Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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When Fanilly had first arrived at Candaeln, much of her time had been spent in the training yard. It was a rather frantic period, though she had completed the necessary training for assignment to her new position she still didn't feel as if she was ready, and thus did the only thing she could think of.

Train even more.

It was only when more of her duties came to the forefront of her life that such visits slowed, though she still attempted to make sure she spent some time training when she could.

She could always get better. She had to, for the sake of the Iron Rose Knights.

Once they arrived, it didn't take particularly long for Fanilly to select her weapon. It was a longsword, the closest in proportion to the real blade that she utilized in combat.

She raised and lowered it a few times in her hands, experimentally. It had been a little time since she last used such a training tool, given how busy things had been recently.

Maintaining her own training schedule was something else she had to get better at...

But then Dame Serenity asked her an unexpected question.

A dream?

For a few moments Fanilly didn't believe there was any way she could be talking about the same dream that she had. But then what else could she be asking about? Why would she ask if she'd only had an ordinary dream?

"Ah, Sir Steffen," she realized they weren't alone after a moment, "No, you're not interrupting, there's plenty of space..."

She paused again.

"... I did have a dream. There were ancient warriors, from hundreds of years ago, and the Gentle Blade," she said, finally, "And... and the Knight-Witch, Merilia, was there as well. But she wasn't fighting, she was simply watching."

The blonde knight-girl hesitated for a moment before continuing. This had to be the reason.

"Did... did you have a similar dream, Dame Serenity?"

"Lirrah, aim for the rear of their formation."

While it was dark enough to make it rather difficult to discern just where that was, such issues would be no problem for the nem's explosive mark.

"Archers, follow her lead. Avoid targeting any cultists who are already engaged and focus on those who have yet to enter battle."

Naturally, this would reduce the chances of friendly fire while also cutting down the freshest members of the cult, those who had yet to join the attack.

"On my mark..."

The sound of metal and leather scraping together rang out as Velvetica drew Starshine, its elegant blade gleaming briefly in spite of the lack of moonlight.


As soon as the initial mark had been let loose, and the volley followed it, Velvetica raised her sword skywards and swung it down.


With that, the counter-ambush began, Velvetica lead the charge, streaming from around the outcropping she had chosen as their main gathering point. Her charge would trigger the Lions at the other ambush point.

Surround them. Crush them.

Then move onto the camp.

As far as she could tell, no true undead were among their attacking forces. Just as she thought. That meant their opponents would be likely human, and therefore vulnerable to all manner of attack and did not require decapitation or other measures to ensure they were destroyed.

The masked figures were so focused on their religious fury that they had not accounted for a counter-ambush. Startled, the bulk of the visible drew their weapons, distracted from their initial assault of the forward team completely.

It was time to bring the hammer down.

@Raineh Daze@Rin@AzureKnight@Psyker Landshark@The Otter@VKAllen@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@HereComesTheSnow@Octo@PigeonOfAstora
It was as she expected.

She'd had to try speaking to her, of course.

But that wasn't enough.

It seemed in order to restore her senses, they'd have to try a more direct and less painless method.

Kordelia's transformed arm found a spike of ice. It was far less effective then the more cohesive barriers, but Aleksiya simply didn't have time to put more effort into it. It shattered only seconds later, but the short time it bought was enough for the diminutive vampire to leap back and out of the way of the raking claws.

"If that's how it is, then we'll just have to hold you down until we can knock some sense back into you!"

Aleksiya stretched out one slender arm, mist pouring off of it as a blunt slab of ice was conjured extending from her palm.

If they'd all regained their minds after being reborn, even in this situation there was no reason Kordelia couldn't. Even if they had to knock her around to do it.

Aleksiya swung the ice club in an arc towards the other vampire.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@Asuras

A red fluid. A very dark red fluid.

When she took in its scent, it had a distinctly metallic odor.

"... I'm not a vampire," Fio said, flatly, handing the flask back without another word. Was that Sucaria's effort to frighten her in some way? For some perceived slight? The heart was much worse then this.

Unless she somehow thought that a flask of blood was an acceptable offer for a drink, in which case the Sword Witch was worried for entirely different reasons.

Before she could say anything else to the maid, she was interrupted by the sound of a certain passenger's complaints. With a sigh, the small girl approached the horse once more, reaching into the saddlebag and retrieving the jar that housed the unseelie.

"You're still in there because you keep making threats like that," she said, with a huff. Besides, having an unseelie prisoner was quite valuable in terms of research opportunities. It wasn't as if she had any intention of harming her.

