost confidence in the fact she'd crush any bandit encampment with little effort, but they didn't know anything about these 'Wings of Dark'. Were they an organization? Was it a creature? Was it a title? At the moment there was so little to go on, and simply crushing bandits might not have offered the information that they desired.

"This fort has a library, right?" she asked, glancing towards the structure, "Even somewhere like this must have at least a small one. I'd like the opportunity to do some research, and see if these 'Wings of Dark' come up anywhere else."

As she spoke, Mieka emerged from beneath her hat full, clambering down. Without pausing, the Sword Witch carefully supported the doll with her arm, allowing her to sit and see the others.

There was a rustling ahead. Something was moving in a patch of plant-life that had sprouted in a particularly damaged portion of the facility. Something alive.

The plants swayed back and forth, and the creature within stirred more as it was approached. There was a dark, hunched shape, with a long tail and two small arms, twitching and fidgeting slightly as it slowly turned its head to face the frame pilots...

... And then sprang from the foliage.

The startled wallaby bounded away with considerable speed, having never expected to see human beings of any sort in this place. It seemed it had been feeding on the plants in a relatively sheltered area.

Its little paradise had been disturbed by the pilots investigation, but it had been too stubborn to leave until it was approached more closely.

Far more concerning, however, was what was entangled in the plant it was eating.

The bones were bleached white, but still recognizable. There wasn't a single scrap of flesh remaining on them, perhaps obviously due to the environment.

But the skeletal remains were intact enough to know that it was human, and to see the way the skull had clearly been pierced by something incredibly sharp, and the ribcage seemed to be sliced open, cut at odd angles.

The person who had died here was doubtlessly especially unlucky.

But to those who had seen the dead before, such a sight was perhaps not especially disturbing.

The fact that all the birdsong had suddenly ceased may have been moreso.


@Voidfloofin: Sorry I forgot to get back to you!

One character per person, and magical girls can only be female(to the point where the rare male candidates become girls if they accept the offer).

As for character images, I'd prefer them to be anime/manga style as that's the style the RP is intended to be in.
The enormous frog was distracted by the blue flame, shifting its head out of the way in a bid to avoid being struck directly. Of course, this meant it did not spot the flash of Kokoha's sword, and a strange gurgling sound erupted from it when the edge of the blade cut cleanly through its tongue. Spewing glowing orange and black, the remainder of the appendage rapidly snapped backwards into the shade's mouth, and it leaped back down off the wall in order to gain some distance from the magical girls.

It croaked once, a booming, rattling sound as its throat inflated with orange, swirling colors, and then again. The second time, its entire belly inflated rapidly, filling with air and ballooning its size considerably.

With a powerful leap, it sprang into the air, its shadow falling over the girls as it attempting to slam its bulk down upon them.


What Nico would discover when she reached the spot that seemed to be the source of the strange sensation was that it wasn't on the ground level. Rather, it was directly above her, atop a building.

The only way to reach it directly would be to find some way up.

Provided she did, the sight the magical girl would be greeted with was not that of a shade. At least not a visible one, perhaps.

A young girl, likely around Nico's age, stood at the edge of the rooftop.. Her short, messy white hair drifted slowly in the breeze, and she was still wearing her school uniform.

She did not initially respond to Nico's presence, instead staring at the back of her hand as she remained nearly motionless, as close as she could get to the edge without falling off.

Slowly, she looked back over her shoulder, expressionlessly, when she realized someone else was there.

She didn't move away from the edge.

This location was undeniably the source of the shade-like sensation.


"Oh, you're a magical girl!" relieved at both the fact that Abigail could speak Japanese and that she was talking to a fellow magical girl, the apparent child seemed to relax considerably. "And... so is your dog...?"

She appeared bewildered at the sight of the dog transforming as well, but after a moment she nodded.

"If you're the girl who sent the message about tracking a shade here, that's right," she continued, "It might be hiding, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous to innocent people."

A look of determination on her face, she nodded firmly to herself as she raised her bamboo broom. It sparkled slightly.

