Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Steel clashed against steel.

The bandit she fought was better equipped then the men they had encountered in the ambush, his armor sturdier steel, likely pilfered from a retired mercenary or a higher-ranking solider. Far more skilled, as well, his axe cleaving the air beside her head as she narrowly dodged its edge.

But no matter how heavily her heart pounded, the Knight-Captain could not, would not, let her training fail her.

Beneath his arm.

Both hands tight on the hilt of her blade, Fanilly thrust its tip beneath his arm. The chainmail was not enough to protect from the finely-crafted sword, and she heard a ragged gasp leave his lips as she drew it from his body, leaving him to fall to the ground.

Confirmation that he was dead and not merely dying would have to wait, as another bandit was swiftly upon her, a longsword raised above his head with the aim of sharply bringing it down.

She caught its edge with the side of her blade, forcing him to back off in the very same motion.

Practiced maneuvers. Her hands, her body, all of it responded to the training that had been drilled into her very soul. The intensive work that had been done to sharpen her skills just as someone would sharpen the sword she wielded.

They had to crush this camp. They had to kill these bandits. They had to free the prisoners.

Already, the figures in cages, mostly young women and children, had gotten to their feet, eyes wide as some reached out, as if to call the knights to their sides. Those whose feet had been chained, mostly further young women, were scrambling to leave the center of camp while the bandits were distracted.

To avoid being taken as hostages as much as to avoid the fighting.

The bandit struck again, this time with a thrust that narrowly scraped the her left pauldron, sparks flying. And yet all it achieved was damaging his own blade.

Fanilly's doubts about herself did not extend to her equipment. Her dwarven-made armor was resilient, to say the least.

She brought her sword down, hacking into the side of his neck with its edge, sending him to the ground with a sputtering gurgle.

Sir Villis strode forward in resplendent armor, smashing his shield into a surprised bandit's face before following with a crushing blow of his mace, caving in the man's helmet and the skull beneath it in a single blow.

"By the shining moonlight, we shall deliver judgement!" he cried, his words echoing from within his helmet.

And yet... where was the bandit king? Where was Jeremiah?

"Cover the prisoners, if you can!" called Fanilly over the din of the battle, "Do not allow them to take hostages!"

That was her next biggest concern. It would make navigating the battle far more difficult, not least to mention that it would place the lives of the prisoners in direct danger.

Catching sight of a crossbow leveled at the fiercely-fighting Sir Rickert, Fanilly broke into a sprint, taking the man by surprise before he could loose a single bolt. His armor, light and made of leather, was no match for the edge of her sword as it cut through his side in one swing, then his throat as he twisted, falling.

She had to ensure the safety of the prisoners.

But also that of the knights under her command.

The heat of battle was intense.

Too intense.

Why did the air suddenly feel so much hotter?

Fanilly's question was answered when the dead tree at one side of the camp was suddenly engulfed in roaring flames, licking at its twisted limbs. With the creaking, grinding sound of breaking wood, it fell.

"Look out!"

It was all Fanilly could manage.

Its immense trunk slammed down across the camp's center, cutting the battlefield in two, the resounding thud reverberating through forest. An unlucky bandit, having been retreating in a bid to snatch one of the nearest prisoners as a hostage, was crushed beneath the burning wood.

With the burning tree cutting them apart, the Iron Roses had been split down the middle. At least for the moment.


Had there been signs? Had she missed them? Was it her fault that the battle had suddenly changed so drastically in an instant? Fanilly did not know. But the mere thought clutched at her heart tightly.

"Knight-Captain, are you alright?!"

It was the voice of Sir Rickert. Fanilly turned towards him.

"I'm fine, we must-"

Her eyes widened, but there wasn't even a chance to warn the knight.

The immense blade came down, shearing through plate armor in an instant, cutting through Rickert's body from shoulder to hip.

The Dragon-helmed knight came apart, hitting the ground with a spray of blood.

"... Sir... Sir Rickert..."

Fanilly's hands shook. Her heart tightened.

A knight died in her command. A man died under her command. Because he had been trying to see if she was safe.


The enormous blade descended again, Fanilly's body reacting before her mind, hurling her to the side and away from its impact.

"At last," the blade's wielder began, his deep voice betraying amusement, "The Iron Rose Knights."

