Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Enkryption: Mmm, a couple things here.

Harpy feathers are pretty ordinary feathers, so I'm not really sure how they'd be useable in that way. I know "shoot feathers as projectiles" isn't exactly uncommon but they're usually more inherently magical entities or the feathers have unique properties, harpies are in most respects in-universe "ordinary" in terms of their physical properties.

Also they're not really beasts per say, aside from being less human(in their wings and legs and all that) then the non-monstrous races. They're actually one of the most commonplace monstrous races since they get employed as couriers.
@Eisenhorn: Accepted.



She wasn't ready to deal with this. There was no way she was prepared to deal with this situation.

Anne had prepared herself as quickly as possible to deal with meeting a variety of characters, but this was almost on par with meeting one of the potential capture targets.

The villainess.

Lilian Meridan.

How did she respond to this situation?! What did she do!? She wasn't planning on trying to pursue the crown prince(hell no in fact) but that didn't mean there wasn't the potential for disaster brewing.

Did she just introduce herself? It already seemed like Serrica was provoking her. Wasn't that a really bad idea?! She didn't need to be wrapped up in a scenario like this when she was still trying to figure something out?

Frazzled was the best description for the expression on Anne's face.

"N-nice to meet you," she managed, curtsying and trying not to acknowledge the obvious provocation occurring beside her, "I-I'm Anne. Her, Anne Marielle! ... Daughter, er, daughter of Lord Marielle... er..."

The anxiety had made her stumble over herself.

This was a mess.

"Any last questions?"

The small white-haired girl cocked her head. After a few moments, her lips parted, revealing her set of sharp teeth, rows of razors filling her small mouth as she grinned. Her scaled legs crossed, the girl leaned forward.

"Just one," she continued, "How much longer until I get to kill something? You've kept me waiting. I want to start showing them just what kind of punishment they're in for, you know?"

A single glance made it obvious she wasn't in the least bit human, nor was she of any of the other mortal races that dwelled in the world. The curling horns atop her head, the black scales that stood out against her almost paper-white skin, the tail extending from the base of her spine. Her wings were currently reduced and hidden, but they would only have added to the obviousness of her nature.

There was no denying Elizstrazia was a demon, and she would have laughed in the face of anyone who tried to make her hide it.

After a few moments, her crimson eyes drifted from the vehicle's other occupant, and out the window.

"Waiting this long has been a pain in the ass," she added, "Cooped up on that room, only allowed to stretch my legs when I was told. D'you know how frustrating that is? I don't think you can blame anyone for getting bored. I don't think you can blame me for wanting to do something fun."

It wasn't as if she didn't know why, in the first place. The memory was all too near. her body could barely move. She hated to even think about it. The shameful state she'd been in.

She didn't want them to see.

She didn't want them to know.

Thinking about it again made her fingers clench, her jaw clamp tighter, her red eyes narrowing.

So she'd been stuck.

Stuck until they told her it was safe for her to even walk again.

Sure, she had a lot more space when she was finally let out. But Elizstrazia hated the fact she had to be told it was safe in the first place.

She shouldn't have had to be stopped from doing so in the first place.

And she hated that she was still confined even then.

... At least those maids knew what kind of meat she liked.

But as much as she hated the fact she'd been told what she could and couldn't do like that, there were some things in this world she hated far more.

And this was her chance.

So of course she'd struck a deal.

"Besides, it's not like you'll need any of those others, so shouldn't they be glad to see me? They can admire my beauty, then take a break as I rip our enemies apart, right?"

Elizstrazia smirked, one of her hands placed to her chest. One could perhaps say she was briefly the picture of arrogance, at least if their idea of arrogance was a small draconic girl.

A Scale Demon was a Scale Demon, after all. Pride was a matter of course.

"Trust me, I'm beautiful even when I'm covered in blood, so they won't have to look away."

She was going to take full advantage of the chance she was given.

Those bastards would get what was coming to them.

She'd make sure.

  • Name: Velvetica Hraesleg, the Steel Princess
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: Velvetica is a petite girl standing at around 139 cm in height. Her hair is a pale blonde, and her eyes are an almost grey shade of blue. Her clothing often sports rich red and gold colors, her armor only lightly decorated.
  • Personality: Velvetica is not referred to as the "Steel Princess" for no reason. Cool to the point of being called cold by some, she possesses an extremely strong will(to the point of stubbornness), a dedication to what she sees as the duty of the Hraesleg family, and a willingness to carry out said duty. Even from a very young age she was interested in combat techniques and strategy, and this interest has not faltered as she has grown older. Her approach to her unit of the Hraesleg Lions is one of meritocracy: Those who show promise are those who earn their place in her forces. These extends to perhaps unorthodox choices, such as magi with skillsets some would see as bordering on the heretical or other similar individuals found dubious by other members of the nobility. To Velvetica, merit and loyalty to her cause are what is required. Of course, she will still deny those who engage in such acts as necromancy and other truly wicked arts. Violating the peace of those who have died is an abomination, just as declared by the Church.

