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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Hoping for some more interest, but what I've got expressed to me is already pretty promising so I'm likely to try and organize all my ideas into a proper pitch soon.
@Martian: They'll definitely be able to do some harm, just not enough to actually solve the issue or else we're out of a plot.
Eventually, the message reached the Knight-Captain, who apologized profusely for making the courier wait.

A ball thrown by the princess...

Anxiety clutched at Fanilly's heart. But she couldn't disappoint her highness. If she was invited, then she would have to present herself as properly as she could.

The next day, however, was quite a different one. The sun was once again sinking low, this time casting the sky in a vast array of oranges and reds, purples and yellows. Light played off the low-hanging clouds in a dazzling display of colors.

Fanilly's maids had braided her hair. Her armor and weapons had been cleaned to their most perfect condition. Now, there was only one thing that remained for her to do. She had to proceed to the party. She'd picked a fair variety of knights to accompany her, focusing on both new knights and a few veterans as well. They had been permitted to wear any formal attire they so chose, and Fanilly had decided to request that any armor must be suited to this if it is brought along.

Fanilly felt her nerves acting up. In spite of what she had said, her training had always left her somewhat awkward at parties. She hadn't spent very much time socializing as a child, and as a result she had rarely talked very much when she was at a party. Certainly, when it was smaller affairs with members of her family she felt more at ease, but she was anxious about behaving properly as the Captain of the Iron Rose Knights.

This was no small affair. The Royal Castle loomed ahead, a throng of guests milling both in the castle gardens and visibly within. Fanilly had been to the castle before, but... never when it was this crowded. Still, while she had not socialized very much when she was younger, she had at least been instructed in etiquette.

The castle itself was an impressive structure. Known as the Crown of Thaln, or the Spikes of Aimlenn, it was a rectangular building, four larger towers arranged at each corner with a much larger one in the center. It was made of a dark grey stone, decorated with white. The gardens around the castle were verdant and thriving, filled with small trees, a wide array of flowers, and small ponds. Even here, however, there were clear signs of spots where soldiers would hold their ground, in case of an attack.

But at the moment, there were no such soldiers.

Fanilly led her knights through the crowd, to the castle itself. The interior hall was wide and spacious, and a herald declared each knight's status as they entered the room. Tables of food lined the walls, men, women, and children were everywhere, adorned in finery, and guards were posted evenly about the hall.

Fanilly couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous about such a large event.

But, this was it. The princess was no where to be seen, for the moment, but Fanilly was certain that would change quite soon.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@ERode@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@VahkiDane
@Martian: The plan is to give us some starting vehicles akin to the Super X or Gotengo that, while definitely not as strong individually as most kaiju, can help with trying to deal with them.

The military's also going to have wider access to laser tanks and that sort of thing.
So I've been going through some heavy Godzilla nostalgia recently and had this idea in my head for a bit, so figured I would try and see if anyone was really interested to decide if it'd be worth really working on fleshing it out.

More or less, the idea I've got is that rather then playing the kaiju(which isn't very sustainable in my opinion for an RP and also really isn't my style) players would take on the role of typical anti-kaiju unit, modeled on the type seen in the Heisei era primarily. Since it's an RP and not relying on actors in suits for the monsters, I think plenty of threats could be made so that it's not just people watching the monsters fight, especially since a lot of different vehicles could be included so player could actually participate in the kaiju fights.

It'd be an original continuity, though since my tastes lean Heisei it'd be darker and more serious, and I'd be reinterpreting old monsters while also adding new ones. Godzilla himself would also be closer to the Heisei incarnation, at least to begin with, more antagonistic to humanity but also often the lesser of two evils(but not actually evil in and of himself) or even outright the one to root for depending on the threat.

I'd be including plenty of sci-fi technology and magical elements, which I feel like is to be expected from any good Godzilla story honestly, but set things primarily in the modern day.

I know this might be a bit of a hard sell since people aren't controlling the fighting monsters themselves, but I also think it could be a fun way to handle it.

Also I don't know if I do want the kaiju just controlled by GM action but if this picks up any traction we'd have to discuss how to handle that.

So, is anyone interested?
The monster was dead. She'd shot it right where its head would have been, and now it wasn't moving and it was leaking a lot. Senya was quite sure that usually meant dead.

But the fight was hardly over, now. There was still the other demon to worry about, the one who looked like a girl but had all the tentacles and stuff. That was definitely no good, demons looking like that were the worst.

The small dark elf took a step forward, raising her gatling again. It whirred once more. Targeting the main body of the demon wasn't the best idea at the moment. She was likely very maneuverable, and made a small target. Hitting her simply wouldn't be easy.

But Senya certainly felt confident in her ability to reduce the demon's fighting capacity, and her orders only encouraged her to do just that.