Not that Wisp needed to know that.

"Now behave, or you're not going to get any honey bread," Fio continued, "Or do I need to get the centipedes?"

She had never gotten the centipedes. She never wanted to get the centipedes. She didn't even know where to get the centipedes and would hopefully never learn.

Not that Wisp needed to know that.

There was very little doubt in the identity of the petite small woman who had been observing her in the dream. That was for certain. But why had she been dreaming of the Witch-Knight? Why had she dreamt of any of it? And yet, the words left behind by the Gentle Blade were...

Fanilly hesitated for a moment, inhaling deeply. It was a dream. No matter what strange possibilities may or may not have been behind it, it was not the chief purpose of her presence in the library. She had to try and learn more about Damon Cazt, about the strange contradictory nature of the conspiracy. The demon that had used one of the conspirator's bodies to enter this world.

Maybe, just maybe, this information could give her a clue into what had happened. To be better prepared for whatever came next.

Paging through a historical volume, trying to find anything she could on Damon Cazt's past, the Knight-Captain paused with a start when she suddenly heard a voice from behind her.

She'd been so determined to find out any information she could that she hadn't even noticed someone approach her.

When she turned, it was revealed to be Dame Serenity, making a firm request of her to join her in the training yards.

The Gentle Blade's razor edge gliding through the air, then dancing off her own blade...

Fanilly took a deep breath, exhaling just as heavily. There was no doubt in her mind. She always needed to practice more. To train more. She wasn't like the greater knights of the order. She knew she wasn't.

To be a good Knight-Captain, she had to throw all she could of herself into her duty. Into trying to be better.

"Very well, Dame Serenity," she responded as she rose to her feet.

She had to improve.

She didn't look. She didn't need to. The offered bonbon was snatched up in the blink of an eye by one clawed hand, and in the very same motion it was tossed into Elizstrazia's mouth. While she mostly ate meat, sweets were certainly within her area of approval as well. And an offering such as this only seemed suitable after that bitch attacked her out of no-where.

It certainly wasn't bad, though it was gone in a flash between the Scale Demon's sharp teeth.

In the same moment as she finished her bonbon, the petite demon who possessed a graceful, almost fragile-looking body that could be compared(especially by her) to a delicate work of art proceeded to extend two middle fingers towards the sky in Myrilia's direction.

"Fuck you too," she half-growled, "You can shove that training right up your ass."

She paused for only a moment when a hand was placed to her forehead and she noticed that Viatrix was performing a healing spell, briefly glancing down to see the minor cuts that had been inflicted upon her be written over by her usual pure, pristine, untouched flesh. Just how it should be.

So that's how it was, huh.

"You're way better then that crazy bitch," she commented, though she didn't want to acknowledge anything had been able to scratch her. At the same time, something that helped restore her to her full beauty wouldn't be denied either. Not that her beauty was ever lost. It never could be. Ever.

No matter what.

But at the same time, getting rid of those scratches wasn't a bad thing. So she'd simply express some kind of thanks without actually saying thank you or acknowledging why she was doing it.

As she turned to head into the mansion, with one last glare in the direction Myrilia had gone in, she paused again when another maid, Katherine, offered her a handshake.

For a few moments she simply stared at it, then cocked her head.

Was she expecting her to shake her hand?

"I'm supposed to be honest with all of you, right?" she questioned, "If that's the case, then there's no way I'm just going to shake your hand. You better praise me and tell me how thankful you are that I'm going to be your ally if you want a privilege like that."

@Click This@Pyromania99@Rune_Alchemist@AzureKnight
The whistling sound was quite clearly intended to sound like a birdcall. And it wasn't, perhaps, unconvincing. There were all manner of nocturnal avians out in the wilderness. It was easy enough to believe that most people wouldn't pay it any notice.

Velvetica smirked.

She wasn't most people. Understanding potential signals by enemies was an inportant part of military command, and she knew quite well that there were no birds that emerged at night that made such a sound.

They'd telegraphed their attack without even knowing it.

"That whistle is our enemy, there's no doubt. Steady. Wait for my signal."

As the effigies fell, crushed and destroyed, the bait simultaneously rage-inducing and tantalizing for a cult, they began to emerge.

From rocky outcroppings, from dark spots, they came.

They were cloaked, many of them clad in leather but some showing steel beneath, hoods concealing everything but a skull-like mask carved from wood. that hid their facial features. There were quite a few of them, casting a wide net in a bid to surround those who had travelled into their territory and shown such disrespect to their blasphemous idols.