He was a huge man. As tall as the tallest of the Knights, perhaps even moreso. His body rippled with muscle, and no small number of scars. He wore no armor, standing barechested, looming over her. The sword he wielded was an enormous, thick chunk of metal, stained with blood as he hefted it onto his shoulder.

"Let me introduce myself, little girl. I am the Terror of the Red Flag," a vicious grin came to his lips, "Knight's Doom Jeremiah! The Three Hundred Man-Slayer!"

He charged.

The din of battle was well and truly underway. Former soldiers, now traitorous bandits fighting against stalwart knights, the bandit king, at least, for now seemingly nowhere in sight. Under the moonlit sky, it seemed as though things were going in the knights favor, at least for now. They had successfully circled the camp, Captain Fanilly leading one group, Tyaethe a second, and then Sir Villis a third. It was a sound plan in theory, but plans rarely survive first contact with the enemy.

As the tree caught fire and began to fall with a might cracking of splintered wood, the smell of smoke began overtaking the battlefield as it crashed to the ground. The mighty, ancient tree slammed into the ground, its trunk otherwise remaining unbroken, unlike the knights formation as the ranks lead by Sir Villis, Captain Fanilly, and Tyaethe.

Split from each other now, the knights must fight in their own groups at least for now.

And while perhaps, this would not be a problem against most of the bandit rabble the group that was fighting initially...the bandits that were now swarming Tyaethe's group were proving to be anything but common rabble. As she had correctly surmised, these were no simple bandits. Plate Armor, dirtied and wearing faded, old iconography and logos on some signifying faded glory. Veterans from the red flag war. It would not belong before Lucas, Renar, and Tyaethe were embroiled in melee with the old traitors.

Tyaethe deflected the blow of one expertly, the heavy axe he was wielding being shoved away with grace and skill expected of a paladin. A dissatisfied growl escaped the mans lips from under his helmet, grip tightening on his own weapon as he'd immediately transition into another heavy swing for the Paladin's arm. If she wanted to be the center of attention, it seems she was getting it. A second of the bandits would soon join the melee, a spear attempting to catch the Paladin in one of her legs.

Lucas and Renar were not faring much better, having been surrounded by these more skilled bandits. He might have been able to quickly cut their way through the bandits until now, but these veterans of the war were proving just as difficult to deal with. One, wielding a particularly large warhammer would engage Renar, attempting to go for the mans legs with the weapon while another engaged Lucas with a halberd, attempting to cut the boy down, certain he had the upper hand here.

Cecilia's strategy was hardly an unwise one. The impact of her bow knocked bandits from their feet, and those who still had their wits about them were stunned by the sight of a man's head exploding from air pressure.

But the lock on the cage rattled from the blast, the faint sound of creaking metal inaudible under the sounds of battle.

And then, when the burning tree fell, it slammed onto the campfire, a burning hunk of wood sailing through the air and catching the cover thrown over the cage alight.

From within came a fearful screech, and the cage rattled once more, the creature within slamming into the door in a bid to escape the flames.

If the lock was fully intact, perhaps it would have failed.


The door burst open.

The beast emerged.

Its massive wings spread, feathers almost gleaming in the light of the fire as they flapped once, bowling over the rising bandits once more.

Its hooked beak, tipped with black but brown at its base, came open for another shriek, clawed forelimbs scraping at the dirt, its rear limbs tensing.

The front of its body resembled a bird of prey, but the feathers gave way to a thinner hair-like covering near the rear of its body, resembling some manner of large cat.

Griffins were known as proud, powerful, dangerous animals. They had made their way into numerous pieces of heraldry for this purpose.

And now this one stood free, full of rage and fear, surrounded by men who had imprisoned it.

It would not differentiate between the bandits and the knights.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark@Pyromania99@HereComesTheSnow@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@ERode@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@Aeolian@Rin
It was as she suspected. The abominations had little in the way of ranged capabilities, and were instead mostly reliant on melee in order to attack their targets.

Mostly. One of their number had a great wound in its torso, arms grotesquely emerging from it to hurl a mass of darkness and goodness knows what else from within. Fio couldn't help but feel a little ill, but it also meant that she had a target to prioritize.