The rotating barrels of her gun were once again surrounded by the glow of magical energy, flaring and flashing as bullets exploded through the air, tearing towards their target. As long as they hit their mark and embedded themselves in the demon's tentacles, they would explode just like the ones she'd fired into the other monster.

She was sinking.

Her first instinct, above all logic, was to panic. The fact that the water never seemed to end, like she was descending further and further, deeper and deeper down, clutched at her heart. She didn't want to drown. She didn't want to die. She didn't-

Fio clenched her fists. This wasn't simply sinking into a deep pool. This was sinking back. Into her target's memories. Panicking like that was something only an idiot would do. This was exactly what she wanted, the outcome she was looking for in the first place!

Her fears for now defeated, the petite witch felt her entire body relax as she drifted deeper.

Now her bare feet were on a hard, white, smooth service. It felt almost like extremely polished stone. Above her wheeled celestial bodies she couldn't name.

And then the world around her moved, when she stayed still. Suddenly she found herself in the campsite again. The indistinguishable chatting of the bandits filled the air, as they hoisted a figure over the fire. With no small amount of disgust, she noted it was a fae of the Laughing Wood. No matter how twisted such creatures were, eating them was barbaric.

It was with more interest that she noticed the Fomorian, seemingly arguing with Annagan.

To begin with, Fio was curious about that. She wanted to know just what their conversation entailed before she moved on. Thus, she focused, attempting to make out their words...

Next, she'd proceed into the basement, regardless of if her efforts to hear the argument were successful or not.

The young man, a royal courier dressed in fine gold and purple, practically jumped with delight at someone finally approaching him.

"I was expecting the Knight-Captain," he began, "but I'm sure a loyal knight can pass this message on to her!"

It seemed he was overjoyed to finally be able to do his job. Clearing his throat, he took a deep breath and pulled a short scroll from within his bag.

"The Presence of Knight-Captain Fanilly Danbalion and her Iron Rose Knights is cordially requested tomorrow at Princess Elisandre Tanetha Falisse's Royal Ball," he began, "The Princess understands that you may not be able to bring every knight, and as such you may choose whomever you desire from your order to accompany you. Please come in your finest attire, though the Princess desires to see Knight-Captain Danbalion in official wear, and eagerly desires to see an assortment of weaponry used by knights."

@The Otter
"Er, yes..."

Certainly, she didn't want to end up as Dame Cecilia had. The Knight Archer looked like quite a mess. It made Fanilly drink her glass of whine all the more slowly and carefully.

"I think that's very good advice..."

Especially in the face of such a display.

Thankfully for Fanilly, a single glass of wine was no enough to entirely rob of of her faculties, as she had feared. Instead, while she felt something, certainly, this warm, somewhat light and tingly sensation she couldn't quite describe in more detailed words, that was the end of it.

A second glass was pushing it on the Knight-Captain's mind, and she declined it.

After all, she still had her duties to fulfill, and later her prayer for Sir Rickert. It wouldn't do to end up like Dame Cecilia.

After leaving the wine cellar(though she did her best to assist with carrying Dame Cecilia out first), Fanilly's first duty to fulfill was dispatching a messenger to Sir Rickert's family. While nothing could compensate for his death, she had to offer them something.

Then, to change out of her armor and bathe, at last. While Candaeln boasted two communal bathes, one for men and one for women, composed of blessed water that could repair minor injury and always remained warm, the Knight-Captain's quarters had a private bath.

It was there she went to clean herself, and change into something more suitable for her duties at Candaeln. The blue and white of the Knight-Captain's garb was unmistakable, and just as recognizable as the dwarven-forged armor these days.

@Psyker Landshark@Rune_Alchemist
While the matter of Sir Rickert's death was by no means forgotten, at least for the moment Fanilly had been reminded that he died in the line of duty.

Still, her heart remained burdened, even if it was slightly less burdened thanks to Sir Renar's words. Still, she was most certainly going to pray for him once more before she slept that night, and again the next day. His just soul would surely reach the Sun and Moon, but aiding him on the way was the only way in which she could now assist him.

"... A-ah, Dame Cecilia..."

Just what was she doing? The Archer Knight had managed to drink almost an entire cask of wine in the same amount of time she had taken only two sips of her glass. Was this some kind of secret skill of hers? Fanilly could only hope she was almost done, or else they'd need to start accounting for the disappearance of multiple casks.

"... I'll consider your proposal, Sir Renar," she said, after a few moments of witnessing Dame Cecilia's stunning skills in getting plastered, "A Knight-Captain should use the skills of her knights to the best of their ability, after all."

Fanilly took another small sip of wine. She didn't want to get drunk, so she had to try and pace herself. She had never pushed her alcohol tolerance before, and feared the worst.

"But I will consider any candidates equally."

While her tone was still subdued, at least she had begun talking about other matters now.

@Psyker Landshark@Rune_Alchemist
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