It wasn't a particularly impressive strategy, but Velvetica could see how it could be effective. These dark warriors with masks depicting a skeletal rictus, emerging from the shadows, seemingly from all directions. The average guard or merchant caravan would undeniably be terrified, as would the typical townsfolk from the region. Perhaps they would fear being surrounded by a pack of revenants or some other manner of undead.

Even if the illusion didn't last very long, the shocking first impression was enough to give their enemy the advantage.

At least, against their usual targets.

"Once our forward team strikes the first blow, I will give the order to strike," Velvetica said, calmly, "We will crush them swiftly and without mercy, in the name of the Goddesses and of Velt. Ready arms."

The blonde placed a hand on the hilt of her blade.

@Raineh Daze@Rin@AzureKnight@Psyker Landshark@The Otter@VKAllen@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@HereComesTheSnow@Octo@PigeonOfAstora
When she saw it, she sighed.

Such a sad sight was only to be expected, knowing their collective fates. She had already expected as much. Still, the macabre and twisted treatment of Kordelia's companion, fashioning its body into a twisted altar, housing its still-beating heart...

How disgusting.

There was no doubt this was the source of the corruption.

And there she was. Her face obscured, there was no doubt the one before them was Kordelia herself. Or at least, it appeared to be her. The circumstances could not be ignored. Nor could the sensation of being watched.

Aleksiya was no fool.

And yet...

The diminutive vampire took one step forward.

"... If you can hear me, Kordelia," she began, "I have no doubt this sight pains you. No matter what else you may be feeling, what circumstances you may be under. If you are in there, I know this hurts you. But that's no reason to abandon yourself, is it?"

That wasn't the way of the endearingly teasable Beast Princess she knew.

Of course, Aleksiya fully understood that what they saw was not necessarily the truth. But the sarcophagus, at least, marked this as the place Kordelia lay.

If they had returned with their minds intact, then even if Kordelia was not currently of sound mind that meant they could return her to it.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This
It wasn't that she was scared of riding horses.

She wasn't! Anyone making that accusation was clearly wrong and trying to make her look bad. It was just that she didn't like it.

She wasn't scared.

She wasn't scared of falling off. She wasn't scared of getting bitten. She definitely wasn't scared of getting kicked.

It was clearly, obviously just dislike. She certainly wasn't feeling anxious the entire ride.

Saying as much was obviously slander.

Fio most certainly wasn't trembling slightly as she was taken down from horseback. And she definitely didn't briefly acknowledge with deep relief that she was now no longer forced to sit astride a beast that could accidentally harm her in any number of ways. In theory, if she was scared of horseback riding, though, it wouldn't be as if she was scared of horses in isolation. Rather, it would be the idea of falling off and somehow agitating the horse that frightened her.

If it frightened her.

Which it definitely didn't.

As Fio set about unpacking her supplies, she paused for a moment.

The maid was staring at her. In spite of her(clearly nonexistent) fear of riding on horseback, Fio hadn't failed to notice Sucaria's gaze prior to their stop.

"... If you're annoyed at me for some reason, maid, isn't it best for you to just say it? Hmph."

The small witch let out a huff, folding her arms as she turned to face her, a frown on her face.

"It's not as if I can so much as apologize if I don't have any idea what I've apparently done wrong."

Not that she had any intention of apologizing.

The resounding clash of her razor nails against steel rang out. But this time it wasn't against the insane bitch's sword. This time it was one of the other maid's.


Elizstrazia leaped back, prepared to try and go for another attack already, but then other maids appeared immediately to intervene as well. At least they were going after the nutcase who'd attacked her. But really, The scale demon would have felt far better if she was bleeding on the ground then anything else.

"You hear that, you insane bitch?" she snarled, "I'm don't give a damn what your reason was, I'm supposed to be here! Or do you usually shoot your new recruits in the face!?"

Her hands clenched. Part of her still wanted to try it. To lunge forward and kill her. Would it even break the rules, when she'd been attacked first? When the psycho didn't think she'd done anything wrong in the first place?

Really, it was only the other maids being in the way that made her stop.


Stomping one bare, clawed foot, the white-haired demon folded her arms, her crimson eyes drifting towards the other maid who had approached her.

"I'm fine, but if you want to admire me I won't complain."

That was probably the closest answer to a 'yes' that she'd give. No matter how much her cheek still stung.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@AzureKnight
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