Another barrier formed in the air as she stepped off of the current one, catching her immediately and allowing her to slip out of the path of the hurtling mass of darkness. The Fomorian herself had yet to attack, as well. Whether that be because of her interest in her as a 'test subject' or because of a lack of offensive capabilities on her part, she didn't know.

Either way, it made her goal far easier to achieve.

"So much work, and this is what you ended up with? Hmph, well, I guess I do appreciate how easy they are to kill. Sura!"

The Sword Witch thrust her blade forward, a circle of blue light forming immediately ahead of her as magical energy blazed down her arm and through the edges of the catalyst.

"Star Shatter Sword!"

The gleaming blade that erupted from within it was nearly as large as Fio herself, tearing through the air. Its target was the hole already in the monstrous thing's body cavity, which of course wouldn't do very much damage.

At least, until the blade erupted into blue light and crystal-like shards of starlight, with the aim of tearing the abomination apart from within.

But Fio was already moving, the small witch maneuvering across her platforms of light. She didn't really need to destroy all of the horrible things, at least not yet.

If she could just obtain her goal.

Hey hello I am for this.
Aleksiya was left to reflect on the words of Ichor. Seven more.

There was no doubt in her mind that these seven were the Lords who were not present here. Of their number, there were those whom she would welcome the sight of openheartedly, and those whom she never wanted to see again. Chief among them was the vile Blight Lord, a horrific monster she held nothing but scorn towards.

But it was Ichor's word. She would not go against it.

Out of the ones who were present, however, Aleksiya could not say she was unhappy to see any of them. Even Akyasha, as frustrating as she was, was not truly a negative presence. She was at times quite unhelpful, but Aleksiya did not want to see her clutched by death once again.

Perhaps put through discomfort, but nod dead.

Of the others, she found them at least not directly offensive, and at best quite helpful and valuable as comrades. Needless to say, she was pleased to see them returned.

Or perhaps it was the fact that they had been presented with proper blood, even if it was just a small vial, that made her feelings especially charitable. Needless to say, she was swift to take one, removing the lid and relishing in the taste of actual human blood. Of course, it was only a small amount. But compared to the foul flavor of the rat's blood, it was utterly delicious. She could feel the deep hunger abating, the strength returning to her in some small amount. Hardly the true measure of her abilities, but definitely better then she had been on her awakening.

Aleksiya sighed.

"Ah, what a fine taste," she declared, placing the now-empty vial aside, "Did that familiar bring them? When she awakes, I should like to show my approval."

She paused a moment to listen to Akyasha's story. She still thought her an idiot, but at least it was some kind of explanation for her actions and her behavior. Not one she would have liked, but at least she understood the transactional nature of her coverage for that woman.

Understanding simply did not mean approval.

"... Well, I suppose that explains some of your behavior, if nothing else," she replied with a dismissive wave of her small hand, "In any case, it is as Lady Giselle says. A monster bars our path. However, I have nothing but confidence in our ability to destroy it, now that we have at least some blood in our bodies."

@Rune_Alchemist@ERode@Asuras@Psyker Landshark@Click This@Pyromania99
Fanilly winced slightly at the sight of the man's beheading. It was one thing to see such violence in combat, another entirely to watch it now. But he was not long for this world, and had died after assisting them. It was a mercy to end him in such a swift fashion, just as it was a mercy to end the lives of the dying bandits that lay strewn throughout the forest. Perhaps the Goddesses would consider his assistance when determining his place in the afterlife.

Glancing away from the beheaded corpse, she watched as the surviving bandits, lightly injured or surrendered without much of a struggle, were lead to the back of the formation in chains. From there, they would be returned to the capital, where they would face trial and possibly execution. The truly repentant could potentially earn a lighter sentence and a chance at redemption, but as of now their fates were unknown and it was Fanilly's best guess that most would end their lives on the executioner's block.

It was what they had earned, through banditry and kidnapping.

The Knight-Captain could spare no further thought to that topic, regardless. She had to ensure the success of the true goal of their mission.

"I must confess, Sir Fionn, without knowing more I can't say for certain what the caged beast may be," she replied with to her knight's inquiry. If only she knew more, then maybe she could have guessed. The fact it was larger then a bear, shrieked, and was fed rabbits was helpful in that it informed them it was some sort of predator. But beyond that, she could only guess at its nature, "But we know it's a predator of some sort, given they'd been feeding it rabbits."