    Velvetica carries herself with considerably pride and self-assurance, a girl confident in both her skill with her blade and her skill as a leader. She believes that her conduct is not only a point of pride for herself but for the Hraesleg family as a whole, and behaves accordingly. Velvetica does not suffer fools lightly and will not hesitate to point out the flaws of others, something she has done ever since she was quite young regardless of the social standing of her target. When targeted at her own forces, it is in order to point out their weak points or admonish them for conduct. Otherwise, it is often quite a deliberate insult towards someone she finds distasteful. Velvetica is also quite a sarcastic girl at times, something that has not always endeared her to her fellow nobility. Still, when she believes someone shares in her ideals of protecting the land and its people, she is quite cordial and polite towards them.

    Velvetica loves her elder brother deeply, seeing him both as a family member and an exemplary warrior to be admired. Her initial interest in swordplay was due to having seen her brother training, but it grew independently from there. In addition to art related to combat, Velvetica strongly appreciates natural beauty and has a collection of pressed wildflowers. She also deeply enjoys sweets and indeed food in general, to somewhat shocking degrees due to her petite and slender build. She is surprisingly easily embarrassed in spite of her stern demeanor, and will quickly attempt to cover it with angry outbursts. Her room boasts a considerable collection of stuffed toys, likely to the surprise of any one of the soldiers under her.
  • Brief Backstory: It was when Velvetica was very young that she selected her own future path in life. When playing in her family's garden, she caught sight of her brother training under his combat tutor, and watched him for several hours. From that day forth, her dedication to her family's martial legacy was assured. She insisted on starting her training as soon as possible, with as much exuberance as many children would display towards a new toy, and eagerly pursued her lessons with gusto. She also immersed herself in books of historical combat and strategy, developing into an incredibly promising student rapidly. She wouldn't be able to deny the praise from her teachers and her parents spurred her on, of course. As she grew older, her dedication only increased, and the ideals of the Hraesleg family were etched firmly on her heart. To protect the land and its people. When she was old enough, she asked her father to allow her to command a unit of the Hraesleg Lions. Initially he resisted, and only reluctantly agreed to her request when she could be deployed in a relatively peaceful location unlikely to face any serious threats.

    After clearing the area of bandits and defeating an orcish warband, however, Velvetica's unit swiftly became rising stars in Velt's border defenses, and it became far more difficult to deny her requests for more potential recruits and more freedom to combat a wider range of threats. Indeed, Velvetica has swiftly become the current face of the Hraesleg Lions due to her command, currently working alongside the longtime ally of her family, Lord Ostaric, to secure Velt's Southeast borders.
  • Equipment: Velvetica wears finely-crafted armor, though it possesses no unusual qualities beyond its high quality. The sword she wields is an heirloom weapon of her family, known as Starshine. A finely-balanced, slender-bladed longsword of elven make, Starshine possesses the capacity to gather and store magical energy before using it to coat the blade and greatly enhance its edge or release it as a projectile. Indeed, it is known as Starshine the Infinite Edge due to a large amount of stored mana being able to cut apart a target from across a battlefield, as well as everything in-between. Due to Velvetica's personal lack of useable mana, it dangerous to utilize high levels of magical energy without allowing it to gather and store it for an extended period of time. As such, the "Infinite Edge" is a last resort only to be used when she has no other choice, as it greatly threatens her life.
  • Skills: Velvetica is trained in both strategic and personal combat, allowing her to command her forces and fight on her own. Trained intensively in a school of swordplay derived from a modernized form of Enneteca, Talderian combat arts, she operates as a high-speed, agile opponent that uses speedy slashes and thrusts aimed at vital areas. Coupled with Starshine's magical capabilities, this results in high-speed swordplay capable of piercing armor and even cutting a grown man in half if struck correctly.
@Enkryption: Cleric is a perfectly fine choice.

@Eisenhorn: The OOC is up, and feel free to ask me any questions you need!
@Enkryption: No, but generally-speaking I do try to make sure there's a decent amount of variety in the cast in terms of abilities.
@Lucidnonsense: No, there's not.
@Enkryption: We do have one heavy-on-the-destruction mage already.
@VKAllen: I don't see any issues here, he's good to go.
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