Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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While Sir Renar's blunt attitude wasn't the most reassuring, at the same time at their core his words had managed to get through in some respect.

Sir Rickert shouldn't have died. That much was certain. That much couldn't be forgotten going forward.

But at the same time, at the very least, he died for a cause. He died fighting to defeat ruthless, murdering bandits and protect the people of Thaln.

Fanilly took a deep breath, glancing down towards her wine for a few moments a she did. If a knight had to fall, at least falling for the sake of their homeland was a meaningful death, no matter how brutal. She wasn't sure if she found this entirely comforting or not, but at the same time perhaps Sir Rickert was the sort of person who would have wanted to die for such a purpose, if he had to die.

She couldn't say for certain, but somehow it felt as if it may have been true.

"... If nothing else, the goddesses will look upon him warmly for his deeds," she said, finally, before taking another small sip of her wine. "And the people who may have suffered without him, too..."

Fanilly inhaled deeply, then exhaled, feeling some of the tension in her slim frame dissipate.

She wasn't entirely prepared for the change of topic, but it only took her a moment to collect her thoughts and respond.

"I've had my maids organizing paperwork for me to look through," she answered, "It's tedious, but it hasn't been so bad. I think the senior knights mostly did a fine job of keeping things in order, though I guess there's still a few things they're looking for. I'm thankful to my tutors, I wouldn't have been able to handle any of this without them."

Even with the lessons in administration she'd received, that side of handling the order had seemed just as daunting as the military and symbolic parts of her role. But the paperwork had thankfully been easier to understand then she'd feared, and there were other officials within the order who were there to assist with communicating the necessary information to her, such as the order's Treasurer.

@Psyker Landshark@Rune_Alchemist
Ah, they'd ended up here already...

Fanilly was of course aware Candaeln had a wine cellar, but she certainly hadn't expected to be down there so soon. Just drinking alcohol now, was it really okay?

Still having yet to remove her armor, the Knight-Captain shifted awkwardly as she watched Dame Cecilia simply open a cask and begin drinking in a rapid-fire fashion.

At the very least Fanilly knew that definitely wasn't what she should be doing. It was a few moments later that Sir Renar retrieved a bottle and poured some for her as well. It was red, and while Fanilly's knowledge of alcoholic beverages was very limited she at least had a vague idea of what that meant.

And, thankfully, she knew what to do with wine before drinking it, swirling it briefly before taking a sniff. She had absolutely no clue how to interpret the scent, but at least she knew this was what someone was meant to do when drinking wine.

She listened to Sir Renar for a moment, still idly swirling the glass of wine as she did.

Wasn't it her job to keep control of the battle as much as she could?

It wasn't as if she could fully control everything. She'd studied military strategy, been tutored in warfare in preparation for her role. She knew that much was entirely impossible. But at the same time, these were the Iron Rose Knights, weren't they? Against bandits...

The monstrous figure of Jeremiah loomed in her mind. Her neck felt a little sore again, and after a moment's hesitation she took a sip of the wine.

It was sweeter then she expected, easier to drink then the last and only time she'd had wine prior.

"... I know," Fanilly said, quietly, after a pause, "I know it's impossible to control every element of the battlefield. Even Saledrin of Talderia wasn't able to do something like that. But..."

Her gaze drifted downwards.

"... Sir Rickert shouldn't have had to die..."

@Psyker Landshark@Rune_Alchemist
They thought she did well? Even though one of the Knights had died under her command?

She couldn't believe it. Not really. Even if she was told as much, there was no way the Captain of the Iron Rose Knights should be losing anyone to bandits.

Was there?

Fidgeting slightly on her feet, Fanilly averted her eyes. She was still in her armor. She hadn't even taken it off yet, not when she'd gone right to the shrine.

It was undeniable that they'd prevented many more people from suffering by crushing the Bandit King and his troop. The man would not have stopped, and would have claimed many more lives then that of Sir Rickert. But could she really feel happy about a victory when it cost the life of one of her knights?

She was pulled from her thoughts once more when Dame Cecilia went so far as to put an arm around her, nearly jumping with surprise. The poke to her cheek didn't help, either.

"A-a toast?" Fanilly questioned in surprise as she suddenly found herself being dragged from the shrine before she had quite the presence of mind to put up a resistance, "Ah, but surely there's business to attend to...!"

She'd only ever tasted minimal amounts of alcohol before! Surely the Knight-Captain indulging during the day like this would be unbecoming, wouldn't it?!

@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark
Sir Renar hadn't done more then an exaggerated, half-joking cough. The Knight-Captain had to be made of stern stuff. Thus, she couldn't let the spice keep getting to her. Fanilly took another deep breath, attempting to close out the lingering burning sensation as best she could. She hadn't spoken up in time to prevent Sir Renar from falling victim to the prank pastries, but at the same time she didn't seem to have needed to.

Coughing slightly in a bid to clear the spice again, she took a deep breath. By no means could the Knight-Captain go around distributing these spicy pastries. It just wasn't appropriate!

On the note of the prior mission, however, the petite blonde's mood sobered once more. The spice was fading, and even if it hadn't it couldn't serve as an effective distraction from the matter any longer.

"The Bandit King is dead, but none of our number should have fallen," she responded, "Sir Rickert should have been standing among us today."

She had to perform better next time. She had to.

@Psyker Landshark@Rune_Alchemist
@ArkmageddonCat: In that case, feel free to ask as many questions as you like, my co-GMs and myself will help in any way we can.
... Had she done something wrong?

Her intention was to further their cause. By taking this Fomorian, physically unimposing as she was, as a prisoner. Surely, the information they could learn from her would be valuable, wouldn't it?

