Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@PigeonOfAstora: I think you're good now!
@Aeolian: With confirmation on the discord, acceptance is go.
"Hmph. Normally I would object to simply assuming I agree with your plan," began Fio, leaning back in her seat and folding her arms, "But I can't exactly object to my own suggestion."

Indeed, getting up high and out of sight and taking the enemy by surprise had been her immediate thought on sight of the location where they would be conducting battle. She could devastate their forces at range, and unless they had sufficient magical protection there wasn't much they would be able to do about it. That Fomorian they had fought the before was a concern, but the Sword Witch was confident that she would have no trouble eradicating the enemy if she stayed out of reach and simply kept hammering down on them with magic.

"As long as you lure them out, I assure you not a single one will survive," continued the petite witch, a small smirk on her lips. She felt nothing but self-assurance. She would utterly obliterate the enemy and leave not a single one of them standing. They would not be able to harm anyone else ever again.

Tomoko's aggressively pleasant smile did not falter, not when she was hugged, not when Hina began to beg for mercy, not a single moment passed by where it showed even the slightest sign of fading.

"Have fun~ I'm sure Shimizu-san can make you look convincing!"

Completely brushing aside the zasshiki-warashi's pleas, the Intermediary happily waved at Kaori and Hina as they departed.

Somehow, the fact that she didn't have any sign of outward malice made the gesture even more threatening.

Clapping her hands together, she took a deep breath and turned towards her remaining club members.

"Now, Kiyohara-san is exactly right. I'm afraid we don't have time for a cafe visit," began Tomoko, "Not when time is quite a precious resource. We don't know exactly what Hasshaku-sama does with the children she abducts. Certainly, in the original story they simply died, but because of the influences of different iterations on the original idea there's no way to be certain."

It was quite possible that the first children abducted were already dead. Or worse.

"We have no idea if she is killing them, or simply keeping them locked away," continued Tomoko, "So we have to do everything we can to work as swiftly as we can, because we may be running out of time to save their lives."

She shrugged.

"Or we may already be too late. It's impossible to know until we find her. So, we need to have our plan ready to execute as quickly as possible."

There really was only one way to know what happened to the children, and that was to find them. Hopefully, they'd all still be alive.

But they had to get there first.

"I suspect that Hasshaku-sama is not occupying normal space when she isn't visible. It would explain where the children disappear to," Tomoko elaborated. Of course, it was just a guess, but ultimately unless the children were instantly disintegrating or turning invisible they had to be put somewhere, "I'm guessing she uses a closed space to get around, and to take the kids she abducts."

Grinning, she pounded right fist into her left hand.

"So, we'll just have to bust it right open once we've lured her out! Ultimately, a closed space is just a barrier, which means within enough force, especially from a a phantom entity, we should be able to crack it wide open and get inside!"

Of course, this plan wasn't without its dangers. If Hasshaku-sama really was using a closed space, the interior would be an advantageous territory for her, a location in which she had at least some control over its rules and functions. But at the same time, it was unlikely that such a closed space would be designed with combat in mind.

At least this made it obvious what Akari was intended to do.

@Raineh Daze@Vega7285@Pyromania99@Rune_Alchemist@Octo
@Aeolian: I think he's in the clear now, but since I woke up much later then I wanted to an am still kind of groggy I want my co-GMs to take one last look before he moves over to the character tab.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist
@Aeolian: Okay so, backstory seems a lot better.

I'm a little concerned about his skillset being a bit too broad, maybe focus on like one other specific thing outside of the summons?
@Aeolian: @Rune_Alchemist already mentioned it, but I just want to back up those points by saying I can't see Leannan existing in Thaln in that state, as it should still be subject to Thaln's government. Additionally, it's unlikely that the "reincarnation of Mayon" thing would fly with the church, given Mayon is very much still around. If you want to keep some element of that point, maybe instead frame it as a 'beloved of Mayon' or something? I also think it's important to note what his parents did, as their abusive actions would presumably have repercussions.

Adittionally, while summoning is a thing in the setting, it's one of the least-fleshed out parts of the magic system admittedly. Still, if you're going to be using it I think you should probably define what he's summoning a bit more, since there's fae, other kinds of spirits, and demons(don't summon these) among other things. I also think full flight is a bit much, maybe something a bit more along the lines of air-jumping?

@Psychic Loser: Accepted.

@Richard Horthy: Accepted.

