Just as an FYI, once I have everyone's Character Sheets/backgrounds, I'm going to open up a game thread and start our Session Zero.
If you're not familiar with what a session zero entails, here's a quick summary:
1. Tell the group what you are uncomfortable with seeing in the game so we can take that into consideration. Do you not want to see any mention of slavery? No gore? etc.
2. Tell the group what you do want to see. Are you especially interested in any facet of RP or combat? Let us all know.
3. Introduce your character to the other players so they can have some background and perhaps come up with shared history.
That's the gist, but save your responses until I get the thread up. (The post is ready, just need the Character Sheet URL's/backstories for a couple players).
If you're not familiar with what a session zero entails, here's a quick summary:
1. Tell the group what you are uncomfortable with seeing in the game so we can take that into consideration. Do you not want to see any mention of slavery? No gore? etc.
2. Tell the group what you do want to see. Are you especially interested in any facet of RP or combat? Let us all know.
3. Introduce your character to the other players so they can have some background and perhaps come up with shared history.
That's the gist, but save your responses until I get the thread up. (The post is ready, just need the Character Sheet URL's/backstories for a couple players).