The fact that some beast could be sprung upon them certainly complicated things.

"Given they have to keep its cage covered to prevent it from growing aggressive, I doubt it's been allowed to roam freely. If we can prevent its release, or kill it first, then we could eliminate it before it became a threat."

The petite blonde couldn't say with any certainty how successful an attempt to do so would be. But even if she didn't have confidence in herself, at least she trusted her knights.

It was some time before the scouts returned and relayed their information, during which most of the dead had been piled and made ready to be burned. It was undeniably gruesome, but altogether necessary for a number of reasons to ensure the corpses were disposed of.

The Dame Cecilia and Sir Hope had been able to confirm the information the interrogated bandits had shared, as well as give some specific locations of prisoners, and the caged beast. Most concerning was the Bandit King's absence, but they couldn't afford to wait and see if he showed up.

It was time to move.

"Iron Rose Knights, be at ready!" Fanilly commanded, trying to still her own hammering heart once more. "There is no more time to waste, the remainder of the bandits are still ahead. We must strike, and destroy this threat to Thaln's people."

She took a deep breath. Their objective wasn't just the slaughter of the bandits, however.

"But above all else, we must ensure their prisoners are freed and taken to safety. As such, our archers will hold after eliminating the scouts upon the watchtower until they are able to draw a line of sight on specific targets. The same goes for our magi. The camp is fortified, but not impenetrable, so we shall make our way past the palisades and cut through any resistance until every bandit lays dead or surrendered. We shall bring this Bandit King to the capital in chains or dead."

She had already informed her knights of their plan of attack, and little had changed since then, except...

"As for the caged beast, prevent its release or kill it before it can leave its cage. Now, we shall split into three groups with which to encircle the camp. I shall lead the first, Dame Tyaethe shall lead the second, and Sir Villis shall lead the third. Shields at the front, the rest follow, archers and magi remain at the rear."

Aside from herself, as Captain, she had selected the two most senior knights among those present. Tyaethe needed no explanation, and Sir Villis had served from years before the War of the Red Flag. The tall, imposing figure clad in gleaming armor, a great mace gripped in one hand and a shield bearing the sun gripped in the other, nodded quietly and took his place as the knights separated.

Slowly, carefully, they began to encircle the camp, taking their positions around the bandits. The watchtower was worrying, but as long as the guards were silently eliminated...

Fanilly had faith in the knights, at least, if not herself.

The camp was surrounded. The magi let off their signals to indicate they were in position.

Fanilly's grip on the hilt of her sword tensed. Her entire body tightened.

Kill the guards in the watchtower. Kill the beast in its cage, or at least prevent it from being released. Rescue the prisoners.

Crush the Bandits.

Defeat Bandit King Jeremiah.

"Iron Rose Knights, charge!"

As they rushed into the camp, they would be met with bandits, some far more ready for the coming battle then others, raising weapons, drawing blades and spears, and readying bows.

Unfortunately, more then a few were close to the covered cage...

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark@Pyromania99@HereComesTheSnow@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@ERode@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@Aeolian@Rin

This cursed magical energy.. .there was no doubt in Fio's mind. This was a Fomorian! Turning on her heel, she sprang back, off of her vantage point and onto a platform she had formed in the air using a barrier, the spell she'd been casting cancelling. The enormous sword dissipated, fading away into blue motes of light that drifted skyward.

This must have been the Fomorian mentioned in Sir Niall's report...!

"I haven't the slightest interest in allowing you to handle this sword," replied the Sword Witch flatly. She couldn't provide further support like this, but at the very least she'd managed to take the Fomorian's attention.

As frustrating as it was, this was also an opportunity.

"However, I'm happy to demonstrate my capabilities, Fomorian, since you've given me such ugly practice targets."

The monstrous, abominable things that emerged from the darkness, twisted and warped mockeries of life that could only be the experiments the Fomorian girl had created. Awful. Completely and utterly awful. She would be doing them, and the world, a favor.

"Cutting them to pieces can only be an improvement! Sura, Luna Orbit!"

A single command, for a specific configuration of blades. Ejecting themselves from a circle in the air behind her, the blue phantom swords began to circle around the small witch's body, at first somewhat slowly and then far faster. Rather then a simple barrier, it was offense as well. The abominations weren't likely to care about pain, but they certainly would struggle to attack if they had their limbs sawed through, especially given her position in the air.