And yet the Queen's reaction...

Not that Fio cared if the Queen was angry at her or anything like that! Far from it! Besides, her nature still wasn't completely confirmed! And...

Fio clutched her fists at her sides, taking a deep breath.

What's done was done. She had already come this far and taken this prisoner back, there was no backtracking simply because of Sorcha's reaction.

Besides, she had preparations to make.

The most concise manner of reaching her goal involved water. While the stars could also be of assistance, and would have been her preferred method, given the prisoner's position in a tightly-sealed dungeon it was far easier to get water down there then starlight. Then she had to spend some time purifying it, ensuring its quality was high enough for what she intended.

Then it was a matter of getting some assistance to bring a huge, shallow container of purified water down into the dungeon. She obviously had no way of doing it on her own, after all.

This wasn't even halfway through.

Next came the chalk. First, the circles around the prisoner. Carefully, carefully drawing them out, taking advantage of the fact the Fomorian was so restrained she couldn't move to construct her elaborate ritual symbol. Then, the same process once again, this time surrounding the water. Needless to say, she was thankful this type of chalk was resistant to liquids.

This process was dangerous. But it also meant that lying was virtually impossible. Their prisoner would have no ability to hide the truth from her.

Navigating to find said truth, on the other hand, would be somewhat more difficult.

Next was what she had to do to prepare herself. The cursed nature of a fomorian made this process dangerous. But counteracting that curse before it even had an opportunity to potentially affect her would be the ideal countermeasure.

As such, Fio's next path was to remove all her clothing but her undergarments(demanding no-one enter the room once she had) and painting purification sigils directly onto her skin. Using a mirror, she painted them everywhere she could manage. Her arms, her legs, her belly... the only place she couldn't reach effectively was her back. Her belly especially tickled, but she managed to keep herself under control.

Then she had to let it dry, as to ensure the water wouldn't wash it away.

Now for the final step.

The petite witch stood beside the water. She glanced at the heavily-restrained prisoner, then took a deep breath.


The blade materialized in the air above her head, floating and glowing with blue light.

"Oh deep pool, may I sink into the memories of another. May I be immersed in past thoughts, past feelings. May I see the truth that lies in what I have never seen. But she has."

The light from the blade began to shed, falling into the water below, imbuing it with a similar glow...

"... Submerge."

With that, she stepped into the water, lowering herself until she lay down, feeling its coolness against her skin...

She had taken every measure she possibly could, but she still had to be careful.

Fio would see everything she possibly could within the Fomorian's memories.

Well, this was certainly amusing. A cavalcade of beasts, largely native to this land but a few notable foreigners like herself. The succubus was of particular intrigue, but the hulking demon man was certainly not uninteresting as well. Mina regarded them for a few moments, cocking her head with a small sigh as Sanae introduced her.

Still, she didn't bother to introduce herself once it was already done, preferring instead to regard those around her. The assortment of contracted people... it was a shame she couldn't get a taste of that girl with the demon man. She had a distinct impression she would have particularly delicious blood, but at the moment there was little chance of such a thing occurring. Thankfully, she did have a source of quite delicious-scented meals already.

If Sanae wasn't going to drink while they were united, then she had to bear the consequences.

The fact that they were already going to perform a job, the tall woman dispensing her order to come along without the slightest respect for Mina's status, was somewhat frustrating. But on the other hand, the pallid little girl did feel this was an opportunity to perhaps push Sanae into being less of an utter fool.

If they had to be contracted, the least she could do was that much.

The fussing over putting her seatbelt on was something Mina could most certainly do without.

"Have you forgotten so swiftly that I'm not a child?" she commented, cocking her head to one side, "Or were you just eager to lay hands on me once again? Are you perhaps lonely?"

Mina's lips curled into a smirk.

"Regardless, you'll be getting a demonstration of what I am once again soon. You so clearly need one, after all."

@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze@Zeroth
@ArkmageddonCat: I think you should be good as long as you keep this stuff in mind? Sorry for the late response!
Kawano Akane

Sometimes she regretted helping her partner set up for streaming. It clearly made the gashadokuro happy, no matter how expressionless she usually seemed, but sometimes it was a problem.

This was one of those times.

They had a job. They had work to do. And yet she'd scheduled a marathon stream, starting the previous day, that had run all the way through the night and still wasn't over when she had looked in on Higasha today. It was madness. It wasn't as if Akane was completely unfamiliar with the concept of a marathon stream, but why did she have to do it the day before they went into work? How long was she planning on going for?! Akane had things to do, and those things didn't involve sitting around waiting for her partner to stop streaming!

When she'd barged into Higasha's room she'd been attempting to shill merchandise that didn't exist.

It took literally dragging the slim, pale girl away from her PC to get her moving. The chat seemed to be enjoying the experience at least. Akane had even glimpsed a few superchats come up during the intervention.

She didn't pretend to know why.

Still, it had taken considerable effort to even make Higasha budge from her streaming schedule, and in the time it had taken to do so, they were almost certainly late.

"Of course."

The tomboyish girl sighed heavily, glancing back at the pale figure walking along behind her as they reached the doors.

"You better apologize with me, you know."

With that, she made her way inside, bowing apologetically immediately as she entered(and grabbing Higasha's head to force her to do the same).

"Sorry we're late, there was a-"

She paused for a moment. How to put this? Her partner's ridiculous behavior was the entire reason they weren't showing up to work on time.

"... scheduling conflict," she said, glancing towards Higasha again with a heavy sigh.

It wasn't just a job. It was her potential path to finding out what happened with her older sister. So screwing up like this really really wasn't ideal.


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