@PigeonOfAstora: A couple things here. Hundi aren't a tribal society, rather culturally they're almost excessively knightly and place a high amount of focus on honor and bravery. All their culture heroes are knight errant types, that kind of thing. Ithillin is essentially France for reference, though Hundi have some Spanish vibes. That being said, I do like the idea of someone disillusioned with with Hundi culture. Though, to capitalize more on making him hundi, I think it might not be a bad move to have him deep down still have some lingering love for those traditions and the heroic stories he likely heard in his youth that he's buried under his cynicism, to set him apart from similar human characters, even if he refuses to acknowledge or admit it.

Also going to be closing the RP to more players now. However, if you have already expressed interest, have a bio in progress, or you're in the discord server, you're in.
@ERode: Accepted.
  • Name: Fanilly Danbalion
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: Light skintone, with blonde hair and blue-purple eyes. She is a petite girl at only around 154 cm. Beneath the armor, Fanilly's body is rather slender and lightly-built. The armor, official combat wear of the Knight-Captain, is silver, with gold and blue decorations. Unarmored.
  • Personality: Fanilly believes that she must put everything she can into her duty. This is both due to a belief in the cause of the Iron Rose Knights, and a severe insecurity and self-consciousness about her position. She is well aware that she is young and comparatively inexperienced. She knows that she is only in the position she is because of her birth, as she was born under a full moon. This only makes her feel worse about it. For Fanilly Danbalion, captain of the Iron Rose Knights, she can't help but feel that they have a point. She's never fought in a real battle before. And even though the founder was the same age, she was viewed as something miraculous, a literal saint. Should Fanilly truly be leading them? This weighs heavily on her mind, and thus one of her biggest desires is to prove that she is. In spite of her young age, in spite of how this tradition has worn thin for some, Fanilly wants to prove that she is a worthy captain of the Iron Rose Knights above all else. Aside from this desire, the girl is somewhat shy and socially awkward. Due to her noble upbringing she is not completely incapable in social situations and can attend social functions as is expected of the Iron Rose Knights, it is easy to fluster her or cause her to stumble over her own words. In spite of this awkwardness, she is dedicated to the purpose of the order, to defend the innocent and protect the land of Thaln. However, the doubts surrounding her have lead to a lack of confidence in herself. Fanilly has a younger sister and as a result has a somewhat stronger affinity for children and desire to keep the safe, but as someone dedicated to the Iron Rose Knights' cause she wishes to protect all those in need. While she has a lacking in confidence, she retains some pride in her training, as she has proven to be skilled at swordplay in spite of her youth.
  • Brief Backstory: Fanilly was born under the full moon, to the noble Danbalion family. While her family had never been known for their participation in battle, the fact that their daughter was born under the full moon immediately placed her under consideration for the role of Knight-Captain of the Iron Rose Knights. Her training was more casual at first, simply education alongside her upbringing as a young noblelady. When it became clear that she was next in line, her training truly began in earnest. While she did enjoy it, at times she became quite overwhelmed and uncertain of what to do. On top of that, as a noble she was often exposed to other members of the nobility, a which exposed her to those who doubted the selection process that had picked her. Of those who had already judged her unfit to be Captain. On one particularly stressful day, she shut herself in her room and cried due to simply being emotionally overwhelmed. In spite of this, Fanilly still kept training, and studying warfare and focusing on the longsword as her weapon of choice(a customary specialization for the Knight-Captain, though not mandatory). During one of her training sessions, only a year prior to her installment, she suddenly had a blackout and fainted, needing to swiftly be attended to by healers. While none of them could determine what happened, as it did not appear to be exhaustion, she was kept under observation until it was certain no such incidents would occur again. Indeed, her health did not falter, and she was able to participate in a goblin extermination that had been selected as part of her final set of lessons. The extermination a success, this bolstered Fanilly's confidence temporarily, though by the time she officially became captain, the doubts had already re-emerged. Now, she is filled with self-doubt, desiring to prove to everyone else, and to herself, that she can fulfill the role she has been trained for...
  • Equipment: Fanilly wears the Captain's set of plate armor. Made of dwarven alloy gifted to the knights by a dwarven noble they defended in the past, it is both durable and lighter then it appears.. She wields a fine longsword in her right hand, with a backup dagger stored on her hip if she is disarmed.
  • Skills: As soon as her family was informed of potential candidacy for Knight-Captain of the Iron Roses, Fanilly began to train in all manner of combat. She studied military strategy, and came to favor the longsword as her weapon of choice. She is quite capable with the blade, but her experience is almost entirely in sparring, with only a goblin extermination under her belt as practical application. The same goes for her military strategy, while she is versed in multiple legendary campaigns she has yet to put those skills to proper use.
@Pakde: Tentatively still open, though we have two elves incoming(one in progress) so I think I'd have to say no to more.
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