Of course, only an idiot would leave it there.

"Five phantom swords. Now."

They materialized from circles in an arc over her head, each one pointing at one of the abominations before rocketing towards them.

It was a test, but ideally it would also at least keep them from moving swiftly as she picked her next course of action.

"Tch. Idiot."

Aleksiya's criticism of Akyasha's actions was far less gentle then Giselle's. Even as she snatched the rat, the scowl on her face made her feelings immediately obvious.

They could have earned what was likely human blood by cooperating with that man, and yet they would be feeding on the blood of rats, and for what? The diminutive vampire hadn't the slightest idea as to why the priestess had chosen not to cooperate. For one who professed her love for her fellow vampires, it seemed that something else was more important to her at the moment.

Still, she couldn't exactly ignore the prospect of a chance to feed, even if it was on some foul vermin. Her teeth were for the necks of humans, those who had earned the right to enjoy the privilege of her feeding, or her enemies who would be drained until nothing remained. A rat, by contrast, was vermin.

She would not bite into the flesh of vermin. Digging her nails into its skin, she needed only a small injury to permit her desired manipulations.

The rat's body spasmed as she began to move the blood inside of it, its flesh tearing as its blood began to freeze, tearing its way out of the rodent's flesh, a glistening crystal of blood steadily extracted from its body.

It was that which she consumed. It tasted foul, but it was far more refined to feed like this then anything else. Tossing the bloodless body away, her attention refocused.

The most important matter, indeed.

Ichor's voice. Hearing it once more...

The sight of the other long lost lords, especially the absence of certain ones among their number, was a pleasant one.

"Indeed, we shall," she replied to Dragan's words, smiling as she approached the balcony. There was comfort in the Goddess's words. The framework through which this world would no longer be twisted, where monsters would be given their due punishment. It was a warmth that cut through the terrible condition of the world around them.

Aleksiya curtsied.

"My wings of frost shall always spread for you, goddess. Please, guide us."

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99
@Operator Luna: I think that would help a lot.
In the wake of battle, tensed body slowly unwound. Not entirely. They were far from finished. But now that the immediate enemy had been killed or taken prisoner, she had a moment to take a breath.

The sight of her knights patrolling, finishing those who were too injured to survive, was a sobering one. It was one she simply wasn't entirely prepared for, even if she had given the order herself. Every time she watched one of her knights pierce a vital region of a fallen enemy, a part of her curled into itself, her hands tensing. But at the same time, it was absolutely necessary. No matter the enemy, to leave them to slowly die from their injuries surrounded by their slain comrades was needless cruelty. Mercy was easing their suffering, passing them on to the afterlife swiftly.

If the Lamplighters chose to guide them, or if their transgressions were severe enough to leave them forever lost, only they would know.

She was torn away from her thoughts when an injured man was presented to her by Sir Renar and Sir Fionn. Though she was not especially versed in medicine, it was clear he did not have much time left, a grisly wound marking his abdomen. Exactly what it had pierced, Fanilly did not know, but the amount of blood lost and whatever underlaying damage had made his prospect for survival virtually nonexistent.

Perhaps that was precisely why he was an ideal choice for interrogation.

"Then, I trust you have information for me?" she asked, eyes briefly lingering on the man's wound before returning to her face.

"Hah, it's true, they really are lead by a cute little lass!" the bandit declared, even as his voice wavered with pain, "Heh, aye, if it's information you want, might as well spill my guts. Better to die with a drink then die with nothing."

His breathing sounded difficult.

"A drink and mercy, then," Fanilly replied, nodding. She assumed that the former had been offered by Sir Renar or Sir Fionn, and the meaning of the latter was obvious.

"A week ago, the boss and his inner circle brought something back to camp. None of us on the lower rungs saw it clearly, but we hear it. It's a beast," he began, "They have it caged up. 'Course, even if we can hear the godsawful noises it makes, they covered the cage up to keep it from gettin' aggressive so we can't see it. But it's big. Bigger'n a horse or a bear. Shrieks something awful when it's hungry, the guy in charge of keepin' it fed gives it rabbits."

