Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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There was very little to be satisfied about in this situation.

Of course, beggars could not be choosers. Her energy had been running thin, and it had proven highly difficult to sustain herself alone when she had been so weakened. So finding someone who was willing to contract with her on the spot had been a stroke of luck. And what followed... destruction. Blood and death. Shredding apart her enemies. It was no-where near her full power, but uniting with that girl had allowed her to regain some measure of her true might. Everything had died, until only the sole human being among their enemies remained.

She was quite prepared to drink him dry.

And yet the girl she had only just contracted refused, grinding their body to a halt and wholeheartedly rejecting even the idea of killing him. Even the idea of drinking from him.

That was the kind of girl she now found herself bound to. This naive, annoying girl who refused to kill.

And of course, now there was the sun to contend with. The parasol she'd made her Master buy for her only did so much.

The tiny white-haired girl huffed to herself.

"You're the one who lead the way, you clearly don't care for my opinion," replied Mina 'Tepes', a scowl on her rounded, delicate features. "But if you must know, I'd like to get out of the sun, so we shouldn't dawdle any longer."

And now they were going to be made to work. By this organization of hunters. She had no idea what they were really like in operation, but her past certainly didn't endear her to the idea of working with such people.

Still, as loathe as she was to admit it, she didn't have much of a choice now. Mina would go where this girl went, if only to ensure she didn't get herself killed and their contract dissolved. She was reliant on her now, for ether and blood. No matter how frustrating she found that fact, she couldn't change it.

But she could make her displeasure abundantly clear as frequently as possible.

There was nothing preventing her from doing that.

The spice had yet to subside. Fanilly had enjoyed a very mild, slight bite in a meal before. It was just the barest hint of spice. But any more then that, she simply couldn't handle very well in the least.

This was quite a bit spicier then that meal. Even if she no longer felt like she had to keep her hands clapped over her mouth, the slim blonde's tongue was hanging as she gulped in air, trying and failing to address the hot sensation currently mounting a full-scale assault on her tongue.

More? Why would she want more?! Fanilly was completely unable to wrap her mind over why she could possibly want more when just one was causing her mouth to burn up this much. At the very least, the heat was beginning to ebb away, losing intensity more and more by the moment.

At least for the moment, however, Cecilia's secondary motivations had indeed paid off. There was no way that Fanilly could focus right now, the young knight-captain quite distracted by the fiery little prank.

But when Sir Renar entered, she frantically tucked her tongue back into her mouth, the burning having subsided enough by now for her to at least attempt to project some kind of composure. It was enough that she'd faltered so much in front of just one of her knights, she couldn't do the same in front of another.

"I-I'm fine," she stammered, "A-absolutely fine. Don't worry, Sir Renar."

Flush on her face indicated otherwise.

@Psyker Landshark@Rune_Alchemist
@ArkmageddonCat: I think the failure rate is a little too high for how they're supposed to work, but otherwise I think he's good? I'll let a co-GM chime in if they have any comments of their own.

@Theyra: You're not too late.
It came off! Its leg came right off!

Senya's lips curled ever so slightly in a smug expression as the monster found itself down one limb. But that wasn't the end of it, the creature was still a threat. Between the heat and its enormous, crushing body, it could still potentially kill someone. So, the diminutive maid was going to do her best to make sure that didn't happen.

Pushing up and away from the ground beneath her, Senya danced through the air backwards as the bulky monstrosity slammed to the earth less then a second later, crumbling the stone beneath it with its sheer mass. It would have really hurt if it had actually gotten her.

But this put it right where she wanted it.

Springing forward, Senya jammed pointed her weapon directly at the creature's head before it could even attempt to rise, the barrels already beginning to spin with that familiar whirring sound. She was close. The bayonet was almost touching the beast. At this range, there was no missing.

Magical energy thrummed in the air, as a red-orange circle of light spread ahead of her weapon. These wouldn't be ordinary bullets, this time.

As the sound of thunder filled the air, the magically-charged explosive rounds ripped their way from each of the barrels of Senya's gatling.


Out of everything that Fanilly had been expecting, suddenly being fed a small sweet pastry was not on the list. It didn't make any sense to her at all, even if she couldn't exactly say it was unwelcome. In the first place she didn't know why one of her knights even wanted to speak to her, but now she was giving her some sort of snack?

Regardless, Fanilly found herself holding her hands up to her mouth to and chewing. It wasn't very large, but she still didn't want to accidentally make some sort of mess in the shrine of all places.

Sweet things like reminded her a little of home. The sort of thing her family's servants would make in the kitchen. Three of them had accompanied her to Candaeln, but the kitchen staff hadn't been among them.

But Candaeln had fantastic chefs that rivaled the royal family's. Maybe if she asked...

