Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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The conversation in the aftermath of the sparring match was... enlightening. Both combatants had begun to discuss how they fought one another. In some ways, it appeared they both approached combat in fundamentally different fashions, though Fanilly did agree that she lacked a clear way of dealing with opponents of extraordinary strength aside from dodging, which could prevent her from pressing an advantage. At the same time, she wasn't certain if Dame Serenity's style of using all weapons possible was better then mastering a single one.

The conversation did not proceed very long, however, before Dame Lilianna interjected to offer her own opinions on the matter, insisting both of them still required further practice.

To be honest, Fanilly had expected it the moment she saw her.

At least she'd finally gotten to eat.

The messenger had been run ragged, according to the Aimlenn guard. He was delirious and half-crazed.

He croaked out a plea for help, to send help to Fort Daelantine at once, before falling dead on his feet.

The fort was a mere day's ride from Aimlenn. What had happened there so suddenly, that had lead to a soldier of Thaln running himself to death to deliver it? Surely, word of an attack of some sort would have been received earlier, wouldn't it? How could such a thing have happened?

None of it made any sense to Fanilly.

But she agreed that something needed to be done.

It was for this reason that the Iron Rose Knights now found themselves on horseback, riding out to the Fort. She had selected a smaller group, for the purposes of investigation as opposed to any sort of attack. Astride her mare, Fanilly lead the knights.

Mayon's home was growing visible in the sky when the sight of the fort's towers began to enter their view. The sky was growing pinker, shadows stretching longer.

But it was still light enough to make out Fort Daelantine quite clearly.

There were no signs of battle.

No-one on the walls. The gates weren't damaged at all.

Not a single body laid nearby.

If the Fort was occupied, where was everyone? Where were the signs of a struggle? Where were the signs of someone having forced their way in? No ladders, no damage whatsoever. What had happened? Surely if there had been an attack, there'd be some evidence that something had occurred.

But there was nothing.

Nothing at all.

The Fort stood eerily silent in the setting sun.

"... Something isn't right."

It felt like stating the obvious, but at the same time she wasn't sure what else to say. The fort being totally undamaged would normally be a welcome sight, but the fact there was absolutely no-one manning it made it disconcerting more than anything.

Fanilly could faintly hear a raven's cries as they approached. Still not a single soul was visible.

"... Take positions at either side of the gate," she ordered her knights, "Dame Tyaethe, I'll need you to-"

She paused. The door wasn't even secured? It was slightly ajar...

Fanilly took a deep breath.

"Dame Tyaethe, can you push open the gates?"

@Rune_Alchemist@HereComesTheSnow@Raineh Daze@ERode@PigeonOfAstora@Conscripts@Crimson Paladin@Creative Chaos@The Otter@Krayzikk@Psyker Landshark@6slyboy6
@Raineh Daze: Accepted. While this is a demon, it's also a good example of an A-rank contract.
@Riffus Maximus: Feel free to ask me any questions you need!
@Quartz: That's about right, yes. Thank you.
Also, made a couple of quick additions to the bio skeleton that I missed adding yesterday!
@Emeth: Okay, so the big issue here is the Contract. It's very weak, and works entirely like a technological weapon. It also doesn't really have any relation to a supernatural entity at all, which is an issue since that's where the powers are coming from.

I'd aim for a fairly significant power boost and tying it closer to a supernatural entity. Additionally, the Contract is probably the most significant part of a character's backstory, so I'd like to see some more detail on how it was formed.

@Riffus Maximus: Hmmm.

To start with, I'm not really sure why she'd be taken all the way to Japan when it'd make more sense to enroll her in a local DDF Academy and later a local department?

And her contract abilities are really underpowered. C-rank is supposed to be where, at least from a raw abilities standpoint without considering your experience or skill, you're capable of seriously taking on typical demons. Even if she was more utility-focused, it's all too vague and seemingly ineffective for that purpose.

For as long as anyone can remember, the world of humanity has been under attack.


Living disasters, calamities that hunt and kill human beings for sport. Unnatural entities that cannot be harmed by any ordinary weaponry. When a demon manifests, it will devour human lives until it grows tired of its game, feeding on their souls for the sake of growing more powerful.

Possessed of incredible power, it would seem as humanity has no hope in the face of a demonic attack.


The greatest weapon against demons may in fact be from the very shadows they spawned out of.

Youkai. Fairies. Fallen Angels. Even some demons who choose to feed upon their own kin instead of human souls.

By creating a contract with these beings, humans can come to possess the power required to permanently destroy demons. Not just their bodies, but even their souls can be annihilated, devoured by the very shadow used to slay them.

This is the nature of a Shadow Contract. The binding deal between human and shadow that becomes a weapon to destroy the demonic. Be it through possession, summoning, or the manifestation of a tool that can sever the soul of a demon from its body, it is those who hold Shadow Contracts who stand between humanity and destruction.

For the sake of rapid response to the manifestation of demons, the Worldwide Demon Destruction Force was founded in the name of all humanity. Establishing Academies across the entire world, the DDF trains those who hold Shadow Contracts to combat demons and forge a path to the future.

Even if the Demon Tide is endless, the DDF will always stand against them.

For Humanity's Future.

The DDF has branches all across the planet, in every country. Each of these branches is composed of the Central Anti-Demon Intelligence Agency, which presides over a number of DDF Departments. Each of these Departments are spread out across the nation in question to ensure rapid and effective response to any demonic threat.