A beast? Fanilly searched her mind for what it could be. But without knowing more, there was no way to be sure exactly what manner of creature it was.

Still, knowing that they could be dealing with more then simply bandits was a valuable piece of information.

Meanwhile, the injured man who had been used as bait had been pulled back to the rear of the formation, where one of the healers was attending to him. She was a woman in her thirties, clad in Mayon's colors as was custom for many healers of Thaln, carefully addressing his wounds with both magic and medicine.

When Sir Gerard threatened the bandit, the pommel pressed to his cheek was enough to make him freeze up in fear, eyes wide. He was shaking with considerable terror, likely in part due to so recently seeing just what the man was capable of against his allies. He had absolutely no desire to experience a broken jaw, not after having escaped any serious injuries in the battle.

It was to his great relief that Morianne intervened. Indeed, though he had hardly been a religious man, a little prayer to the goddesses didn't seem out of place at this point.

Perhaps this is why he was especially vulnerable to Morianne's spell, his eyes becoming slightly hazy, and yet almost shining, as they became fixed on the elf maiden's visage.

"... I... for a fine elf-maid like you, I'll tell you anything..." he half-murmured, swaying slightly as he spoke, "Palisades, there's palisades set up around the camp, but it's not a complete wall... a watch tower, too... hehe... I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you, y'know..."

The forest became quite dense for some time, a fallen log here or there, brush offering a perfect hiding spot for both of the knightly scouts currently advancing on the bandit camp.

Increasingly, through the trees, there was a glint of torchlight. Soon enough, they would see it.

The camp was located in a clearing, with an enormous large dead tree on the far side. It was not entirely enclosed by walls, but there were palisades set up in several defensible positions. At the center, a great bonfire was raging, with the bandits around it. While some were eating, many were clearly patrolling the perimeter of the camp. While they did not appear totally ready for battle, it was clear there was some expectation it would be coming soon. Near the fire, a few figures with chained legs could be seen as well. These had to be some of the prisoners, forced into serving food and drink to the bandits currently eating.

Between the tends, a set of cages with something inside them were visible. On a second examination, it was clear these were most of the prisoners, those intended to be sold or kept for other purposes.

There was a particularly large cage closer to the center, but whatever was inside of it was impossible to see clearly. A canvas had been draped over the cage, but it was just possible to make out something moving occasionally inside.

A throne had been erected near the bonfire, but no-one was occupying it at the moment.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark@Pyromania99@HereComesTheSnow@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@ERode@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@Aeolian@Rin
She could see many of the other bandits fall, but at the same time... that huge, monstrous man was still standing, still brandishing his hammer. And it seemed as if he had sent some of his men to pursue Luna, as well. The Sword Witch certainly couldn't see any other reason that the other bandits would suddenly break off of their fight.

Thrusting her sword forward, Fio took a deep breath. She'd thin those reinforcements out. Then, she'd focus her attention on the biggest target.

"Ten phantom swords. Form them, create them, give them the edge that takes life."

At her commands, the magic circles in the air spun, and as they did ten more of her ghostly weapons emerged, tilting slightly to take aim at the bandits that had gone to reinforce the enemies fighting with the Luna's group.


With a whistling sound they tore through the air, bearing down on the bandits as they began to move.

And now, she would be able to try and take down that monster of a man with her next blow.

The bastard wouldn't take this one so lightly.

"Sura. Open the way."

The magic circles she had already constructed drifted towards one another, lining up and expanding, creating a multi-layered circle of light.

"Form it. The edge of death. The piercing tool of destruction. That which slaughters the wicked. That which purges evil. Create it and give it form."

As Fio spoke, the enlarged multi-layered circle began to grow brighter. She could feel the air around her practically vibrating, the intensity with which the magical energy was being gathered causing a weight to develop on her small frame. This would take up her whole being until it was complete, but she had to do everything she could to strike down the most monstrous of the bandit forces. To be honest, she didn't particularly enjoy using a spell like this to kill trash like that, but at the same time she couldn't allow any more of her allies to be harmed.

She'd seen what that monster had done already.

Fio couldn't let it happen again.

And so the murderer's sentence would be delivered.

"I shall take the role of the judge who dispenses the sentence. The one who bears all wickedness in the world and carries out the order of execution. This shall be a day of blood and a red sky."

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