... Not that any of that mattered. What mattered most was ensuring that what happened in the fight against Jeremiah never happened again.

Before her mind could travel once again to Sir Rickert, however, a sudden torrent of heat erupted through her mouth. A muffled squeak escaped the girl's lips, her eyes immediately watering as her hands clamped over her mouth once again, her cheeks flushed. What was this? Where had this come from? It went from sweet to so hot!

And now it was filling her entire mouth, burning away at her tongue, everything, even as she tried to quickly swallow it down as fast as possible.

"Wh-why is it so hot?!"

She allowed herself a moment to exclaim her all-important question to the gods above.

Given they were already in a shrine, it was perhaps a fitting place to do so.

  • Name: Kawano Akane
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: "Is she streaming right outside the bathroom...?" Akane stands at about 157 cm/5'2.
  • Personality: Outgoing and confident, Kawano Akane has a tomboyish disposition with a mild interest in sports and a tendency to dress in more boyish clothing. A straightforward person whose personality is reflective of a common sense approach to reality, even in spite of the fact she is surrounded by the unreal. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why she is an ideal match for the cloudy-minded and unusual girl who happens to also be a giant skeleton. While there is no denying she cares about Shiroyama "Higasha"(could she have tried to pick a real name at least?!), she often finds the girl exceptionally exasperating to deal with. Still, she's never had a single thought of making her leave. Even before they formed a contract. Akane is often at odds with people who appear to display a lack of common sense, in spite of her contracted yokai being precisely one of those sorts of people, and isn't about to hesitate to express her feelings in such situations. The straightman, some would say. Still, Akane isn't without her quirks. She has a secret adoration of adorable things, one that embarrasses her deeply if it's ever pointed out.
  • Abilities: Her contract with "Higasha"(why is it so bad?!) permits Akane several exceptional abilities even when they are not in Resonant form. Her physical abilities are greatly enhanced, allowing her to deliver powerful blows and move very rapidly. She has o actively turn this off in order to actually engage in normal physical activity. She is more durable then she would appear, though does not receive any specific healing abilities. When in their Resonant form, Higasha becomes a somewhat smaller, spectral version of her skeletal self, acting as an immensely powerful melee attack that follows Akane's movements. She can also fire Higasha's fists off at range to strike more distant targets.
    Additionally, a Gashadokuro being "always hungry" translates to being able to eat a lot and never gain weight when contracted. Who knew?
  • Skills: Akane is an agile and athletically capable girl even without the benefit of her contract. She's also more capable with technology then one might expect, having assisted "Higasha"(why?!) with her streaming setup. She's not sure this was a good idea.
  • Equipment: Nothing out of the ordinary.
  • History: Akane's life has been largely seemingly ordinary. She was born to a fairly normal family, the younger of two daughters. Her older sister, Hinako, was a friendly and good-natured person to whom Akane looked up to. As she grew older, she pursued the track club when she entered high school. Nothing particularly strange happened, though on one particular occasion she was forced to sit out due to a twisted ankle, deeply frustrating her on the day her entire family had shown up to watch. That was the last time she would see her elder sister, as well. After that, she seemed to vanish without a trace, and it was only recently that Akane discovered her elder sister had contracted a yokai and been doing some form of mysterious work. It was not long afterwards that she met a certain scantily-clad girl wandering in the cold during winter, and learned she was a gashadokuro.

    Soon enough, they had formed their own contract, and Akane pursued a line of work she hoped could lead to finding out more about her disappeared sister. Perhaps she'd even find out just where she was.
  • Other: N/A
Aleksiya danced backwards, the barrier of ice she had thrown up in a bid to deflect a direct attack dissipating simply due to the fact that it would never reach her. This undead paladin, and the great skeleton it was somehow associated with, were proving to be a greater foe then the prior enemies that they had been set against.

But ultimately, that didn't matter.

They would destroy it all the same.

With the smaller undead preoccupied, the diminutive vampire's attention shifted now to the great skeleton, which was not being hindered in any direct way at the moment. Both of these bodies were their enemy, regardless of whatever it was that was the nature of their connection. Thus, both of them were to be taken into consideration.

Taking aim at the monstrous skeleton's head, crystal ice spears formed once again as she sent them hurtling for the empty eyesockets.

@ArkmageddonCat: Okay a couple issues here:

Rune etching is more how magic is imbued into weapons, or you're a mage and you do it directly but that's a more complex process. There's also a pretty low chance of finding an elven smith in Thaln, and given the timescale elves operate on finding one that would believe you ready to leave their tutelage and become a knight on top of it after only a few years would be even rarer.

Finally, he should have something under his belt that gave a good reason for the Roses to consider accepting him into the order.
@ArkmageddonCat: Hey sorry about the delay I'll handle this in a bit.
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