"Do you have any idea where to look? I'm pretty good at detecting evil, so even if you don't know I should be able to find it pretty quickly!"

@Raineh Daze

The writhing mass of darkness twisted in on itself for a few moments. Its entire shape rippled at the contact of the icy blast, but it stabilized after a few moments.

Extending from the upper surface of the rippling mass came two forelimbs, ending in scythe-like blades lined with orange lights, and using those forelimbs it dragged itself out of the darkness fully. Its shape was comparable to a praying mantis, an upright upper body equipped with two bladed forelimbs and a lengthy lower body supported by four more limbs.

The similarities ended, however, when its upper body split down the middle, revealing rows of jagged, sharp edges that resembled teeth and a pair of floating orange lights, which flashed before letting off a scattered hail of lasers.

She had struck true.

Seelay sighed at Sionna's celebratory antics, but she was pleased at that her arrow had pierced the deer in a way that would limit its suffering. If it yet lived, it would not be for much longer given she had struck it either through the heart or the lung. Preferably the heart, but a destroyed lung would also be relatively quick as long as it was damaged enough.

Before she could check her kill, however...

The Kyrnith was here.

Seelay had never seen the elder beast in person, though she had heard of it even before Akando's explanation. She knew very little of it, and her curiosity was undeniable.

But they had to tread carefully.

They had done nothing to earn its ire, as far as she was aware, but even so it was possible the creature would take issue with their actions if they did something untoward.

"It's as the Raam says, Father of Wind and Wood," she began, one eye still on the body of the most distant deer carcass, "We don't want to harm your kin, but instead to take what we need to sustain the village through these difficult times."

@Cu Chulainn@Rune_Alchemist
"Haelstadt? Hmph, haven't you ever heard of contract magic? As long as I live, so does Haelstadt," explained Veileena. Fanilly had heard of contract magic, but never had she heard of it being so strong as to prevent someone from dying even when beheaded. What kind of contract was so powerful that it could perform something like that?

Just what kind of person was Haelstadt?

With no signs that the shrine itself had been desecrated, and the uncomfortable feeling that had permeated its grounds slowly fading, Fanilly was at a loss for how to continue.

A prisoner, however, gave them at least some sort of lead.

"Sir Kherun, we'll be taking the prisoner back to Aimlenn with us so that he may be interrogated," she began, face her knights in turn, "Dame Maritza... we'll return to Candaeln with Lady Cal. From there we can better pool our efforts."

With no further leads, there was no way they could continue the search. Fanilly couldn't help but feel frustrated over this outcome. They had failed to find the shard, which meant it was still out there, somewhere. That it could still hurt people.

But what choice did they have but to regroup?

The Knight-Captain saw no other path forward.

It had been a day since they had returned from Candaeln. The prisoner had been handed off for questioning, there were preparations to make a formal meeting with the headmaster and faculty of the Mage's College for the purposes of discussing their choices to hide the shard, and in addition another meeting with Lady Cal in hopes of solidifying a path forward.

Fanilly had begun her day with a stop at Candaeln's shrine. It was situated in the fort's garden, a mixed Mayon-Reon site of worship surrounded by lilies and roses and equipped with both a sacrificial flame and a sacrificial pool.

For the sake of those who had fallen, and for the guidance of the goddesses, she had prayed for quite some time. For the sake of further guidance, to deal with this situation and all others, as well.

When she departed, the blonde knight made her way to Candaeln's library.

They needed to know as much as they could about the shard, and that meant researching as much as she could manage.

Until they managed to access the College's records, this was her best opportunity.

Candaeln's library was vast and well-stocked. Second only to the College's library itself, its rows upon rows of books made for excellent research material, tall shelves lining the walls.

Admittedly, she had only perused the library's novels before, but now she had a more serious purpose.

@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin@HereComesTheSnow@Martian@A Lowly Wretch@JessieTargaryen@FlappyTheSpybot@ghastlyinc
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