It can be said that these rapid response teams operate in a similar manner to any disaster management agency, recruiting from DDF Academies in order to uphold Humanity's Future. They are provided with a Detection Doll by the CADI for the sake of locating demon manifestations as quickly as possible, and a variety of special equipment such as vehicles and additional weaponry for the sake of making demon elimination as swift as possible.

Among Japan's DDF Branches, one in particular has suffered in an understaffed, underequipped state for some time. It's only recently that it's received a bit more wiggle room to take on new recruits.

Welcome to Japanese DDF Branch Department 247.

So hey, quick idea of what this RP is all about!

Players will take on the role of members of the DDF Branch Department 247, based in Tokyo Japan. They're understaffed and struggling a bit, but that doesn't mean they can lie down and let other branches handle every demonic threat.

People can die, after all.

Tonally, I'm aiming for something along the lines of a high-end shonen action series, with all kinds of fun powers and weapons permitting for some crazy battles, but also some good character development and interaction too.

Depending on cast size, I'll be accepting one to three new recruits, with the rest being already-established members of the force.

This RP will operate on a weekly posting schedule. So, try to make sure you can get a post in every week!

Demon: The enemies of humanity. Powerful supernatural entities largely immune to ordinary weaponry, they possess a vast array of shapes and can utilize a wide range of powers. Demons manifest by creating an Emergence Gate through which to enter the human world, and upon entry they will mercilessly hunt and kill any humans in the vicinity. Many low-ranking demons may be beast-like or animalistic in nature, but more powerful demons may possess higher intelligence. Demons grow in strength by consuming human souls. The most powerful demons may have consumed thousands of human souls across their existence. Some demons, however, have a taste for their own kin, and may instead form Shadow Contracts with humans for the sake of facilitating their appetite. Be forewarned, there is no proof that demons possess any form of empathy or any desires that are not entirely self-serving. Contracted Demons are to be treated as tools, and nothing more.
Demons are ranked in power level:
  • Beast: The weakest rank of demon. No special rules of engagement.
  • Monster: Stronger and often more intelligent. Use caution when engaging a Monster-Class demon, but most Contractors of C-rank and up have a high chance of victory.
  • Devil: A particularly powerful and intelligent demon. Devil-class demons are dangerous threats that may be able to combat an entire department. Do not engage without backup.
  • Titan: Threat level extreme. Titan-class demons are considered to be wide-ranging disasters. Multiple departments may be deployed.
  • Noble: The strongest known rank of demon. Highly intelligent and powerful, no Noble-class Demon has ever officially been confirmed destroyed.
  • Demon God: A theoretical class of demon. The highest potential threat level, the appearance of a Demon God would threaten a genocide event.

Shadow Contracts: Contracts forged between a human and a supernatural entity. Youkai, fairies, fallen angels, and all sorts of other beings may be contracted. Even demons who have a taste for their own kind may be potential Contract Material. All combat operatives of a DDF Branch Department possess a Shadow Contract. There are three classes of Shadow Contract: Possession, Summon, and Weapon. Possession Contracts allow the contracted entity to inhabit the contractor's body, directly granting them increased power and supernatural abilities. Summon contracts summon the contracted entity to fight for the contractor. Weapon Contracts manifest the contracted entity in the form of a weapon. Contracted entities not only destroy a demon's body, but consume its soul, permanently ending any potential threat and increasing the Contract's power. Shadow Contracts are ranked from E to S.
  • E: Unsuitable for combat deployment. The weakest form of Shadow Contract.
  • D: A low-level Shadow Contract suited to basic combat.
  • C: An average-level Shadow Contract. Suitable for full combat deployment. Many DDF Academy Students are C-rank.
  • B: Considered to be a higher-level Shadow Contract capable of advanced combat and combating potent demonic threats.
  • A: A top-tier Shadow Contract. Extremely versatile and capable of handling highly dangerous demons, especially with backup.
  • S: S-rank Shadow Contracts are in a special grade of their own. Due to their extreme power, they require authorization by the CADI in order to be utilized in combat.

DDF: The Demon Destruction Force is a worldwide agency founded for the sake of preserving humanity. Operating under the motto "For Humanity's Future", they operate in a variety of ways in order to protect human lives from the demonic threat. Chief among these is the creation and management of Branches on every continent. These branches are composed of an Intelligence Agency, also known as the CADI, and various departments that respond to demonic manifestations. These Departments are equipped with a Rapid Response Armored Anti-Demon Vehicle, multiple sets of Demon Denial Field Stakes which allow the creation of an area in which to contain a demon, and a Detection Doll. In populous nations, there will be hundreds of departments handling different parts of the country.

Detection Doll: Detection Dolls are special artificial beings created by the DDF for the sake of locating demon manifestations as swiftly as possible. Human-like in appearance, they are seemingly without emotions and possess strong psychic abilities. They can thus be used for emergency communication between operatives in addition to tracking demon activity. Each Detection Doll is implanted with a fragment of a slain demon's soul, which allows them to detect demons over a wide range.

Bio skeleton:

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Skills:
  • Contracted Shadow:
  • Contract Type:
  • Contract Rank: (C-A. I will be pretty strict with an A-rank shadow contractor.)
  • Contract Abilities:
  • Brief Backstory:
With three interested parties, I'll be aiming to get the OOC up tonight or tomorrow!
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